The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 875: Jiu Pin Ling Huang

Chapter 875 Jiu Pin Ling Huang

"Since all of you have joined Dantang, then you are not going to be in accordance with the rules. I am asking for three requirements. If you feel that you can't do it, you can leave."

"The first point is that Dantang is a whole. I allow this whole to compete with each other, but it is absolutely not allowed to have small people behind it."

"For example, you two." Xu Feng looked at two of the half-step spirits standing on the left hand side, pointing at each other and said: "You feel that you can't understand each other."

"It doesn't matter, if you think that the other party should not be treated the same as you. Well, don't be behind the yin, directly challenge the sword and the gun."

"I first ugly said that in front of me, what I hate most is the conspiracy means behind others. If someone dares to face other people in Dantang, play these conspiracy means. Once I find out, I will abolish it, but then Kill directly!"

With the recruitment all over, all the people were concentrated in the small space in the backyard of Dantang shop. Xu Feng stood there. Although he looked like a young man, he gave the impression that he was a mature and sophisticated person.

However, many people heard Xu Feng’s first request, and they all nodded, facing Xu Feng: “There is no peace of mind, we also hate the villain behind the tricks.”

"Yes, whoever dares to play tricks behind me, I will not let him go first."

Xu Feng nodded and continued: "The second point, since joining Dantang, you must take Dantang as your core. You represent not only yourself but the honor of Dantang."

"I can't take Dantang's benefits while I feel that Dantang can't do it, and do things that hurt Dantang's interests."

"The third point, I hope everyone will remember. That is, our Dantang people must not be bullying. We must not feel superior."

When Xu Feng said the third point, most of the people on the scene were scattered warriors. They deeply understood how embarrassed those who joined the big forces.

I did not expect Xu Feng to ask for not to be bullying. They think Xu Feng’s people are very good. They are often looked down upon by people in Qiufeng, and naturally hate such people.

"Of course, our people in Dantang are not afraid of things. If someone dares to take the initiative to provoke you, then even if you let go, all the Dantang will support you."

Xu Feng said these three points, he looked at the Yuelu around him.

"Next, we will carry out reconstruction work in Dantang, and all of you will be handed over to Yuelu management. I hope that you can cooperate with him to build a perfect Dantang."

"I know that some of you think that Yuelu is only a nine-pronged emperor, and he feels that he is not qualified to manage himself. Then you look at it yourself, and he is managed by Yuelu."

"If anyone thinks that his strength is stronger than that of the three-knife, he feels that he does not need to obey the management, then stand up now." When Xu Feng said this, many people were guilty.

Yes, the three-knife madness is subject to management. What kind of ghosts are these people still arrogant?

"Yue Yue, I hope you will not be burdened."

Xu Feng is slowly talking to Yuelu.

Yuelu patted his chest and promised: "The young master can rest assured that if I can't complete the task, I will be punished!"

Xu Feng still trusts Yue Lu’s ability, otherwise he will not hand over so many people to Yuelu’s management.

Of course, the reconstruction of Dantang also requires manpower.


During this time, I have been managing Dantang. Xu Feng was only able to practice with peace of mind at night. He took a deep breath and his own cultivation should also be able to break through the nine elites.

Xu Feng is very clear that no matter how powerful the outside world is, everything depends on itself.

In this world of strength, he must be strong enough.

Just like Xu Feng of the previous life, he is a master of the Eight Senses. He was originally the honorary president of the Association of Refiners, and he was not killed in the end.

At that time, where was the refining guild? The other party still did not appear, this is not the refinement of the refining guild, but they are very clear, for Xu Feng alone, offending the dark hall is an unwise choice.

Of course, if Xu Feng at that time, his cultivation is a spiritual emperor, you can't dare to look at the Dark Temple, so unscrupulously killing the male tyrants.

Strength is respect.

Xu Feng has a firm color in his eyes, and his spiritual power flows to the extreme.

The two angry seas and the ten spiritual veins fluctuate at the same time, and the spiritual power flows toward the double angry sea and the spiritual veins. His body forms a vortex under the operation of “chaotic infinite chaos”.

The spirit of the heavens and the earth continued to flow toward Xu Feng's body. In his eyes, a heart-rending light broke out, and his breath continued to rise.

The last time, if it was not interrupted, he may now be a nine-pronged emperor.

After so many days of adjustment, Xu Feng is very clear that he has broken through the nine-pronged emperor, and that is a matter of course.

"As long as I break through to the nine-pronged emperor, I believe that even if it is a second-class spirit, I am not able to deal with it." Xu Feng's face showed a faint confidence.

He has absolute confidence in his own strength, but he still has some difficulties in upgrading to spiritual respect.

In particular, his gravity avenue and space avenue are still far from the ten roads. He is taking the strongest road and needs ten perfection.

"When the Dantang is fully developed, I can use the wealth of Dantang to buy the crystallization of the avenue. It will be easier to get there."

The reason why Xu Feng wasted time to establish Dantang in the Acropolis is that he is very clear that the strongest road he took, if there is not enough Lingshi support, it is a joke.

The six gravity avenues he needs to purchase next are all expensive. What's more, he also needs the crystallization of the space avenue.

However, Xu Feng is very clear that the space avenue is crystallized, I am afraid that I want to buy it, only to spell the character.

The only way he wants to improve the space avenue is to start from the blood of his own space.

However, Xu Feng is also very difficult.

The role of the blood of space, he can only rely on his own exploration. Throughout the southern continent, it seems that only the Nangong family has information on the blood of space.

These materials are in the Nangong family. Xu Feng does not have to think about it. It must be the most secret thing. It is not an easy task to get it.


The spiritual power of Xu Feng was completely boiling. The horrible momentum of his body spread out in all directions, and his face was calm and calm.

He knows that his cultivation has broken through to the nine-pronged emperor. Although he has not yet returned to the cultivation of the previous peaks, his current strength is not weaker than his predecessor.

"Fang Wannian, Mei Sanchang, you wait, I will not come to Xu Feng for a long time, I will come to visit you." Xu Feng with a sly killing.

(End of this chapter)

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