In the sky.

Kong Ji tried his best to keep his body steady.

Recently, he has practiced parachuting many times, including simulation, actual, double and single jumps, but the situation was different from now. The environment, height, difficulty and even psychology were very different.

At this moment, when he really jumped from the transport plane thousands of meters high, Kong Ji still felt a palpitation, and the fear of not being able to control his own life kept coming.

With his current skills, it would be no big problem to jump dozens of meters, and it might not be a problem to jump from a hundred-meter building.

But jumping from the Kunpeng transport plane was different, it was a real thousands of meters high.

The strong wind was howling, and it was impossible to reach the sky or the ground.

The sky and the earth were vast, as if there was only himself.

At this time, Kong Ji really understood more and more why in many stories of cultivating immortals, when the protagonists were able to practice magic, they often yearned for flying magic.

In fact, flying is simply the first driving force of cultivation, and it is also the unparalleled desire in human genes to conquer the sky.

This desire cannot be satisfied by any external flying tool. Only by truly flying in the flesh and crossing the void can one be satisfied!

"Fly, fly!"

"How can I fly?"

"I can now release my internal force and even control objects to attack. My physical strength is even stronger, and my body is comparable to a tank!"

"Having reached this level and possessing such terrifying power, can't I fly?"

At this moment, Kong Ji's mind was involuntarily trapped in a state of enlightenment in which he forgot about external things. He completely forgot that he was still in the sky, and instead quickly recalled various methods related to flying.

Flying sword?

Escaping light?


Soaring in the clouds?

Flying in the air?





From metaphysics to technology, he remembered almost every thing related to flying. Throwing aside those methods that he could not understand for the time being, such as soaring in the clouds, moving in the void, and escaping in the five elements, he finally turned them into two simplest core issues that directly pointed to the essence.

Power and structure!

"I am so strong that bricks can fly. The immense inner force of true qi in my body can completely serve as the driving force. As long as this force can be activated, how can a mere human body not fly?"

"Many light skills emphasize that the power comes from the feet. Through the inner force of true qi infusing the acupoints, the body can be as light as a swallow, and the true qi can bear most of the weight, so as to resist gravity, climb trees without falling, and enter the water without sinking!"

"I can definitely achieve this state."

"The other is the structure that is more suitable for aerodynamics in modern science."

"Different structures and shapes can reduce the resistance of the aircraft and bring lift."

"If I use my own skills to simulate the outer structure of an aircraft and use the true qi in my body to provide power, then can't I fly?"

At this moment, his mind was working faster than ever before. He could easily pick up various theories about flying that had accumulated in his mind. He kept eliminating the dross and retaining the essence of modern science and cultivation metaphysics. In the end, he actually compiled a set of light skill theories in his mind in just a few seconds and even started practicing.

At this time, he had just jumped out of the belly of the plane not long ago, and the parachute had not even opened.

"Kong Ji, what's wrong? Are you okay? You can open the parachute!"

Zhou Bo's shout suddenly sounded in the sky.

He was next to Kong Ji, and the two of them jumped out of the parachute one after the other, and the time was very close.

Just now, Zhou Bo suddenly found that Kong Ji was a little bit wrong, and thought something had happened, so he hurriedly shouted to remind him.

"It's okay."

The strong wind was whistling, and it was whistling.

Awakened by the shout, Kong Ji instantly came back to his senses from a state similar to enlightenment, closed his eyes and recalled for a moment, and then smiled at Zhou Bo's confused expression.

The next second.

In Zhou Bo's unbelievable eyes, Kong Ji put his arms close to his body, and a huge amount of true energy visible to the naked eye suddenly surged up from his body, surrounding his whole body, and instantly turned into a high-speed missile that broke out of the chest.

In an instant, it crossed thousands of meters across the void, and the speed was so fast that it was beyond imagination!

At this time, the sky suddenly exploded with a series of rumbling noises.

"What is that? It scared me!"

"Fuck, sonic boom!"

"Kong Ji flew!"

"He turned into a rocket!"

As the sound exploded, in an instant, everyone in the sky and on the earth noticed the figure of Kong Ji, whose body broke the sound barrier.

Kong Ji was wrapped in a thick inner force, and even a sonic boom cloud appeared in the front of his body!

"Fuck you!"

I don't know how many curses were heard. At this moment, seeing such a scene, there was no language to express everyone's feelings except swear words.

Everyone was honestly hanging parachutes to play parachuting.

As a result, you started to fly in the flesh and broke the sound barrier?

Is it really reasonable?

Everyone was at a loss, and Kong Ji's heart was also beating fast at this moment.

"This flying skill, no, it should be a flying spell, consumes too much energy."

"But the speed increase is really great, it can actually let me break the sound barrier."

"I wonder how many Machs the current speed has reached?"

"Is this the secret of the spell?"

Kong Ji was extremely happy.

The speed of breaking the sound barrier

The moment he successfully performed the spell, he instantly received countless experience feedback in his mind, and the flying spell he had just created instantly reached the perfect stage of perfection.

At the same time.

Some parts of the process of creating the spell that were imperfect and needed to be improved, Kong Ji also used the experience in his head to quickly make modifications.

In just a few seconds, this flying spell was completely formed.

The journey of human flesh conquering the sky was officially started by him at this moment!

"I can't fly anymore!"

"My cultivation cannot be exposed yet."

"Otherwise, I can't explain it later."

The eye-popping super-high speed naturally brought about huge consumption.

At this moment, his whole body's power was consumed rapidly. In just a few seconds, the power equivalent to half of Zhou Bo was consumed, and even continued to increase. Even with his current huge pure Yang true energy, he could only last for more than ten minutes at most.

The consumption was too great!

If Zhang Zhaoyang, Zhou Bo, Fang Qiuchan, Liu Tianbing and others were at the fourth level of cultivation, they could only last for a dozen seconds at most, or even not do it, and could not fly at all, let alone reach such a high speed.

Those who are worse than them are not even qualified to practice!

"Land, land quickly!"

Kong Ji knew that countless people must be watching him now, and his mind moved, and he turned around. His internal energy quickly faded, and his height was constantly decreasing.

After reaching a height of several hundred meters.

His internal energy was poured into his body, and his body suddenly became light, like a leaf in the wind, slowly falling down.

The moment he landed, Kong Ji staggered, showing a weak state of excessive energy loss.

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