The composition of Chuanshu Administration is more like a high-dimensional AI. The thinking logic of robots can calculate everything in the world, but they cannot understand human emotions.

Book wearers are basically people who die before they have reached the end of their lives, and their biggest appeal is to live. This kind of huge motivation for their own sake can lead them to move forward, and it can also make robots feel at ease.

Mankind only asks for these: life, money, status, love.

Only love is the most difficult to understand, because the subject of feelings is not oneself. It is very difficult for robots to believe in things that humans are connected with intangible feelings.

"The huge demand that supports your presence here is Jiang Shining, why?" the robot asked.

Mu Chi was silent.

"She is very important to me." He said, "No matter what the price, I am willing to help her."

"Why?" the robot asked again.

Muchi was very smart. Although he couldn't understand where he was due to the limitations of the times, he knew that he had to convince the strange thing in front of him.

Mu Chi was silent for a while, he lowered his head and said softly, "I like her."

This is the first time he has admitted his feelings.

Before the robot could speak, he had raised his head and spoke firmly, "I am willing to die for her, what can you question me?"

Indeed, for human beings, life is the most important.

The robots gathered around again and talked with each other. The Authority exists to protect the balance of all worlds. If Muchi's participation will be beneficial to the mission, they will have no objection.

However, the human mind is the most difficult to control, and the sudden appearance of Mu Chi seems too variable.

After a while, it seemed that the argument had come to an end, and the robot flew back in front of Mu Chi.

"Jiang Shining and the reincarnated life, you can only choose one." The robot said, "If you go back to reincarnate now, in order to make up for your pain in this life, you will be born in a good family in the next life. If you choose her, then you There will be no chance of reincarnation."

"I choose her." Mu Chi said without hesitation.

So the robot told him about Jiang Shining's identity as a book wearer. Only then did Mu Chi suddenly understand why Jiang Shining looked so different. It turned out that she was not a person in this world at all, and her natural thoughts and thoughts were different.

When she heard that she still had a mission for the fourth generation, Mu Chi seemed to finally understand the helplessness in Jiang Shining's eyes at the time.

In order to survive, they are all struggling.

"Let me assist her in completing the task." Mu Chi said seriously.

Rao was a robot, and he also paused.

"Let me remind you, Mr. Mu Chi." The robot said, "We won't let you interrupt the book piercer to do the task. If you want to participate in the task, you must keep Jiang Shining from knowing the whole process, and cooperate with us. identity."

"I know." Mu Chi said lightly, "I don't need to let her know, I just hope she can finish the task quickly and get free."

The robot was silent for a moment, and finally said, "Also, if you forcefully meet Jiang Shining, we will take your lives directly as the mission fails."

"I won't do that." Mu Chi said.

"Also, after the final mission of the fifth world, we will give the book wearer Jiang Shining a new life as agreed." The robot said, "but we will take you back. Do you have any objections?"

"No." Mu Chi said lightly.

The robots looked at each other. They detected that Mu Chi's determination and sincerity had not changed at all, and only then reluctantly believed that this man actually regarded the book wearer more importantly than his own life.

In this regard, Mu Chi jumped from a character in the world to a book wearer, and was trained by robots in the space, allowing him to make up for the level of knowledge that he was trapped by the times.

Modern people accept the future and the past well, but this does not mean that the ancients will immediately accept the future. The two difficulties are different. Therefore, after Mu Chi was instilled with a huge new worldview, the robot kicked him into the world where Jiang Shining is currently, overhead the Republic of China world.

Mu Chi's new identity was also Huo, named Huo Chuan, and he was a child of an ordinary family. The task the robot gave him was to become Chen Tanliang's adjutant. When Jiang Shining couldn't take care of it, he would take care of Chen Tanliang and prevent him from running away.

However, it was too early for him to enter the world. Chen Tanliang is only five years old now, and Mu Chi's age of his identity is sixteen years old. Chen Tanliang had to wait at least ten years before he could go to the battlefield. In other words, during this period, there is no task.

