The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4205: a word stirs up waves

Chapter 4205, a word stirs up a thousand waves

The "Nine-Year Red Water Rehabilitation Array" can bring together spiritual powers, condense the spirits, and then form a formation.

Taking the land of Chishui as the core of the eye, once the entire array is successfully deployed, it will run.

Cultivation in the array of red waters is bound to do more with less, and the effect will be very good.

We must know that the "Jiumai Chishui Cultivation Array" is much more advanced than the Xu Feng before the six-pulse gathering place.

This array method is known as the seventh-order strongest auxiliary training method, but the requirements of the arrangement are too high. The need for the situation of the red waters to be the eye, will make many forces discouraged.

Xu Feng did not have too much hesitation, and immediately took out all the spirits needed to arrange the array method, and enough polylite.

Taking a deep breath, with the surging power of the body, with the improvement of Xu Feng's cultivation, and the improvement of the holy soul pattern to 150, his layout method became more convenient.


The earth and earth are constantly surging, and a piece of polystone is constantly merging into the surrounding void.

A few hundred polylites have been merged into the void, and within a few hundred meters of the area around Chishui, the heavens and the earth flowed spiritually, and gathered toward the Chishui area, faintly converging into nine spiritual veins.

However, among the red waters, the pool water, which was originally like stagnant water, has flowed.

About three hours of time, the heaven and earth spiritual power around the Chishui area, there have been earth-shaking changes.

Even if it is Xu Feng, at the moment in the Chishui lands, surrounded by the "Nine-Year Red Water Cultivation Array", you can feel the full body spirit boiling. If you can practice here, in time, the repair will inevitably break through Dan Yuanjing. Seven heavy.

It is a pity that Xu Feng is in a hurry and can't wait to kill the flying crane collar and save the kitten. How can he waste time and continue to practice here?

Xu Feng withdrew from the land of Chishui and admired the "Nine-Year Red Water Cultivation Array" arranged by himself. The power of the formation is extremely powerful, as if there is endless spiritual power gathering.

"I am sure that this array will continue to operate. After the convergence of the spirits, the cultivation effect here will be better and better."

"In the future, the strategists will borrow this battle, and the overall strength will be greatly improved."

Xu Feng is very clear, even if the grandfather Lie Hong of the previous Lie Dahua, if he can practice in the battle for a long time, due to the special role of Chishui, I am afraid that the flood will be further improved sooner or later.

As for the many young disciples of the martial arts, especially the people of Danyuan, after the constant quenching of Chishui, the foundation will become more and more solid, and the upper limit of growth will naturally become higher and higher.

Xu Feng continued to advance in accordance with the direction pointed by Lie Zhuo.

I really went to a place where Shimendong was opened.

"Must you be Xu Feng?"

A figure appeared in the vicinity of Xu Feng, the body's breath is unfathomable, I am afraid that at least the law is six.

It is one of the three major families that have been passed down for a long time in the Northern Kings. Although the martial arts are low-key, the foundation is not to be underestimated.

"Yes, it’s Xu Feng."

Xu Feng nodded, said.

"My family asked me to wait here for a long time. I will take you to the house of the martyr." The old man said, his body was surging, and Xu Feng quickly left.


"Yin, if you don't come out again, I will go to find you!" Lie Zhuo saw Xu Feng's first look, his eyes slammed and the breath of Xu Feng became obviously stronger.

Lie Zhuo also did not conceal. Regarding Xu Feng’s cultivation for three days, the martyr had some anxious things.

Xu Feng did not blame the fierce family, replaced himself, and gave the most precious baby to others for three days, and he must be very worried.

"Haha, thank you uncle!"

Xu Feng laughed happily, but he appreciated it very much.

"Yin, I am going to kill people to prepare food and wine, to pick up the dust for you." Lie Zhuo smiled, turned and arranged, but was stopped by Xu Feng.

"Uncle, thank you for your kindness. I will not enjoy the delicious food. When I come to the Liege for the next time, I will feel the uncle's heart again. The kindness of the martyr to me, I will remember it in my heart, and I will repay in the future."

"My brother is still suffering from the pain of death in the flying crane. If it is not for improving strength and cultivation, I am not willing to delay for a moment."

Xu Feng’s voice is firm.

The kitten is not as good as the flying crane, how can he enjoy the wine and food.

I heard that Xu Feng was so anxious to leave. Lie Zhuo was hesitant, but he couldn’t help but ask: "Yin, you are not going to fly the crane collar?"

Before Lie Zhuo heard that Xu Feng was going to fly the crane to save his brother, he immediately asked with speculation.

"Well! I am going to save my brother, I want to fly a family, and the blood flows into the river." Xu Feng said that in the end, the voice is filled with cold and killing, even if it is the strong man who is the master of the heavens. And can't help but some hair erect.


There is concern in the look of Lie Zhuo.

The strength and heritage of the Feihe family is no worse than their fierce family.

Although Xu Feng is a genius, but it is also no match for the Feihe family, so many powerful people!

"Yin, with your talent, you don't have to worry so much. You have been practicing for a few years, the entire Northern Territory, no one is your opponent, why should you rush for a while? And you will put yourself in a dangerous place."

Lie Zhuo could not help but remind Xu Feng.

"Thank you, my uncle, I have my own size!"

Xu Feng does not want to continue to say more.

"The uncle told the brothers, the kindness of the land of Chishui, I will remember it in my heart, and I will repay in the future."

After that, facing the outside of the House of the Lie, the spiritual power of the body flows, and the wings of the Peng Peng cover the sky, and have disappeared 100 meters away.

"Homeowner, do you think this kid, dare to go to the crane to save people?" The old man did not believe the way.

Do not say that Dan Yuanjing is the sixth peak, even if it is the six heavens of the law, fearing that it is going to fly to the crane to attract the family of Feihe, there is no return.

"Eight nine will not leave ten!"

Lie Zhuo shook his head helplessly, and there was some pity in words.

He also felt that Xu Feng had gone there, fearing that he would go back.


"Anyone who flies in the city of Feihe, but whoever has nothing to do with the family of Feihe, is limited to leave within three days. Otherwise, after three days, there will be people who will kill the blood and the river will flow into the river."

The bustling and lively Feihe City, on the streets, the crowds are bustling, can be described as extremely prosperous.

In a few short sentences, it can be said that the entire Feihe City will be given up and a big wave, and a thousand waves will be stirred up.

Numerous people are discussing, who is this, so do not know how to live and die, dare to fly in the city, leaving a walk like this.

"You have heard no, it seems that some people are limited. Within three days, they will withdraw from Feihecheng. Otherwise, they will start to kill. What kind of person is this, so arrogant, I don’t know how strong the Feihe family is, how tired? ”

"I really want to see and see what it is like to be able to tell such an idiotic discourse."

"Yes, the Feihe family is one of the three major families in the Northern Kings. It has a strong foundation. It dares to make a fuss in Feihecheng. I don't know how to die."


Among the pubs, the crowds were noisy, they discussed and expressed their opinions.

However, the pub is close to the window.

A young man in a sloppy linen sits at the window like this.

Pick up the wine glass inside the hand and gently lick the two.

The eyes are faint, not far away.

A middle-aged man who insulted Xu Feng’s pen.

"I will let you see..."

Xu Feng's lips floated slightly, but the sound did not come out.

(End of this chapter)

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