Feng Tingting also feel strange, this money lady is really no brain or fake no brain.

No matter how she used to be, she had already eaten a shriveled meal at the flower banquet. She also knew that she had a nepotism relationship with he Caijun, and no matter how, she couldn't lose face-to-face.

Also, now she has become a princess, and Mrs. Qian is just a third grade official's wife. Although she is an imperial edict, she is not a grade, which is nothing!

"Mrs. Qian, who gave you the courage to talk to the princess like this?" Nanping Princess lenglenglengdao.

But Mrs. Qian said with a faint smile: "the princess atones for her sins. The courtier's wife is straightforward. Don't blame the courtier's talkiness. Although she has obtained the status of a princess, she can't compare with you. The princess may not know her origin again."

Nanping princess did not speak, but the side of Shouan princess to interest.

"Princess ah, Princess Anle has been married before. Don't look at her young age, but she killed her husband and her mother. It's better for you to stay away from her."

"Anle, you've been married before."

Shouan naively looked at her, blinking his eyes, looking very cute.

Feng Tingting nodded: "yes, I used to be a Chongxi girl. I was allowed to give a sick rice seedling to be his wife. As for the word" Ke die "mentioned by Mrs. Qian, I have never known that the death of a short-lived sick rice seedling can be regarded as my death."

"Even if your husband is not killed by you, then your mother, your mother died because of you, this is a fact!"

Talking about Zhou Chunmei, her face is extremely ugly!

Mother's death, although not directly related to her, but also because of her indirect death, so she did not deny.

But this is not the reason why Mrs. Qian hated her!

She raised a good angle of her mouth and asked, "how is your life recently, madam?"

Mrs. Qian was stunned and sarcastically said, "nature is not better than Princess Anle."

"It's also true. If you lose your money jar, you can't live a good life. But if you think about it, it's lucky that you don't have it. Otherwise, your wife will lose her life."

Mrs. Qian turned pale, moved her mouth, and finally did not say anything.

At this moment, Shouan princess is curious again.

Feng Tingting coughed a few times, then raised her voice and said, "don't you know that Jiang Hao, the shopkeeper of Jiang's pawnshop, who was investigated by the Ministry of punishment, is also the elder brother of Mrs. Qian's confidant, who is also Qian's silver bag!"

With such a voice, she drew those who did not care.

Jiang's pawnshop is well known to all. Now the case has not been solved.

All the people who came were the wives of high-ranking officials. Even if they did not leave home, they would have heard about it. Maybe they knew more clearly than she did.

Feng Tingting has been observing the ladies around her. She sees that their eyes are somewhat ironic, lowering their heads and biting each other's ears.

Mrs. Qian is embarrassed. I don't know if she is angry or shy.

"Princess Anle is nonsense. What evidence do you have?"

Feng Tingting covered her mouth and said with a smile: "is there any evidence needed? If anyone goes to the Ministry of punishment and asks about it, I'm afraid that it will be able to know. As for why the criminal department doesn't check the Qian family, I'm afraid it's because of the relationship between lord Qian."

"However, I think that the investigation of a traitor in the Hubu department may have something to do with his wife. Otherwise, why are the six departments always in peace and all of a sudden, the first one to be investigated is the Hubu?"


"Madam Qian, I don't feel guilty and afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. Although I have no identity, I'm not a businessman. Thanks to the love of King Zhuang and the trust of the emperor, I have been granted the princess the name of Anle. Then I am a serious princess."

"Now that you are in the princess's mansion, you are complaining to me because of Jiang's pawnshop. After all, the pawnshop was exposed because the auction house accepted the things you entrusted. It's normal for you to complain about me."

"It's just that the emperor owns all the things of the emperor at the bottom of the day. The pawnshop keeps the Royal things privately. I think if the Emperor didn't think that Lord Qian was a virtuous minister, he might have found more royal things in the Qian family."

"You, you!" Mrs. Qian was not angry, especially the fragmentary reading of the people around her, she was ashamed of herself!

What a sharp mouth An old but powerful voice came.

Then Feng Tingting saw Princess Chong'an, supported by the queen.

I met Princess Chong'an in the temple once before, and she had a taste of the beauty of the princess. Now I don't know what to say about her.

However, she also remembered Cui run's warning, so Yu Guang surrendered to the queen.

As soon as the queen touched her eyes, she unconsciously put it aside and felt guilty!

"Auntie, I have seen this girl once in my palace. She is really smart and tight. If she can't do business well, how can she achieve such a success? Sometimes the emperor tells his concubines that the extra taxes paid by the girl make the Treasury full."

The Queen's words elevated her to the country and suppressed the events just now.Feng Tingting bows her head and smiles, but she is the queen. This is true.

"You know how to speak for others. I'm afraid you don't know how ambitious this girl is. Otherwise, you can't come to lingdu alone and do this."

"The palace has been specially checked. Those people in her shop originally came from the same place with her, a young shopkeeper, but they can let a group of people stay away from their hometown parents and live in a strange place with her. Can we not say that she is powerful?"

"She's very happy. She's also the emperor's husband and wife. She should be happy."

Princess Chong'an sneered.

"Happy? How can the old lady be happy? How can a humble person seduce the prince of the state and change himself in a vain attempt to enter a high school to change herself, so that the old lady can be happy

"But now she is a princess. Even if she is married to the government, she is a good match."

The queen tried hard to be a peacemaker, but Princess Chongan was not satisfied.

"The granddaughter-in-law of this palace must be the daughter-in-law of the boudoir, not such a person who appears in public and talks with the men nearby!"

Princess Chong'an suddenly raised her voice, which made Feng Tingting more embarrassed.

Most of the ladies came from high families, but some of them were from common people.

Because the husband developed, this became a wife, and made great progress.

But Chongan princess's words were aimed at the merchants. She was stabbed. At the same time, another person was also affected!

Feng Tingting slightly side head, looked at not far from the eyes of the Xia lady.

Mrs. Xia is a product of imperial edict, in front of the ladies is the highest status, but she is a serious business background, generations of businessmen!

The empress was afraid to see Mrs. Xia's face, and said with a smile: "aunt, although scholars, farmers and businessmen, we do not deny that most of the money in the Treasury comes from merchants. Now the emperor also attaches great importance to merchants, and the status of the chamber of Commerce has been improved."

She said, toward the direction of Lady Xia Nu mouth, Chongan princess this just stopped this topic.

It doesn't mean she's out of breath!

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