The robot was afraid that he, as an ancient person, would not be able to adapt to other times, so he let him out of the habit more than ten years in advance.

Moreover, so many years is a long time for humans. Muchi has not met Jiang Shining for more than ten years. If his willpower becomes weak, the robots can stop the loss in time and terminate the next task.

In this way, Mu Chi received a new life indirectly. For him, even though the world of the Republic of China is a bit turbulent, as an ordinary person sometimes lives very hard, but it is much better than in ancient times. At least this world is free, even though the high class can still crush the low class, but at least human life has meaning and no longer can only be practiced by the emperor as in ancient times.

For more than ten years of free life, it is very difficult for an ordinary person to remember his original intention. Time can always obliterate everything. How many people can remember the injuries and hardships they suffered ten years ago? Even the death of a loved one can wipe away most of the pain and sorrow in ten years.

Therefore, this kind of task that has to be performed for ten years or even decades at a time must be given to the most determined book wearer. Many book wearers lost themselves in the simulation mission for a long time, because those decades of time were too difficult to stick to, and there were several decades to follow. After the task is done, you may have enough to live.

However, neither Jiang Shining nor Mu Chi are ordinary people. Jiang Shining was able to go on in such a long and torturing task, and get the best high score every time, and Mu Chi was the same.

The sudden freedom and new life are precious to him, but they cannot shake his faith.

Muchi didn't enjoy life. After he came to this world for a few months to adapt, he resumed the training method he had in his previous life to exercise his skills.

Three years later, the 19-year-old Huo Chuan joined the army of Marshal Chen Jiacheng, and followed Chen Jiacheng with his troops. In fact, although Chen Jiacheng is a commander, most of the soldiers are very watery except for an elite battalion by himself. Some of them are sick and addicts. Those who come here to mess around will become a confession as soon as they go on the battlefield.

As a shadow guard, Mu Chi was used to desperately, and in the eyes of others, he seemed to be stunned. He was quickly remembered by Chen Jiacheng's direct subordinates, and after discovering that Mu Chi was so capable of daring to die, Mu Chi was transferred to Chen Jiacheng's elite camp.

A year later, Muchi, who was only in his early twenties, stood out in the elite company and was promoted to deputy company commander. After several wars, Chen Jiacheng quickly discovered Mu Chi, a good seed. Although he was very pedantic towards women and family and had problems with his personal life, he was still a good player on the battlefield.

Chen Jiacheng admired this young man very much, but Huo Chuan was too young to be promoted anymore, so Chen Jiacheng asked his subordinates to pay attention to him.

Three years later, the entire elite camp had been convinced by Mu Chi, and he had never seen such a powerful young man who was not afraid of death and had a resourceful mind. There was even one time when a warlord fought and the enemy led Chen Jiacheng's subordinates into a trap. When everyone was hopeless, Mu Chi calmly commanded the troops and tried to break out.

Chen Jiacheng was extremely satisfied, and brought the 23-year-old Mu Chi to his side. Everyone could see that the handsome man liked this young man.

"Marshal, if I didn't know you, I thought I was going to be unemployed." Once, Chen Jiacheng's adjutant said with a smile.

Indeed, Huo Chuan is like becoming Chen Jiacheng's second adjutant. There are many villains who are not convinced.

Chen Jiacheng snorted, holding his cigar, triumphant.

"My son will take my class in a few years, and I have to make him a confidant."

The subordinates who heard this were all speechless, Chen Tanliang was only twelve years old, and his dad was already planning for him in ten years, and he really thought far enough. Moreover, the normal warlord boss wanted to sit for a few more years, and had been addicted to the emperor, but Chen Jiacheng was also willing to be in power.

But also, it took such a long time to train a person, Chen Jiacheng can rest assured to give him to his son.

Chen Jiacheng has led Huo Chuan in this way for several years, and other people have also understood that this is the confidant of the future marshal, and they all flatter him.

