After more than half a month's sightseeing, the party finally arrived at lingdu.

After entering the city, Feng Tingting finally realized the prosperity of the prosperous age.

If Yunqing county has been regarded as good, then the spirit can not be described by words.

Not to mention the buildings, even the peddlers dressed as well as the rich families in Yunqing county.

Like a girl who has never seen the world, Feng Tingting is very curious about everything around her.

The cost of lingdu is not low. Therefore, Cui run did not look for the Best Inn. Instead, he found a similar four-star hotel and stayed in two Tianzi No.1 rooms.

After eating and drinking, Cui run agreed to take her out for a walk.

This Tianlai inn is on the busy street. After going out, people come and go on the street, and there are all kinds of shops opposite.

Since we want to paint, the first place to go is the bookshop.

Now it's long past the autumn gate. Now the bookstore is also leisure. Feng Tingting is a layman for the four treasures of ancient study.

Even if it is a variety of modern pigments, you know only a little bit. If you want to pick out good things here, the probability is zero.

"Little brother, there are several kinds of propaganda, the quality of which is different in different areas, and the raw propaganda and cooked propaganda are also very different."

Feng Tingting stares at the scholar beside her, blinks her eyes, and turns her head to pick up the brush awkwardly.

"This brush is also divided into several kinds. Different kinds of hair are used differently. Writing and painting are more particular. If you don't mind, I'd like to provide you with some styles."

Feng Tingting frowned and said that there had been shopping guides in ancient times. It's really annoying!

"Young master, let's go." Xiaoya suddenly came forward and stopped the scholar's sight.

Feng Tingting is looking up to see Cui run. She finds that he has disappeared and her face is more and more ugly. She leaves the bookshop in a hurry.

She followed Xiaoya in the lane to a small shop, only to see where the selection of brush Cui run.

Feng Tingting rushed to him, pointing at him and swearing, "good you..."

"I'll explain it to you later." Before Feng Tingting finished, Cui run interrupted her.

After choosing something, Cui run took Feng Tingting to some shops, but these shops were small and there were few things. But the most important thing was that they were exquisite and the price was good. He bought some to compensate himself.

After strolling for a long time, a few people were in a tavern, looking for a corner of the elegant break.

"Ask if you have any questions."

Feng Tingting is immersed in the joy of shopping and has to forget about it. Cui run thinks about her embarrassment just now.

"I was accosted a moment ago. Why didn't you help me as a man, but ran away without taking responsibility?"

Cui run chuckled: "didn't you find that I took you to some remote places, no guests, but the things are pretty good."

Feng Tingting naturally noticed, but thought that many good shops were in these difficult places, so she didn't pay attention to them.

"In fact, the young man who was just in the bookshop was the son of the housekeeper of the government."

Feng Tingting was stunned: "you said that shopping guide No, that scholar is a member of the government, so he knows you

"His name is Cui Hao. I was three years old. I grew up together when I was young. Even if I turned to dust, I would recognize me, so I left."

Now Feng Tingting is worried and asks, "since he knows you, Xiaoya..."

"Madam, don't worry. The maids are not from the government, they are the subordinates trained by the master. Therefore, the people in the government don't know the maids."

Feng Tingting's heart goes up and down. Soon after she came to lingdu, she first met people from the government.

It turns out that Cui run didn't want to save money for her. She came to the inn this day, but the more striking the place was, the people in the government would naturally pay attention to it.

"Don't worry. Tianlai Inn, on the opposite street of the government's government, will not come across under normal circumstances."

Although Cui run said it lightly, Feng Tingting could still see the annoyance in his eyes.

This night, Feng Tingting did not fall asleep.

When I came to lingdu, I wanted to meet people from the government and how to deal with them.

Can really meet, Feng Tingting is flustered.

She is very afraid, the government is the Royal relatives, she is a common people, what fight?

Feng Tingting is really unable to sleep, simply put on a dress to go out.

"Where are you going, madam?"

Feng Tingting didn't answer. She went out to Cui run's house next to her. Before she knocked, the door opened and Cui ran put on a dress.

They looked at each other with a smile.

"You're not asleep, either." Feng Tingting said, looking at Cui run, "don't you invite me in?"

"This time..."

Feng Tingting doesn't care about those ethics. She pushes Cui run into the room and stares at the light bulb.Xiao Liang was a man of insight and went out on his own.

Feng Tingting pushed Cui run to the bed, and Cui run's ears became red again.


"Don't fart!" Feng Tingting forced her to lie down and did nothing.

Cui run was stiff for a while, then relaxed, and then sighed.

This sigh includes helplessness, and a trace of disappointment?

"Why, disappointed?" Feng Tingting smiles and looks at him playfully.

Cui run's face is thin, Feng Tingting's face is even more hot.

"You shouldn't have come," he murmured

"I'm afraid you'll leave me." Feng Tingting said, holding Cui run tightly. She was really afraid.

"I will not go back, even if I go back, it will not be now."

"But Xiao Liang always wanted you to go back. Now that you're back, he'll tell you there."

"I know, and there is a line of government in the vicinity of this inn, but they will not take me back, I am the son of the world, their master."

Feng Tingting's hand is more tight, but after thinking for a while, she releases her hand.

"Just now, I don't know the difference between you and me, but I don't know

Now Cui run is stunned and grabs her hand.

"I will not leave you!"

"Xiaoya has told me for a long time that your grandparents are today's holy aunts, and you are the real Royal relatives. Your mother is also the apple of the eye of the high official's family. I'm just a dog's tail grass on the road, not worthy of your legitimate son."

"I don't want you to talk nonsense. You are my wife. You must marry me all my life."

What Feng Ting wants is in her body.

"I don't want you to think that or leave me, no!"

"I've thought about this for a long time, but I didn't think it would be so early."

With that, Feng Ting sobbed down.

"Runzi, I don't want to be separated from you, but this is the reality. You are the son of a son, and I am a businessman. Royal relatives and nobles will not marry merchants."

Feng Tingting said, gently pushed away Cui run, wiped her tears, got up and got out of bed.

"I'm fine. I'm sleepy. I want to go back to sleep. If you want to go back, just tell me."

With a forced smile, she managed to maintain her self-esteem and returned to her room.

Feng Tingting became a tearful person, crying, then fell asleep

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