Even Kong Ji didn't expect to meet the masters of the pioneer civilization here.

This civilization has a high level of development, and has masters within it who have surpassed dragon power and reached ancient dragons.

In civilization, everyone worships machinery very much, believing that flesh and blood is far less reliable than machinery, and believes in converting all flesh and blood throughout the body into machinery.

Even newborn babies have to have at least one organ replaced mechanically within a hundred days.

It is even said that the strongest master in the pioneer civilization replaced all flesh and blood and bones with machines, and all the fluid flowing in his body was engine oil transformed from spiritual energy.

"Pioneer civilization, ten levels of dragon power, red machine!"

"Well done!"

Facing the terrifying punch from the red machine, Kong Ji felt a huge pressure falling from the sky, trying to crush himself into a piece of meat.

Within his body, power surged crazily.

The soul in the golden elixir was ready to move, erupting into a wave of terrifying power that was stronger than the previous wave.

The moon beads in the body continuously transform spiritual energy, turning into a large amount of imperial slurry to nourish the body and enhance mana cultivation.

"The Heaven-shaking Seal!"

Kong Ji once again hit the Heaven-shaking Seal.

This punch is different from the one just now.

When he was in the killing scroll sword craziness, he only used pure physical strength. Now facing the red machine, all the power in his body was added to it. The power of the Heaven-turning Seal suddenly became ten times stronger than before!


The two forces collided, and a huge explosion suddenly erupted.

The aftermath of the impact spread out in all directions, beating everyone onlookers and even this small area to pieces.

At this time.

Suddenly there was a flash of light in the sky.

An invisible wave swept across the entire field, immediately suppressing the aftermath of the collision of forces between the two. In the end, it was only equivalent to the explosion of a small cannon, without causing any waves at all.

"Dragon Power Suppression Formation!"

"Okay, okay, your power has reached such a level that you can activate the Dragon Power Suppression Formation. No wonder you can kill the sword-curling maniac!"

The red machine fell from the sky, with no facial features changing at all, as if it had completely abandoned human emotions.

She glanced at the sword-curling madman who had long since disappeared from the ground, his soul completely destroyed without leaving any trace. His face was expressionless, and then she turned to look at Kong Ji: "I heard that you practice an extremely backward system. I didn’t expect it to be so powerful.”

"The Longwei Suppression Formation will only be launched when it may cause major damage to the surface of the mission star, weakening everything by more than 99%!"

"Now it seems that I made a mistake."

The red machine's eyes emitted red light and scanned Kong Ji.

This is the intelligent brain implanted in her body calculating all aspects of Kong Ji's intelligence information.

Based on all changes that occur and the data in the database, it is best to get a more accurate data report.

"Didi, scan successful."

"Kong Ji, human, carbon-based creature, unmodified, practicing multiple systems, weird abilities, insufficient data, difficult to calculate."

"The current cultivation level is at the peak of the ninth level of Dragon Power."

"The power reaches five billion tons and is still rising!"

A large amount of information is analyzed by the intelligent brain, and it is best to display it directly in the eyes.

"Five billion tons, is it still rising?"

"No wonder you were able to catch what I just did."

Hong Ji raised his head, looked at the surrounding crowd, and finally stared at Kong Ji.

It was at this moment that her eyes finally changed slightly, and a feeling of disgust quietly flashed through her.

"A group of weak flesh and blood creatures don't know the power of machinery at all,"

Hong Ji's tone also changed, without hiding any disgust in his heart: "Is that Kong Ji? No matter how powerful you are, I think you should know the gap between you and me."

"There is an insurmountable abyss gap between the ninth level of dragon power and the tenth level of dragon power."

"You killed my men, and you are a stupid flesh-and-blood person. Originally, I had to kill you, otherwise it would be difficult to convince the public, but your strength is not bad and it is worth conquering."

"I can give you a chance to survive!"

"As long as you swear allegiance to me, let me plant a steel seal of loyalty, implant your brain, and transform all your limbs into machines, then I will spare your life."


As he spoke, the red machine directly emitted power, sending everyone around him flying several hundred meters away. It even hung high in the sky, looking down at Kong Ji from top to bottom.

"You must never agree to her!"

Before Kong Ji could reply, Fairy He suddenly spoke up and spoke to Kong Ji from a few hundred meters away: "Master Kong, you can never agree to this person. Once he implants his intelligence into his brain and plants a loyalty seal, from now on, From now on, you will lose your freedom completely, you will not even have the power to break through, and you will be controlled by this person forever."

Loyalty seal.

A common method used by many high-tech civilizations to control subordinates.

After being implanted in the steel seal, as long as the master speaks, he will do whatever he wants. Even his consciousness and soul will surrender, and he will not dare to make any resistance, and there will be no resistance.

Not only that.

If the master's cultivation has not broken through, the subordinates who have been implanted with the steel seal cannot break through either. There will be no room for revenge in every life.

This method is simply to trample the dignity and soul of the subordinates under their feet.

A slave for a moment, a slave for the rest of your life!

In comparison, converting flesh and blood into machinery is nothing.

"How dare you interrupt when I'm talking!"

"court death!"

Hong Ji suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed at the Crane Fairy, and a laser shot out, trying to penetrate the Crane Fairy completely and kill her on the spot.

Seeing this, Kong Ji also shot out a five-element magic power to stop the laser halfway.

Seeing this, Hong Ji suddenly looked over, his features extremely gloomy: "Kong Ji, are you looking for death by relying on my love for you?"

"Don't think that I admire you and want to take you as a slave, so you can do whatever you want!"

"I'll give you one last chance!"

"Either kneel down and be stamped by me, or die with this ugly crane!"

The voice fell.

Hong Ji attacked again.

This time, he no longer used a laser, but directly flew out a finger, like the sharpest flying sword, and like a powerful missile, instantly rolling up a violent and boundless airflow.

As soon as the finger-picking was launched, the power was fierce and violent, cutting through the air, and the speed exceeded Mach 50 in an instant, and it was fired directly at the Crane Fairy.

At this speed, the Crane Fairy had no power to dodge.

Those around her would also die.

Anyone who blocked it would have the same result.

"Oh no, I can't dodge!"

Crane Fairy's face was full of despair, knowing that she couldn't dodge at all, so she could only shout: "Kong Ji, save me!"

The red machine said in a flat tone: "No one can save you!"

Suddenly a voice finally sounded.


"Then I'll try it, the Five Elements Birth and Death Great Barrier!"

Damn, China Mobile is really bad, I use WIFI to surf the Internet in China Unicom's business hall! I went out to eat, and the battery tire burst again. My laptop was charged by the community emergency power supply! Why is there no electricity, network, or water!

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