A few days later, at 4:30 in the morning, Qiao Huaize, who had only finished class the night before and rushed back from S City, quietly opened the door of the villa.

When Qiao Huaize came back from the outside, the air was fresh and there was a bit of early spring cold. As soon as he entered the house, he immediately smelled a muddy smell. Qiao Huaize frowned. His first reaction was that there was a fire at home, but there was no one who lived here waiting for him. How could he not even know that it was on fire?

At this moment, Qiao Huaize heard a crackling sound from the kitchen. He walked towards the inside and saw a familiar figure from the back in the kitchen, immersed in the kitchen, not knowing what he was doing.

"Chen Tanliang, what are you doing so early?" Qiao Huaize asked.

Chen Tanliang stood upright. He turned his head and breathed heavily. Qiao Huaize felt that he had faintly seen a cat with exploded fur.

"Cook, rice." Chen Tanliang gritted his teeth and said.

Qiao Huaize walked into the open kitchen. He looked up and saw that there was a piece of paste in the pot, and there were several black unidentified objects on the plate.

"Do you still have any research on chemistry?" Qiao Huaize raised his eyebrows.

"..." Chen Tanliang felt that he was being laughed at, he asked in a broken jar, "Do you know how to cook?"

"If I can cook, I won't go to cultivating immortals." Qiao Huaize said calmly.

It really makes sense!

Chen Tanliang knew that the person he should ask the most was Jing Yuan. After all, as an emperor coaxed and raised, he could learn to cook. There must be something he could teach in it.

However, when he thought of Chu Jingyuan's incomparably flat face, Chen Tanliang gave up this idea. He didn't want to go to Jing Xuan either. If Jing Yuan knew about his secretly going to Jing Xuan, he would have to be laughed at.

"Would you like to try it?"

Chen Tanliang handed the recipe to Qiao Huaize. Qiao Huaize took it over and looked at it, and Chen Tanliang looked at him as well.

"This recipe is particularly difficult. What do you say is the difference between'a little','a little', and'appropriate'?" Chen Tanliang was still complaining about it.

Then, he saw that Qiao Huaize really started to try. Qiao Huaize scraped the sticky pot in the sink and put it back. The vegetables and meat that Chen Tanliang just cut are still left. While watching the recipe, Qiao Huaize pours oil into the pot, grabs the vegetables and puts them in, and adds seasonings...

Chen Tanliang was waiting for him to fail so that he could spit out with him, but he didn't expect that after dozens of seconds, there was a fragrance coming from him? ?

Qiao Huaize completed the recipe procedure, turn off the heat and pour the dishes. The dish that Qiao Huaize put on the plate was at least average, except that the pot was not cleaned and stained with some squishy black pieces.

Chen Tanliang took a bite and tasted it. Although it was not as detailed as the recipe, it was originally a home-cooked dish. It was the first time that Qiao Huaize made it. This taste can already be eaten directly.

Chen Tanliang looked at Qiao Huaize suspiciously.

"Have you really cooked vegetables before?"

Qiao Huaize shook his head calmly.

"Then why--you have no use to weigh, how could you..." Chen Tanliang squatted, "How did you do it?"

Qiao Huaize looked at Chen Tanliang sympathetically.

"I am an ancient person, and I am also an ancient person in the world of cultivating immortals. Grasping and boiling medicine is the basic skill." He said, "I use a scale to know how many grams and what weight I am holding, accurate to a decimal point."

"Then... when is the seasoning? How about a little more and a little more?"

"Hand feeling problem." Qiao Huaize was extremely calm, "How can I boil medicine if the hand feels bad?"

Chen Tanliang is completely speechless, is he a modern person to bully him?

"Could it be that the two of them learned how to cook like this?" Chen Tanliang muttered to himself, comforting himself, "Maybe this is a must-have skill for every ancient person..."

"It's not." Qiao Huaize said, "The two of them are royal children. They probably haven't been in the kitchen for a lifetime, so they probably won't have this kind of experience."


"It may be a talent problem."

Qiao Huaize hit Chen Tanliang's eyes wide with a few words, without responding. Qiao Huaize finished the blow, and then reached out and patted Chen Tanliang on the shoulder.

"come on."

Chen Tanliang: I hate it.

At 6 o'clock in the morning, Jing Yuan woke up, and he yanked open the door of his room.

"Chen Tanliang! You are endless, my house is full of smoke, I thought I was going to soar!"

Chen Tanliang didn't care about him, still trying in the kitchen.

As Jing Yuan walked over, he raised the volume, "How did you make the anti-paste pot of five thousand seven hundred yuan into a paste pot?!"

"Shut up!" Chen Tanliang's hair was messy, and he gritted his teeth, already feeling annoyed into anger.

"Okay, you can get out of the way quickly. You clean up all the chopping boards and tables and make breakfast."

Jing Yuan pushed Chen Tanliang away, and Chen Tanliang was pushed aside. His dark eyes were straight and stagnant, looking aggrieved and infinitely low.

"What's the matter with you?" Jing Xuan also came to the kitchen at this time, and saw Chen Tanliang low in the corner.

"Pretend to be hit and you can't escape cleaning." Jing Yuan said unsympathly.

Chen Tanliang suddenly became angry, and the most annoying thing was that he hadn't even been able to refute it. I can only come over to wash the dishes with a whole body of anger. This battered black bus was difficult and annoying to wash. The more I washed, the more I felt wronged. Chen Tanliang washed two of them and threw them in the sink.

"Don't wash it, I'll buy a new one!" he said arrogantly, "I have a black card!"

