In addition to discussing economic accidents, the purpose of the chamber of commerce is to protect the interests of businessmen.

Through Cui run's help, Feng Tingting learns that Qian Lao is really not simple.

His son is the Minister of the Ministry of household, official worship is the third grade, and the capital of the chamber of commerce is also his chair, can be said to be a super big man.

As for why he came to Yunqing Town, it was his hometown, and he was willing to spend his life here.

However, Feng Tingting is a little worried.

Since Qian's son is the Hubu servant, he naturally knows Cui run.

Will she be admitted to the chamber of Commerce because of Cui run's relationship?

She looked at Cui run suspiciously, Cui run quickly waved her hand.

"I'm right about everything. It's all your ability. Besides, there are two ways for government and business. Collusion between officials and businessmen is strictly prohibited by laws and regulations. It's also the pressure from the head to come to Qian's hometown."

Listening to Cui run's words, Feng Tingting is very proud.

As for her theories, they are left to be played in modern times, and they are just displayed in front of these ancient people.

Since entering the chamber of Commerce yesterday, Feng Tingting has more and more things on hand.

From some rules and regulations of the chamber of Commerce to those who want to sign land contracts, she is busy to death.

At the moment, the two people get along, or Feng Tingting picked out from lunch.

After eating, he went to the chamber of Commerce in a hurry to participate in the project.

The price rise of rice and official salt mentioned last time is still a real thing, and it is also the most worried of all rice shop managers.

As the price goes up, the cost will increase. In addition, the transportation cost will obviously increase by two times.

However, no matter whether the price increases or remains unchanged, it is a loss making business for the merchants.

"Mr. Qian, most of the rice is stored by the merchants in the county. Our town can't get so much rice. If we don't increase the price, the only consequence is that the rice warehouses will be empty."

Old Qian frowned and looked at Feng Tingting: "Tingni son, what good method do you have?"

Feng Tingting, who was named, was very nervous. She didn't know how to answer.

Her ability is limited to her own field, which is beyond the outline.

"Mr. Qian, I'm not proficient in the rice business, and I don't know how much the grain price is outside. I really can't help it."

"In the past, the market price of a stone of rice was one or two silver, but now the price of frying outside is five liang of silver."

Feng Tingting roughly converted it.

This stone is 100 Jin of rice, that is to say, the daily regular price is ten Wen, one jin of rice, equivalent to two yuan per kilogram of rice.

But now ordinary rice is fried to 52.1 stone, that is to say, 50 Wen a jin of rice!

Think of the most expensive imported fragrant rice in the modern supermarket, not to mention ordinary rice, which is not worth 10 yuan a catty!

Think about Feng Guangzong's monthly income is only 50 Wen, let alone those who can't earn so much in a month.

"The purchase price has already exceeded 20 Wen / kg, plus the freight, it is normal to raise the price to 50 Liang, but..."

"But fifty Wen a catty of rice, even if the rich would not buy it."

Feng Tingting held her chin and pondered for a long time and said, "it's better that we make less money, how about lowering the price of grain?"

Looking at the shopkeepers, Qian asked, "what do you think?"

"Money old, the purchase price plus freight, even if you make less money, you have to pay 20 or 30 Wen a catty of rice, otherwise you have to do business at a loss."

Naturally, businessmen should not trade at a loss because of their heavy interest in profits. In addition, when there is not enough food, they should not only ensure their profits, but also ensure that the granary will not be empty.

For a while, the problem could not be solved, and everyone in the chamber of Commerce was very serious.

Suddenly, Feng Tingting thought of the real estate.

"I have a way, I don't know if it's feasible or not?"

Shopkeepers in front of a bright, money old also came to interest: "and say to listen to."

Therefore, Feng Tingting talked about the real estate theory of buying high and not low, which is just able to match the current grain price.

Now the price of grain is still high, and no one can predict whether it will rise or fall later.

Since the merchants want to make profits and ensure that the granary is enough to last until the end of the year, this method is undoubtedly the most advantageous.

"We should make effective use of the people's mentality of coveting small profits, overcome this difficulty, and then send people to various counties to explore the reasons for the high food prices and make plans."

After all, this is the method of modern real estate. For the ancient people without the concept of real estate, it is indeed too advanced.

It's normal that they can't laugh at it for a while.

"If you don't think it's feasible, you can think of other ways."

"That's a good way!" Old Qian took the lead to react, "buy high not buy low, you can think of it."

Feng Tingting did not expect that old Qian would agree with this idea."But fifty Wen is quite high. Let's make a compromise and change it to 25 Wen. Before that, let's send out the news to let the people know the market price of other places. In this way, they won't think that the twenty-five Wen will be high."

"Well, that's it!"

Later, Qian asked people to follow Feng Tingting's method.

Those shopkeepers are actually skeptical, but they can only implement Qian's words.

The town was small, and the news spread quickly, and the rice shops closed one after another, which made the people panic.

Many people went to other towns to buy, which confirmed the rise in food prices.

The high price of 50 Wen, let alone ordinary people, is not willing to buy even the rich.

Cui run also got news from other places that the price of grain was high, and many rice shops were smashed and robbed by people with intentions.

Especially in the county, it's a mess.

The next day, the chamber of Commerce held a meeting again and said the current situation, which is roughly the same as Cui run said.

At this time, the people have been in a hurry, Feng Tingting proposed to open the warehouse to release grain, and limit the purchase at half price.

At that time, all the shops went home one after another, which greatly touched the discount. In a short period of two hours, all the rice shops in the town were sold out on the same day.

On the second day and the third day, the purchase restriction method was still adopted.

And the old man Qian came forward to explain the problem of grain reserves, so that the people would not be blind enough to lead to waste.

There are not many grain reserves in Yunqing Town, but due to the use of limited purchase method, the grain reserve is still enough to maintain the next reserve.

When the people saw that the granary was sufficient, they no longer prepared goods blindly.

In other places in the looting time, only Yunqing town still live their own life.

For the merchants of rice shops, they have made more money than they used to.

People in the chamber of Commerce admire Feng Tingting for these shoes.

Especially old Qian, looking at Feng Tingting's eyes is more and more friendly.

This day, Mr. Qian called Feng Tingting alone.

Feng Tingting's heart that uneasy, but also with small expectations.

"Tingni Zi, do you want to go to lingdu

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