The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4155: Liu’s happiness is coming too suddenly.

Chapter 4155, Liu’s happiness comes too suddenly.

Xu Feng slowly said: "Your body feels so obvious, is there any fake? It is the accumulation of toxins, it is not a big deal."

"Little brother, I am really curious, don't you be afraid of me?" The Cliffwalker frowned. When Xu Feng gave him a problem, he did not mention any conditions at all, nor did he get the alchemy furnace in advance.

Xu Feng smiled.

"First, you are a smart person. I dare to do this and naturally rely on it."

"Second, you have an eight-stage alchemy furnace, and there is no value for you."

"Third, you are not a person who is easy to go back."

The cliffwalker heard the words and laughed.

Looking at Xu Feng’s eyes, they all have appreciation.

"Little brother, this is the Yunyang alchemy furnace, the eighth-order down the alchemy furnace, you check and check."

I have to say that the youth in front of me are really very appetizing for their own tastes.

Xu Feng took the Yunyang alchemy furnace and his face was filled with smiles.

The Yunyang Alchemy furnace just fell into the hands of Xu Feng, and it radiated a strong light, as if a cheerful voice.

The cliffwalker opened his eyes and asked: "Little brother, are you really a seventh-order inferior?"

"should be!"

Xu Feng nodded, no doubt.

He felt that he should have no problem with refining the seventh-order Chinese spirit.

"Since the transaction is completed, then let's say goodbye!" Xu Feng clung to the cliffwalker and turned around, reminding: "Your arm toxin accumulation time is too long, I advise you not to be quick and quick, a little refining every day, right You are better!"

Finish, walk towards the outside.


The Cliff Walker snorted and caught up.

Xu Feng frowned and didn't understand what the other party was going to do.

"Little brother, you have been offended by the sage of the Eagle, I am afraid that he will not give up. I personally sent you to leave the city!"

Xu Feng heard the words and did not refuse.

This is quite good, and it saves a lot of trouble.

Cliff City.

"Who is that young man, looks like a master of the city, personally sent him to leave the city of Cliff City?"

"I don't know, it seems that Dan is a four-folder. I am afraid it is a child of a big power!"

Liu Laotou is in the crowd, but his face is full of fear.

A few people not far away looked at Liu Laotou with sarcasm.

"Liu old man, do you dare to dig into the VIP of the Lord of the City? You are afraid of being dead!"

Someone said to Liu Laotou.

After all, they all think that Xu Feng used the sixth-order best of the Holy Spirit Dan in exchange for Liu Laotou's scrap iron, which is a loss.

Liu Laotou is pale, his legs are soft, and his heart is full of fear.

I don't know what to do.

Seeing that Xu Feng and the Cliff Walker are so close.

After all, Liu Laotou couldn't resist it. He rushed forward and slammed on Xu Feng. He said, "Little brother, this is your remedy. You are a lot of adults. Adults don't remember villains. I don't mean it. I want to hang yours... please ask me to kill me..."

The cliffwalker looked at Xu Feng with a sly face.

Xu Feng looked at the old man and almost did not vomit blood.

Obviously, I am taking advantage of it.

"You get up... tell you the truth, the knife you traded for me is at least a hundred times more valuable than the medicine I gave you..."

Xu Feng said to Liu Laotou.

Did not conceal the other party, after all, the transaction is completed.

Even if Liu Laotou wants to repent, there is no way.

"Hey? Is that really a knife?"

Liu Laotou’s eyes widened and his face was surprised.

He got the rusted knife for three years.

Did not study why.


Xu Feng nodded, very cautious.

"Ah... a hundred times... a hundred times..."

Liu Laotou is completely dumbfounded, and he seems to be losing money.

Can only break the teeth, swallowing in the stomach.

"What knife?"

The Cliffwalker asked a little strangely.

Xu Feng took out the rusty knife, and the eyes of the cliffwalker suddenly became bright.

“The knives of this knife are very special and indeed of high value.”

The Cliffwalker nodded and looked at Xu Feng with envy.

I can't think of each other. I just came to Moya City for a day and I found such a baby.

"The knife is really worth a lot?"

The surrounding stall owners are skeptical.

After all, they watched Liu Laotou sell his knife and sold it for three years.

I know that it is a broken knife.

Rusty, there is no trace of the blade.

"Since the urban masters say that the value is high, the natural value is very high. We really have eyes that do not know the treasure, I knew I bought it for Liu Laotou."

"It’s hard to see the treasure slipping away in front of you!"

"What is your hard work, Liu Laotou is hard."

Several stall owners, with sympathetic eyes, looked at Liu Laotou.

"I... I... I... I want to cry without tears..."

Liu Laotou climbed up from the ground and only felt that there was no love.

However, Xu Feng can also see it.

Liu Laotou is not quite entangled, it is not bad.

The eyes flashed slightly.

"The master of the city, I think this old man character is not bad, how do you feel?" Xu Feng asked

The cliffwalker’s eyes were with appreciation. He could see that Xu Feng wanted to compensate Liu’s old man.

It is rare that such a young seven-stage undergraduate alchemy teacher has a high status and a good identity, but is able to do things like this.

He found that in a short period of time, he had already been conquered by the youth in front of him.

"I want to give him a errand in Cliff City, but I can compensate him!"

After all, Xu Feng got a sword of value for everyone.

Although he did not get his hand, Liu Laotou did not know the value of the knife.

The Cliff Walker will do things very quickly, and immediately look at the distance, some sluggish Liu Laotou, said: "Liu Laotou, you will be the vice captain of the patrol team in Moya City in the future!"


Liu Laotou’s open mouth is so happy that it’s too fast.

He was still immersed in the pain of losing his sword.


The Cliffwalker angered: "Have you seen this city master, isn’t it counted?"

"Thank you, Lord... Thank you, this little brother... Thank you..."

Liu Laotou is full of surprises.

The vice captain of the patrol team in Cliff City is a fat errand.

How many laws and strong people, want to go to the head?

As for the "broken knife", he also thought very clearly.

In his own hands, it is a "broken knife."

That is to say, Xu Feng, who is acquainted with the goods, can sell.

Otherwise, I don’t know how to sell the monkey year.

It’s a blessing!

There is a house to have it!

The stall owners around them all looked envious of Liu Laotou.

The patrol deputy captain has a lot of power and a high status.

Most importantly, this is a fat errand.

"Liu old man... No, no... Liu Vice Captain, you have to take care of our brothers in the future..."

Liu Laotou suddenly blows his beard and blinks. "You used to think that my voice was loud. I will let you see and see, and the voice is loud... Hahaha..."

Everyone has a good spirit, and walks with the wind.

Xu Feng and Cliff Walker, came to Tiesuo, and they came to the foot of the city of Cliff City.

Not far from a remote corner, the face of the eagle's sage, the face of the injury, is still not good, he eats such a big loss, naturally can not easily let Xu Feng.

"Kid, I can't think of you being able to relate to the cliffwalker, but I don't believe that the old thing of the Cliffwalker can walk with you all the way. As long as he leaves, it is your death!"

(End of this chapter)

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