Chen Jiacheng really appreciates Mu Chi very much. Mu Chi is not only capable, silent but pragmatic, but also very accustomed. He never went to smoky places with other soldiers.

Chen Jiacheng thinks that Mu Chi is his mother's talent.

Once Chen Jiacheng even said that Muchi was not born well. If he was also born in a rich family or a warlord's house, he would be a good successor.

Mu Chi's compliments to him were all plain. Although Chen Jiacheng is kind to him, this local marshal is the husband of Jiang Shining's role in this life. Although Chen Jiacheng is innocent and a good person, Muchi can't give him too much affection.

In particular, Mu Chi heard from others that Chen Jiacheng had offended people. It was his eldest wife who helped to stop the shot. Fortunately, no one died, but unfortunately the eldest wife was paralyzed in the lower half of her body.

That lady Jiang Yiru, isn't it just Jiang Shining?

Mu Chi really wanted to kill Chen Jiacheng with a shot. He didn't want to talk to Chen Jiacheng for a long time. Fortunately, Chen Jiacheng himself was upset. Muchi was very cold except for doing things, so Chen Jiacheng didn't notice his abnormality.

The past two years have passed, and Mu Chi found that Chen Jiacheng's arrogant and arrogant character had a lot of restraint, and he was no longer as annoying as he used to be.

When Chen Tanliang was fifteen years old, he became interested in Chen Jiacheng's troops. Chen Jiacheng pushed the boat along the water and introduced Mu Chi to him. Sometimes Chen Tanliang came to the barracks to hang out with Mu Chi with him.

This young boy is good-looking, has a good personality, and is gentle and polite to everyone, unlike Chen Jiacheng's son. I want to know who taught it.

Chen Tanliang is the eldest son and a young commander. He should have been coaxed and loved by everyone to grow up. However, Chen Tanliang has a calm personality and is much more mature than the average fifteen-year-old young master. There will be a curious light inside, making people think that he is still a child.

Mu Chi liked Chen Tanliang very much because he had a good personality and was Jiang Shining's son. He could see Jiang Shining's shadow in him.

Chen Jiacheng and Chen Tanliang seemed to be indifferent because of Jiang Shining's paralysis a few years ago. Chen Tanliang and Mu Chi got along very well. Every time he came to the barracks, he didn't see his dad, so he called Huo Chuan by name. Chen Jia was also very busy. He was badly injured in a battle with the hero two years ago. Now it is time to regain his power. He didn't have a chance to accompany Chen Tanliang, so he handed it all over to Mu Chi.

Mu Chi taught Chen Tanliang how to shoot, understand all kinds of guns/weapons, told him how they used to fight in battles when they sent troops and the ambushes they encountered, and occasionally took him to hunt outside the city. Chen Tanliang admires him very much, especially when he is injured, Mu Chi will not cry and apologize for his negligence like others treat him as fragile. Mu Chi will tell him that it is normal for a man to be injured. strong.

For Chen Tanliang, Mu Chi is also a teacher and friend, and sometimes is like a father. Before Chen Tanliang was ten years old, Chen Jiacheng was always a demon, either in war or outside, and hardly had a family. After ten years old, Chen Jiacheng became calm because of Jiang Shining's affairs, but Chen Tanliang couldn't forgive him, and the relationship between the two became cold.

It wasn't until Chen Tanliang met Mu Chi at the age of fifteen that some things that should have been taught by his father to his son were finally taught to him by Mu Chi's hand.

Chen Tanliang was precocious because of his mother. Sometimes he didn't want to tell Jiang Shining to worry about the difficulties and things he couldn't understand, and he couldn't talk to Chen Jiacheng. After he got acquainted with Mu Chi, he occasionally complained to him like a teenager.

In fact, some of the difficulties that Chen Tanliang encountered and the things he couldn't think of seemed a bit too naive and ridiculous for Mu Chi who was unable to grasp even life and death. However, Mu Chi had never thought about it this way. He had been quietly listening and occasionally expressing his own suggestions, which was enough to make Chen Tanliang happy.

