Chapter 4142, Practice


Xu Feng exhibited the last move of the Aurora Killing Method.

"Aurora is infinitely killing the knife."

We must know that the sixth-order supernatural spirit of the environment, coupled with Xu Feng’s second-order mid-knife, can be described as a horrible and powerful weapon.

Above the Aurora Magic Knife, it is filled with knives, the horrible knife, and the knives of the second-order mid-knife.

You must know that the rhythm of Xu Feng's knife is the perfection of the perfection, which is completely comparable to the second-order peak knife.

Xu Zimu’s eyes narrowed and the whole person slammed backwards. He grabbed the knife in his hand, but squatted out and tried to resist the knife attacked by Xu Feng.

Who knows, the unstoppable knife, accompanied by the power of the aurora, is so sloping down.


Xu Zimu’s eyes narrowed and his knife was completely resolved. The whole person’s chest was completely covered by the knife. If he was hit by a knife, I am afraid that the whole person will be divided into two, and it will definitely die.

Even the strongest of Lei Huangzong, such as Zhong Qiang, both eyes are round.

One by one glare.

If Xu Zimu is killed, they are really not good enough to explain.

After all, Xu Zimu's grandfather is the elder of Lei Huangzong.

This time I came to Dongyang City, and Zhong Qiang invited Xu Zimu.


When Zhong Qiang screamed, he would rush out.

Dongyang's ancestors lived up and blocked Zhong Qiang.

On the other side, Dongyang Ji has already shot.

Will Xu Feng's knife mang, a palm to resolve.

Xu Zimu's heavy shackles are under the ring, with a face full of iron and blue, and have never eaten such a big loss.

In the heart, with unwillingness, gray face, some wandering, clenched fists.

Xu Feng stood on the platform and looked at Xu Zimu with disdainful eyes. He asked: "Who will give you arrogant capital? What kind of thing is bullying a woman? Now I am right, if I am Dan Yuan The situation is rebuilt, and even if I put a fart, I can let you die nine times."

The words do not give Xu Zimu the slightest face, it is simply a slap in the face.

Can be biased, Xu Zimu but helpless, after all, he took the initiative to provoke and look down on Xu Feng.

Now, instead, he is defeated by someone he looks down on.


Xu Zimu was only able to scream and screamed back to Zhong Qiang.

Zhong Qiang’s old eyes are deep and sparkling.

Dongyang He's faint road: "Zhong Qiang, it seems that your disciples of Lei Huangzong are just like this."

"The big words just don't look down on other people's Dan Yuanjing. If I have been prepared, he is afraid now, it is already a dead person."

Dongyang ancestors are very clear, if you smother Xu Zimu here, Dongyang family will be very troublesome.

Now Chen Xianlong, who is arguing that the Dongyang family will perish, if they recruit Lei Huangzong again, their Dongyang family will really exceed the limit, which is why Dongyangji has intercepted Xu Feng.

"Great elder, I will go to fight with him."

Wu Ling finished, but did not wait for Zhong Qiang to agree.

The speed is extremely fast, leaving behind a shadow of the road, has been attacked toward Xu Feng.

Xu Feng stood on the ring platform and was not surprised by Dong Yangji’s attempt to save Xu Zimu.

After all, the Dongyang family and Chen Xianlong are right, they are already in crisis and may be destroyed at any time.

If it is to provoke the most powerful force in the territory of the sea, Lei Huangzong, I am afraid that it is really not far from the era.

When Wu Ling rushed to the ring, he stared at Xu Feng and asked: "Do you admit defeat, or do you want me to do it?"

"You have a lot of nonsense."

Xu Feng grabbed the Aurora Magic Knife, the cold road.


However, Xu Feng’s voice just fell, Wu Ling’s body disappeared in the same place, forming a residual image of the road, the speed is fast to the extreme, can not see clearly, in the end where Wu Ling is.

Xu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, and when the second-order gravity of the body broke out, Wu Ling, who was originally very fast, was instantly suppressed a lot slower, and it could be very fast.

Wu Ling moved around and wanted to find an opportunity to attack Xu Feng.

Unfortunately, he is really wrong.

Xu Feng's perception ability is not comparable to Dong Yang Jie.

Even if his speed is fast, Xu Feng can still feel it.

"So the three-legged cat's moving holy spirit skills, also want to play in front of me?" Xu Feng's wings of the Peng Peng emerged, and the Peng Peng nine show, the whole person disappeared instantly, a knife has been thrown out, forming a sharp knife Mang, when he kneels down, Wu Ling’s eyes are round and round, and his heart is wrong. He doesn’t know, how did Xu Feng find his figure?

Zhong Qiang's face became a little dignified.

"This youth is definitely a genius."

Zhong Qiang is very clear inside.

Xu Feng’s battle with Xu Zimu just showed the talent for battle.

Now, it is also so easy to grasp the speed of Wu Ling.

Five geniuses can never do it.


The most powerful place of Wu Ling lies in the second-order wind of his sentiment, and his practice of the Holy Spirit. If his speed is suppressed, the combat power is not even as good as Xu Zimu.

However, it seems that Xu Feng’s second-order gravity is righteous, and Qi Peng’s nine turns are perfectly restrained by Wu Ling.

Just a three-knife attack, Wu Ling’s whole person fell down the ring: “I admit defeat...”


Hearing Wu Ling’s words, many people at the scene fell into silence.

Xu Feng’s fighting power and talent, is it so horrible?

In particular, Chen Batian and others, all of them are gloomy, can not wait to rush immediately, will give Xu Feng a corpse.


The people of Dongyang family have all exclaimed, and each one is extremely excited.

Meng Hao looked gloomy. He knew that his master came to Dongyang City, just for the sake of his face.

If today is defeated by the three peaks of Dan Yuanjing, it is really no face.

"Master, the disciple went to teach and teach."

After Meng Hao finished speaking, he turned and walked toward the ring.

"Do you want to challenge me too?"

Xu Feng looked at Meng Hao, who came to Fujian and Taiwan. His eyes were slightly raised, and Dan Yuanjing was rebuilt as a genius.

"Do you dare accept?"

Meng Hao asked.

Dongyang’s ancestors said: “I don’t think he accepts or loses people. After all, the two men’s cultivation is five different levels.”

Zhong Qiang did not speak, and his eyes shone in deep, and he did not know what he was thinking.

"I can accept your challenge." Xu Feng did not hesitate: "But I have a condition."

"What conditions?"

Meng Hao felt that no matter how Xu Feng proposed the conditions, it could not be his opponent.

"You give me an hour of time, I will first break through to Dan Yuanjing. Of course, if it is an hour, I have not broken through to Dan Yuanjing, I will accept your challenge."

"Otherwise, your cultivation is five levels higher than me. I will not accept your challenge."

Xu Feng has a well-thought-out road. The eternal fire dragon liquid he obtained before can be used to break through the repair.

"I didn't get it wrong? This kid is going to practice and deal with Meng Hao?" Zhong Qiang was in the wrong heart.

For the strength of his disciple Meng Xi, he is very clear, not to mention the time of a short time, Xu Feng can not break through the four elements of Dan Yuanjing. However, even if it breaks through the four elements of Dan Yuan, the other party may not be the opponent of Meng Hao.

(End of this chapter)

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