"This is.!!"

When his own power touched the two crystals.

Kong Ji suddenly felt a strong induction in his heart.

The two crystals in the high-temperature smelting furnace ten meters away actually had an extremely weak, almost invisible connection with him at this time.

This connection is like the brain and the body.

Kong Ji even felt that he might be able to use his mind to control the two crystals to move as he wished through this feeling.

This discovery instantly excited him.

"I can't believe that the yellow crystal and white crystal in the high-temperature smelting state can actually have a connection after contacting the power emitted by the cultivator!"

"This state reminds me of a word."


Kong Ji's thoughts turned quickly, and he thought of the word sacrifice, which meant something similar to the situation in front of him.

Sacrifice with power is the most commonly used method for magic tools and magic treasures described in practice.

"What a coincidence!"

Before building the alchemy furnace, Kong Ji had never thought that this kind of induction would occur.

Before this, no one had ever been able to cultivate to the point where his power could be released. Even with Zhang Zhaoyang's current cultivation level, it was impossible. He had to open up the Ren and Du meridians to do so.

Not to mention that he had to be in a state of high-temperature melting.

If it weren't for the creation of the alchemy furnace this time, he didn't know when he would discover that Huang Jing and Bai Jing could actually be used for sacrifice.

"There are many ways of sacrifice described in the cultivation stories, such as blood sacrifice, spiritual consciousness sacrifice, and power sacrifice, etc."

"It seems that the way to sacrifice Huang Jing and Bai Jing is to use the practitioner's own power to sacrifice in a high-temperature melting state."

"Through the way of sacrifice, a magical and subtle induction is generated between the practitioner and the crystal, and it can even be slightly controlled remotely."

"This induction reminds me of a weapon!"

"Flying sword!"

Kong Ji's hands kept moving, and his whole body's power kept pouring out to maintain the induction, but his mind kept turning.

The phenomenon that the two crystals can produce a connection induction made him quickly think of flying swords.

Flying sword!

A word that makes people yearn for and move their hearts!

Riding the sword and riding the wind, taking the head of a thousand miles away, the whole hall is full of drunkenness, and the frost chills the fourteen states.

The unrestrained and elegant nature of sword cultivation is like a gene engraved in the deepest part of the bones. Under the influence of various previous lives, if everyone who has the opportunity to practice cultivation chooses a weapon, 90% of people will definitely choose a flying sword as their first choice!

There is no way.

The image of the flying sword is really too deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Kong Ji is the same.

Whether he has the talent to practice flying swords or not, as long as he has the opportunity, he will definitely want to have it.

As soon as he thought of this.

His mind couldn't help but wander, and his spirit was affected by it, and he almost couldn't control the output of his skills.

It took a lot of effort to stabilize it.

Kong Ji collected his mind and once again fully operated the Zhoutian Chunyang Gong, trying to strengthen the induction, and even using his mind to control the crystal to move as he wanted.

For a while, the white fog became more turbulent, and the surroundings were completely shrouded, and the naked eye could no longer see anything.

The people outside couldn't help but worry and were restless for a while.

"Don't be impatient."

Dong Dingguo stepped out to comfort him: "Trust Kong Ji, he will naturally send a notification if there is danger, let's not disturb him."

At the center at this time.

Kong Ji was full of regret.

He wanted to control the crystal stone with his mind through induction, but the induction was too weak and he could not succeed.

This situation made him speculate that the sacrifice had just begun and the induction was not strong enough, so it could not be done.

It is necessary to continue the sacrifice, and finally the induction can be strengthened to the point where it can be controlled by mind.

Just now, he had been continuously outputting for at least ten minutes, and most of his own power was consumed, but the induction remained the same, and did not increase. It was still very weak, at most a little better than at the beginning, and there was no feeling that it would break at any time.

"It seems that refining is not something that can be done overnight."

"Many stories about practicing flying swords describe that a qualified sword cultivator will often nourish the flying sword, either by hiding it in the body, or by holding it in front of the body to nourish it with the mind, supplemented by various external means, treating the flying sword as a real partner, thereby improving the connection between himself and the flying sword."

"And the time for nourishment and refining is usually calculated in years."

"I have only been refining for less than ten minutes. I am too impatient to want to finish it in one go."

"But this time it is a big surprise!"

"I didn't expect that yellow crystal and white crystal can actually be used to make flying swords. Next time I find a chance, I will try to see if I can successfully make a flying sword."

"I just don't know if it must be melted at high temperature to be refining and nourishing, or if it only takes the first time to establish the induction and then slowly refine it later."

"Or is there any other way to refine it?"

Kong Ji's heart was surging at this moment, and he wanted to refine a flying sword very much.

But then he thought about the alchemy furnace he was building, so he finally suppressed his thoughts and shifted his attention to the alchemy furnace.

As the fire crystals burned at high temperature, at this moment, the yellow and white crystals in the furnace were completely melted into water.

Kong Ji knew the time was ripe, so he stood up.

"Stop the fire!"

The voice penetrated the white fog, and the staff who had been prepared immediately disconnected the power supply of the smelting furnace. At the same time, flame-retardant gas was poured into the furnace through the pipe.

As he stopped practicing, the white mist slowly dissipated, and the flames in the furnace slowly extinguished.

At this time, people outside finally saw him. Some wanted to come forward to check the situation, but the high temperature was still there. They were sweating profusely after taking a few steps, so they had to stop.

Kong Ji stayed where he was.

He waited until the high temperature in the air gradually dissipated before he approached the smelting furnace.

At this time, the high-temperature resistant metal ceramics on the surface of the smelting furnace were burned by the high temperature and fell off in large pieces. This material used in rockets could not resist the scorching temperature emitted by the burning of the fire crystal.

"It seems that it has been completely melted."

In the smelting furnace, the high-temperature light yellow liquid that flowed slowly like water was the crystal water formed after the white crystal and yellow crystal were completely melted.

Kong Ji closed his eyes and sensed it.

This ball of high-temperature crystal water still had a weak connection with him, and the induction that had just been established did not disappear.

"It seems that once the induction is established, it should not disappear in a short time."

"We have to wait for the specific situation to be slowly tested later."

"The most urgent thing is to quickly build the alchemy furnace."

A staff member drove up with a mechanical arm engineering vehicle that had been prepared long ago. A hole was opened on the side of the smelting furnace, and high-temperature crystal water flowed out and poured into a furnace-shaped mold placed next to it.

The whole process is controlled by machinery. If the flesh and blood body touches it, it will be burned directly into slag.

As the high-temperature crystal water was poured into the mold, Kong Ji finally put his mind at ease.

The next step is to wait for the crystal water to cool down and the alchemy furnace to take shape!

Since there is no draft in stock, everything is written and posted immediately, so the update time is not stable, but it will definitely be posted before twelve o'clock, please forgive me.

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