Feng Tingting returned to Mei Xianju, and the eyeliner had already disclosed the news, so when he got home, the doctor waited early.

After careful investigation, there is no problem, that is, it is red and swollen, need to apply medicine, rest more, and try not to pull the wound as much as possible.

"Ma'am, at the beginning, I had to follow you. Look at your face. If there is something, what should I do?"

Feng Tingting laughed and said, "I'm not a child."

"It's not a child. Don't forget that you haven't reached the hairpin yet. Even if it's the emperor's talent show, the minimum is 15, so you're a child."

Feng Tingting shook her head helplessly.

"Sometimes you can't get into the blind, but you can't be so clever as the blind."

"I'm back now, aren't I?"

"If you could listen to my servant's words, the face would not be like this. Fortunately, there was no trace left. What would you do if there was a scar?"

Feng Tingting can only sigh when she meets a maid like a housekeeper.

Thinking of this girl that high cold, not much words, things are meticulous.

Now familiar, just found that this girl is also a nagging.

Said to return to say, this girl is still loyal, after helping her with medicine, and the house those sour and spicy food are changed.

"Ma'am, you have to avoid this period of time. You can't bear to endure it."

"Well, well, I know. You should go down and have a rest."

Feng Tingting's ears are almost cocooned, although she knows that Xiaoya is good for her, but after she comes back, the dead girl's mouth has never stopped!

After Xiaoya left, Feng Tingting's ears are quiet.

The original forerunner is gone. Ouch, ouch, keep shouting.

Ask two cheeks are not swollen, how to be different, even eating and speaking will have a great impact.

"Xiaoya is right to scold, I just live to suffer!" Feng Tingting murmured, but things have happened, she can only swallow the pain into the stomach!

"You are the dead shoulder, like your father, you want to face and suffer the pain!" There was a murmur of complaint.

When Feng Tingting was shocked, she saw a dark shadow falling from the eaves.

Or that a green shirt, without that luxurious clothes, is the Cui run that she likes.

The corner of Feng Tingting's mouth just opened, and then she closed.

She can't forget those days when she was in lingdu.

"This mouth is going to pout into the sky. If you want to be angry, you can't make fun of your body." Cui run came over with a smile.

Feng Tingting turns her head and points her butt at him.

"I know you're angry that I didn't look for you, but there are so many things in the house that I can't help for a while. Now I'm free, don't I come right now?"

Feng Tingting chuckled: "you are the son of a prince of the government. I am a common people with flat head. You should go back."

"Still angry?" Cui Yun broke off Feng Tingting's body, raised her chin and looked, "this good face has been killed by yourself."

"I will. Can you control it?" Feng Tingting pulled her face and showed her teeth in pain.

Cui Yun sighed and took out a porcelain box from his arms. The cream body had a faint fragrance.

"I don't need your kindness!" Feng Tingting scolded, but Cui run firmly broke her face and applied the ointment.

"It's a gift from the Queen's mother. It can reduce swelling quickly and leave no trace."

"Thank you, son of a lifetime!"

"Why talk to me in such a tone." Cui run was a little angry, her chin was pinched out a red mark.

"If you don't like to listen, you don't have to stay and be angry with me when you go out and turn left."

Cui run didn't speak any more. After applying the ointment, he put the things aside, got up and went to the door.

"I know you don't want to see me, but I've never forgotten my oath. I'd rather bear the world than Qing."

After that, Cui run opened the door and left.

Feng Tingting opened her mouth, and she felt uncomfortable.

But she can't open her mouth. She can fight with any family, but she doesn't have the power and ability to fight against the royal family!

Even if Qian takes good care of her, you have to die!

"You really don't care about me!"

The door slammed open, Cui run stood in the door angrily, eyes red.

Feng Tingting sipped her mouth, she advised!

Cui run rushed over and hugged Feng Tingting's head and gave it a kiss.

Naturally met her face, Feng Tingting eat pain push away Cui run, but Cui run is under the cruel heart, must let her taste this taste.

For a long time, Cui Runcai let her go.


Feng Tingting hit him hard."You're crazy!"

"I'm not crazy. You're the one who's crazy. What can you do to provoke others? Do you think your good days are not good enough?"

Feng Tingting ignored him.

"Do you have to ignore me all your life? Do you want to see me marry a woman next to me, and then you will react again?"

Feng Tingting glared at him, but soon dropped her eyes.

"Even if you marry someone else, what do you have to do with me?"

Cui run holds Feng Tingting's hand and presses it on his chest.

"Do you feel it? It's for you to beat here. If you marry someone else, I hope you can give me incense in the festival."

"You Feng Tingting quickly covered his mouth, "bah, bah, don't say this disheartened words."

"Are you still angry, or do I have to swear again that you don't look at me so coldly?"

"I've never been angry with you."

"Then why don't you pay attention to me?" Cui Runshi doesn't understand.

"I'm angry with myself, I hate my birth!"

Cui run laughed.

"I envy you. Indeed, many people envy the rich and noble life of their royal relatives and relatives. But you don't know that none of those courtyards can really communicate with each other. You have to stop tightening your head on your belt every day, otherwise you don't know when you will die."


Of course, Feng Tingting knows that the more wealthy people are, the more insidious they are.

Just watching more serials and writing more house plays, Feng Tingting rejected from her heart.

"Do you know why everyone is so particular about the right family?"

Cui run chuckled: "what is the right family, but it is just the exchange of interests!"

Feng Tingting looks at Cui run seriously, sighs and hugs him.

"It's not interests, but only the right families, so that we can not get different views. You have also seen what family, but it is just a family of all people. I am very sad here. If you change into a real high-ranking family, the result can be imagined."

"No!" Cui run hugged her, "I'm here, I won't let anything happen to you."

"I know you're good to me, but can you be with me all the time, can you accurately calculate the schemes of those uncles and aunts, or can you suppress it without defending the honor of the family?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? It won't happen and I won't allow it!"

Feng Tingting couldn't help red eyes.

"I believe you, but I know my temperament. If I enter the government with you, I'm afraid it will bring you all kinds of troubles."

Cui run's face softened and wiped away her tears.

"If you can't handle it, just throw it on me. If you and I are in trouble, no matter how difficult it is, I can solve it, because I know that there is someone here who needs my protection."

"Would you like to give me a chance to guard you?"

Feng Tingting did not speak, but with actual action, but did not kiss, red face first hit.

"It's killing me!"

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