The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4119: Dongyang Nighthua's strength

Chapter 4119 The strength of Dongyang Nighthua


The scene became awkward, and no one thought that Chen Ding was so powerful.

Actually, playing Dongyang’s anger has no way to fight back.

"I will go to this meeting Chen Ding."

Dongyang Yi stood up and walked toward the ring, but was stopped by Dongyang Night.

"You are not his opponent, or I am going."

Dongyang Nighthua’s face has a firm color.

Although, their six heirs are all fighting each other.

However, at this moment it is related to the honor of the entire Dongyang family.

Dongyang Yi heard the words, but also very clear about their own strength, and Chen Ding does have a big gap.

In particular, Chen Ding's display of the palm of the hand, the sixth-order best of the Holy Spirit, Cang Hong Wang Quan.

Chen Ding's Cang Hong Wang Quan practice is getting better and better. Dong Yang Yi's strength is similar to that of Dong Yang. Naturally, it is impossible for Chen Ding's opponent.

"Hua Ge, he taught me a lesson, and dared to take a nap to our Dongyang family." Dongyang Yi was full of excitement.

Dongyang Night Hua is the son of a great elder. His martial arts talent is very good, and his usual popularity is very good.

Dongyang Night Hua is not like Dongyang harsh, and can't afford everyone. On the contrary, Dongyang Nighthua is very harmonious.

"Do not worry, since he dares to be so arrogant in our Dongyang family, I can't watch him arrogant."

Dongyang Night Walks out and walks over the ring.

Dongyang Nighthua’s face is calm, his character like his father is not humble and calm.

Seeing that Dongyang Night Hua appeared on the ring, many people could not help but scream.

In particular, many people in the Dongyang family have cheered on Dongyang Nighthua.

Mei Nong sat in a place not far away, looking at the man with gray hair on the left hand side, the face and Dongyang Nighthua have some similarities.

Dongyang Yi, the elder of the Dongyang family, cultivated talent, even higher than the contemporary owner Dong Yangji.

Dongyangji is now only a six-fold cultivation of the law, and Dongyang’s cultivation has been upgraded to the six peaks of the heavens. Only one step away, you can step into the seven heavens.

The entire Dongyang family is very clear that Dongyang is the future of Dongyang family, and it is very likely to surpass the existence of Dongyang ancestors.

"The elders, you really cultivated a talent for the pillars. The night is not humble, it is stable, and the future is boundless."

Mei Nong’s words rang, Dong Yang’s face smiled slightly, and the faint road said: “The night road to go is still very long. My expectation for him is that he hopes that he will live out of the Northern Territory and see the big outside. world."

"In addition, the night is not good. It is also a big difference with Xu Feng's arrogant son. His gap is still very big."

When I heard Dongyang’s words, many people couldn’t help but nod. It’s true that Dongyang Nighthua is very good, but compared with Xu Feng, the gap is very big.

"I still hope. After this incident, the young disciples of our Dongyang family can get out of Dongyang. Especially they really lack life and death exercises and can't really grow up."

Although Dongyang Nighthua did not see it with his own eyes, Xu Feng defeated the harsh scene of Dongyang, but his experience, only need to think a little, then know the advantage of Xu Feng's victory.

"It is true."

Mei Nong couldn't help but nod, he was deeply impressed, because he had seen Xu Feng, who was not in danger.

Other elders also nodded in agreement, and felt that the young people of Dongyang family were too comfortable.

"This time the tomb of the infinite monk is open, it should be a good experience. It is not only the tomb of the infinite monk, but also an independent small world. According to my recent research, there is a great possibility of the demon."

The four elders slowly said.

Although the four elders are not the strongest, but on these studies, the entire Dongyang family, even the well-informed Dongyang ancestors, dare not say that they can surpass the four elders.

Therefore, when the four elders said that there would be a demon in the tomb, everyone was wrong and surprised.

We must know that the devil's survival is in a terrible environment. The Mozu can't wait to break out of the demon domain and destroy the Terran.

The Mozu are fierce, they start again, and some worry, the young disciples of the Dongyang family can really resist the cruel Mozu?



Above the ring, the strength of Dongyang Nighthua was completely revealed.

At this moment, Dongyang Nighthua seems to be a statue that does not move like a mountain.

The Dongyang Nighthua cultivation is actually a boxing method, the boxing method is stable, and it contains a strong momentum of boxing.

Chen Ding's Cang Hong Wang Quan, although very powerful, but Dong Yang night Hua's boxing method, filled with golden light.

When a fist is thrown out, the golden light flashes like a rohan. It is magnificent.

Xu Feng’s eyes are filled with majestic warfare. He suddenly wants to learn from Dongyang Nighthua.

You must know that Xu Feng’s boxing method is very powerful, especially his own boxing method, “Heaven and Earth”.

Regarding this boxing method, Xu Feng encountered a bottleneck, although the boxing method was created, but now the power of the boxing method cannot be improved.

Up to now, this boxing method is just a trick of "the world is destroyed, and life is endless."

If someone often studies boxing with him, he may be able to gain a lot of sentiments.


The boxing method of Dongyang Nighthua is really stable.

No matter how Chen Ding's method changes, Dongyang Nighthua's boxing method is still stable and natural.

If the storm is used to describe Chen Ding's mastery, then the Dongyang Nighthua's boxing method is like a breeze, and it is methodical, and it is completely unchanged.

"It is the third heir to the Dongyang family, and the strength of Dongyang Nighthua is really strong."

"His boxing seems to be unremarkable. In fact, the moves are changing. One stroke and one style all contain the meaning of boxing. Such a boxing method is not impossible to achieve day after day, year after year."

Many people are very surprised by the boxing method of Dongyang Yehua.

Dongyang’s ancestors looked at the boxing method of Dongyang’s night fighting, and they nodded. “I can see that the night Hua is really working hard in boxing.”

The other old people are also nodding.

Dongyang's harsh face is not good-looking.

Why Dongyang Nighthua, only practicing the boxing method to the realm of getting better, can be commended.

And he, obviously more powerful than Dongyang Night, is still often blamed by Dongyang's ancestors.

Dongyang is not sure, he is the top genius of the four, and the expectations are different.

The battle continued, the strength of Dongyang Nighthua was very strong, and Chen Ding was not weak. No one could beat each other quickly.

In the end, almost half an hour of fighting, Dongyang Nighthua is a tough victory.

Chen Ding's face was unwilling, said: "Hey, you wait for me, it won't be long before you are not my opponent."

Dongyang Nighthua did not speak, but a natural smile.

(End of this chapter)

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