Jing Yuan originally thought that Chen Tanliang forced him and Guoguo milk to have a solid evidence, this time it was always Chen Tanliang's turn to be unlucky?

He looked at Jiang Shining expectantly, and Jiang Shining raised his eyes to Chen Tanliang.

She sighed softly.

"Tan Liang, if you want to drink AD calcium milk, buy it yourself, don't steal the fruit."

"I was wrong." Chen Tanliang said sincerely, "Guoguo, I will pay you a box today, okay?"

"Good!" Guoguo was very happy.

Then, everyone started to have breakfast happily.

……This thing just passed?

Jing Yuan was a little skeptical of life.

He couldn't help but think about his life like this. He felt that Jiang Shining was too partial, as if Chen Tanliang and Qiao Huaize were born, and he picked them up.

No, he was picked up originally!

Jing Yuan was even more depressed.

Before leaving the house, Jing Yuan was wearing a tie in front of the mirror. Chen Tanliang came over and snorted in his ear.

"I will learn how to cook soon, you wait!" Chen Tanliang announced.

Then, he turned to the right in a standard way, and left arrogantly.

Jing Yuan's fingers froze on his tie, he looked at himself in the mirror and sighed deeply.

... Chen Tanliang is simply too boring! ! He actually took cooking as a challenge and a business to learn first. Moreover, he also gave Jing Yuan two or three battles very seriously.

He never wanted to talk to Chen Tanliang anymore, his heart was so tired.

Jing Yuan drove to work, thinking about life along the way.

Once upon a time, he Chu Jingyuan was a dangerous wild wolf on the ice field, and a cheetah in the dark night, a fearsome existence. How come you get into this state of being bullied by others inexplicably?

Could it be that modern life is too comfortable, so he has degenerated from the wolf king to a husky?

No, no, no, he has to regain his domineering power as an emperor.

Jing Yuan made up his mind, even his eyes were sharp.

Buzzing——At this moment, his mobile phone rang, and it was Jiang Shining who sent the message.

[Mother Master: I apologize for buying some food for Guoguo when I come back in the evening. 】

Jing Yuan kept his cold expression and quickly returned the message.

[Okay, my dear mother. 】

Putting down the phone, just when the red light turned green, Jing Yuan continued to drive towards his bodyguard company.

A new day starts with a brand new devil training!

Jing Yuan's mood improved. He went outside the factory, parked the car, and walked in through the front door.

Before he even got inside, he heard a scream.

"Instructor, please, let us go-you are training bodyguards, not special soldiers!"

"I think you have to have that kind of quality in training special forces." Chen Tanliang said in a cold voice, "Speak without giving a report. The whole group has a hundred leapfrogs!"

There was a scream in the training room.

This is the end of Jingyuan's beautiful new day.

Oh, why did he forget that Chen Tanliang will come to work with him today.

Chen Tanliang was training students. He came earlier than Jing Yuan. At this moment, he had changed into a black uniform, with long black combat trousers pierced into black boots, and even the whistle hanging in front of the uniform was gray and black.

No wonder the students call him Yan Luo secretly, which is too vivid.

At this moment, except for the five-person team C who is being punished for leapfrogging, everyone else is bowing their heads and doing one-handed push-ups. It hasn't been twenty minutes for Chen Tanliang to go online, and the rested students have already dripped on the ground in front of them. Sweat.

Chen Tanliang was standing among these students doing push-ups, but he felt like he stood out from the crowd.

Chu Jingyuan walked quietly behind his hands, Chen Tanliang just turned his back to him, and didn't see it. Jing Yuan approached him silently, and then kicked Chen Tanliang on the waist.

Chen Tanliang staggered, he turned his head and saw that Chu Jingyuan was fleeing the scene.

Chen Tanliang's face turned black, "Wang Musen!"

Chu Jingyuan successfully escaped, and the silent training room only echoed with Chen Tanliang's roar.

After a while, I didn't know which student was ‘poof’ and couldn’t help but laugh. Then, several students lowered their heads and trembled their shoulders—seeing Chen Tanliang being kicked, their hearts fell so fast!

Immediately afterwards, the air-conditioning in the room seemed to drop.

"Is it funny?" Chen Tanliang sneered.

No one spoke, shivering.

I don’t know which horrible student said in a low voice, "Hi!"

The voice seemed so crisp in the silent room.

Everyone couldn't help laughing. After a few laughs, they suddenly remembered their safety, and then gradually silenced.

What kind of soldier is really what kind of soldier. All of these students are as rude and unreliable as Chu Jingyuan!

"Excellent." Chen Tanliang exuded black energy, and he sneered, "Since you are so strong, I promise that you won't even be able to cry by night."

Oh, no!


After Jing Yuan retaliated against Chen Tanliang, his mood opened up a lot.

He had just entered his office when his cell phone rang-when he picked it up, it was still an overseas call.

It was none other than Jing Yuan’s old acquaintance who called him, Jack, his subordinate when he was in the border of M country in his entire life. If Jingyuan is the boss, then Jack is the second.

Jing Yuan was not surprised. Because after Chen Tanliang went to Shengge Group, it also meant that he could start the special multinational company he thought of. Jing Yuan asked Jack, who was far away in M ​​country, to pay attention to news about senior bodyguards, special hires/soldiers and other industries.

