"Douglas MacArthur?"

In the dirt pit, Zhou Bo looked confused: "Did I hear it right? There are still people who worship him?"

"I should have heard it right." Liu Tianbing had a strange expression on his face: "But I don't understand it either. This American actually worships a five-star critic and even changed his name. Isn't it too magical?"

Fang Qiuchan and Zhang Zhaoyang also had the same expression, full of complaints but didn't know how to tell.

In their impression, MacArthur had long become a joke. The most profound impression was the last sentence put by those video bloggers in various short videos: "MacArthur, a famous five-star critic far across the ocean, said this. Once this was said, it instantly attracted widespread attention from all over the world."

In addition, the four of them could not understand what Douglas on the field was thinking.

"Forget it, we also need to understand other people's affairs." Zhang Zhaoyang shook his head and said: "The key now is to snatch the person."

"I think the fight is almost over, get ready to fight!"

"Okay, I can't help it anymore."

Zhou Bo was immediately excited.

At this time, the Americans were outnumbered, and under the leadership of Douglas, they were almost all killed.

And Odebiao was just left on the ground, with only a stick guarding him.


"I'll go get the hostages, you go deal with the others."

As soon as the voice fell, Zhou Bo kicked hard in the earth pit with both feet, and the extremely strong leg muscles instantly burst out fiercely, leaving two deep footprints in the earth pit, and the whole person rushed out.

He rushed.

The other three also scattered, jumped up on the spot, and rushed to the center of the battlefield.

At this time, the field had reached the final stage.

"White Elephant Ah San?"

"Such a weak waste dares to join in the fun?"

"I really don't know how to write the word death!"

The right hand holding the neck twisted hard, and threw the body to the side to kill one. Douglas was about to speak when he suddenly saw a figure rising from the bushes and weeds in the distance, crossing a distance of hundreds of meters in just a few seconds, and pounced on him.

The figure rushed along the way, and wherever he passed, it seemed as if there was no one, and all the obstacles on the road were knocked away.


Douglas suddenly felt a strong fear in his heart.

His current strength has long reached the point where there is no opponent in the United States. He has developed an invincible mentality and does not take anyone seriously, even the masters from China.

He believes that he is invincible and there is no opponent in the world.

But at this moment, facing the yellow-skinned figure that has already rushed in front of him, the fear that he has not felt for a long time surged up again.

"Zhang Zhaoyang from China?"

Douglas narrowed his eyes and recognized the person instantly.

Both of them were in the Kusai camp and had seen each other in their daily interactions. He knew Zhang Zhaoyang's information more clearly and knew that Zhang Zhaoyang was the strongest master from China this time.

In his heart, he always wanted to compete with Zhang Zhaoyang.

Originally, he was looking forward to this mission, but he never waited until now.

"The world has been saying that you Chinese have gone the furthest in the study of white mist and have gained the strongest power!"

"I don't believe it!"

"I have the power of the technique now!"

"Come on! Let's see who is stronger!"

Douglas roared violently and summoned all his strength. With a strong desire to win, his body and mind seemed to merge together and he threw the strongest punch of his life.

This punch was thrown out.

There was a fierce whistling sound all around, and the weeds under his feet were rolled up by the airflow and made a loud rustling sound. It contained a thousand pounds of gravity, and even if there was a steel plate in front of him, it would be punched through.

"Don't overestimate your ability!"

Zhang Zhaoyang sneered, without any evasive action, and threw out the same punch.


The two fists collided fiercely in the air.

In an instant, bones and tendons were broken.

The huge power of the fourth peak of the Pure Yang Gong did not hold back at all. Zhang Zhaoyang directly smashed Douglas's arm into pieces, and the bones were even more shattered than comminuted fractures, and even Douglas's shoulder was directly smashed into pieces of flesh.

With a whistling sound, the fist blew Douglas's hat several meters away.


"My hand!"

At this moment, Douglas could no longer pretend to be graceful. He covered his arm to stop the bleeding and screamed in pain that resounded through the wilderness.

"How is it possible?"

"I have all the superhuman serum and skills, and my talent is the strongest in the world. How can I not be able to block a punch?"

Douglas screamed in pain and could not believe the facts in front of him.

Compared with the physical pain, the complete collapse of his mentality made him feel more desperate.

Sweeping the battlefield, fighting masters from all over the world, no one could match him.

But now he can't even take a punch!

The gap and failure almost made him mentally collapse.

"Go, revenge for me, revenge!"

Unable to accept the fact that he couldn't block a punch, Douglas roared and commanded others to attack together.


All those who followed him rushed up.

"Little people? Koreans? Americans?"

With a cold look in his eyes, Zhang Zhaoyang moved his feet, his body turned into a shadow, and attacked instantly at an extremely fast speed.

At the same time.

Fang Qiuchan also followed.

She held a sharp three-edged bayonet in each hand, stabbing one by one, as if dancing on the battlefield, her figure was like a ghost, constantly harvesting heads.

On the other side, Liu Tianbing faced the remaining twenty or so masters from various countries, with a cruel smile on his face, but his tone was like coaxing a child.

"Be good, don't move."

"I will be quick, at most one time, it won't hurt."

In an instant, in the terrified eyes of masters from various countries, Liu Tianbing's burst of speed far exceeded their imagination. The dagger in his hand was like the sickle of the god of death, taking people's lives as if cutting wheat.

Grabbing the wheat stalks with one hand and gently cutting with the other hand.

All thoughts disappeared immediately.

The three swept across the battlefield, no one could stop them, and they couldn't even react, and they couldn't run away.

In just three minutes.

The battlefield was completely cleared. Except for the wounded soldiers who fell to the ground in the previous exchange of fire and Douglas who was slumped on the ground, there was no living person on the scene.

At this time, Zhou Bo, who had finished his work in the distance, came up slowly with Odebiao.

He walked to Douglas, squatted down, pressed Douglas's head with his hand, and asked curiously in English when he saw him looking up.

"Brother, I heard that you admire MacArthur so much that you even changed your name to Douglas MacArthur?"

Douglas covered his arm and forced himself to endure the pain: "Yes."

"No, your name is really Douglas MacArthur?"

Zhou Bo couldn't believe it and couldn't help but confirm it again.

When he saw Douglas nodded again.

He looked at the three people behind him, then turned his head and looked at him like a fool, and said pitifully: "Forget it, let's not kill him, this guy must have a serious brain disease."

"Is that kind of waste also worthy of worship?"

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