"Catch the assassin, catch the assassin!"

Meixianju is in disorder, and people are shouting and running to avoid the attack of the man in black.

But those people in black came forward fiercely and cut them down when they saw people. People fled everywhere and died faster.

Feng Huilan, who was woken up, looked at the blood in front of her, and was scared to death.

"What's the pestle doing here? Let's go!" Feng Tingting comes out from behind and pulls Feng Huilan away.

Although the main house is conspicuous, it is also the safest place.

Transferred to a safe place, Feng Huilan has not recovered.

"How can this happen? Who is it?"

Feng Tingting shook her head: "I don't know. Suddenly there's an assassin. Maybe it's business people who look at me badly. In a word, you're safe here. Don't be afraid."

Said Feng Tingting then let the little girl with Feng Huilan into the house, waiting for Feng Huilan to go, saw two or three black shadows flying toward the room.

Feng Tingting's heart was startled, and she ran to her inability. However, it was too late to get to the door. Two or three people in black flew out of the door, and Feng Huilan fell on the ground like a madman.

Most importantly, her face and chest were covered with blood.

"Sister!" Feng Huilan's face is scared white, flustered ground checks her condition, "where was injured?"

"Not me!" Feng Huilan held Feng Huilan tightly and pointed to the inside, "inside Inside... "

Feng Tingting's face turned whiter. She left her and ran inside. When she saw Cui run on the ground, she screamed!

Of course, all of this is false. It was calculated by two people.

Cui run seems to be lying on the ground, and the blood on her body is real, but it's just a skin injury, plus some chicken blood, so it's very scary to watch.

But in fact, Cui rungen had nothing to do, so she winked at the screaming Feng Tingting.

It was just too funny. Feng Tingting just held back the smile and performed her grief incisively and vividly.

She called so, Feng Huilan also came in, Cui run had to lie down again.

"Call the doctor Feng Huilan said anxiously.

But Feng Tingting was so sad that she couldn't hear it. At this time, Xiaoya came with her. Seeing her master like this, she went up to deal with it.

And also let Feng Huilan see Cui run chest bleeding wounds.

After processing, Feng Tingting remembers to ask the servant to call the doctor.

After a while, the doctor came, naturally exaggerating, saying that Feng Tingting had shed all her tears of the year.

Even she admired her acting skills. If she entered the performing arts circle, she might win a prize.

After Cui run's business is finished, Feng Tingting follows Feng Huilan to the compartment.

"Sister, it's useless for you to cry like this. The top priority is to find out the murderer first. If this matter becomes a big trouble, the superior will know. Don't say what the government will do to you. The emperor will definitely let you die!"

Feng Tingting coaxed her eyes, but also had no idea. She sobbed: "what method does that sister have? For such an assassin, half of the gang can't be found for a while, and it's better to have one's own contacts with her father."

"You're right, but it's better to do it earlier, or we'll have to bury many of us."

Feng Huilan is a typical worry about herself. If something happens to Cui run, the government, the emperor and the Empress Dowager will exclude people to deal with them. If not directly, they are indirectly harming Cui run.

Feng Tingting has made a lotus flower at the moment, but she has no idea.

at the moment to investigate the eyeliner and others came to hand also took evidence, is a very exquisite purse.

Feng Tingting took it in her hand and looked over and over. She didn't see why, but she didn't pay attention to Feng Huilan's expression.

Then conveniently handed things to Feng Huilan, but Feng Huilan seemed to get hot potato, some resistance.

"Sister needlework is the best. Take a look at what kind of stitches it is. Maybe you can know where it is sold."

Feng Huilan's face was rather bad, and she laughed awkwardly.

"Sister, what's the matter with you?"

"I..." Feng Huilan couldn't say why, so she had to look at her purse. "It's familiar."

"Yes, my sister is familiar with it, but I can't remember it for a while, but I can always find out."

Feng Tingting took the purse again and threw it to the eyeliner.

"I don't believe that we can't find this person. If the other party can admit his guilt earlier, we will be able to reduce this matter. If we go a little later and the other party refuses to admit it, then we can't blame the government and the emperor for the murders."

Feng Tingting's cruel words made Feng Huilan shiver.

"Sister, what's the matter? I'm scared. I'll call the doctor to have a look."

Feng Tingting hurriedly let the eye line call people, but Feng Huilan pressed down on her, and suddenly kneel down."Tingting, if you still treat me as my sister, can this matter be suppressed?"

Feng Tingting's face was startled and puzzled: "what does sister mean?"

"Promise me first!"

Feng Tingting is very helpless, said: "sister, I want to pressure this thing down, so finding the killer is the first method as soon as possible. After all, it is too long, the eyes of all the officials are here, and the spiritual side will know."

If he doesn't, can he ask for tears

Feng Tingting looks at her and doesn't speak, but Feng Huilan is worried.

Feng Tingting patted her hand and comforted her: "you should get up first and say it slowly. Don't worry. Let's take our time."

Feng Huilan dried up and said, "I made this purse. I made it for a Dong..."

Feng Tingting couldn't help but rise slightly, but she had to pretend to be surprised: "He Dong, how could it be..."

"I know He Dong has always been biased against you for my sake, but I didn't expect that he would deal with shiziye, which I never thought about!"

"Are you sure which building it belongs to, not that he lost it or was robbed?"

Feng Huilan shook her head: "it's impossible. He has been wearing it all the time. He said that even if he died, he would take it with him. How could he lose it?"

Mother Feng Tingting breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked, "maybe he cares too much about you, so even if he lost it, he said he didn't lose it. After all, if he lost it, you would be angry."

"No way!" Feng Huilan retorted, "I know a Dong's friendship for me, and he can't lie to me. That's why I believe it's him who came to assassinate shiziye!"

With that, Feng Huilan began to cry again.

Feng Tingting continued to comfort: "sister, you have been crying. My sister thinks there is something strange about this. He Dong knows the identity of Runzi and assassinates shiziye. It's a crime of beheading. Even if he doesn't do it for himself, he also wants to do it for you. What else can I do for you?"

"My sister thinks, still want to ask He Dong, if it is not him, you doubt so much, the feelings that hard to accumulate will be in vain."

Feng Huilan felt reasonable, but she was afraid.

So Feng Tingting decided to accompany her to Hejia village to confirm that even if she didn't want to, for her own future, she reluctantly agreed.

Feng Tingting is quite familiar with the whole routine. As long as no one intervenes, He Dong will have fun in his life. As for her sister, life and death are just a moment!

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