Calculating the time, it is time for Jack to call him.

As soon as the call was connected, Jack's familiar M foreign language rang.

"Boss, I have investigated a few things during this period. I think that if you want to intervene and change into an employment company, it will be very marketable."

"Of course I know there is a market." Jing Yuan said lazily. "The key is not to break the law, to harm civilians, or to do bad things with employers. These requirements are too difficult, aren't they?"

"In fact, it can be achieved." Jack said, "Do you know about multinational rescue companies?"

Um? Jing Yuan became more energetic. At this moment, an angry Chen Tanliang pushed the door and walked in. Just about to blame Chu Jingyuan, he saw Ge Youtan leaning on the back of the boss's chair, and Jing Yuan dangling with his legs folded. Flicked his finger to indicate that he was making a call.

Chen Tanliang was almost mad, but he was not the kind of impolite person, so he could only leaned against the wall with his arms around his chest, and called Jing Yuan while staring at him.

"You continue." Jing Yuan said.

"Multinational rescue companies can be regarded as a neutral organization, accepting civilians and official tasks from countries and countries. It focuses on saving people, and natural disasters can be involved, such as small kidnappers crisis, medium-to-disaster rescue, and large-scale rescue in war zones. Civilians are in charge." Jack said, "As long as the company is certified, it will have access priority in all countries, but this kind of organization is generally more common in war-torn areas or small countries, and large countries have sufficient armaments themselves."

Jing Yuan asked in a focused manner, "The state's official list is ignored. How can the civilians afford the weapons and vehicles used in transnational operations?"

"So this kind of rescue company can be regarded as a luxury expense." Jack said, "Nowadays, many wealthy families around the world will pay in advance to sign protection agreements with rescue companies to ensure that family members are quickly rescued when they are in danger. From my point of view, boss, this is very marketable in country M, and there are far more rich people who are afraid of death than companies that can provide services at present."

This is an entry point.

Jing Yuan himself didn't care much about the black, black and white, but he couldn't do it now. He has a family, so he can no longer touch those dangerous things.

Jing Yuan hung up the phone and then looked at Chen Tanliang.

Chen Tanliang just heard half of it vaguely, seeming to understand but not understanding, and then said, "What's the matter?"

Chu Jingyuan told Chen Tanliang about the whole thing, and Chen Tanliang's eyes lit up.

"This is feasible. It can make money and entertain your spare time, allowing you to spend your excess energy outside."

"Why are you so awkward?" Jing Yuan was dissatisfied.

"Isn't it?" Chen Tanliang said, "If you have been wild enough outside, you can be quiet when you go home and think less about others."

Jing Yuan didn't bother to care about him.

Chen Tanliang was also good-tempered, and the effort of making a phone call made him forget about being kicked by Jing Yuan. At this time, he frowned slightly and was a little worried.

"This company is good, but it's not that easy for you to do it."

In fact, if you think about it carefully, it is much harder to start an international rescue company than to start a bodyguard company or a simple employment company. The rescue company’s requirements are more stringent, and it requires space, personnel, and armaments...everything is too difficult and too difficult, not to mention that the company is in a state of losing money before the first business comes, and it will get in a lot first. money. The risk level is even higher than starting a company.

"Then take your time." Jing Yuan narrowed his eyes lightly and sneered. "Otherwise, I would really give these vase stars a lifetime security? A waste of talent and resources."

"You can't say that, don't forget, Mom is also in this circle." Chen Tanliang said, "and it's much easier for you to make celebrity money."

This is true. For international rescue and bodyguards for celebrities, most people will choose the latter, earning more and being safe. But there are people who are not free to contribute to world peace.

Thinking of this, Chen Tanliang's gaze towards Jing Yuan was also milder, and he gave him a look of approval.

"Tell me if you need it!" Chen Tanliang said eagerly when he thought of contributing to the rescue of civilians, "I can let my dad be your first customer and give you financial support!"

"You can let the boss go." Chu Jingyuan rolled his eyes.

"Hey, I can use the black card to buy you a tank as an opening gift."

"No, I don't need it." Jing Yuan said, "but speaking of it, I really have something special."

"What do you need?" Chen Tanliang said seriously, "rest assured, I can buy whatever you want, as long as this matter is good for mankind."

"I still want to raise a cat." Jing Yuan touched his chin, he thought, "A cat can heal humans, is it good for humans?"

The author has something to say: Jing Yuan: I used to be a wolf king. Not only did I have to maintain the territory and prevent foreign wolves from invading, but also to grab my own wolf bottom to ensure safety. I am so arrogant and arrogant, and now.................. the feeling of being domesticated is so delicious! !


Because this article is casual and daily, and the population is large, everyone has also seen that everyone has their own sand sculpture cough. I mean career lines and drama (Japanese) (constant) love lines, so it is probably written in turn, so yesterday Today is the two long-strand Jiangzi, I might change someone else tomorrow... The main reason is that some babies don’t like the two, so let’s say it in advance.=3=I try to have the same appearance rate of the moths.

Of course, don’t take the poor young and old together...


There may not be a double update today. I went to see The Wandering Earth. It’s super beautiful.

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