When Cui run and Feng Tingting argue about whether to have a private chat, the drum in front of the Yamen is sounded.

"I can't escape." Cui run light way.

Feng Guangzong is also in a dilemma. Since he took office, there has been no case or case. Now it is a "big case"!

Feng Guangzong went to the front, but Feng Tingting had no idea.

"What are you afraid of? I'm here. It's OK." Cui run comforts her, but her heart is really uncertain.

Cui run comforts her, and then takes Feng Tingting to the front compartment.

Just in front of the hall, you can see a crack in front of the hall.

"You take it here. I'll be fine."

After that, Cui run turned his head and left.

Although Feng Tingting was worried, she didn't say anything more. Instead, she was attracted by Tong Fenghua and her group.

Tong Fenghua kneels under the hall and tells Cui run's guilt with tears.

"Lord Qingtian, you have to make decisions for my son. The little peddler, a poor man, dare to beat the imperial court's life and death. Now my handsome son is still lying in bed and his life is uncertain."

"Tong Shi, do you have evidence that Cui run beat the imperial court's life officer?"

"Villains are evidence!" A woman knelt down beside Tong Fenghua, "the villain saw that the peddler beat up Lord he, and still beat him to death. He was kind-hearted and didn't fight back at all. He kept talking and discussing, but the little peddler didn't listen to him at all."

"Did you see it alone, or did a lot of people see it in where and when?"

If a series of questions are asked, if they are false, they will speak in a stumbling way. However, the so-called witness not only spoke smoothly, but also did not have any thinking, as if he had already thought about how to say it.

Feng Tingting looks at her father. As expected, Feng Guangzong does not have the appearance of solving doubts.

Although Feng Guangzong was greedy for money, he still had some ability.

Instead of a direct conviction, he asked a lot of people, most of whom said the same thing and answered quickly and positively.

The discerning eye can see that there is a problem, but if it is said to be false, there is no reason to refute the fact that there is no investigation at present.

After a round of questions, Feng Guangzong did not get any useful information, so he planned to withdraw from the court. However, Tong Fenghua did not do it. He cried and even threatened Feng Guangzong!

What kind of person is Feng Guangzong, the most face saving!

Although it was true that he lived by his family, it was the face of he Zhirong. He never looked up to Tong Fenghua.

In this way, she was infuriated by Tong Fenghua and left the court directly.

That group of people will naturally be chased out by the captors.

But when he was angry, Feng Guangzong still photographed the captor to go to Hejia village to investigate, which also made Tong Fenghua, who was ready to shout, shut his mouth.

When the matter is over, Cui run also comes back to the end. Naturally, Feng Tingting is in a hurry to find her father.

In fact, the best way to solve this problem is to let he Caijun come forward to speak. However, since people are "critically ill", they naturally do not want to.

As soon as they met, they sighed.

A worry, a worry, on the contrary, is the appearance of the party who is happy.

"It's a conspiracy from the beginning to the end of this matter. Even if you are investigating, as long as you don't let go and he Caijun doesn't participate, it will only make a big fuss."

Trident stopped and said, "in fact, they are not going to deal with me, but Tingting you."

Feng Tingting was confused and pointed to herself: "me?"

"Although many people know my identity, this is limited to those who know it, Tong Fenghua. They don't know my identity at all, so it's useless to just take me as a peddler and blame me for it."

"Besides, he Caijun has a heart for you and knows that you and I admire each other. If I am hurt, he will have no chance to please you. Therefore, I think for a long time and understand that he really does not know about it."

"As for the witness, as you said before, he was arranged, but the person arranged may be Tong Fenghua."

Feng Tingting thought it over and thought it might be possible.

Tong Fenghua has always disliked their sisters, and Tong Fenghua is very angry, but after the incident, her attitude is also too good, which is very abnormal.

However, Feng Tingting also understands that Tong Fenghua is not a brain, such a plot can not come from her.

"Who do you think will help her?" Cui run asked with a smile.

I'm afraid there is no one in this town.

"In fact, there is a person, but you don't pay attention to it." Cui run seems to have made a clear investigation, so he is not impatient.

Seeing their curiosity, Cui run wrote a name with his fingers.

"He? Why? " Feng Guangzong wondered, "it's not good for him."

"It's called distraction." Feng Tingting sneered, "it's really a dog biting LV Dongbin. I don't know good people's hearts. I helped so well, but I was beaten upside down. It's really good enough. There are too many operas in this family!""So, this is the farce of he family. The mother and the son are just trying to cope with everyone. As for why He Dong wants to do something, only he himself knows."

Cui run is really not concerned about this matter, but since Tong Fenghua was sued, the pressure naturally fell on Feng Guangzong's shoulders.

Whether it is a farce made by any family or not, we must have an understanding.

"Since he knows, what can be done to solve it?" Feng Guangzong had no choice.

Cui run was playing with the teacup, his mouth slightly raised and said, "in fact, it's simple and easy, and it's difficult to be difficult. It depends on whether adults are willing to cooperate."

Feng Guangzong's heart pounded, but he was still very calm.

"Although the son of heaven said, the lower officials naturally cooperated with him."

"Don't worry, you won't lose your black hat. It's just a normal channel to put me in prison."

Feng Tingting's eyes are staring at her.

"Are you crazy? There is no crime at all. What do you want to be put into prison?"

Feng Guangzong was also shocked: "son of a generation, you are in a dilemma."

"He Caijun and He Dong both know my identity. Since he wants to make trouble, he should just make a big noise. Isn't it just going to jail? I've been in the prison of Tian family. What can these ordinary people do?"

Cui run is determined to go to prison, but according to the process, Cui run is already a suspect and has witnesses. As long as we investigate again, if it is confirmed, it is the beginning of confession.

So Feng Guangzong invited Cui run to his cell and chose the cleanest and most partial place.

Of course, when Cui run was put into prison, Feng Tingting also spread the message according to his request.

His father suddenly went to prison. Xiao Liang rushed to the county government office and found Feng Guangzong. When he saw Feng Tingting, he was furious. He didn't care about any woman. He directly beat Feng Tingting out.

Feng Tingting didn't expect this sudden situation. She vomited out a mouthful of thick blood. Her brain just turned around, and her eyes were black and she fainted

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