The reason for Chen Jia’s cost is to hope that Chen Tanliang will gradually contact the army and wait until he is twenty-three or four years old before giving him real military power. However, Chen Jiacheng has passed middle age, and his energy and body are not as good as before. Leading a career.

No way, when Chen Tanliang was seventeen years old, he followed behind the troops, wandering around the battlefield with others, feeling the atmosphere.

When Chen Tanliang was eighteen years old, Chen Jiacheng gave him a military uniform, and he did not lose the name of a young marshal, and soon revealed his talent as a leader. Chen Tanliang is becoming more and more mature and stable, but at a young age he has vaguely possessed a leadership temperament.

In fact, he had a vague hunch in his heart. His mother was paralyzed, and his father was obviously weak at some point. He is the eldest son, so he must appear calmer. Chen Tanliang knew very well that if Chen Jiacheng fell, he would have no leader as soon as the commander's mansion took over the servants and the female family members and the additional troops. He must be on top.

After the age of eighteen, Chen Jiacheng began to bring Chen Tanliang to the battlefield himself, and Mu Chi also officially became Chen Tanliang's adjutant.

When Chen Tanliang was 19 years old, the situation became bad, foreign enemies invaded, and his equipment and combat awareness were not comparable to ordinary bandits and bandits. Chen Jiacheng obviously didn't want his son to lead the army, but he had no choice. He himself was unable to lead his troops, and after the commander's troops were the unarmed people of Winter City.

After the father and son argued for a while, it was finally decided that Chen Tanliang led his troops to respond to the enemy, and Chen Jiacheng led his troops to defend the formation in the rear and the side.

Chen Jiacheng specially found Mu Chi. When Mu was late, he saw that Chen Jiacheng was still holding his favorite big cigar, but it was obvious that Chen Jiacheng was old and was no longer the high-spirited man of the year.

The lawlessness of a few years ago ceased, Chen Jiacheng sighed tiredly and vicissitudes of life.

"You help me watch Chen Tanliang more." Chen Jiacheng said. He seemed to want to ask a lot of things, but the man hesitated to say something, and finally only said, "Bring him back intact."

"I will." Mu Chi said.

Chen Jiacheng nodded.

"You help me go back to the marshal's mansion to get a gun." Chen Jiacheng said, "It's in the desk in my study room. I want to give it to Tan Liang."

Mu Chi's heart jumped wildly.

He only heard the three words of the Grand Marshal's Mansion.

Will he still have a chance to see her in his life?


Muchi came to the Grand Marshal's Mansion and was warmly welcomed by the soldiers stationed inside. They all knew that he was the celebrity in front of the marshal and the marshal. When Chen Tanliang became the marshal in the future, he was equivalent to the second master, so they all came to flatter.

Mu Chi dispelled everyone with a cold eye. He is a confidant, so no one has any objection to his entry. Muchi stepped across the threshold, his gaze swept towards the old mansion of the Marshal Mansion, and he saw every pot of flowers, every tile...

This is where Jiang Shining stayed in her second life?

After entering the gate, Mu Chi walked in from the side, and he slowly walked through the corridor to the inner courtyard.

He saw a wheelchair parked under the tree in the courtyard with the entrance on his back. The woman with her hair in the wheelchair seemed to be lowering her head to read a book. The cheongsam-style stand-up collar showed a small white back of her neck.

Seeing that thin back, Mu Chi's footsteps stopped, as if he could no longer move forward.

The wind was blowing and the leaves were rustling, and the woman under the tree was reading the book quietly.

Everything seems to be just right.

Mu Chi was a little surprised, Jiang Shining, who hadn't seen him in 14 years, made everything in front of him seem like a dream.

