The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4117: Dongyang Bo was hanged

Chapter 4117 Dongyangbo was hoarded

"Do you know them?"

Dongyang ancestors finished, smiled and looked at Xu Feng.

He is very clear about Xu Feng's temper. If he did not know Xu Feng, Xu Feng could not be so open.

“Hey...” Xu Feng smiled faintly: “I found talent for your Dongyang family.”

The Dongyang ancestors did not answer, but looked at the middle-aged man not far away and said: "You told Dongyangji in the past, and the two young people will be born in Dongyang family, and they will be well-trained."

The Dongyang ancestors pointed to Dongyang Teng and Dongyang Zhenzhen, and said to middle-aged people.

The middle-aged man couldn't help but glance at Xu Feng, and he knew clearly that it seems that his ancestors value Xu Feng very much, otherwise Dongyang's ancestors could not open their own hands.

The middle-aged man walked in the direction of Dongyangji.

Dongyang Jiwen Yan, turned and looked at the Dongyang ancestors.

Immediately appeared on the ring, blocking Dongyang Bo, who still wants Dongyangtai.


Immediately open the road.

"You have been accepted by Dongyang family, and you will be the inner disciple of Dongyang family."

Dongyang Bo Wenyan, full of excitement, both eyes are grateful: "Thank you for your family..."

Dongyang Jiluo slightly squinted and looked at Dongyang Bo: "What do you thank me for doing?"

"Homeowner, don't you say that you passed the assessment?" Dongyang Bo asked some blindfolded.

Dongyang Jiwen Yan, suddenly realized, but shook his head: "I am afraid that I misunderstood what I meant. I said that he passed the assessment and she."

Dongyang Ji said, pointing his fingers to Dongyang Tai and Dongyang Zhenzhen.

The two people heard that they were all sloppy.

Everyone on the scene is also wrong.

I don't understand what medicine is sold in Dongyang Ji's gourd.

How do you suddenly get two young people into the Dongyang family?

Dongyang Bo’s face changed greatly, his face was stunned, and his look was not reconciled. “Why can they join Dongyang’s family in front of me because of their two wastes?”

Dongyang Bo feels that he is slowly overwhelming and his strength is the strongest.

How to join the Dongyang family first is actually his defeat.

"Just because they did not take the medicinal herbs to improve."

The words of Dongyang Ji sounded, and many people nodded secretly.

Although the strength of Dongyang Bo is very powerful, it can be temporary. After all, the foundation of Dongyang Bo is not solid.

It is too big to take the repair of the medicinal herbs and to make breakthroughs in the future.

Dongyang Bo Wenyan, want to cry without tears.

"Brother, are you okay?"

Dongyang Zhenzhen rushed over and helped Dongyang Tai up, and asked with concern.

Dongyang Tai shook his head and reached out to wipe the blood marks at the corners of his mouth.


Dongyang Tai’s face was full of excitement and he forgot the injury.

Dongyang Zhenzhen is very clear, all this is because of Xu Feng.

She turned her head and was grateful in the depths of her eyes.

I found Xu Feng and did not look at them.

Something is lost inside.

"The patriarch, the young lady and the son, succeeded. They were taken over by the owner of the Dongyang family."

Dongyang Ping's side, a few people are very excited.

Not far from Dongyang, the heart is unwilling.

However, he never imagined that Xu Feng was in the status of Dongyang family. It is so high.

Actually let Dongyang Ji take the initiative to recruit Dongyang Ping’s son and daughter.


Dongyang Ping's face is full of excitement. They have three generations of this branch family and have not become the masters of Dongyang family.

Now, looking at my son, my daughter’s inner disciple, who is the main house, is not excited.

"You two will go on, the end of the trial is over, and I went to the house of Dongyang family to report that there will be an elder to arrange you, how about?" Dongyang Ji asked the two.

"Thank you for your family."

Dongyang Taihe and Dongyang Zhenzhen are very happy, and they are marching toward Dongyang Jiyu and walking towards the bottom of the ring.

"You continue to fight. If I see the right one, I will recruit him as an inner disciple in advance."

Dongyang Ji went down the ring.

Dongyang Bo is even more angry and crazy fighting.

Whoever meets him will be beaten by him.

As the battle continues.

Many young disciples from other forces, one by one, are ready to start.

These young people from other forces do not want to miss such a good opportunity.

Show your own strength, you can get a reputation, who does not want to be famous.

Of course, Xu Feng is a very low-key class.

Finally, there are ten young people left on the ring.

Dongyang Bo is of course in it.

Dongyang Ji appeared on the ring platform and looked at the ten people. He said: "Congratulations to you, you have successfully joined the Dongyang family's main house and become the inner door disciple of the main family. You will work hard in the future. Then you will start the qualifying battle."

The strength of Dongyang Bo naturally did not say that the battle was going on, and the young ones were shot down.

In the end, there is only one person in Dongyang Bo on the top of the ring. Dongyang Ji and many old Dongyang parents are not very good-looking.

Everyone can see that Dongyang Bo’s talent has almost been excavated and the future is too bad.

However, the Dongyang family is in the presence of so many people. Since they have made a commitment, they naturally cannot regret it.

"Congratulations, you won the first place in the Dongyang event." Dongyang Ji appeared on the ring platform and said to Dongyang Bo.

Dongyang Bohaha smiled and looked at Dongyangji. He said: "My homeowner, I heard that I got the first place, and there are extra rewards. I don't know if it is true or not?"

"What reward do you want?"

Dongyang Ji felt that he was reluctant to give Dongyang Bo the first place.

But the rules are like this, and there is no way.

Now Dongyang Bo, I also want other rewards.

Isn't this an idiotic dream?

"I have heard that anyone who wins the first place in the Dongyang event will be able to become Miss Yunzhi's dragon. I am admiring Miss Yunzhi for a long time and ask the owner to complete it?"


Dongyang Bo’s words rang, and the people at the Dongyang family’s home were almost not spurted.

I have seen sorrowful swan meat, but I have never seen it so smug.

In the end, whoever gave him the courage to dare to say such words is simply brazen.

Dongyang Ji's face is full of pressure, this Dongyang Bo, really dare to think?

Dongyang Yunzhi is a five-minded genius.

The palm of the Dongyang ancestors.

"What you are really a slag, who gives you the courage to come here to talk nonsense, today, I will let you know that the sky is high."

Dongyang’s anger was completely unbearable and rushed toward the ring.

On the body of Dan Yuanjing, the five-year mid-term repairs broke out.

I went to attack Dongyangbo.

This guy is really an idiot, and he doesn't scatter his urine to look in the mirror.

Who gave him the courage to want to become the dragon of Dongyang Yunzhi.

"The district is full of Dan Yuan, and dare to scatter in front of me?"

Seeing Dongyang’s indignation.

Dongyang Bo’s face fluttered and he was disdainful.

He felt that Dan Yuanyuan was a five-folder and could not be his opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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