The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4134: Feiheyu is "grinding stone"

Chapter 4134, Fei Heyu is a "whetstone"

"The knife of the realm!"

Each of the strong people of the law and the heavens is full of arrogance.

What kind of monster is this Xu Feng?

The original knives of fighting and fighting are promoted to the realm.

We must know that the difficulty of practicing a knife method into the environment is no less than the warrior of the low-order law and the high-order law.

Once the knife method is cultivated into the environment, it means that the quality of the knife method will sublimate, and the power of the knife method will double.

If the power of the previous knife is only one, then the knife of the current situation is the intensity of one plus one or even one, and it is conceivable how terrible the knife is.

It can be said that if you want to practice a holy spirit and cultivate it into the environment, whether it is talent, ability, or the proficiency of the knife, and the opportunity, it is indispensable.

Now, Xu Feng has done it.

A young man with a triple peak in Dan Yuanjing will practice the knife to the environment.

This is simply unbelievable.

You must know that even if Dongyang’s ancestors cultivated people for nearly a hundred years, they did not have a holy spiritual skill to cultivate into the realm.

Mo said that it is Xu Feng's knives that he cultivated into the realm. It is the sixth-order best holy spirit. Even if it is the first-class supernatural spirit, it is quite difficult to cultivate to the environment.

"God! What do I see, the youth of the three peaks of Dan Yuanjing, the cultivation of the sixth-order sword of the Holy Spirit, into the realm? It is incredible."

"It seems that I am running to Dongyang City for a thousand miles, just to watch the Dongyang event, it is really worth it."

"When the rumored knives are cultivated into the realm, it means that the knives are superb, the power is greatly increased, and it is also horrible to use the knife to drive the heavens and the earth."


Many people who came to watch the Dongyang event have been very addicted.

Many of them are on the verge of the Northern Territory.

After experiencing the danger of life and death, I came to Dongyang City.

Just to watch the Dongyang event.

If it is in accordance with the past situation, it is only the genius of the major forces, and it is not painful to learn from it. Of course, it does not mean much.

Now, they not only saw the youth genius of the entire Northern Territory, but also fought in battle.

I also witnessed the youth genius who must stand in the peak of the Northern Territory in the future, showing his talent, it is simply too worthwhile.


The old men of the Dongyang family stood up one by one, and their old faces followed for a moment of trembling.

I don't know how to describe Xu Feng, but I feel that it is really shocking.

In the end, what kind of genius is Xu Feng, can show the horrible fighting talent.

Dongyang ancestors could not help but sigh, said: "This child, fighting talent is simply the existence of the top."

Seeing the eyes of Dongyang's ancestors, I can't see where it came from. From the beginning, Xu Feng began to show the knife method, and he was tempering the knife method and exercising the knife method. He wanted to use the knife method to the extreme.

However, the battle between Xu Feng and Fei Heyu is Xu Feng's sharpening stone.

Xu Feng did not regard Fei Heyu as an opponent.

However, it is a sharpening stone.

Thinking of this, Dongyang's ancestors looked at Fei Heyu's expression and suddenly took sympathy.

He is so arrogant and arrogant, taking advantage of his many years of cultivation, rich resources, and ignoring Xu Feng.

However, from the very beginning, Xu Feng planned him in his own calculations, the purpose is to hone the knife.

If so, Fei Heyu will understand this truth, will it completely collapse and vomit blood?

If, if the old ancestor of Dongyang is Fei Heyu, he is really unacceptable and will be angry and angry.


Dongyang Jie's face is full of mistakes, and the look is shocked and sighed. He whispered: "I don't know what Xu Feng is, what kind of monster is in the end, tempering the sword in battle, and upgrading to the environment."

Shen Haoyu and others followed behind Dongyang Jie, and each one was stunned and could not speak.

They feel that with their talents and abilities, they really are not qualified to evaluate Xu Feng.

Dongyang's harsh face is gloomy. His repair is a breakthrough in the seven heavens. He thought that he could fight with Xu Feng again. If you know Xu Feng's knife method and break through to the environment, he will know that even if he fights again, he is still not Xu. The opponent of the peak.

Suddenly, there was some sorrow and grief in the heart, and there was an inexplicable sorrow of "the birth of Yu Yuliang."


Chen Ba Tian’s face is full of anger and straightforwardness.

To practice a holy spirit into the realm, even if it is his hegemony, can not do things, why he can not look down on Xu Feng, can actually do, and still break through in the battle.

Thinking of this, Chen Batian's killing intentions have become more intense, and the heart secretly vowed that Xu Feng must be wiped out as soon as possible.

Chen Xianlin looked at the knife method of Xu Feng's display, his face was dignified, and the depths of his eyes were full of fear. He said: "Hey, it seems that you should inform your father as soon as possible, you must put the thing to kill Xu Feng. The real agenda. I suddenly feel that it is more urgent to smother Xu Feng than to unify the entire Northern Territory."

Chen Batian and Xu Feng, also known as dealing with two or three times, deeply know that Xu Feng raised the horror.

Hearing Chen Xianlin’s words, he also nodded firmly.


"Damn! This kid is so savage!"

The old face of the flying cranes trembled, and I couldn’t wait to rush to the ring, instead of flying cranes to kill Xu Feng.

The other side of Feihe, and others, are somewhat unclear. So, ask: "Three elders, what do you mean?"

Although they shocked Xu Feng’s battle to break through the knife, they did not understand why.

Flying cranes can be the strongest of the five peaks of the French environment. Naturally, the purpose of Xu Feng and Fei Heyu fighting.

"Xu Feng is using the Feihe Yudang whetstone, which is also the saying of the knife. But the flying crane Yu can not detect it, but the all-out battle, prompted Xu Feng's knife method to make great progress. ”


Everyone reacted and their looks became weird.

Fei Heyu is so proud.

If you know, Xu Feng fights with him, but he is treated as a "whetstone."

They can all imagine how proud the character of Fei Heyu is.


Shi Tong is also the strongman of the practice of knives, and at this moment he has to show a look of appreciation.

Can not help but sigh with praise, but also secretly sigh, Jiang is still old and spicy, chasing the dragon knives to see the genius, horrible.

"This Xu Feng is not only talented, but also clever, even though he still keeps a clever mind in the battle. Fei Heyu does not know it at all, but instead becomes Xu Feng's 'whetstone', which is simply the most perfect' Whetstone '."

The words of Shi Tong sounded.

Tian Shanhai’s face is even more angry.

I couldn't help but groan, "I think, in my opinion, this kid is treacherous, and it is completely flying in the pit."

"Ha ha ha..."

Shi Tong almost didn't smile.

Looking at Tian Shanhai, he asked: "You are asking yourself, you are also the strongman of the practice of knives. If you give such a knives to you, are you unwilling to accept it?"


Tian Shanhai could not answer.

He is very clear that he is replaced by a strong legal person like him.

I understand better that there is an opponent who is evenly matched with myself, and how valuable it is to be able to be similar to oneself in all aspects.

For example, sometimes, Shi Tong wants to fight against Tian Shanhai, he will not accept it. The purpose is to fear that Shi Tong regards him as a "knive stone" and becomes a stepping stone for others to become stronger. It is simply sad.

Yes, this Fei Heyu, but he himself went up and became Xu Feng’s “grinding stone”.

I am afraid that after this war, Xu Feng will become the devil and nightmare after Fei Heyu.

(End of this chapter)

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