Chapter 4153 Great Handwriting

"Young people, don't be so crazy when you come to Cliff City. I also listen to the offer I gave you, and I can earn a little bit better. Otherwise, when people are rich, they will be unlucky."

The sage of Yingbao is gloomy, and the brow is slightly twisted, and the brow is cramped, not cold or weak.

However, everyone can hear that the Yingbao saint is threatening Xu Feng, completely unconcealed.

Xu Feng's eyes were slightly twisted. What he didn't like most was that other people threatened him. In particular, he was a trivial creature, and he was half-baked into the waste. He also swollen and fat.

Even if it is a strong person like Dongyang's ancestors, Xu Feng is not afraid, and how can he be afraid of the three wastes in the area.

Immediately said: "I am not talking about the city owner of Cliff City, but also a small and famous person. Now it seems, but it is!"

Xu Feng’s words rang, and the entire underground trade fair was amazed. One looked like a dead man and stared at Xu Feng.

The city owner of Moya City, known as the Cliff Walker, is a strong man of Dongyang. This person is eccentric, and he is not reconciled to any battle in Dongyang. He controls his own city and plays his own.

"Children with yellow mouth and white teeth, are you afraid of being tired?"

A sharp voice sounded.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of Xu Feng.

The violent momentum of his body went against Xu Feng.

The scene is chilling.

The underground trade fair is hosted by Cliffwalkers and everyone knows.

Now, some people dare to be brazen, so humiliating the city of the cliff, naturally will anger each other.

"Before I came to Cliff City, I heard that the prohibition of fighting in Cliff City is to create a fair and just trading environment. Can I correct it?"

Xu Feng was not humble, and he was not oppressed by the imposing manner of the cliffwalker.

The sage of the Eagle Bao next to him couldn’t help but shake his head. He felt that Xu Feng would die, and he dared to challenge the cliffwalker.

It’s just a pity in the heart, a warrior and a leopard king.

"Yes, I have been in Cliff City for so many years, but everyone who dares to make troubles has become a dead person."

The cliffwalker is firm.

This is his principle in charge of Cliff City.

"Ha ha ha... It’s ridiculous, ridiculous, I can’t think of the seven strong people in the heavens, and I will comfort myself. I feel good about myself. It’s really sad... sigh...”

Xu Feng immediately stunned and looked disdainful.

The words sounded and everyone did not understand.

What the kid is doing.

Is it really good to provoke and anger the cliffwalkers?

Still have to rely on it?

"Kid, if you can't say one or two, even if you come to the extraordinary, today I want you to die in the city of Cliff!"

For many years, the Cliffwalker has been in charge of the city of Cliff City for decades. He has never been a man and dared to say this.

"I also ask you, here is the underground trade fair. Why did I just come here, someone wants to buy strong sales, and directly threaten me? You are a strong and powerful person, but you can leave the garbage of a three-pointed peak. The old dog, here to break the rules, one eye closed one eye, what is your name?"

I heard Xu Feng’s words.

Many people who looked at Xu Feng with pity eyes all eyes brightened. It seems that this kid’s purpose of angering the cliffwalker is actually against the sage of Yingbao.

The sage of Yingbao had just had the expression of gloating, and there was almost no blood spurting on the spot.

It’s really a heartbreak.

He is just saying that threatening Xu Feng, is it necessary to engage in such a big battle?

"Who threatens you?"

The cliffwalker is gloomy.

There are still people who dare to make troubles under his eyes and do not follow the rules.

Isn't this a provocation?

The Cliffwalker is of course very angry.

"The people present have heard it, and you haven't heard it." Xu Feng pointed to the sacred sage of the singer, who was not far away, and said: "He wants to buy my little leopard, I don't sell it!" Just threaten me and want me to be rich. Is this what you call the trading rules of Cliff City?"

"Eagle Sage!"

The cliffwalker looked at the sage of the Eagle, and the powerful momentum broke out, and the face was gloomy.

"What is he talking about?"

The eagle sage is gloomy.

He really didn't expect that he would be Xu Fengkeng by a simple sentence.

The heart is killing.

Immediately apologized, said: "The master of the city, I am not too quick, I don't have that idea, please forgive me!"


Who knows, the cliffwalker rushed forward, clutching the neck of the eagle sage, and raised his hand, and slammed it toward the cheek of the sage of the eagle sage, and the sound of the sly, accompanied by the sage of the eagle The blood inside the mouth is sprayed around.

Many people look at Xu Feng’s eyes and have completely changed.

Secretly: "This kid is not simple!"

It is seemingly simple to take advantage of this trend, but it needs to be controlled very well.

"Get out of the Cliff City and forbidden to enter the underground trade fair for life!" The Cliff Walker will throw the old body of the Eagle Bao saint, like a dead pig, to a few meters away.

The latter's head is **** and swollen like a pig.

"Are you satisfied?"

The cliffwalker asked Xu Feng.

"Thank you for the fairness of the city owner. It seems that someone is carrying the small action of the city owner. The big man of the city is really wise." Xu Feng smiled and looked very happy. It was natural to accept it.

In fact, Xu Feng also saw that this eagle sage was unlucky, just met the mold of the cliffwalker.

Xu Feng looked out, it seems that this old guy, the atmosphere is a bit confusing, it seems to be caused by cultivation.

"Eagle sage, roll!"

The cliffwalker screamed and said.

The eagle sage climbed up from the ground, and it was so miserable.

There is only one seam left in the eyes, and the killing inside is terrible.

I can't wait to rush up and tear Xu Feng.

But I had to turn around and rush out.

"The trade will continue!"

The cliffwalker opened the way.

When Xu Feng came to the crowd, everyone did not dare to sneak Xu Feng.

I am afraid of being pitted by this kid.

The Eagle Poet is a threatening word and almost died.

The lessons of the car.

They don't dare to mess.

Xu Feng discovered that the people stood together in this way, taking turns in order, taking out their own treasures, and then telling the treasures they wanted to exchange for on-the-spot transactions.

In this way, about half an hour.

It is Xu Feng’s turn.

Everyone doesn't know that the young people in the district, Danyuan, come to the underground trade fair, what do they want to change?

"I can take out thirty of the sixth best of the Holy Spirit, the quality is over 90%, and at the same time take out two thousand Chinese spirits, and help the other side to refine three seven-stage lower spirits."

Xu Feng’s words rang, and everyone was stunned and stunned.

They think this kid is afraid to come to trouble!

District Danyuan is fourfold, can you have such a big hand?

Even if it was a cliffwalker, he came to the front of the fair in an instant, and Xu Feng was dying.

(End of this chapter)

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