At this moment, the woman suddenly began to cough, and it was louder than ever. Mu Chi's brain was in a trance, but he had already subconsciously walked over. Jiang Shining bowed her head and coughed for a long time, and her entire internal organs seemed to be burning.

She finally calmed down, raised her head, but was stunned.

A strange man in a military uniform stood in front of her. He seemed to want to reach out to help Jiang Shining, but he caught her gaze unexpectedly and took two steps back awkwardly.

"Madam!" At this time, the maid had already ran over with her cloak and medicine. She was a little confused when she saw the situation in front of her.

Jiang Shining only thought he was Chen Jiacheng's person, and now he is going to fight foreign enemies, and the troops often travel to and from the commander's mansion.

She smiled gently, and said gently, "It's a raw face. I'm Jiang Yiru, are you?"

Jiang Shining's appearance has changed a lot. She is not as beautiful as she was in her previous life, but more like an ordinary woman. She seems to be a bit old too, after all, she is over thirty years old and is sick all the time.

But in Mu Chi's eyes, she was Jiang Shining. Her eyes, her temperament, everything about her are exactly the same as before. She was still alive, but she looked dyingly ill and short-lived.

Mu Chi almost shed tears for some reason, he lowered his head to cover up, and said softly, "In Xia Huochuan."

Jiang Shining was helped by the maid to put on clothes and took medicine before leaning on the wheelchair again. The maid was afraid that they had business affairs, so she took the things and left after taking the medicine.

Jiang Shining looked at him, and then said softly, "I heard Tan Liang mentioned you, are you his adjutant?"

"Yes." Mu Chi whispered, "I'll get something for the marshal."

Jiang Shining nodded.

For a time, the two were speechless.

Only then did Mu Chi realize in a daze that although he had always missed Jiang Shining before, meeting him now is so difficult. He was quite afraid that he would show his feet and let Jiang Shining recognize that the two of them failed in their mission together.

He planned to find an excuse to leave, and Jiang Shining spoke at this moment.

"Huo Chuan, Tan Liang will ask you to take care of it." She said softly.

When Mu Chi heard her say this, his heart softened. He knelt down on one knee beside Jiang Shining's wheelchair, and said solemnly, "Don't worry."

Jiang Shining was startled, then smiled lightly, and almost subconsciously reached out and touched his hair.

When she closed her hand, she said apologetically, "Sorry, I was a little bit abrupt. It's just that you reminded me of an old person and didn't hold back for a while."

At this moment, I don't know why Mu Chi's heart suddenly calmed down. He also smiled and stood up.

"It's okay," he said, "I'm going to work now."

Jiang Shining nodded.

Mu Chi turned around and heard her say again, "Huo Chuan, you and Tan Liang are going to come back alive."

Mu Chi didn't answer, he gritted his teeth and left quickly.

Jiang Shining lied to him once when he died. This time, he didn't agree to her. Isn't it excuseable?

Mu Chi took the hand/gun back to the barracks and gave it to Chen Jiacheng. When he set off on the expedition the next morning, Mu Chi saw that this gun was beside Chen Tanliang's waist, and he smiled.


"Yeah." Chen Tanliang has always had a bad relationship with Chen Jiacheng. At this moment, after receiving his father's gift, he was awkward and didn't want to say more.

Mu Chi smiled.

Chen Tanliang went out to lead troops to respond to the enemy, and joined forces with other local troops. The warlords and local troops who had been fighting in a mess all joined hands to meet the foreign enemy. The battle was very difficult. Four months passed in a flash.

Chen Tanliang's growth in this battlefield is advancing by leaps and bounds. After the difficulties have been overcome, his childishness has disappeared completely and he has become a qualified soldier.

He has just grown up.

Mu Chi himself had suffered so much, and he never felt anything. But he felt sorry for Chen Tanliang, he felt that he was still a child.

The young and promising marshal returned home with his first victory, but he was greeted by the news of his mother's death. It turned out that Jiang Shining had passed away a month ago. Chen Jiacheng was afraid of shaking Chen Tanliang's heart and concealed the matter. Chen Tanliang did not even catch up with Jiang Yi to be buried as follows.

