Feng Guangzong didn't know Cui run's identity. His respectful and humble appearance only showed that the old man around him had a good future.

Feng Tingting glanced at the Minister of the Ministry of household, her face changed slightly, but she didn't have a great reaction.

I think so. The third grade officials, what officials have not seen!

It's just that Feng Tingting doesn't understand. What does Cui run want to do?

"Brother Qian, did you really go back to your hometown?" The old man beside Cui run said with a smile, seemingly familiar.

If Feng Tingting didn't know that he was a member of the same Dynasty and had a good relationship.

It is precisely because of the collusion and self-interest that Cui run is familiar with. It must have something to do with the government. Naturally, it is impossible to be good with the Minister of the household department.

Sure enough, the housemaid's face was worse than before. He was very unhappy with the old man's greeting.

Feng Tingting is also quite embarrassed in the middle. She raises her eyes and looks at Cui run, but the other party doesn't look at her, but says something to the old man beside her.

But Feng Guangzong looked at her strangely, which made Feng Tingting very uncomfortable.

"Since you all know each other, it's better to have one." The old man invited Feng Tingting together.

But the Hubu Chamberlain was obviously unwilling.

"You're very kind. I'll discuss important matters with Miss Feng, so I won't disturb you."

Then he grabbed Feng Tingting's arm and walked forward.

Before Feng Tingting had time to struggle, Cui run stopped him first.

"This adult, since you are all old acquaintances, you might as well get together and talk about something you are interested in."

Mr. Qian looked at Cui run carefully, some doubts, and then seemed to understand something. His face turned pale.

It looks like he recognized his real identity.

Even in this case, he is a third grade official also need not give a son of a son of honor.

"I appreciate your kindness. It's just that it's about our money family. I'm afraid it's not convenient for people to say it."

"Is it?" Cui run smiles and looks at Feng Tingting. "If I remember correctly, you've already married and have children. Although the boss Feng is a widow, he doesn't seem to want to be a concubine. It's just the so-called rejection between men and women. What can't we know?"

Cui run said this rather impolite, pointing to the Minister of the Ministry of household and scolding him for abducting good women, even widows.

Although it is a curse, but also with Feng Tingting, she is naturally unhappy, but this time is not easy to attack, just embarrassed smile.

These three people stop here, Feng Tingting and they can't walk past, finally can only enter the elegant room here.

Five people, Feng Tingting, a woman sandwiched between Cui run and Mr. Qian, how embarrassed and how embarrassed.

It's not that she can't talk with Feng Tingting. It's just that all the people present are officials. She is a business at the bottom and has no right to speak.

"Lord Qian, if I hadn't seen you here today, I would have thought your parents had died?"

"Where does general Liu say that?"

"Everyone knows that you, Mr. Qian, are conscientious and highly praised by the emperor. However, this drama is a play after all. The Emperor himself knows all about your money family."

"It turns out that military officers also like women's gossip."

"You don't need to stir me up. I don't want to get involved in your civilian affairs!"

"Don't our civil servants care less about your military officers, jokes!" Lord Qian disliked roaring.

Feng Tingting has seen a lot of films and TV plays about the fact that military officers dislike each other.

Now it's quite interesting to see it with my own eyes.

Add up to more than 100 years old, but like a child like bickering.

Feng Tingting wants to laugh, but she doesn't dare to.

Cui run did not speak, watching two people quarrel.

As for Feng Guangzong, he was the youngest of the four, and naturally he had no words to say.

However, Feng Tingting knows that he has a lot of words.

However, since they have nothing to do with each other, Feng Tingting naturally ignores them.

"Boss Feng is famous in Yunqing. He thought he was a sophisticated man. He didn't expect to be so young and beautiful. It's no wonder that Mr. Qian is interested."

The old general's words suddenly pulled to Feng Tingting, she subconsciously glanced at Cui run, that guy did not have any reaction.

"My fair lady, a gentleman is fond of love. Besides, there is no rule in the law that officials and businessmen can not marry, so the old general doesn't need to meddle in his affairs."

"Lord Qian, if you want to take a concubine, I really can't control it. But if your parents in law and your mother-in-law know that your concubine is a businessman, I'm afraid it's just like you used to make trouble with your family."

The old general grinned very proud, that face, looked at all people heart diaphragm.

Feng Tingting's mouth is really not up, regret death to the restaurant.

And these two people, you come and I go to the mouth gun is not stop, Feng Tingting sit uneasy."That..." Feng Tingting interrupts two people, "my shop still has something to do, leave first."

"What are you going to do, Miss Feng? We still have to discuss our business."

Feng Ting didn't pull her face off.

"Mr. Qian, I have time to discuss things sometimes, but today I'm not the main character."

I don't know what's wrong with the head of the Hubu maid. She just grabs him and doesn't give up. Feng Tingting has no way to look at Cui run, but Cui run still doesn't respond, which makes Feng Tingting feel angry.

Now she has some doubts. Today's restaurant is Cui run's good. Only in this way can she be stopped without mistakes and make this play!

Feng Tingting gritted her teeth, but she didn't care about her face. She slipped out of her sleeve and threw the electric stick at Mr. Qian.

Seeing that she was about to touch, Cui run quickly grasped her hand.

"Mr. Qian, why do you embarrass women as a man? Besides, some of our official affairs are really not suitable for outsiders to hear."

With that, Cui run let go of her hand. When she let go, her hand was too high and let the electric stick slide in along her arm.

Feng Tingting stares at Cui run and bites her back teeth. She is furious.

He quickly pulled back his hand and left in a huff.

After returning to Chuang Tzu, he locked the door directly and covered himself in the quilt. He didn't care what he said!

Angry, angry, really angry!

But Feng Tingting can understand that under such circumstances, if her identity is exposed, it is really easy to find the government from the mouth of the old general.

But Cui run is her man, how can a man not help his own woman!

Not long after, the door was knocked, Feng Tingting as did not hear, draw circle curse.

Suddenly, the quilt was opened and Cui run was lying beside her.

"Get out of here Feng Tingting kicks in Cui run's arms, while someone holds her feet in her arms.

"Angry, I'm helping you."

Feng Tingting sneered: "you think I am a fool, or a fool, are you so kind of a help me?"

"It's true that you are a businessman. It's true that officials and businessmen can get married, and it's true that Qian Da wants to pursue you. Although those words are not pleasant to listen to, they are your life preservers."

"Only when you are belittled will he understand that it is impossible to start with you." Cui Yun sighed, "useful words are always hard to hear, but this is the simplest way."

"Did you know that..."

Cui run did not speak, but lay down with Feng Tingting in her arms.

"I haven't slept for two days. Sleep with me."

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