The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 854: Closed door

Chapter 854 Closed door

The deadly poisonist looked at Xu Feng, and he couldn’t help but smile: "I don't think you have such a sad and sorrowful feeling, but it is very rare."

The deadly poison master is very clear in this world of the strong. Most people have long been used to the killing and disdain of the weak.

However, he did not expect that Xu Feng actually had such feelings.

"I am a life-threatening sorcerer and swear by my cultivation. From now on, I will not kill innocents any more! If it is against the oath, it will be destroyed, the meridians will be broken, and it must not die!"

The deadly poisoner turned to Xu Feng and swears directly.

In the sky, there is a real spiritual flow in the invisible.

Xu Feng is very satisfied with the performance of the dead drug dealer.

"You need me to stay with you to help, can you say something specific?" The drug lord does not want to be a slave to Xu Feng.

"Your strength is very strong, I need you to protect me by my side. Of course, I can deal with opponents, you do not need to shoot. To a large extent, your role is deterrence!"

Xu Feng doesn't want to let the deadly poisonist help him kill all his opponents. It doesn't mean anything to him, and he can't do it.

"it is good!"

The deadly poisoner has become very refreshed this time.

"Ha ha ha... very good, I believe that in the future you will not regret today's decision. In fact, although the drug sorcerer has been criticized, but a good-natured drug dealer, it is also respectable."

"Everything has two sides. The poison is said to be hot and dead. On the one hand, if the poison is applied to the extreme, why can't it save people?"

Xu Feng is very clear. As a refiner, as the inheritor of an eight-drug poison master, the extreme of the poison master and the ultimate of the refiner are also the same.

The deadly poisonist looked at Xu Feng, and both eyes were horrified.

He didn't think Xu Feng was a young man and could see through this layer.

"Zhang Jingsheng, you have arranged a room for him!"

Xu Feng is still a little afraid of Zhang Jingsheng.


Zhang Jingsheng heard Xu Feng’s words and could not help but be a little afraid.

Xu Feng shook his head. He looked at Zhang Jingsheng: "Do not worry, if he wants to kill you, there are 10,000 ways to make your dead gods unconscious."

"He doesn't have to kill you. As for his identity as a poisonous lord. Don't let it leak for a while, otherwise we can now find those giants."

Xu Feng is very clear, such a small person like Zhang Jingsheng, his achievements in this life are like this. Unlike Yuelu, the other side has a shrewd mind.

Moreover, Xu Feng can see that Yuelu’s identity does not seem to be simple. The other side has kept everything in order for the past three days, unlike ordinary people.


"Two masters, you said that my father asked us to visit the Dantang. Is it enough to eat?" Qiu Xu thought that he would come to meet other people, and his heart was depressed.

He has always been the young master of Qiufeng, and only others have seen him, and there are people who are qualified to let him see.

Although, the autumn taste is to let him learn from the two masters, but he is not good.

"Less master, the origin of the other party may not be simple, we still follow the requirements of the peak owner, to make each other as good." One of the six products on the refining division.

"Okay, okay!" Qiu Xu nodded impatiently.

However, in the eyes of the two six-products, there are some contempt.

Autumn taste can become the peak of the autumn peak, naturally have their own means and capabilities.

However, this Qiu Xu as the other's son, I am afraid that even the autumn taste of the general skills are not, all day know that playing a woman, you know that bullying, no fighting spirit.

Of course, the two will not say their ideas. They and Qiufeng are just a win-win situation. They also don't want to provoke Qiu Xu.

If one day, Qiufeng fell. With their ability and identity, they can leave at any time.

A group of three people came to the door of Dantang.

"The horrible momentum, this Dantang word contains a profound killing, people feel creepy." One of them could not help but sigh.

Yue Yu looked at Qiu Xu, the other party did not know him, but he knew each other, the young master of Qiu Feng.

Moreover, the two people around Qiu Xu, the robes and the badges on the chest worn by them are extremely dazzling.

However, the current Yuelu is not Yuelu in the previous period, he is very clear that Xu Feng is terrible.

In particular, if you know the existence of a life-threatening poisoner, you are willing to follow Xu Feng, and he will not weaken the name of Dantang.

"Three, the medicinal herbs sold in our Dantang today are all sold out, please come back tomorrow!" Yue Lu said slowly to the three people.

Qiu Xu heard the words and suddenly took a step and yelled: "Where are you coming out? Do you believe that this young master has now dismantled your broken shop?"

Qiu Xu’s eyes were full of anger, and the young master of his own autumn peak was actually stunned!

The two six-pronged masters, looking at each other, could not help but shake their heads.

One of them took Qiu Xu and whispered: "Less Master, I hope that you will bear the promises before, otherwise we will definitely tell the truth to the Lord after returning."

Qiu Xu heard the words, his eyes showed some unwillingness, he could only stand there, but he looked at Yuelu’s eyes and was still very bad.

"This brother, we are the chief refiners of Qiufeng. I heard that there is a master in Dantang, especially on behalf of Qiufeng, come to visit."

"By the way, we represent the peak of our autumn peak, to congratulate your business is booming! Please also pass it on!" One person walked a few steps against Yuelu.

Yuelu frowned. "I can give you a pass, but my young master can't see you, that's not necessarily."

"Okay, ok, thank you!"

The refiner is holding a medicinal herb directly and will hand it to Yuelu.

However, he was stopped by Yuelu. He said seriously: "Masters should not harm me as well! Please wait a moment!"


"Autumn? The chief refiner?" Xu Feng looked at Yuelu. He said: "The two six-products are not interested. You tell them directly, I am not available."

Yuelu turned and walked out of the backyard.


"The two masters, I am very sorry, my young master is not able to get away from the body, can't see each other, please forgive me!" Yue Hao's voice is not humble.

Although they couldn’t stand their faces, they didn’t have too many complaints.

It is Qiu Xu, who immediately screamed: "I don't know what a good dog thing, you believe it is not a minute to split your broken shop, and give it a lesser look."

"Three breaths don't go out, then don't leave alive!" However, a chilly and squeaky voice came from the depths of the shop, causing many people to fight a chill.

The two six-pronged masters heard the words, and they all felt the killing of the sound. They looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

The two of them are also the existence of Sanpin Spirit, but they are somewhat afraid of that voice.

(End of this chapter)

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