But the excitement returned to excitement, and she still had to pretend under such an occasion. However, the thought that Feng Guangzong would be punished by him made her feel more comfortable.

The funeral rules are complicated. Now that Feng Huilan is away, Feng Tingting is an only daughter. She has to kneel down and kowtow.

It took a lot of effort to make a series.

When the coffin was moved into the grave, it was.

Feng Tingting breathed a sigh of relief and touched the tears from the corner of her eyes. Her mother was also miserable in her life and had not had a good day.

It was not easy to be an official wife, but it accelerated her death!

But it's OK. My parents will be together forever soon.

Feng Tingting is thinking, Xiaoya unknowingly suddenly appears beside her.

"Madame." With a smile in her eyes, Feng Tingting felt better.

"Well, it's over. Let's go back."

After the main Taoist priest finished, he let everyone disperse, and Feng Guangzong quickly handed over a small bag of silver money.

"Wait!" Suddenly, there was a sound in the distance, and then several officers and soldiers ran over.

Feng Tingting knew the constable. She was from the county government before. She was very upright.

"Ya cha?" Feng Guangzong did not understand, "what are you doing here?"

The constable clasped his fist at Feng Guangzong and said in a positive manner: "Lord Feng, letter from lingdu, please go to the county government."

Feng Guangzong's face changed: "Messenger, is there anything important that I haven't dealt with yet?"

"My Lord, what is the matter that your subordinates can't know, and he has indicated that you should go there in person."

Feng Tingting looks at vulnerability and takes a step forward.

"Constable, my mother has just gone to the funeral, and there is no way to deal with the family affairs. Can you make it easy and let the adult wait for a day?"

"Miss Feng, that's an adult from the capital city. The official worships liupin. Even the county magistrate is the first level. How can we make him wait, Lord Feng should follow his subordinates."

According to the truth, Feng Guangzong should go, but since he wants to make him unhappy, Feng Tingting naturally won't let him go.

"Dad, the dead are big. If you want to explain to the adult, you can understand it. Anyway, it's OK to wait one more day."

Although Feng Tingting's words are an explanation, her eyes are looking at the constable.

Her words are very reasonable. No matter how big the emperor is, he is no more than a dead man. As long as the explanation is clear, it will be fine.

But Feng Tingting looks at Feng Guangzong's face is not very good, perhaps because of a guilty heart, or there are more serious problems.

No matter what it is, as long as Feng Guangzong does not go to the county government office, the matter will be solved.

The constable is also very difficult, one is the upper adult, the other is the adult, he is caught in the middle at a loss.

"Constable Zhang, why don't you go back to the Lord first and say that it's the death of Zhongyuan mate in Feng's family. You need to delay for a day, and then you can make amends when everything is over. I don't think it's hard to come."

Constable Zhang looked at them, but he could only do so and left with his men.

The arrival of constable Zhang, like a stone thrown on the calm water, stirred up a layer of ripples.

People's minds are different, and the expression is as rich as it is.

However, everyone knew what occasion it was, and they just put it in their hearts and helped Feng Guangzong finish the final task.

Waiting for people to leave, before Feng Tingting left, Feng Guangzong grabbed her and asked, "what do you really want to do?"

Feng Tingting picked her eyebrows and chuckled: "don't dad know?"

Feng Guangzong frowned and did not speak.

"I want dad, you go to hell!"


The moment before Feng Guangzong slapped down, Feng Tingting was protected by Cui run.

"Feng Guangzong, why did your mother die? Don't think that if you spend money to seal others' mouths, I can't find out. What do you think if I poke this matter into the Imperial Academy or the Hubu?"

"Nonsense, I know you still resent your father for letting you go to make amends, but Dad also has difficulties. You have to understand that now your mother is dead, although we are separated from the relationship, we still have blood relationship. Is it really necessary to ask dad to die?"

"I just want to let you die, let you be buried with your mother!" Feng Tingting roared, "I thought you were greedy, but apart from this, there was nothing else to do, but you shouldn't involve the innocent mother in it. Your fault is two lives!"

"I don't know what you're talking about. There's nothing more to do at home. Let's go."

Feng Guangzong does not admit it, but it doesn't matter. She has evidence. If Feng Guangzong is willing to admit his mistake, she may be forgiven for the sake of blood relationship, but Feng Guangzong does not give her this opportunity.

Feng Tingting looks at Feng Guangzong's back coldly, chuckles and turns away.

Feng Tingting on the carriage closed her eyes and raised her spirits. Cui run didn't say much about it. She went all the way to the county for dinner.As soon as they stayed in bed, they came back and informed the messenger.

Feng Tingting frowned tightly: "that Hubu Shangshu is really brave. He is not afraid to be a ginseng book!"

"If he was afraid, he would not be the Secretary of the Ministry of Hubu. It seems that he and Feng Guangzong are on the same rope. I'm afraid it's not just a son-in-law."

Feng Tingting laughs at herself, some headache and chest tightness.

She once again saw the greatness of power. In modern society, right is not superior, but it also shows the gap between the government and the people.

What's more, in this kind of feudal society, it is the supremacy of power.

She looked at Cui run, if the power of the government, it was absolutely OK, but she did not dare to push Cui run back, nor was she willing to!

"What are you worried about?" Cui runrou asked in a voice, "no matter whether this person is the Secretary of the Ministry of finance, the contents of this letter will not be wrong."

Feng Tingting: why

"you are foolish, the Ministry of household is only a registered residence, the official's office is the Ministry of official management, although the official department and the Ministry of household Shang Shu good, but it can not be mutual cover up, after all, this kind of thing still has to go through the emperor to determine."

When Cui run said this, Feng Tingting understood it. She forgot that even if the officials ganged up and were demoted, they had to be approved by the emperor.

What's more, today's emperor seems to be a man with extremely cruel means.

I'm afraid Feng Guangzong has no room to turn around. It's just a matter of the messenger

"The probability of swap intention is not high, but since it is the selected chess piece, it is estimated that it is to arrange things. But you can rest assured that I will let Xiao Liang prepare for it."

"The government?"

"Since the government has been favored by the emperor, it is natural for the government to select suitable talents for the imperial court and eliminate the demons and monsters."

Cui run said that, but Feng Tingting's excitement was gone.

She also wanted to understand that Feng Guangzong was an official after all, and there was another official to protect him. Naturally, it was impossible to die. At most, he was demoted.

She sighed and went to the guest room without saying much.

It's just that, since others can't rely on themselves!

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