Chen Tanliang returned to the house angrily to find Chen Jiacheng to settle the accounts, but found that after four months of not seeing him, Chen Jiacheng's appearance and spirit were obviously much older. Mu Chi can clearly see his grief, but Chen Jiacheng hides his grief in front of Chen Tanliang, still showing what Chen Tanliang hates most.

Chen Tanliang had a big quarrel and accused Chen Jiacheng of all this, and the two finally broke up.

Chen Jiacheng’s previous worries were correct. He did not tell Chen Tanliang that his mother had passed away, because Chen Tanliang fell down after learning about it. His high spirits and plans for his future disappeared at this moment.

"It's not just him, but me," Chen Tanliang said to Mu Chi, "I didn't protect my mother."

Muchi did not agree with his ideas, especially the self-blame of the young marshal has seriously affected his life.

But the enemy's offensive would not be stopped because of all this. After a month, Chen Tanliang had to return to the front line. The war distracted most of his attention, and it seemed that Chen Tanliang was no longer so negative, which made Mu Chi breathe a sigh of relief.

But then, Mu Chi realized that it was wrong. It was obvious that Chen Tanliang didn't care much about his own life and death. He just hung himself with a breath of responsibility.

The enemy army did not take advantage of him twice and three times. He went back to take Chen Tanliang as a key research point and made a new combat plan. Chen Tanliang and his troops were caught off guard and the troops were cut into three points. However, Chen Tanliang and Mu Chi were trapped in an encirclement, and they failed to break through the encirclement several times.

Everyone was anxious and panicked, only Chen Tanliang seemed so steady and indifferent--no, he was not steady at all, but a kind of real peace.

Perhaps, to die on the frontline of national salvation as a combat hero is a perfect way to die.

Because in fact, Chen Tanliang hates all this, he hates his identity. He felt that it was not only Chen Jiacheng who killed his mother, but also because the rules of this era still oppress and exploit such women as Jiang Yiru. He didn't like his status as a young marshal at all. As the party with vested interests, he even hated himself very much.

The days in the encirclement were very difficult. Chen Tanliang and Mu Chi took them in the makeshift command shed. When they set out on the expedition, their brand-new military uniforms had long turned into an earthy color. There was less and less food to eat, and the rest of the people came more and more. Less.

The enemy hasn't attacked fiercely. Mu Chi knew that the enemy was waiting for them to collapse. They might want to capture Chen Tanliang alive.

Although Chen Tanliang was actively planning a breakthrough method with his subordinates, when the outsider left, he raised his eyes and he didn't even have a chance to survive.

Mu Chi knew that Chen Tanliang would be finished like this. He punched Chen Tanliang fiercely and pulled him by the collar to make him sober, but Chen Tanliang let him do it, but just stared at him motionlessly.

"The little family can't be guarded, how can I defend the country?" Chen Tanliang murmured, "When I was young, I wanted to leave the Marshal's Mansion and show off my ambition. I didn't regret it until the death of my mother."

"Your mother is gone, but what about the others?" Mu Chi said painfully, "Your sister, your aunt, your father, the people of Winter City - all are behind you. There is a great river and mountains under your feet. Is it meaningless? If you give up hope, who will protect them? You have experienced the pain of losing your loved ones, are you willing to let them suffer again?"

Chen Tanliang looked at him blankly, calmly disappearing from Chen Tanliang's eyes, he fell to the ground, choked up like a young man, "Huo Chuan, my heart hurts."

Mu Chi squatted in front of him, holding Chen Tanliang's young face in both hands, and said cruelly,

"It hurts, and the foreigners must be cleared out of the borders to hurt again!"

There were only a few hundred soldiers left beside Chen Tanliang.

Chen Tanliang didn't know that all the soldiers and the remaining generals had colluded up and down. They knew that it was impossible for everyone to go out alive, so the final death order was to **** Chen Tanliang away.

