As Feng Tingting expected, the next day after the Hongmen banquet, there were often fresh faces wandering around the shop.

In that case, think about it with your toes, and you will know that there is no good intention.

Thanks to Feng Tingting, they made preparations on the same day. In addition, all the details of the list of principals were added. After two or three days, all the things were sent back and then closed.

On the day of closing, the shop was stolen.

But fortunately, all the things have been sent back, valuable things have been placed in a good place, as for those smashed are only counterfeits.

Of course, Feng Tingting would not say it was a fake.

The next day, she went to the shop with Cui run. The good neighbors reported the case, and the Yamen officials were also looking for clues in the shop.

Although they had known this for a long time, they still had to pretend to be miserable.

Looking at a messy shop, Feng Tingting's heart still cluttered.

All over the place, there is no place to go. Not only that, those delicate containers, but also some pallets have been destroyed, and none of them is good.

Although these are counterfeit goods, but those containers are all custom-made at a high price. Feng Tingting is so painful that she looks at the silver flowing out of her hand!

Seeing Feng Tingting's grief stricken expression, Cui run reaches out and hugs her in her arms to comfort her.

"I knew I had taken the container." Feng Tingting with two people can hear the voice said, but make Cui run can not help but laugh.

"You can earn more if you lose your silver."

"But it's a big loss this time!" Feng Tingting is really distressed.

Cui run didn't say anything, but Feng Tingting made those who did it secretly smile.

"Madam, shopkeeper, we have also investigated this clue and will try our best to give you a result. Of course, I hope you can cooperate more."

He was talking to a captor. He looked upright, and his eyes were clear.

Cui run nodded, as a response, and then took Feng Tingting to the Yamen to cooperate with the investigation.

In the yamen, they once again saw the county magistrate, that wretched middle-aged man had no dog legs that day, a very serious appearance.

But the success in the eyes is not to be ignored.

Cui run took Feng Tingting in his arms and said, "county master, we have no grievances or enmities with others. We know all our friends in the circle. We really can't imagine offending anyone. We have to make our shop look like this."

"Boss Cui, you can take it easy and tell you something about it. However, the people's livelihood in Yunqing county is simple, and it's the first time that this kind of thing has happened, so..."

"Does the master mean that we thieves want to catch thieves?"

"No, no, no!" The county magistrate quickly waved his hand, "I don't mean that, but the location of Yunqing county is special. I'm afraid it's just the envy of those thieves who pass by."

"No matter who it is, if it happens in the county, the county magistrate will give an explanation."

"I'm a local parent official. I'll tell you about it. Please go back with your wife first."

Cui run purses thin lip, also did not have in many words, and Feng Tingting then went back.

But from here on, nightmarish days begin.

From time to time, the Yamen people came to invite them to go there, but there was not much evidence after they went there. In this way, Oubei woke up early in the morning, and then went and came back in a hurry.

After five or six days of struggling, Feng Tingting will be completely collapsed, and the whole person's mood is very low.

Cui run's spirit is OK, but Feng Tingting's net victory is not good. She gets up with her temper and makes them stiff.

The Yamen is so fengtingting. Feng Tingting tortures Cui run, and Cui run naturally points the spearhead at the magistrate of Yamen.

After the Hongmen banquet, Feng Tingting pushed herself and the government house clean. Maybe it was this point that made the county magistrate feel that they were small minions, and tried to force the government out of the rear.

Feng Tingting and Cui run both know that Xiaojiu, the magistrate of the county, will not make him happy, but such a day is not the end.

Even the constable himself was reluctant several times, and secretly told Cui run that there was no solution. The county magistrate was playing with them.

The two are well aware and thank the constable for their kindness, but Feng Tingting insists that Xiao Liang should not interfere.

But they can't help themselves. Even if the county magistrate has only seven grades, it's also an official. Feng Tingting has no way.

On this day, the two people came back from the county government, Feng Tingting collapsed in the soft collapse.

The most painful thing in the world is not death, but mental torture. Feng Tingting, a night owl who goes to bed late and gets up late, gets up early in the morning to stimulate her spirit, which is fatal.

Cui Runshi is deeply distressed. He squats in front of Feng Tingting, holding her small hand and frowning slightly.

"Tingting, you don't have to torture yourself."Feng Tingting's hand was tight and did not speak.

"I know what you're worried about, but I'm not a kid and I can solve some things."

Feng Tingting opened her eyes, looked at Cui run, and pulled the corners of her mouth.

"If you want a seven grade official to be promoted, the people in the government must know that you exist, and it is impossible for an official without any great contribution to be promoted at will. Although it is a word for the government, it is an abuse of power for others. Maybe the royal family will target the government."

She sighed and said, "I know you know these problems, so I don't want you because I use the family relationship. Of course, I don't want you to go back because the government will let you go back if you ask."

"I'm not going back."

"You will." Feng Tingting said three words, then released her hand and fell asleep tired.


Feng Tingting did not speak, and soon spread out a uniform breath.

After that, Cui run left, but not long after he left, Feng Tingting opened her eyes. She took a deep breath, and a line of clear tears slipped down.

Feng Tingting knows that she is selfish and knows Cui run's identity, but she just doesn't want him to go.

She has thought about this issue too many times and has discussed it many times. However, the final conclusion is that Cui Yun should be retained no matter what method is used.

In fact, she can see that Cui run seems to be recovering.

After getting along with each other for a long time, Cui run, who was still naive at that time, began to be more shrewd and more ruthless in his work.

Feng Tingting has seen these things with her own eyes, and also got them from Xiaoya's mouth, but she can treat them as if they didn't happen.

Because that's Cui run, the man who planned for her.

But shiziye is shiziye. He still wants to go back to his golden nest, instead of being a valet and try to follow it.

Feng Tingting takes a deep breath and spits out slowly.

Maybe she should get used to the days without Cui run

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