The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4148: Cliff City

Chapter 4148 Cliff City

"What the **** is this?"

Xin Tianyin’s heart is completely crazy, and he clearly feels very clear.

However, I felt that the whole person’s mind was caught in the purple pupil and could not extricate himself.

I can only see it like this, watching Xu Feng grab the Aurora Magic Knife and come to his body.

"Do not……"

Xin Tianyin suddenly made a miserable snoring.

The dawn disappeared.


The aurora magic knife slammed from the chest of Xin Tianyin.

Blood from the chest of Xin Tianyin, constantly flowing.

He fell heavily on the ground.

Xu Feng's heart is full of horror, only the soul power above the Holy Spirit is completely exhausted, the whole person looks extremely empty, pale, and a trace of blood overflowing.

I have to say that the power of the purple pole konjac is terrible, Xu Feng guessed before.

Unexpectedly, the consumption of the purple pole konjac is so horrible, he is now a third-order soul master, one hundred and thirty-eight holy soul lines, with the existence of the three-claw Taigu dragon soul, but only using the purple pole konjac By the time of ten breaths, the soul power was drained.

The spiritual power of the whole body was also taken a lot.


Xu Feng’s inner heart is secretly stunned. If his cultivation is not broken into the four elements of Dan Yuanyuan, if he uses the purple konjac, he will be more hurt than he is now.

"It seems that after using the purple konjac, it is still prudent."

Xu Feng secretly snarled.

"You are a demon?"

Xin Tianyin stared at Xu Feng, and both eyes were covered with blood, and his face was pale.

"You think too much."

Xu Feng looked at the ground, blood flowing slowly, waiting for the death of Xin Tianyin.

Just now my own purple pole konjac broke out, it is indeed like the means of the Mozu, it is no wonder that Xin Tianyin, I feel that I am a Mozu.


Watching the blood of Xin Tianyin keep flowing, Xu Feng stepped out step by step, grabbed the Aurora Magic Knife, and smashed out.

"No... don't kill me... beg you..."

Xin Tianyin did not even think that his own method of heaven and earth was tripled, and he was actually killed by Xu Feng.

After Xu Feng killed Xin Tianyin, he collected the other's storage ring and refining the storage ring directly.

His face is a surprise color, I did not expect Xin Tianyin, actually so rich, there are almost three thousand middle-class spirits, it seems that this guy in these years, in the Purple Pavilion, there is no less greed.

Otherwise, after Zige was suppressed by Chen Xianlong, the resources would be scarce, and the three thousand Chinese spirits could not be a small amount.

"Zheng Junzhi, you are waiting, how long will it take me to commit suicide on the Purple Pavilion and let your blood debts pay."

Xu Feng's eyes flashed with cold light, and quickly took out two medicinal herbs and swallowed them.

Just using the purple pole konjac, the consumption is really serious.

In particular, it is necessary to supplement the soul power.


A burst of rushing voice came.

Xu Feng immediately displayed the second-order space, and disappeared in place.

It was not long before Xu Feng just left.

Zheng Junzhi, with a few people, came to Xin Tianyin’s body.

"The owner of the house, Xin Tianyin was killed, it seems to be killed by the knife."

A middle-aged man said to Zheng Junzhi.

"How long did it take to die?"

Zheng Junzhi discovered that the blood of Xin Tianyin is still hot.

"Is it killed by Xu Feng?"

The middle-aged man was a little wrong and said incredibly.

Zheng Junzhi shook his head directly and said: "Impossible, Xu Fengcai Dan Yuanjing is fourfold, how can he kill the three heavenly Xintianyin."

"Let the kid escape again!"

Zheng Junzhi's face is gloomy.

I thought that this time chasing Xu Feng, nothing can be lost.

Unexpectedly, let Xu Feng escape from the bottom of his eyes.


"A group of wastes, killing a Dan Yuan is fourfold, even the whole army is annihilated?"

Chen Ba Tian’s face was gloomy, and he looked at Chen Xianlin’s report, which seemed to be raging.

He sent out five or six people to chase Xu Feng, and they were all killed.

"The two elders of Dongyang family, Mei Nong, and the six elders, secretly shot and killed them."

At the beginning, Chen Xianlin also went to chase down Xu Feng. Later, he found that the people who sent him were killed. He did not dare to continue to chase and kill. He was only able to come back and report to Chen Batian.

"Dongyang family, you wait, I am not finished with you." Chen Batian was full of faces and roared.


Fuyang City, North Palace.

Chen Xianlong looked at the letter in his hand and his face was gloomy.

Deep in the eyes, they are dignified and gloomy.

"Six geniuses?"

He thought that Xu Feng's talent is the top five geniuses.

But never thought that it turned out to be six geniuses.

Six geniuses and five geniuses seem to be similar.

But the world is different.


However, Xu Feng refused to join Lei Huangzong, but also let Chen Xianlong breathe a sigh of relief.

Otherwise, with the strength of Lei Huangzong, he wants to kill Xu Feng, it is really difficult to climb the sky.

"So it seems that Xu Feng will definitely enter the grave of the infinite monk." Chen Xianlong's eyes are deep and cold, and immediately walked out of the hall, and soon walked into the figure of several young people, they are all Chen family The pride of the sky, talent and strength are stronger than Chen Hao and others.

"Several people immediately set off for Dongyang Collar, merged with Xiao Wangye, and then entered the tomb of the infinite monk. Be sure to kill Xu Feng, do you know?" Chen Xianlong is very clear that he must not let Xu Feng continue to grow. Not suffering from endless.

If he is not in a hurry to rectify the tiger's door and other forces, he really can't wait to go to Dongyang City to kill Xu Feng.


A few young people, respectful.

For Chen Xianlong's words, I dare not have any violations.

As several young people leave the hall.

Not long after, a shadow of the figure, came to the hall.

"are you looking for me?"

Chen Yuanhai’s deep hole is blank and his voice is cold.

"The tomb of the infinite monk is about to open. You are now going to Dongyang City and entering the tomb of the infinite monk. It is necessary to kill a young man named Xu Feng."

Chen Xianlong ordered Chen Yuanhai.

"When are you putting my mother?"

Chen Yuanhai sounded pale and asked.

"After you kill Xu Feng, I will let your mother and son reunite."

Chen Xianlong said.

Chen Yuanhai turned and left.


Chen Xianlong looked at Chen Yuanhai's back and shook his head and sighed.


Cliff City.

Dongyang leads a city with its characteristics.

It seems to be built on top of the mountain.

In the city, below is a towering mountain wall.

Between the walls, there are some sword marks that form cracks.

There are quite a few figures around.

Xu Feng and Xiao Leopard, after leaving Dongyang City, went straight to Cliff City.

It is rumored that this Cliff City has many rare treasures, and there will be trade fairs from time to time.

The purpose of Xu Feng to Cliff City is to see if you can find a suitable alchemy furnace.

After all, his burning alchemy furnace has cracked and can no longer support him to refine his medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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