Mrs. Qian, obviously, didn't do it by herself.

Previously, he said that he had nothing to do with Jiang's pawnshop, but now he excused Jiang's pawnshop. He made it clear that there was a relationship between them, and the relationship was very shallow.

Even if Princess Chong'an had no brain, she was so shocked by he Caijun that she was like a mirror in her heart.

"Madam Qian, what Lord he said is right?"

"Your Highness, the minister's wife has nothing to do with the shop, but he thinks that what he has said is too serious, and that it is a death penalty to discuss the Royal affairs, but Lord he has made up the facts openly, which is the most serious crime!"

"Is it?"

Seeing that Princess Chong'an didn't believe her, Mrs. Qian flopped down on her knees.

"Every word said by my wife is true. If there is a half empty word, then..."

"Mrs. Qian." Before Mrs. Qian finished, she was interrupted by he Caijun, "if you really want to swear, it's better to be in the name of Mr. Qian, which is more sincere."

"You Qian Fu was so popular that he raised his hand reluctantly, but he did not export it.

He Caijun laughed again: "it seems that Mrs. Qian's ability is really beyond the reach of the lower officials. Do you think so, Mr. Qian?"

He Caijun turned his head and took a look back. The money day, which had been silent in the crowd, came out.

But he did not care about his wife, but bowed to Princess Chongan.

"The princess made atonement for her sin. She had a bad relationship with Princess Anle before she was in charge of her wife. I'm afraid that she would hold a grudge in her heart. I hope the princess will not punish her for her first offence."

All of a sudden, the reversal of some fierce, people are confused, this is what is going on.

The face of Princess Chong'an was the worst, and Mrs. Qian was even more frightened. She looked at her husband and wanted to scold her husband, but she could not get out of her face.

"Since Lord Qian has pleaded for mercy, we will let bygones be bygones. However, please shut up your wife, and this will not happen in the future!"

"Yes, sir." With that, Qian Da picked up his wife and took him away without saying a word.

Now, this matter is really exposed.

Feng Tingting is the most innocent, and she has been beaten. Now if she expresses her grievance, it will be even more unpleasant.

The most important thing is that she felt that today's play is for her to see, in order to let her suffer this injustice.

No matter how, Mrs. Qian was born into a rich family, and her husband was one of the main officials of the household department.

With the identity of Qian Da, Princess Chong'an did not dare to move Mrs. Qian.

No matter what the situation is today, she Feng Tingting these two slaps or to get!

As for Cui run's attitude today

No matter what reason he had, as her man, she was really disappointed!

"What are you doing on your knees? Get up quickly." The queen herself helped up Feng Tingting, "it's really pitiful. Later, the palace will send you some ointment, otherwise this face will be spent."

"Thank you for your love."

"No matter where you are, you are the princess personally granted by the emperor, and naturally you are also the niece of this palace. Why do you have to go out? It's just that the palace knows you are wronged, but the princess is innocent. Don't worry about it."

"The princess was not wrong. Naturally, she would not hate her. As for the two slaps, she should also accept it."

Feng Tingting low eyebrows, a pair of good girl's appearance, let people see are full of love.

The empress said so, and princess Chong'an did not show weakness, and she took off a string of Buddhist beads on her wrist.

"Girl, this palace knows that you have been wronged. Take this Buddha bead. Good people will be free and Buddha will bless you. Bad people will get retribution."

, "thank you for your royal highness."

Chongan Princess waved her hand: "this palace is tired, run son, you help this palace to go back."

Cui Yun opened his mouth, looked at her, and quietly helped the princess to go back.

As soon as the princess left, the anger came back to life.

Especially the queen looked at her and he Caijun, smiling so vaguely.

"I heard that Lord he and Anle have a close relationship?"

"Huiniang, the deceased sister of Princess Anle is the younger sister of the lower official."

"Dead sister?" The queen was surprised, "don't you..."

"Back to my mother's wife, the younger brother and sister of the lower official were originally weak. When they had a difficult labor, they died of blood, waiting for the doctor to arrive..."

"Ah, it's really pitiful. Women's childbirth is a ghost gate. I'm afraid the weak body has long been waiting for ghosts."

This kind of sad topic is uncomfortable, but Feng Tingting smiles.

"The empress felt that her sister was pitiful, but the minister thought she was happy. After all, she had a bad reputation in her life. Before she married, she was a concubine. It was her good fortune to marry her beloved. When she died, her husband was there, and she was also in peace."

Feng Tingting's words, let people feel strange, but also is understanding.After all, there are many rules in the rich families, especially women who have children. It is called a dirty place. Even if men want to go in, they will be expelled.

So in the most difficult time, I hope that the most loved one will appear around, which is absolutely impossible.

When she said so, the dignified atmosphere dissipated.

The empress looked at her again and said with a smile, "Lord he is famous for his indifference. No one is willing to make friends with him. Today, she can stand up to the scolding of Princess Chong'an. I'm afraid that the adult is not just because of this relationship?"

"The Queen's wife is right. It's not because of her husband and wife."

As soon as this was said, everyone's eyes were focused on two people.

Feng Tingting is a little embarrassed, after all, many people know her relationship with Cui run.

What's more, the future mother-in-law and father-in-law are here. What he Caijun said is to let Cui run cool down completely?

Zhuo Liwen's face also changed a little, smile to ask: "he adult likes to joke, since Ting Ni son is your husband in law, if you really want to marry, how about this identity?"

"The younger brother marries the elder sister, the elder brother marries the younger sister, this generation chaos, is not the ethics Chang Gang?"

"The Duke and wife of the state are right. This is indeed a disorder of ethics. But since a cousin can marry a cousin, and a brother-in-law can marry a sister-in-law, why can't a lower official be allowed?"

The Duke of Rongguo burst out laughing: "it's Lord he. It's not wrong to say so. And madam, you haven't heard that he said that the sister of Ni Zi is dead. Then when he's younger brother and sister change someone else, there's no ethical saying."

Zhuo Liwen pinched the Duke of Rongguo with some dissatisfaction.

Rong Guogong's flesh is hard and firm, and Zhuo Liwen's hand aches, but Cui Ning has no reaction, and he Caijun is good.

Therefore, the friendship between men, regardless of interests, is actually very simple.

But the woman's reaction is completely different, leading to the first look at her eyes also changed.

She was angry, and she was about to leave, but she was caught by he Caijun.

"I'll take you back."

"Lord he is the emperor's red man. I don't have that much face!"

Feng Tingting pulled several times, actually did not break free, more angry.

"Mr. He, whether men or women accept or not."

He Caijun released his hand, and Feng Tingting said goodbye to the empress.

However, as soon as she left, he Caijun also followed her. Feng Tingting was really annoyed with her, and today's business will certainly not end like this!

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