When He Wanli heard this, his whole body twitched with excitement, and he lay down again before he could catch his breath.

Sun Chun wasn't much better either. He obviously didn't have any energy left, but he opened his mouth and breathed out steam. He was so stunned that he couldn't say a word.

Amanozaki now had a taste for it, and he probed: "Mr. Scabies, you just said [Qunxia Mountain]... Could it be that you are a national level knight?"

"It's the chief helm level." Kohaku Gong on the side saw that Amanozaki was so unskilled and couldn't help but remind him, "Amanozaki, I noticed you when you awakened your powers in the martial arts field. After reading the information, I recommended you to Mr. Scabies. Mr. Scabies can tell at a glance that your abilities are very different from most of the abilities in the world today, so don’t let yourself be fooled.”

What did I do wrong? I made a mistake.

Amanozaki's eyes darkened. He was so happy today, taking his wife, eating popcorn and singing songs to watch the game, but suddenly he was robbed by evil heretics.

He can't even figure out the situation!

The scabies guest patted Mr. Amber with his withered hand and reprimanded in a low voice: "We are knights, and when we recruit disciples and make friends, we must gather and disperse in a righteous way. It's too shameful for you to be so aggressive."

Then Scabies walked towards Hinata and said as he walked: "All the superpowers in the world, whether it is supernatural powers or talisman spells, were created by inborn aliens."

"It's just that the abilities of most people who are born with strange abilities cannot be generalized, and they can only be temporary overlords. Only geniuses with amazing talents can gather the faith and will of the world, pass on their abilities, and form a path for the future. Let people without supernatural powers have the opportunity to learn magical powers and protect their lives. "

"Little girl, although you are the embodiment of supernatural powers, you are born with a spirit, so you can be considered a natural stranger."

"Are you willing to break free from the shackles, become a great figure in the world, and pass on your own traditions?"

This nonsense statement immediately made Amanozaki laugh angrily.

This old man is here to rob people.

"I'm sorry, I won't leave Amanozaki." Hinata bowed first, and then refused righteously, "I will stay with him until the last moment."

Is this a confession?

This is a confession!

Amanozaki's mind suddenly cleared up, and he suddenly woke up from the confusion caused by physical exhaustion.

As the saying goes, companionship is the longest confession of love. Hinata said that she would accompany me until the last moment, which is almost a confession.


Scabies seemed to be well prepared for Hinata's rejection. He nodded slightly to show that he understood, and then said to Amanozaki:

"Boy, what about you, do you want to learn from me?"

Without waiting for Amanozaki to answer, Scabies Bin said slowly: "From today on, you two are famous. From now on, whether you are a knight who wants to be famous or an evil heretic who wants to do evil, Bao Buqi will take advantage of you." That girl is capable of protecting herself, but what about you? Do you have to rely on women all the time to protect yourself?

This statement caused Amanozaki to fall into silence.

Indeed, the stand-in messenger is the stand-in's biggest weakness. No matter how incredible the substitute is, even if the substitute user dies, it will all be in vain.

Especially for a stand like the [Ideal Type] that allows long-distance use, it is almost a given that it will be difficult to protect the stand user.

To put it bluntly, even if you don't think of ways to strengthen yourself, improving your physical fitness is an urgent matter. Hinata only played for half an hour today, and she took two tubes of adrenaline.

If he really wanted to fight for three to five days in the anime, why wouldn't he be able to suck adults?

In fact, thinking of this, Amanozaki already had the intention to nod. After all, judging from Sun Chun's reaction, this little-known old man has broken away from the trap of a traffic star. He no longer needs to be exposed to maintain popularity. In other words, he has entered the old drama. Bone rows.

Even provincial-level heroes like Dongfang Leaf Man can't avoid the hype, but Scabies Bin has given up on the superficial reputation and can really be called a national-level one. There is no disadvantage in following such a big boss.

The most important thing is the vision shared by Hinata's Byakugan.

The feeling of being the only one in the energy field is really scary.

However... being poached by the old man in front of him, even though his reason repeatedly told him to nod, Amanozaki still felt uncomfortable in his heart.

"Idiot, who told you to agree now?"

A clear thought came into his mind, and Amanozaki immediately realized that it was Hinata.

He could even imagine Hinata's frown.

"Ask more, use some words, let him show us his skills, and then decide whether to become a disciple or not."

Hinata's thoughts continued.

