Love, hot up, can burn people, but once frozen, it can prick people into holes.

For the first time, Feng Tingting regretted falling in love with the people here.

She didn't belong here, but she gambled because of the other party's affection, and the result was that she lost.

Feng Tingting lies on the bed and stares at the picture of the mandarin duck playing in the water on the top of the bed, which is really ironic.

Thinking about the days after they were together, except for the happiest days before, she was the most important piece of chess.

In the name of love, finally in the name of love, let her side except him, there will be no one.

"Feng Tingting, you are a fool, a real fool!"

Feng Tingting cried, burying her face in the quilt, letting her tears soak the soft quilt.

In the early morning of the next day, Feng Tingting removed Mei Xianju and closed the door. Not only that, she also asked the housekeeper to find a notice to recruit servants.

Where is meixianju? It's the richest place in Yunqing town.

All of a sudden, meixianju recruitment before Feng Huilan to pressure down.

It's not that there is any difference between the recruiters, but the content of the recruitment.

Feng Tingting adopts the modern recruitment method of contract workers, of course, including the kind of sales contract, and each of them is very clear.

One of the most intriguing is the internship period.

Where there was any internship period in ancient times, it was a deal that was decided by one hand, but Feng Tingting's modern techniques naturally attracted a large number of people to apply for jobs.

Feng Tingting goes to the chamber of commerce every day, goes to the shops for inspection, and deals with recruitment matters. All of a sudden, she is busy, and all the invitation cards are returned.

And she seemed to think that Cui run would stop her, so every day she went to any shop she wanted, even when she went home was different, let Cui run pounce again and again.

This day, Yunqing ushered in the second heavy snow, Feng Tingting was trapped outside the town, she did not worry, then went to the temple for temporary shelter.

Feng Tingting still ignores Cui Run's ability, and even his eyeliner is here.

Looking at the more people in the room, Feng Tingting just laughs and ignores them directly and does her own thing.

Cui Runshi, who wanted to let Feng Tingting bow his head first, couldn't bear the loneliness. He said, "do you have to make such a fuss with me?"

"Noisy?" Feng Tingting thought for a moment, "this word is not appropriate. I do my business, recruit my people, and your plan has nothing to do with it. It is your business, not mine, to continue."

"I didn't ask about it, but you and me..."

Feng Tingting covers his mouth affectionately and goes into his deep eyes.

"You and I should not have been together from the beginning. Of course, it should be my fault. At the moment of knowing your identity, I was blindfolded by interests and entangled with you, so now I have no words to say when I am used by you."

Cui Yun closed his eyes and said helplessly, "why do you have such an idea?"

"When Xiao Liang came to see you, I heard everything I told you. You recovered your memory very early and pretended not to recover. With me, I could feel your love, so I didn't see through you."

"You plan again and again for me, so I am willing to be a chess piece in your chessboard. I thank you for what you have done for me. I will take it as you have returned my life-saving grace. Let's call it a day."

Cui run mouth a stiff, slowly open eyes, no waves.

"I always thought you knew me best, but in fact, I never saw you clearly."

"If you regret it, you have time."

"I once swore to God that I would never let you down in this life, and this sentence will not be invalid." Cui took a deep breath. "I know you are angry. I don't tell you because I don't want to involve you in politics."

"He Caijun used to be just a whole person. Feng Huilan is nothing, and I don't need to hide anything from you. But now their identities are different. The Court seems peaceful but bloody. I just want to work hard to give you a safe arm."

"But..." Cui run choked for a while, helping forehead way, "my self righteous, but hurt you."

Feng Tingting tightened her hand and did not speak again.

"If you don't want to, it doesn't matter if the game is destroyed. It's for you anyway."

After a sigh, there was no sound in the room.

Feng Tingting turns around and the person has left.

The eye socket can no longer bear the weight of tears and inclines out.

Feng Tingting covers her face and cries silently.

She was sleepless again, standing by the window watching the snow stop and then melt away.

It seems that solid snow, but also can not endure the rise in temperature, become full of holes, just like her, this is not a strong person, even if surrounded by copper walls and iron walls, or the softest one.

The day is bright, Feng Tingting then returned to the town, previously sent out the people also have news.The case is over, and neither of them is guilty.

Feng Tingting was surprised. It was too hasty.

"The slave also felt that it was insidious, but the slave saw the general and the two men called to the backyard, and then even a person came out like nobody else and left one after another."

Feng Tingting is silent and suddenly remembers what Cui run said last night to give up. Is it true?

Or, long-term fishing?

In any case, Feng Tingting feels that she needs to be cautious.

And her caution was good, and the private case was pushed to the top of the waves.

But strange thing, did not mention the content of the case, but all the spearhead against the trial of the case of General Liu.

General Liu is a hot tempered man, who always shouts at the gate of the public hall.

However, his behavior will only have adverse effects. More and more people cry out that officials and officials will protect each other in an attempt to overthrow the control of the old general.

This is what Feng Tingting did not expect.

In modern society, it is a good way to force relevant departments to investigate through public opinion, but it will not overturn.

But now the situation is a little beyond her expectation.

The effect of the government's killing the chicken and warning the monkey was useless. Feng Huilan came out to cry again, saying that she was forced to mediate with he Caijun in private to protect the royal face.

At this moment, it is like adding straw to the fire and burning directly.

At this time, the Qian family suddenly raised a voice, listing he Caijun's many crimes, and one of them was that he coveted his younger sister-in-law and was discovered by his family.

It was too sudden and unexpected.

This makes the Mei Xianju which has been paid more attention to.

Feng Junting has seen a lot of people from his family.

People don't understand or care about politics, but this kind of gossip after dinner is the time of their heart.

No matter how good the business relationship is, it only takes a moment!

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