As Cui run said, King Jingwang did. In the afternoon, Mrs. Qian's body was found outside the city and drained of blood.

I don't know what Ling Zeyi did. It is said that Mrs. Qian's body is still fresh, but there is no blood.

Although it is winter now, it is not suitable to use fresh words to preserve corpses according to modern conditions.

There are also two hands sent to the money house before. It is impossible for the Ministry of punishment to find out. But the problem is that no one suspects that people have died long ago?

She did not dare to send someone to inquire. Now the emperor was staring at her xianlefang, and she could not go out. She was afraid that it would be exposed. She could only rely on Cui run.

But she is still too naive, or the glory of Cui Ning think too simple.

Cui Run never came back after he went back, but his eye liner passed around, and then there was no news.

"Ma'am, my Lord will try to find a way, and you will be OK in xianlefang now. We are all our own people here."

Although xianlefang is solid, but at the same time, there is no way to know about the outside world. This is also a problem.

But there's a Lianxiang that can help.

Perhaps it is this matter that is really big, after all, Mrs. Qian is the legitimate eldest daughter of the Mu family, and the Mu family is putting pressure on the Ministry of punishment.

It's just that the punishment department is too strict, and Lianxiang doesn't get much information.

That night, Cui run suddenly touched xianlefang, and looked at his embarrassed appearance. He was afraid that he had escaped again.

"There's something going on in the money house. We have to act according to the plan."

"Well, I'll go with you!"

Cui run did not refuse, but helped her change into night clothes, also put on gold soft armor, and then set out with the shadow team toward the woods.

When they arrived, they found a wave of ambush outside the woods.

"That's the emperor's man."

Then Cui run no longer tube, with Feng Tingting around a circle into the woods.

Then I saw the robber pulling in the middle of the yard pretending to be her, and next to a man in a black windbreaker.

Because of the angle problem, I can't see the person's appearance, but I can basically guess the person who is afraid of money day.

Also don't know what those two people said, small Ya was retreated once, kneel down directly.

In that moment, the knife fell out again.

Then a small group of people rushed over, but it was obvious that the number of robbers was larger, and it was soon chaotic.

Taking advantage of the chaos, the black robed man ran away secretly. They quickly followed up and intercepted the black robed man.

"Well, you're smart, running from here?"

As soon as the man in black saw that it was her, he quickly turned off his face. Unfortunately, he was unable to move and was forced to lift his hat pocket.

It's really the people around Qian Da!

"I didn't expect that money day sent you here. He trusted you too much, or looked up to himself, so he was not afraid of being caught."

That person is also a pair of dead pigs, not afraid of boiling water soup, staring at her: "no matter what you do, I will not say."

"I have guts, but we're not afraid you won't tell us."

Then Cui run gave a signal, and soon there was another riot. It looked like the emperor was ambushed by many people.

At this time, the man's face was pale and he really wanted to die.

They pressed people back and saw that the emperor's men had subdued all the people, and the previous robber had also died.

After looking around, Feng Tingting didn't find the strong man before, so she told Cui run.

Cui run also frowned slightly, and said to the bodyguard leader, they also rushed to find.

At this time, a boy asked, "you mean that big three big five thick brother Zhang?"

"Where is he?"

To tell you the truth, Feng Tingting still likes the big man. Although he is stupid, he is really good at being a front man.

Moreover, if there is no strong man, he may not be able to save himself.

"Brother Zhang was killed. It seems that he was helping the woman to send some news. When he came back, he was killed and fed to the dog."

She was stunned and didn't react!

She shook her hand: "I heard that he has an old mother. I've sent someone to go there. I'll settle down. It's gratitude."

"That's good."

She didn't know how to express it. She thought that it would be a pity that someone who helped you suddenly died like this, but she also thought that this was a robber. She deserved to die.

On the whole, it is very contradictory. This is the most perfect result.

The robbers were all under control, so they were sent to the Ministry of punishment, which did not expect to be able to solve the case so quickly. Naturally, the trial started overnight.

And Feng Tingting is finally home.

He thought he could be a good Playboy with his father, but Feng Guangzong confused her with a sentence.

"What is the relationship between you and King Jing?"She blinked her eyes, wondering why the King appeared suddenly?

Subconsciously, he looked back and determined that Cui run had gone back. Then he said, "Dad, why do you have this problem?"

Feng Guangzong also didn't say much. He took her to the warehouse. Looking at the pile of things that came out of the warehouse, she was a little confused.

"Where did these come from?"

"It's from King King's house, saying it's for you to keep fit."

She opened it casually. It was a blood swallow. It was the best bird's nest!

And the shark's fin, and the old ginseng, each of which is priceless, even if you have money, you may not be able to buy it.

"Are they all from King King's house?"

"Of course, or dad won't ask you!" Feng Guangzong's face was not very good. "My father also heard some rumors about the king. This man is a male and female, and his reputation is not good. The most important thing is that his biological mother is a demon concubine, and he is also a close enemy to the emperor!"

"Dad, you can sort out these things and ask the housekeeper to return them. We and King's house are not familiar with accepting these things. If the emperor knows about them, we will be suspicious."

Feng Guangzong also changed his face in an instant. He quickly asked the housekeeper to sort out the things. It was better to send them back on the same day.

Feng Tingting is also speechless. I don't know why King Jing wants to force her so much.

Although she has half of the right to speak about the chamber of Commerce, now she is being watched by the emperor. Even if she wants to cooperate, she does not dare.

Just when she thought she was ok, the constable from the Ministry of punishment came to her early the next morning and said that he wanted to take her back to culture.

"Are you sure you are the princess?"

The constable bowed and said, "I don't dare to pass on the orders of the Lord. Please go there."

Last night, the Ministry of punishment tried the case, and there were all the certified material evidence, so Qian Da couldn't escape. Now, instead of completing the match, she was asked to go. It can be seen that there is so much malice!

She didn't resist, so she went to the penal department.

This matter had a great influence. On the court, there were three adults, namely, the Minister of the Ministry of punishment, the Minister of Dali temple, and the censor of duchayuan.

Not only that, but also did a shepherd's Duke, which shows that the emperor also attached great importance to it.

Since all the emperor's people are here, and she is the princess personally appointed by the emperor, she does not have to kneel.

"Three adults, I don't know why I asked the princess to come here. I'm the victim!"

Without waiting for a few people to speak, she took the lead to expose her wrist, which was roped by the trace is particularly obvious.

The adults should know that I was nearly dead yesterday, and the chief conspirator is the Lord Qian Da Da Qian, who bribed those thieves and arrested me. "

"It's for my wife. Although I have something to do with Mrs. Qian, how can I, a businessman, buy murderous things and tie people up for such trifles? Lord Qian has no evidence to send someone to do this to me. It's just a false official!"

Qian Da suddenly laughed and asked, "what evidence does the princess have to say that he is a lower official?"

"Why, I saw you talking to those people with my own eyes, and then they took the princess away. Is there any fake?"

Qian Da said with a faint smile: "I heard that the princess was chronically poisoned and confused. It was only two or three days ago that I recovered. But I remember that those thieves were tied up for a long time. How could the princess come out to see the doctor?"

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