The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4144: Lei Huangzong's conditions

Chapter 4144 Conditions of Lei Huangzong

“Over the sea!”

Meng Hao looked dignified and never thought that Xu Feng would be forced to display the point of printing Haiyin.

It should be known that the Haiyin Seal can be a seventh-order Chinese-style holy spiritual skill.

The whole palm print is like a river over the sea. It is so successful that the whole void is dark and horrible.

It can be said that the black cloud is crushing the city.

The people around the ring-ups felt a strong sense of oppression at the moment of the display of Haiyin. They only felt that the whole person was under tremendous pressure and the backs were suppressed.

"Put it!"

Meng Hao is a high-spirited person, and he is arrogant, as if he had exhibited the seal of the sea, he has already won.

Xu Feng’s eyes narrowed slightly, and the brow was picking. The faint road said: “Why do you admit defeat?”

The voice just fell.

The hot waves of the body filled out, and Xu Feng, who was holding the Aurora Magic Knife, looked magnificent.

"The fire is a triple knife."

Xu Feng integrated the flameless flame into the knife, and he smashed out like this, as if the whole void was torn apart, and the fire was moving in all directions.

The hot wave is filled with the meaning of the second-order mid-knife, the violent flame, and the integration into the knife.

Zhong Qiang’s eyes wide open and the old eyes are full of horror. He couldn’t help but say: “Is this a combination of the Holy Spirit?”

Hearing the words of Zhong Qiang, the two old men behind him are all surprised, and the combination of the Holy Spirit is rare.

Even if they are Lei Huangzong, there is only one combination of the Holy Spirit, and the most important thing is that it is extremely difficult to combine the Holy Spirit skills.

For example, Xu Feng’s practice of the Holy Spirit is not only to successfully cultivate the knife, but also to integrate the flame into the knife. If he is not careful, he will go into flames and be defeated by the flame.

Moreover, such a level of knife must have a matching flame and it is difficult to find.

Unexpectedly, the young disciples of the Northern Territory can cultivate a successful combination of the Holy Spirit.

If he expected it to be good, Xu Feng must be integrated into the flame of the knife, and it must be a strange fire.

"Meng Hao lost."

Zhong Qiang shook his head, and there was a little helplessness between the old look.

I thought that when I came to Dongyang City, I was able to be ashamed.

I did not expect to meet the genius of Xu Feng.

"I don't think of the Northern Territory, but I was born with six geniuses. If the fifth-order forces of the Qingyang dynasty and the big family powers are known, I am afraid that I will be eager to rush to recruit."

An old man can't help but say.

One person has to go to the sky.

That's what it is said.

As long as Xu Feng joins the fifth-order forces and becomes a core disciple, the surrounding territory, who dares to easily provoke the Northern Kings territory?


"This is not going to be removed, we are restless!"

Chen Batian is full of dignity.

Suddenly, some of his inner regrets provoked Xu Feng.

These martial arts talents are really horrible.

But I also know that Chen Jia and Xu Feng have long been dead.

Either kill Xu Feng as soon as possible.

Either wait for Xu Feng to grow up and kill them.

"The end of the Dongyang event, immediately inform your father, do everything possible, must remove Xu Feng, and then suffer from endless."

Chen Xianlin is also worried. Looking at Xu Feng’s fighting power and talent, as an enemy of Xu Feng, I am afraid no one is not worried.


Shi Tong looked at Tian Shanhai, and Xu Feng’s talent was stronger, which proved that Tianshanhai’s mistakes were bigger.

Immediately smiled: "It seems that the elders' eyes are very accurate. The talent of this son is terrible. If it can become the door of our gods, the future of the sword is not limited."

The heart of Tian Shanhai and his son, at this moment, really ate the uncomfortable feeling of Xiang.

Originally, Tian Tian also felt that he could compete with Xu Feng.

Before losing to Xu Feng, he was not convinced, and thought that his seventh-order sacred martial arts technique was too late to display.

It seems now that if Xu Feng goes all out, he is afraid that he has already become a dead person.



The Aurora Magic Knife is filled with fire, and the horrible knife method is so violently torn out toward the covered palm print.

The original unstoppable palm print was so slashed, a crack was torn out, and the palm print was broken in an instant.


The palm-printed and broken air waves began to move toward Meng's body and the smashing impact.

The whole person was shot and flew out, drawing an arc in the air.


Dongyang Ji stepped out step by step, and also took Meng Qi’s body and firmly caught it and landed on the ground.

Xu Feng put away the Aurora Magic Knife, his face was extremely calm, not far from the ring, still with the incredible Meng Hao, indifferent: "You lost!"

"I lost..."

Meng Hao applied for a dull, pale face and unwillingness.

He really doesn't understand why he will lose.

"Meng Hao!"

Zhong Qiang appeared beside Meng Xi, and he screamed and stunned Meng Meng, who was in a bad mood.

"Master... disciple..."

Meng Yu’s face was full of fear, and after a while he was afraid. Just now his state of mind collapsed. If it wasn’t for Zhong Qiang’s roar, I’m afraid he would go into flames. When it’s time, the heart will collapse and the meridians will break.

"Go back to Lei Huangzong and give me a good face to think for three months." Zhong Qiang was somewhat angry. He had already taught his disciples under the door. Victory and defeat are the common facts of the military. Only by acknowledging the failure can he succeed.

A battle failed, nothing.

However, Meng Hao had just gone crazy.

That is the state of mind and the will, not strong enough.

"The disciples obey!"

Meng Hao has no complaints.

Zhong Qiang looked up and looked at Xu Feng with a smile. He said: "The old man, Wan Hai, Lei Huangzong, the elder of the old man, has not asked the younger brother to name him?"

The so-called "hands-on" does not make a smile. Since Zhong Qiang asks this question, Xu Feng cannot possibly answer.

"Xu Feng!"

Zhong Qiang smiled and said directly: "With your six talents, staying in the Northern Territory is a waste of time and life. If you are willing to join Lei Huangzong, we can give you a seventh-order Zhongpin Shengling skill knife method, Zhongpin Lingjing will be used by you, and Dan medicine and spiritual materials will be chosen by you."

"The most important thing is that the Qingyang Dynasty royal family will recruit a disciple in our Leihuangzong in three years. We will give you this quota to help you join the fifth-order forces of the Qingyang Dynasty."


Do not say that Dongyang ancestors and others, even if Chen Ba Tian, ​​deep in the eyes, also emerged dignified.

If Xu Feng was actually introduced to the Qingyang Dynasty and became a disciple of key training, did they still dare to provoke Xu Feng?

I have to say that the conditions that Lei Huangzong opened up are really tempting.

Xu Feng heard the words, the look is very calm.

He knows that he must go to the Qingyang Dynasty, but not now, nor with Lei Fengzong.

(End of this chapter)

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