What He Dong means, on the surface, is that Feng Huilan cheated him. In fact, it means that Feng Huilan did all this because of he Caijun.

All the people present are not fools. Naturally, they can understand the deep meaning.

But after all, this is the matter of the two brothers, Feng Tingting and Cui run can only be regarded as not heard.

He Caijun, after all, is not He Dong. He has a lot of self-discipline and regards those complaints as nonsense.

"Husband and wife, there's nothing you can't go through. After all, you once had children, but now you don't have children, and you will have them in the future. It's no big deal."

"Big brother, what you said is too easy. The person who dares to cheat you is not your wife!"

He Dong seems to be about to break the jar, and his knife like eyes fly to he Caijun.

He Caijun sighed and said, "we are all a family. Why should we make such a mess? Think about mother, she is so old that she can't stand your tossing. What you should do now is to get on well with your sister-in-law and give her a big fat grandson as soon as possible."

"If you don't say your mother is OK, when you say her, I will be angry!"

"From childhood to adulthood, you are the most eccentric mother, followed by he an. In her eyes, I have never existed, and anything good will be given to you two!"

He Dong covered his face, quite disappointed.

"You are the eldest brother. You have good knowledge and should be favored. But I don't understand. He an was only a quarter of an hour earlier than me. Why is his treatment totally different? Is it because of his congenital disease?"

"In fact, it's not because you think I caused he an's illness, and you wish it was me who was sick!"

"What are you talking nonsense? My parents never had such idea. You said that they were partial to ah'an, but did you ever think that when you were a child, you played crazy outside, and he could only stay in the house and drink all kinds of bitter drugs!"

"You think you are very unfair, but you have what you should have. When did you treat you unfairly? Even if you want to marry Feng Huilan, your mother has also agreed. What are you dissatisfied with?"

He Caijun is also a little dissatisfied.

"Go back, don't lose your face. You are a Jinshi now. How can people in the officialdom look at it?"

He Caijun said, walked to Feng Huilan, took out brocade from his arms, and was afraid to hand it over.

"Wipe it, husband and wife. There is no overnight feud."

When he said this, Feng Huilan's tears flowed more fiercely.

Feng Tingting is speechless. No matter what era she is, she always tries to persuade her husband to stay away from her family violence.

If the other party is her good friend, she must say to he Caijun. Unfortunately, the other party is Feng Huilan.

Let's not say that Feng Huilan's heart is not in He Dong. Her aggrieved appearance is just acting.

The more Feng Huilan showed that kind of aggrieved expression, He Dong's face became more and more ugly, and in the end, it had turned black into carbon.

Maybe he Caijun's words played a role, and He Dong took Feng Huilan back to the room.

But later, there was more movement, and Feng Huilan's cry was even greater.

He Caijun wants to take charge of it, but Feng Tingting holds it down.

"How do you manage the affairs of the husband and wife? And just now, He Dong is not satisfied with you. Why should we get into trouble?"

"Am I going to sit back and ignore it like this?" He Caijun shook his head, "ah Dong and a'an are totally opposite in character. Especially when he is angry, Dong does everything."

Feng Tingting chuckled: "if someone dies, it's not good for you. Don't forget, our goal is Feng Huilan, no matter how she is, there is no harm."

He Caijun frowned: "do you want me to sacrifice my brother for a woman?"

"Mr. He, you are a discerning man. You know what He Dong has. Instead of letting him die in the officialdom, you'd better take the reputation of Jinshi all his life."

"You..." He Caijun looks at Feng Tingting and frowns more tightly.

"Mr. He, I can't say anything good. I can only tell the truth."

He Caijun opened his mouth, finally turned into a sigh, and then walked away.

Feng Tingting looks at his back, the corners of her mouth are slightly raised.

He Dong had resentment in his heart before. After being forced down, it is hard to calm down this time.

"Next, we'll just go to the theatre." Cui run said with a light smile.

"Yes, he Caijun has moved his heart of compassion, which is a good opportunity for Feng Huilan. The more she feels aggrieved, the more angry he Dong will be, and the resentment between the two brothers will accumulate."

"When one of them breaks out and ignores the brotherhood, the kinship in he Caijun's heart will also disappear. By then, both sides will be hurt."

"The fisherman will benefit." Feng Tingting takes over the quarrel, two people look at each other with a smile, heart door clear son!

The next thing didn't go on as smoothly as she thought. On the contrary, there was no sound from He Dong.

Not only that, he Caijun there is no news, and even to avoid suspicion, he moved to Yamen.This is what they didn't expect.

Just as Feng Tingting tried to find a way, Feng Huilan suddenly came to her and slapped her.

This also got, Cui run eyes a cold, go forward to start, by Feng Tingting pull.

"You go down first."

Cui run widened his eyes and couldn't believe it, but he left obediently.

"Sit down and speak slowly if you have anything to do."

"Feng Tingting, you said, help me keep the secret, but what's the situation now? Why does he know? Do you not know?"

Feng Huilan roared and raised her hand to fall again. Feng Tingting grabbed her and pushed forward. Feng Huilan didn't expect that she would do it, so she fell unsteadily.

"Look at you, you shrew. You want to be Mrs. he. Don't pee and look for yourself!"

Feng Tingting sneered: "Feng Huilan, you and I live together for a long time, so you don't know me?"

"You are a deep-seated person, who knows what kind of heart you have set in front of you and stabbed at the back."

Feng Tingting is really angry with this idiot. No wonder she was able to look at He Dong before. She was as stupid as ever!

"Don't you think, if I really told he Dong, why did I have to take the trouble to help you before that? Was it because I had enough food or was my brain trapped in the door?"

"What's more, your front foot said that it's impossible for you to like he Caijun, and now you want to come and question him and say that I've got him, right?"

Feng Tingting's smile is more and more ironic.

"The more this kind of time, the more you need to calm down and think about where you have exposed yourself, or where did he dong put people around you, or did he Caijun tell him that He Dong was doing this play?"

"Acting?" Feng Huilan calmed down. "You mean But why? "

"It's very simple. Tong Fenghua doesn't like you, and because of your entrance, He Dong's reputation is getting worse and worse, so that he has to lose his status as a Jinshi. Now only when you leave his home can He Dong be helped. If he doesn't get rid of you, who can he do?"

"Impossible, if this is true, why before..." All of a sudden, Feng Huilan thought of something. Her eyes were staring at her, and then she laughed and cried.

"I'm stupid, I'm stupid!"

"Since you know how to be stupid, you should know how to do it. If he treats you like this, you can fight back and let the two brothers break up completely!"

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