The days of waiting are very difficult. Of course, this is for the general, but for the people below, they will relax a lot if there is no war.

The soldiers, in particular, get together to talk about what they see when they get out of practice. Of course, the audience is just those who have just arrived.

Ji Linyu is the most popular one. For this childe, people here don't know much about him, so they don't have colored glasses. In addition, Ji Linyu has a good reputation.

In addition to grinding herbs, they usually wander around, or chat with military prostitutes and listen to their misfortunes.

Seriously, compared with lingdu people who don't smile, the people here are all in their hearts to talk to you, which makes Feng Tingting feel relaxed.

But the comfortable life passed quickly, six days passed in the blink of an eye, but there was no news from lingdu, which made the generals more anxious.

We were in a hurry here and there, so we sent a small soldier to deliver the message.

She didn't know what the content was, but seeing Cui run's face, she knew it was not a good word.

And an hour after the letter arrived, the generals began to get the soldiers ready to go.

In less than a moment, all the soldiers were ready. The first troops set out, and the later soldiers followed the command and went one after another.

As a military doctor with the army, Ying Ren naturally needs to be prepared at all times.

It was the first time that Feng Tingting met with this kind of situation. She was extremely nervous, and even more busy.

In this case, she will not worry about Cui run. Cui run is the general, but also the Duke of Rongguo. So in this case, she will not rush to the first one.

"Master, don't worry. Our soldiers in Ji state are brave and good at fighting. Although foreign countries are tall and strong, sometimes it's good to be small."

Rujiang comforts, but this kind of tension really can't disperse generally.

Feng Tingting can only adjust herself, but soon she was injured and sent over!

It's full of blood, but it's still amazing.

The others quickly began to deal with it, and she stood by herself.

Rujiang pushed her and said, "it's good to get used to it. My subordinates are used to harming others. It's really uncomfortable to save people, but I get used to it after a long time. I'm very proud to see the people who treat them get better every day."

She can't understand, but since she's here, she can only do as the Romans do and hand over a gauze or something.

But soon, more and more people were injured, and the military doctors were short of manpower. As a layman, Feng Tingting could only help those who had no time to treat the bleeding.

But the general gauze simply can not hold, had to, Feng Tingting took out the modern hemostatic bandage, let those who constantly bleeding force hemostasis.

It can only be said that the progress of science and technology quickly stopped the bleeding of those injured.

However, the injured were not sent here, and the good news also came, saying that Cui run had the advantage, especially the team which had been strong enough to suppress the other side.

Before long, Cui run came back with people. The soldiers were very excited. It seemed that they had won.

The leader's deputy is a big beard, and he grinned: "we'll add food tonight."

As soon as he heard this, he was called to the main account to discuss important matters.

At the moment, the injured have been dealt with, and can finally rest.

Rujiang poured her a glass of water and said, "we should be back soon."

"What do you mean?"

Rujiang said with a smile: "just now, a secret edict came from lingdu, and the matter of marriage was settled."

She was very surprised that Princess Lanyang could agree to marry a foreign country?

"The Royal Princess has never been free, isn't the master clear?"

Yes, the royal children have never been free. She sighed. It seems that Changming has escaped a disaster. Otherwise, in view of the emperor's attitude towards King Zhuang, the one sent to make peace with him must be Changming!

All of a sudden, the boy who was taking care of the herbs came in.

"Military doctor, the general told you to go to the main account, a general was injured!"

Feng Tingting's head thump in the heart for a moment, quickly picked up things and followed Yingren to the main account.

But after arriving, there was no blood or smell of blood.

Cui run is sitting on the main seat with the big beard and Ji Linyu standing at the bottom. It seems that they are not injured.

He waved to Feng Tingting. She was a little puzzled, but she still walked past obediently.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is my wife, Princess Anle." Said, Cui run will her hair bun to loose, a head of ink hair pouring down.

Everyone was stunned, especially the big beard, whose eyes would stare out.

"Anle Princess "How could she be here?"

Cui run said with a smile: "I asked her to come here. If it is really out of control, the princess represents the royal family and can give morale to the soldiers."However, the beard frowned and said, "general, it's not appropriate for you to be like this. How can you Can be brought into the barracks! "

"But they've already been brought in, but they can't be sent back. Besides, we can go back soon. It's ok if we don't talk about it."

Big beard touched a handful of beard, but didn't say much.

"Runzi, you didn't just say that when you asked me to come?"

Cui run's face was a little bad. She felt her hair and didn't know what to think.

"I don't know how to say it, and it's not written in the folder, because we don't want to fight any more."

Feng Tingting is more confused, or Ji Linyu opens a mouth.

"Before the civil strife in foreign countries, the new Khan king was not the child of the former Han king. Compared with the former king's brainless bravery, the new Khan king was more popular. Second, the new Khan King It's an old friend of the princess. "

Old friends

Suddenly, she thought of Yingren's words, as well as some of the things Mrs. Xia said to her before, and understood at once.

"Isn't it..."

Cui run nodded: "that's what you think."

"Why?" Feng Tingting doesn't understand, "is he pretending to be the king of Han in foreign countries? Is the throne so attractive?"

"Tingni Zi, there are some things that we can't understand. The Royal people, especially the prince, don't like that position. Although it's not easy to be a Ming Jun, they can get what they always want and can't get."

"But Princess Lanyang is his niece and close relative."

"I didn't tell the emperor about it, and I don't want to say it. If I do, it will increase unnecessary wars. As for the princess of Lanyang, she may not become a queen, but she must be a noble woman."

Feng Tingting lowered her eyes and looked up at him for a moment.

"The emperor says so, when can we go back?"

"The emperor said that he would let the prince of Jin escort Princess Lanyang over there. As long as the ceremony is successful and the peace treaty is signed, we can go back with the prince of Jin, as long as we keep the original people here."


Marriage preparation always takes a month, plus the distance, all kinds of dowry, at least three months!

They can wait, but what about foreign countries?

If the Han king is Ling Zeyi, it's hard for that man to guess. Will it happen that before the princess of Lanyang arrives, he plans to stop and fight again?

There are too many uncertain factors. Does Cui run really want to gamble?

Seeing her worry, Xu Shi comforted her: "no matter what, since the emperor has agreed to the marriage, we can only wait. It is not clear what Ling Zeyi pretended to be dead for, but I can still guarantee that there is room for discussion on this matter."

But what they thought was really great. Before the one who was friendly came, they changed their mind!

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