Even if only one person can stand out from the encirclement, that person must be Chen Tanliang.

When Chen Tanliang discussed with the other officers, they decided to break through on both sides. In fact, the group of soldiers who Chen Tanliang was absent was the bait. They were responsible for attracting firepower so that others could **** Chen Tanliang away. Except Chen Tanliang, everyone knew the truth, but no one complained, not even the remaining soldiers. They all knew that their death was innocent, but the marshal died, and there was no commander to resist the enemy.

At night, the official breakout began.

The remaining soldiers rushed to the west with only 60% of the remaining weapons, while Chen Tanliang and others broke through the east with the remaining weapons.

Chen Tanliang felt wrong when he was halfway there. The gunshots rang out from the west, it didn't seem like the original plan for a secret breakthrough. But at this point, he couldn't help it anymore. The group of people made a surprise attack while moving forward at night, and was attracted by most of the firepower from the west, giving them hope of fleeing.

Before dawn, they finally broke through the encirclement, and Chen Tanliang had more than one hundred subordinates around him, but only twenty were left. They immediately let the pigeons pass the book, and after breaking through the encirclement and running for a long distance, they looked for a place to hide and rest on the other side.

Unexpectedly, it was bad luck and encountered another team of patrolling enemies who were talking in bird language. Although the numbers of the two parties were similar, Chen Tanliang had almost run out of ammunition and food. Even though he was ambush in advance, he still lost a few talents after a bitter battle. Its annihilation team.

The good thing is that they have made up ammunition/pills. The bad thing is that they still let the opponent fire two shots when they do it, which is likely to be noticed by the enemy who is still searching in the encirclement.

Sure enough, within twenty minutes, a small group of enemy troops chased him, and Chen Tanliang and others began another fierce battle. They evacuated as they fought, Chen Tanliang concentrated on it. Until the enemy in front of him began to retreat inexplicably, and the sound of horseshoes and wheels came from behind them, Chen Tanliang turned his head and was overjoyed.

"Reinforcements are coming--!"

At this moment, Chen Tanliang's body was suddenly pushed to a skew, and then, he heard a man's muffled sound in his ears. Chen Tanliang turned his head and saw that Huo Chuan's face was bloodless. He was shocked and almost subconsciously raised his hand and shot. He accurately killed an enemy who was ambushing in front of him. The others immediately rushed up, only Chen Tanliang turned and hugged him. Mu Chi.

Mu Chi breathed gently, blood flowing down his chest, soaking his military uniform. Chen Tanliang was at a loss. He used his hand to plug his blood in a daze, but he rubbed his hands full and couldn't stop it. Seeing Mu Chi's face getting paler and paler, Chen Tanliang raised his head and gritted his teeth to look around.

"Military doctor! Military doctor--!" he roared.

"Don't shout, Tan Liang." Mu Chi said calmly. The survival of human beings made him work hard to absorb increasingly thinner oxygen, and the feeling of dying was uncomfortable.

He slowed down, and then said, "Remember, be calm, pay attention to details, and think more on the battlefield..."

"I don't listen." Chen Tanliang bent over, he covered Mu Chi's wound in vain, and muttered, "If you help me pay attention to this, I don't need to listen, you don't need to talk anymore, wait for the military doctor to come..."

Cold tears dripped on Mu Chi's chest, he sighed slightly, and weakly stretched out his hand to gently caress Chen Tanliang's cheek.

"Tan Liang, you have to know that people will always be different from that day." Mu Chi murmured softly, "Whether it is the person you love or the person you hate, sooner or later will leave you. There is a lonely road, it is destined to be only You are walking alone. But even so—" Mu Chi coughed a few times with blood in his throat, then said hoarsely, "Even so, you have to live, even for the land you love. , For your mother..."

His hand dropped slowly, but was held by Chen Tanliang. The young marshal, who had not fallen a tear since learning of his mother's death, finally started crying like a child.

