The spiritual energy has revived, and all the exercises I compiled have been practiced

Chapter 86: Earth-shaking changes, return home quickly (first order requested)

"Just now, changes occurred in the three major bases in the country. Three huge torrents of spiritual energy surged out at the same time. Liquid spiritual energy also appeared, and the coverage area expanded to dozens of kilometers in one breath!"

"Not only in China, but all the black holes in the world have poured out huge torrents of spiritual energy. Now I really can't hide any news!"

Dong Dingguo smiled bitterly.


Kong Ji was suddenly startled.

He originally thought it was just an accident here in Kusai, but he didn't expect that all the black holes in the world would have accidents like a chain reaction.

I’m afraid it’s no longer possible to hide it now, and the whole world will undergo huge changes.

I don’t know how many people have been nourished by spiritual energy and gained strength.

I'm afraid some superheroes and super villains will really appear, and the social order may collapse.

Especially some Western countries and some weak countries have insufficient control to begin with. Now that the spiritual energy spreads, it will definitely cause chaos, and it may not even be possible for someone to rebel.

Various future scenarios appeared in Kong Ji's mind, as if he had already foreseen the great changes in the world.

"Forget about foreign countries for now, what about the Taishan base? Have you mobilized troops there?"

Kong Ji continued to ask.

Three major domestic bases.

The Kunlun base is located in the mountains of the northwest. It is sparsely populated for a hundred kilometers. There are only a few shepherds, not too many, and the situation can be controlled.

The Qinling base is also deep in the mountains, with only a few small villages around it. Even if the spiritual energy spreads, it can be controlled as long as the army comes forward.

Only Taishan base.

Mount Tai is originally a scenic spot with many tourists all year round. It is located in a prosperous area with at least hundreds of thousands of people in various surrounding towns and villages, including the huge city of TA.

Now that the spiritual energy is spreading, no one knows how many people will gain power from it, and the situation must be controlled as soon as possible.

Delay will lead to change!

"I don't know, the higher ups will be responsible for these things. You can come back now." Dong Dingguo said calmly: "The black hole of Kusai is the top priority. We must find a way to figure out why the mutation occurred here and other areas followed suit. Mutations!"

"Okay! I'll be right back."

After hanging up the phone, Kong Ji immediately turned around and flew back to the camp.

It didn't take long for him to arrive at the camp and immediately fly to the black hole of Kusai.

At this time, the Kusai Black Hole has stopped spewing spiritual energy and has returned to its previous normal state. It is surrounded by people from all over the world, and hundreds of experts and professors are researching around it.

Kong Ji knew at a glance that these people could not produce anything.

Because even in his current state, he couldn't feel anything unusual. Everything was normal in the Kusai Black Hole, as if it didn't exist at all, and the soul and mana could travel freely without any hindrance.

"What's the situation now? Have you found any problems?"

Kong Ji fell from the sky and immediately found Dong Dingguo to ask for the specific reason.


Dong Dingguo shook his head: "The torrent of spiritual energy stopped five minutes ago, and there was nothing abnormal after that."

"So how are the discussions among the various countries going?"

"It's not that good." Dong Dingguo pressed his eyebrows and said irritably: "How can all countries have the intention to discuss it now? Let's clear the snow in front of each other."

"What should we do here in Kusai?"

"Looking at the arrangements above, no matter what, the stakes here are very important. We cannot withdraw our troops at will, but we must send a group of people back." Dong Dingguo waved his hand and then whispered: "Let's not talk about this for now. If you come back now, then Check what happens to the black hole."

"Also, let's see if any new ideas emerge. In any case, let's grab the benefits first."


Kong Ji also remembered the inspiration and immediately looked around.

Unfortunately, even if he mobilized his magic power, he could not find a new idea.

"It seems that no new inspiration has appeared in this torrent of spiritual energy. It is likely that the inspiration will only appear when a new black hole is generated."

After searching to no avail, Kong Ji went to the Kusai Black Hole to observe carefully and conduct experiments.

"Any changes?"


"Same as before, nothing unusual can be seen."

"The instruments couldn't detect any changes either."

"Then why the sudden burst of spiritual energy?"

"have no idea."

Experts from various countries were talking around.

Kong Ji listened to some of them, and the results were similar.

Since he reached the magic realm, his soul has become stronger and learning foreign languages ​​has become easier.

In daily communication, I have already become familiar with the foreign languages ​​​​of many countries.

Now when I hear these experts talking, there is no language barrier.

"It seems that experts from all over the world have not found any clues. I have used magic power to detect it. It should be because I am not in the realm, so I can't find out why."

Kong Ji thought to himself.

If he hadn't just witnessed it with his own eyes, he would have thought nothing happened.

Walked to Dong Dingguo again.

At this time Dong Dingguo was answering the phone.

"Copy that, everything will follow the organization's arrangements!"

After hanging up the phone, Dong Dingguo called five people: Kong Ji, Fang Qiuchan, Liu Tianbing, Zhang Zhaoyang, and Zhou Bo.

"There has been a big change in the country. I have received instructions from my superiors. Zhou Bo, you stay with me in Kusai. The other four will lead their own teams and return to the country quickly. They will each return to the base to deal with the next big change."

"The special plane will arrive at the nearest airport tomorrow and we will return home together."

Kong Ji had been mentally prepared for a long time. He knew that if something big happened this time, he would definitely have to return to China. No matter how important Kusai was, he had to ensure domestic security first.

He didn't miss it.

Kusai's life was hard, and he was abroad, so he wanted to go back to China.

It was just that Kusai was the only one who had liquid spiritual energy before, which was enough to support his current cultivation of the magic realm, so he didn't go back to China.

Now that the spiritual energy has been obtained, and liquid spiritual energy has appeared in China, there will be no problem.


The four of them agreed.

That night, they rested and prepared. The next morning, dozens of cars poured out of the camp. At this moment of great change, it was obvious that all countries had to dispatch a group of elite troops back to China.

In the car.

Several people chatted with each other.

Zhang Zhaoyang sighed: "This time, the spiritual energy flood incident, Douyin, Weibo and other software, are full of videos uploaded by netizens spontaneously. Fortunately, Kunlun Base is not crowded, so it can still be stable."

"It's you two who are so good."

Zhang Zhaoyang shook his head repeatedly.

Liu Tianbing heard this and said, "Actually, the Qinling base is fine. Fang Qiuchan, you may be really busy this time!"

"The Taishan base is the real big trouble!"

Fang Qiuchan heard this and smiled helplessly.

She was holding a smart phone in her hand at this time, located in Tai'an, and it was showing a short video screen.

The video was obviously shot with a mobile phone hiding in front of the window at home.

At the same time, a man's voice came from the video.

"Brothers, I don't know what happened!"

Scrolling down, there is another video of a woman eating a box lunch and taking a selfie on the steps of the Taishan tourist area.

In the picture, there are cordons everywhere, and the whole line is blocked.

The female voice said: "I came out for a trip, it was fine, but now I can't go back!"

Scroll again.

"Fuck, I woke up this morning and found that I became bald and stronger!"

"Let me tell you something you may not believe. Tomorrow the school organizes a physical test for high jump. I tried it at home by myself, and I broke the world record!"

Various videos came out, it was just a riot of demons.

I started slacking off and working hard in the afternoon, and finally finished the fifth update. Please give me a first order. The better the data, the more confident I will be!

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