Li Dingyuan's attack was fierce and urgent.

The fifth level of Zhoutian Pure Yang Gong.

Mastering the first level is enough to crush the masters who have mastered the Thirty-Six Acupoints Gong.

However, Li Dingyuan is one of the few masters in China who have mastered the third level.

When fighting, he has no moves, and his cuckold punches are chaotic, but he is extremely powerful.

"Stop when you say so?"

"Let's see who dies first!"

Twenty or thirty punches were thrown wildly, the tea table was kicked to pieces, and cracks appeared on the wall. Duke was so angry that he didn't dare to fight back.

Li Dingyuan kept shouting, his face was full of anger, and his body was trembling with excitement between his attacks, just like the first fight, adrenaline soared, and he couldn't stop at all.

He didn't think about fighting during this negotiation.

With his personality, he didn't think about fighting.

He has been a top student since he was a child, and he is used to treating people peacefully. He adheres to the principle that gentlemen talk instead of fighting. In more than 40 years, he has fought only a few fights.

But often this kind of honest man, who looks easy to bully, will instantly get hot-blooded once provoked, and will fight first without caring about anything.

But Duke, who was born in a wealthy family in the United States, has a somewhat stubborn personality. He is used to thinking of himself as a superpower, and likes to look at people with tinted glasses, bullying the weak and fearing the strong.

The high-level officials of both sides had already agreed on the matter, but he couldn't keep his composure during the negotiations. Not only did he refuse to negotiate, but he even threatened his personal safety. He regretted it after he started fighting. All these actions were extremely absurd and ridiculous.

It was unbearable for an honest man like Li Dingyuan to be completely angry and determined to teach this man a lesson.

"Professor Li, Professor Li, calm down."

"Let's talk it over, stop first!"

The cuckold punch is not strong, but Li Dingyuan is strong.

A random punch was a force of thousands of kilograms, and the thin body seemed to be made of steel. Duke was completely unable to maintain his previous graceful posture. He relied on his technical advantage to dodge repeatedly, fearing that he would be hit head-on.

In this situation, he dodged and shouted.


Li Dingyuan really stopped his hand after hearing this, and mocked: "Mr. Duke was not as weak as he is now. What? Aren't you going to tie me up and torture me?"

Duke regretted it very much at this time.

He really didn't expect Li Dingyuan to be so strong.

The increase brought by the superman serum is indeed powerful. A random punch is the peak punch of the top boxing champions in the past years, and even far more than that.

But facing the terrifying power of the third level of Zhoutian Chunyang Gong, Duke didn't dare to take it hard.

Just seeing the fierce wind sound caused by Li Dingyuan's fists and feet, he knew that he couldn't block it at all.

If he dared to block it, he would be broken wherever he blocked it.

At this time, all the thoughts of forcing a confession faded away. Duke just wanted to drag it over first and wait for the future.

"Professor Li, misunderstanding, I said the wrong thing."

"How about continuing the transaction?"

"I will carry the twisted leaf pine cones with me, one hand for money, the other for goods!"

"It's just a little verbal conflict between us, why bother to fight to the death."

Duke's tone was fast, and he was very scared, afraid that Li Dingyuan would continue to fight.

However, a greedy desire surged in his heart.

The power of the martial arts displayed by Li Dingyuan was too strong!

If he could get this power, it would definitely bring huge benefits to his own future and the family behind him.

In order to delay the situation, Duke took out a small bag directly from the inner lining pocket and showed it.

There were exactly 20 twisted leaf pine cones in the small bag.

Li Dingyuan took a closer look and didn't need to distinguish carefully. He could tell the authenticity at a glance. It was definitely not a fake.

Twenty small fruits, the appearance maintains the shape of pine cones, the color is also normal, but the fruits are surrounded by a thick white mist.

As soon as they were taken out, the room was immediately enveloped by a cool feeling, and they felt refreshed after taking a breath.

"Is this the twisted leaf pine cone?"


Duke threw one carefully: "Professor, you can check it."


Li Dingyuan reached out and grabbed it in the air, and was more sure.

The shell of the fruit is hard, but it exudes a refreshing fragrance when you smell it up close, which makes people feel a strong appetite in their hearts, and they can't wait to swallow it in one bite. It is not the effect that ordinary pine cones can bring.

Li Dingyuan just sniffed it lightly, and he could feel that the dry meridians and dantian in his body were cheering and looking forward to the rain.

"Give me all."

Li Dingyuan turned his hand to put away the fruit, and asked for it expressionlessly.

Duke was stunned for a moment, then grinned and said, "Professor Li, you said you would give me the money and the goods."

"If possible, how about exchanging it with your skills?"

"Crystal, I think it's not as important as skills."

There was a strong desire in his eyes, and he couldn't suppress his desire for skills.

"Mr. Duke, you don't seem to see the situation clearly." Li Dingyuan frowned slightly and said in a tough tone: "Give it to me!"

"Professor Li, are you going to rob it?"

Duke held the bag tightly: "You are indeed very powerful, but this is the territory of M country. Before my people break in, I don't believe you can beat me to death."

"I won't beat you to death."

Li Dingyuan retracted his hand and took off his glasses: "I am a scholar, I won't fight to the death, but you just regretted it first and started first, so you have to make some compensation."

"Compensation is no problem!"

Duke did not hesitate: "Money? Women? Houses? Cars? All are fine! But pine cones are not allowed, unless you exchange them for the skills."

"As long as you have the skills, I can give you all these twisted leaf pine cones, and I will not retaliate against you for what happened today. I will also personally arrange for you to leave Country M and you will not be in any danger."

"It seems that you still misunderstood what I meant."

"Don't think about the skills, but the transaction of raw materials can continue."

Li Dingyuan wiped the lens with his sleeve, turned around and carefully put it in the corner of the room.

After doing everything, he turned around.

"Since the top management has already negotiated, the transaction can naturally continue, but that was the first time in my life that I was threatened by someone."

"If I don't retaliate after being bullied, I always feel depressed. I always have to collect some interest to feel smooth."

"This is my first fight, I may not be able to control my strength, Mr. Duke, please forgive me!"

After saying this, Duke had already discovered that something was wrong. Just when he was about to speak, he found that he was standing in the corner of the room, his position was stuck, and he was facing an extremely powerful punch.

The speed was so fast that he had no time to react.

All the boxing and skills in his mind were useless.

Facing absolute speed and absolute power, there was no way to dodge.


In an emergency, Duke screamed like crazy and raised his hands to block his head.

The defensive posture was just set.

The extremely powerful force hit his arm directly.

In an instant, the flesh and blood broke, the white bone stubble pierced the flesh and skin, and the head was splattered with blood.

The nose, mouth, eyes, and ears were all hit by the recoil of the arm.

The severe pain spread all over the body!

"It hurts!"

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