"I promise you, I promise you everything, I will never give up hope again, please..." Chen Tanliang held his hand tightly and choked, "You don't want to leave me like your mother, OK? When you get rid of the enemy, you have to go hunting with me..."

The military doctor squatted aside and whispered, "Marshal, Adjutant Huo is dead, you are sorry..."

Twenty-year-old Chen Tanliang didn't want to live.

As a commander in a special period, some growth is destined to be infused with blood and life and death.

Chen Tanliang carried the responsibility of all the lives sacrificed in this escape to himself. From then on, there was a calm and powerful young marshal in the world, but Chen Tanliang was missing.

Even if he loses a lot, Chen Tanliang still has no way to reconcile with Chen Jiacheng. Until more than ten years later, Chen Jiacheng also passed away. Chen Tanliang sat in front of his tomb in a daze for a day, rubbing the hand/gun that Chen Jiacheng gave him.

For so many years, until the death of his most hated father, Chen Tanliang realized that he still loved him in his heart.

He began to think with afterthought whether he was too unsympathetic towards Chen Jiacheng. But after so many years, people are dead, what use can this be?

When Chen Tanliang guarded the country all his life, Mu Chi still followed Jiang Shining's steps to other worlds. In every world, there are traces of Mu Chi's participation. It's just that in some worlds, he didn't even have a chance to meet Jiang Shining.

But Mu Chi knew that she was there, which seemed to be enough.

Countless decades passed, Mu Chi stepped on the doomsday world and finally came to Jiang Shining's last world.

He became an ordinary member of the survivors, and followed Jiang Shining with others.

In this world where order has collapsed, people who are bound by the times and rules can finally untie the shackles and show their fighters.

The true power is gender-neutral. Jiang Shining easily became the leader of one of the survivors, with a little girl who was mutated by the radiation of a weapon. She was here like a fish in water, it was the easiest time Mu Chi had ever seen her.

The survivors were very convinced of her, but actually hated Guoguo extremely. They all think she is a monster, and sooner or later, letting a monster mix with humans will suffer bad luck.

Once Jiang Shining took some people out to find supplies, but did not return for half a month. The others had to evacuate to another shelter as planned. Some of them tacitly wanted to take this opportunity to get rid of the fruit. Before leaving, they tricked Guoguo into an underground waterway with complex terrain that was about to collapse.

When Mu Chi found her, the fluffy Guoguo was crying while trying to find a way out.

Jiang Shining's children, regardless of gender and age, are very tough.

It took Muchi a lot of effort to convince Guoguo to trust him. He took her hand and walked outside. Guoguo was only nine years old, jumping like a little girl, as if she had countless problems.

"Why aren't you afraid of Guoguo?"

"Guoguo is Guoguo, why should you be afraid?" Mu Chi said gently.

"But there are a lot of survivor uncles who want to pluck Guoguo's hairs." Guoguo said aggrievedly, "that hurts."

"Your mother will take care of them." Mu Chi comforted her.

Guo Guo was very happy, she could feel whether other people were sincere to her, and Mu Chi was very honest.

Muchi is in charge of the way forward, and the body has mutated so the very powerful Guoguo is responsible for solving the enemy. The two actually saw Jiang Shining on the way to the refuge. It turned out that Jiang Shining didn't see Guoguo at the new location, so he immediately realized something and looked for them in the opposite direction.

After the reunion, Jiang Shining hugged Guoguo and looked up at the silent man she had never noticed.

"Thank you for this matter."

"It's okay, it should be done." Mu Chi said calmly.

Jiang Shining had already contacted the largest survivor base, but she didn't expect these people under her to be so cruel and cruel, Jiang Shining had decided not to take these people who would take revenge and gratitude to leave.

The three of them headed towards the tallest building in the ruined city, and the connected helicopter would arrive in forty minutes. But I didn’t expect the zombie tide to come two hours earlier than usual, just short

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