The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4114: Dong Ye Wang San’s regret

Chapter 4114, Dong Ye Wang San’s regret

"Try it..."

Xu Feng looked at Dongyang Yunzhi, Dao.

"Xu Big Brother, thank you."

Dongyang Yunzhi has a smile on his face and happiness in his face.

Pick up the purple phoenix glass.

The spiritual power of the body flows.

Going toward the purple phoenix glass.

With the moment of spiritual power surge, the purple phoenix glaze flew out from the hands of Dongyang Yunzhi, emitting a silver-white light, like a phoenix falling from the sky, covered with silver-white feathers.

The purple phoenix glaze set on the body of Dongyang Yunzhi, emitting a silver-white holy light.

The beautiful Dongyang Yunzhi has become more beautiful, and the whole person seems to be filled with holiness.


Looking at the Dongyang Yunzhi at the moment, countless young people from the Dongyang family, all face their love.

It is holy, beautiful, and generous. It seems that all adjectives are used in Dongyang Yunzhi's body.

Even Xu Feng has to admit that the purple phoenix glass armor is like a special one for Dongyang Yunzhi.

"Xu Big Brother, how about I wear it?"

Dongyang Yunzhi felt the eyes of everyone and couldn't help but look at Xu Feng.

"Well, it's quite right."

Xu Feng's body color returned to calm.

He is very clear that he has to do too much.

He is only a friend of Dongyang Yunzhi.

"Xu Feng Xiaozi, the day after tomorrow is the grand meeting of our Dongyang family, when you go with the old man."

Dongyang ancestors said to Xu Feng.

"Respect is not as good as life."

Xu Feng did not refuse. He knows that the Dongyang event, almost the entire Tianwang territory of the North Kings, will come.

He wants to see how the top genius of the Northern Kings is, how powerful it is.


In a blink of an eye, time is like a white gap.

The Dongyang event will be held soon.

The entire Dongyang City is extremely lively.

The strong powers of all major forces have gathered in the center of Dongyang City.

A huge platform, all made of top-quality iron.

The platform is tens of meters wide and several meters high.

It is surrounded by seats, just like a huge arena.

Chen Batian took more than a dozen young people and sat down.

In front of Chen Batian. Sitting next is Chen Xianlin.

If Xu Feng sees it, he will be surprised.

Chen Xianlin’s side is still followed by a person.

It was Xu Feng who came to the Northern Territory and looked at Dongye San in the lock.

But it is normal to think about it.

Dong Ye Wang San is the son-in-law of Chen Xianlong.

"Everyone is ready, Dongyang family does not know the heights of the earth, dare to fight against us three times and five times. Today's Dongyang event, you will go to learn the young people of Dongyang family."

Chen Batian said to the young people around him.

"The big prince rest assured that we must have this group of wastes from the Dongyang family, knowing that our Chen family is powerful."

Chen Batian, a young man, a powerful road.

The breath of the body is extremely powerful, and the actual Dan Yuanjing is rebuilt.


The depths of Chen Batian’s eyes are filled with cold and cold killings. The heart is guilty: “Xu Feng, as long as you dare to come, I will definitely kill you very badly.”

Chen Batian thought that he was so miserable by Xu Feng, and his heart was licking his mouth and covering his face.


Around the entire ring, the people sitting in the Northern Territory, as well as the genius disciples.

Shendaomen, Zhenyuan Villa, Lianhuazong, Huyumen. There are strong people as representatives, to come to participate in the Dongyang event.

Of course, along with the genius disciples of Dan Yuanjing, everyone wants to take advantage of this opportunity to show off their martial art.

After all, the major forces recruited disciples, all from the Northern Territory, the greater the reputation, the greater the possibility of recruiting talented disciples.

The new cabinet owner of Zige, Zheng Junzhi also personally took the Zige seven sons and came to attend the Dongyang event.

The Purple Pavilion is in vain, and Zheng Junzhi’s position as the owner of the cabinet is not correct. He urgently needs a chance to raise his eyebrows.

Recently, the sixth-order power of the newly emerging Northern Territory, the Shenying Zong also has a strong person with his disciples to attend.


Xu Feng followed the Dongyang ancestors and came to the scene.

With the arrival of Xu Feng, many people's breathing has become urgent.

One by one staring at Xu Feng's eyes, with a crazy killing.

Feihe’s face was gloomy, and an old man sitting in front of him said: “Flying cranes, what do you mean by defeating Xu Feng?”

The old man’s eyes are full of killing.

They fly the crane family.

Haven't eaten a loss yet?

"The three elders are him." Feihe snorted and looked gloomy. He felt that he had lost to Xu Feng before because of negligence and coldness. "If it is not the tea party of Dongyang family, it is not allowed to use spiritual power." He can't be my opponent at all."

Feihe’s confident and full road did not know whether he was blind and confident. He shot Xu Feng and threatened him. He did not hurt Xu Feng. Now I still feel that I can beat Xu Feng. Is this not a joke?

"Well. Wait until the branch family of the Dongyang family has finished the test, and you will challenge Xu Feng again. You must be shameful."

The three elders voiced a firm voice.


Feihe桀 also nodded and promised.


The depths of the eyes of Higashino's eyes are filled with cold and cold killings. He did not expect Xu Feng, who was chased by Chen Xianlong, to be really looking for Xu Feng.

Before he received a killing order, he felt that Xu Feng’s strength and cultivation were impossible to upgrade so fast.

Suddenly, I was a little annoyed. If he didn't let Xu Feng escape from the bottom of his eyes, Xu Feng would not become so strong.

Even Dongye Wangsan succeeded in taking the blood knife from Xu Feng’s hand.

"Want three, I think when you saw Xu Feng, your face changed obviously. You don't know this Xu Feng."

Chen Xianlin asked Dongye Wangsan.

Higashino is the son-in-law of Chen Xianlong.

Chen Xianlong has a lot of children, and he can get the attention of Chen Xianlong from Chen Xianlong’s many son-in-laws, which is enough to show that Dongye is not simple.

Of course, there is one of the biggest reliances of Higashino, and the son of Higashino, who is the son of Higashino.

This sub-genius is very high, but it is the top genius.

Deeply loved by Chen Xianlong.

"Lin Shu, don't hesitate to say that this Xu Feng was only a destiny for two years ago. I don't know. Why is it so fast to improve?"

The words of Higashino Masaaki sounded.

Not only was Chen Xianlin scared, but even other people were stunned and confused.

In two or three years, how can it be improved so much?

"It seems that there is a treasure in the Xu Feng hand that has been upgraded."

Chen Xianlin said.

"Oh, it’s also my negligence. I was sure to kill this son at the beginning, but because of the momentary intention, I really regret it now." Dong Yewang couldn’t help but regret it.

Chen Xianlin heard that he thought that he could kill Xu Feng several times, and he was all saved by Xu Feng. "The life of this son is really big. However, he may not live for a long time."

Between Chen Xianlin’s words, the depths of his eyes, the light flickers, and he doesn’t know why.

(A lot of hands are really dislocated, these two days are all a hand, too painful...)

(End of this chapter)

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