Jing Yuan: "..."

What a great roar with a black card?

Is there a black card that can turn into a clean and good plate for breakfast in three minutes?

"You have the money. Would you like to buy an automatic dishwasher?" Jing Yuan was still laughing happily. "Otherwise, the cooperation between Shengge Group and the plate seller will be able to provide you with fresh plates every day."

Chen Tanliang has never been so wronged since he was a child.

What did he fail to do? When I was a child, I was spoiled by a whole handsome mansion and my teacher. I learned what it was like. I stayed at home with my mother when I wanted to read. When I wanted to lead the army, my father led him to the barracks. As soon as I entered, I was respected and hardly beaten. Overcome the defeat.

When they were young, Chen Ruozhi and Chen Ruozhi had never suffered. They were rescued by charity organizations because of their parents' domestic violence. When they were young, they grew up in different host families, so naturally they were no better than their own homes, so they must have been wronged. However, both brothers and sisters have the memories of adults, so those memories that are very scary and painful for children have no psychological shadows for them.

Therefore, this is indeed really because Chen Tanliang was really wronged so much. For a week in a row, I got up early every day to practice and didn't get any better. Chu Jingyuan was still talking cool words next to him.

Jing Xuan watched Chen Tanliang's mood not right, Jing Yuan was still talking about lotus flowers next to him, and made a set of complaints. If he didn't stop him, he could write a poem about Chen Tanliang's frying pan.

Jing Xuan reached out and grabbed Chen Tanliang’s shoulders, pushed him down at the dining table not far from the open kitchen, and then comforted him, “I’m tired of practicing these two days? It’s okay. Just a few dishes. I’ll just wash them. ."

At the same time, both of them heard the crooked poem about Chen Tanliang's cooking made by Jing Yuan in the open kitchen read out.

Jing Xuan:...

Fortunately, his brother was the emperor in his previous life. If it is a bandit or a child of a wealthy family, it may be a villain like a rogue.

Chen Tanliang was accustomed to, and when he was doing it, he was in the same upright posture as the Standard Army, but when he heard Jing Yuan's crooked poem, Chen Tanliang pursed the corner of his mouth. The edges of the young man's eyes were red.

He died, the emperor is going to cry his handsome!

Jing Xuan hurried back to the kitchen and pointed his fingers at Jing Yuan, telling him to stop talking. Chen Tanliang's upright character is too simple compared to people like Jing Yuan.

Jing Yuan was so happy, he was stunned by Jing Xuan. When he looked back subconsciously, he saw Chen Tanliang sitting at the table, his body was straight, his eyes were red, his eyelashes were hanging down, and his lips were gently pressed. Good-looking baby is bullied and sad alone.


Just as Jing Yuan wanted to say something to invigorate the atmosphere, he heard Jiang Shining's voice sound.

"Tan Liang, what's the matter?"

Chen Tanliang didn't speak, but just sat motionless, eyelashes hanging down. Pursing lips. Jiang Shining bent down and gently touched his face, Chen Tanliang also said nothing. Jiang Shining stood up straight, she looked at the only two people beside Chen Tanliang, Jing Yuan and Jing Xuan——

Jiang Shining's gaze was fixed on Chu Jingyuan, she narrowed her eyes slightly, and said dangerously, "Chu Jingyuan?"

A hellish demon's voice sounded, and Jing Yuan smiled wryly.


Suddenly what Jiang Shining said when he beat him with the whip rang in his mind. If there is anything more to these people, she will look for him!

If he was beaten again because of this, it would be worthless!

Jing Yuan panicked and heard Chen Tanliang suddenly speak.

"It has nothing to do with him." Chen Tanliang said in a low voice, "I...I can't learn how to cook, I feel a little bad."

I cried myself because I couldn't learn something. This thing sounds pretty much like Chen Tanliang can do it. Jiang Shining retracted the death ray and gently touched Chen Tanliang's head.

"It's okay, Tan Liang. If you can't learn it, you won't learn it." She said, "Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. There is no perfect person in this world."

As she was talking, her cell phone rang, and it was a certain agent who wanted to ask the artist for a temporary change in the itinerary. Jiang Shining touched Chen Tanliang's head again before going to the living room to answer the phone.

Jing Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, he came to Chen Tanliang, bent down, thought for a while, and smiled nicely.

"Thank you, this is my fault, I..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Tanliang had already turned his head and stopped seeing him.

"Don't hide, hey,"

Jing Yuan followed his gaze to the other side again, unexpectedly Chen Tanliang turned his head to the side with red eyes.

Jing Yuan continued to turn with him, and Chen Tanliang stood up, without looking at Jing Yuan, went into the kitchen and Jing Xuan to wash the dishes.

Jing Yuan stood up slowly, his head felt a little bigger.

Chen Tanliang, this guy is twenty-eight years old, is he really angry like a child?

Is this a real thing?

Chu·Emperor·Straight man·Jing·This life will only threaten people·Never coax people·Only others coax him·Yuan suddenly fell into a huge distress.

——How can I comfort an upright young marshal who has the heart of a glass boy? Urgent, online, etc.: (

The author has something to say: Jing Yuan: The fame of the first generation was ruined, and the disaster came out of the mouth...

Chen Tanliang: Qi Cheng expression pack: (


Suddenly found that the comments under the article have become daily hahahahaha

But who knows that I used to be a writer who dreamed of writing serious literature? (No) Everyone is here hahahaha is it forcing me to transform to write daily sand glyphs: ([The handsome and crying crying]

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