The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 893: Charcoal in the snow

Chapter 893, Charging in the Snow


Yuelu looked at Xu Feng in front and said: "Young Master, I will go down and check."

"Slow, let me go with you."

Just as Yue Yue turned around, Xu Feng said to Yue Lu.

"Ah... no, young master, there may be danger under the mine." Yuelu is worried. After all, once the mine is in danger, it is hard to live out.


Xu Feng pointed to the person who spoke, indicating the other side to lead the way.

The environment under the mine is very humid, and if it is not sporadic, it is darker.

However, for the military, it can be seen.

As Xu Feng followed the crowd, he found that some of the Lingshi piled up at the end and became a piece of Lingshi, which needs to be transported from here.

It takes about half an hour to walk in. Xu Feng couldn't help but sigh: "It's not a simple matter to mine."

It should be known that the veins are generally buried deep in the ground. The environment is humid and the air is extremely uncomfortable. Even Xu Feng is somewhat uncomfortable.

"This autumn taste is really embarrassing, the Lingshi of this vein is really left." Xu Feng looked at the veins, his face was bitter. I thought that I could get rid of Qiufeng and I could get a lot of Lingshi. I didn't expect to return empty-handed.

"The owner, the passage is over there."

The man said to Xu Feng, they already know that this young man of about twenty-five years old is the owner of Dantang, and his martial arts talent is very powerful.

Of course, many people feel that they are not convinced, but they look at the strong guys like the poisonous sorcerer, and the three-knife madness is always with him. They don't have much grievances.

It’s awkward...

The feet of the people stepped on the ground, leaving a squeaky voice.

"Young Master, I think you are still going out, we are responsible for exploring." After about ten minutes, Yuelu's face is not very good-looking.

After all, if you continue to go deeper, no one knows what is going on at the end of the passage. If there is any danger, it will not be worth the candle.

"Yeah, the lord, I think the general manager is right." The people next to him also advised Xu Feng, and they were afraid of Xu Feng’s accident.

However, they are somewhat confused.

Because Xu Feng’s face suddenly had a strong smile, his face burst into the light.

"Ha ha ha ... I can't think of this autumn taste to leave me such a good treasure, he is an idiot!" Xu Feng could not help but laugh.

"Young master, are you okay?" Yue Lu and others looked at Xu Feng. They didn't understand why Xu Feng suddenly laughed, obviously there was nothing here.

Xu Feng shook his head and said to Yuelu: "Do not worry, I am fine. We continue to go deep, the three-knife mad you are responsible for guarding here, anyone who dares to approach, kill innocent."

The deadly poison master is now outside the mine, and Xu Feng enters the mine. Of course, he must be prepared.

Just kidding, if no one is guarding outside.

In the event that someone directly collapses the mine, they are all buried alive by the mine.

The life-threatening drug division is the strongest, and it is safest to guard the mine outside.

Now, Xu Feng has found that he needs something in front of him, and it is still very precious. Of course, he can't let too many people know, so the three-knife singer is here.

"Several of you are here, I will go deep into the battle with Yuelu and killing the spirits." Xu Feng said to those who had just surrendered to Qiufeng.

Although those people were very curious about what was in the depths of the passage, they did not ask. They understood that some things should not be known, otherwise they would not live long.

Dantang is now so strong that even the elders are willing to surrender, and they are to be ruled by the people of Yueji, who are not convinced.

Moreover, Dantang's treatment is so good, as long as there is a good spiritual stone and cultivation environment. Plus Xu Feng has no shelf, they feel that there is nothing wrong with joining Dantang.

Xu Feng, Yue Lu, killing the spirit of the three respected continue to deepen.

"Young master, what treasure is in front?" Yue Hao couldn't help but be curious. He followed Xu Feng out of the distance of more than ten feet and found that the air had a very strange atmosphere.

However, Xu Feng has some mysterious smile, and when the time comes, you will know.

The face of the killing spirit is also a bit strange, and the heart is more shocking to Xu Feng’s ability to perceive, so far away, he feels the treasure inside.

He didn't even understand the power of Xu Feng's soul, to what extent.

Finally, I saw the dark stone-like things in front of them, but in the darkness of the mine, it glowed with darkness.

The darkness of the light made people's souls tremble, and the killing spirits looked at the huge number of star stones in front of them. He couldn't help but swallow: "These are all Chinese stars?"

As a sacred spirit, he certainly saw the star stone, and he also absorbed a lot of Chinese star stone, as long as the star stone is precious.

However, he is very curious, here is the mine hole of the Lingshi vein, how can there be a Chinese star stone.

Do you know that the star stone is not in the endless void, some ridiculous stars, by mining?

This is why the star stone is so expensive.

Going to those ridiculous stars, it is very likely that you will encounter danger. There may be monsters in the ancient times, and the beasts are very powerful.

Even, it will be lost in the turbulence of space, unable to come back, and when it encounters a powerful space storm, it will be wiped out.

Of course, at the same time, it is accompanied by huge interests.

If someone can mine back a star stone, then at least hundreds of millions of Lingshi.

In the entire southern continent, 70% of the star stones flow out from the Nangong family.

Most of the Nangong family have space inheritance. They face space storms and spatial turbulence, and they are much safer than other people.

Xu Feng smiled on his face. He also let Yue Hao go to Lingbaoge to acquire Zhongxing Xingyuan Stone some time ago. I can't think of so many encounters.

"These Chinese stars should have nearly 10,000 stars, enough for me to improve my soul for a while." Xu Feng's face was smiling.

Oh la la...

Xu Feng began to put those stars in the storage ring, killing spirits and Yue Lu know that Xu Feng is a refiner, and Zhongxing Xingyuan Stone is extremely important to him.

However, the killing spirit respects the Chinese stone star stone in front of it, and it is also somewhat tempting. It is necessary to know that cultivation is a breakthrough, and the cultivation of soul power is also an indispensable part.

"Liu Yuan, you can charge 500 hundred stars, which is enough for you to use." Xu Feng said to the killing spirit who stood on the side.

"Ah... thank you young master!" Killing the spirit and respecting the words, suddenly can't wait to start collecting the Chinese character star stone, five hundred stars in the star stone is really enough for him.

However, if you want to buy 500 pieces of Zhongxing Xingyuan Stone outside, there are not millions of lower-priced Lingshi, which is impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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