Amanozaki thought worriedly, "But each of your identities can only last for one day. If you change someone tomorrow, will this old man go crazy when he sees you?"

"What are you afraid of? I have officially become my master. Can he still kill his own apprentice? Besides, if I become a god tomorrow, I will still teach him." Hinata's thoughts were full of bad taste.

Amanozaki was shocked and felt that it made sense.

So he and Hinata made a plan together:

"You can't believe what you say. If the old gentleman is really capable, Amanozaki should study under him."

The scabies Bin laughed and scolded him as "slippery" and walked towards the statue-like Taoist He with his sword in his hand.

"Forget it, this first lesson should be regarded as an open class. If you have any discernment, just learn it!"

Hearing the words "open class", He Wanli stopped smoking on the ground. Sun Chun, who was puffing more smoke than a smoker, also stopped vomiting. Even the Eastern Leaf Man who was entrenched in the dome fell to the ground, looking for Amber. The public asked for a pair of pens and paper to take notes in a notebook.

Chapter 11: The Sword and the Sword Holder

"The heaven and earth have righteous energy, and are mixed and endowed with fluid shapes. Below are the rivers and mountains, and above are the sun and stars. To people, it is said to be vast, and it is as abundant as the sky."

The scabies bin's old voice rose higher in the chanting. He stuck his sword on the ground and walked unsteadily.

"Boy, do you know the difference between evil spirits and heretics? Do you know the difference between evil heretics and knights?"

Amanozaki shook his head blankly.

"At the end of the day, we are all silverfish, silverfish feeding on human fantasy."

As expected of a chief helmsman, he would never stop talking without surprising anyone. When Amanozaki heard these words, he felt sleepy immediately.

"The so-called evil spirits are characters who feed on fear. In order to pursue these emotions, they do not hesitate to cause harm to one party. For example, these octopus worms you killed today, kid. No matter what their predecessors were, they took evil paths after acquiring superpowers. , is called an evil spirit.”

Scabies Bin said and pointed to Duke Amber next to him: "He was not originally a human being, he was just a ball of amber that sealed the body of a primitive man. However, after Duke Amber awakened himself, he was recruited by [Qunxia Mountain] and learned two things. He came out of the mountain only ten years ago. He knows the righteousness of the knight, understands the right and wrong, takes pleasure in the happiness of the people, and worries about the worries of the people. Therefore, although he has a similar origin, he is not a demon, but a natural stranger, and he can be called a knight."

The man's words were still half-literate and half-literate, and he was a little jumpy. Hinata couldn't understand him very well, so Amanozaki had to use his classical Chinese skills in school and his YY skills developed from reading online articles to make up the translation in his head.

To sum up, the superpowers in this world are divided into two camps, positive and negative, according to the emotions obtained from humans.

Among them, those who awaken supernatural powers and use negative emotions as bait for growth are evil spirits.

Those who awaken their abilities and use positive emotions as food for growth are those who are born strange.

It’s not about race, it’s about doing.

"Is that so?" Hinata nodded after hearing Amanozaki's explanation and praised her repeatedly, "Nozaki is so awesome!"

"What a great thing." Amanozaki shook his head in denial, but unconsciously straightened his back, "The old man doesn't speak human language, so he takes pleasure in pleasure and worries in sorrow. Isn't it just that they feed on the joy of the people, and they will naturally eat when they have food. If you are happy, you will be sad if you don’t have food to eat.”

"As for the righteous way and heretics, they are all rare innate strangers in ancient times. They use supernatural powers and the work of heaven and earth to imprint their own path on all living beings. They spread the method widely to benefit the people, so that ordinary people can also protect their families."

"Nozaki, continue to translate." Hinata supported Amanozaki from behind, and the softness on her chest made Amanozaki feel like an electric current on her back.

But he just said with a grimace: "What he probably meant is that he is a talented natural-born stranger who can promote his own powers, so that people who are unlucky enough to be unable to awaken their powers can also have super powers to protect their families. I feel that the knight is a basket case, Both those who are born strange and those who are acquired can be put into it, but the problem is..."

"Hey! Old gentleman! Who understands what you say? According to what you said, aren't all heretics and righteous people one family? Why are heretics now classified as bad people?"

When the scabies guest heard Amanozaki's question, he couldn't help but sigh slightly.

He pointed at Taoist He who was like a catfish and said: "Boy, if I say that this guy is a genuine human being without any awakened powers, would you believe it?"

"You're bluffing!" Amanozaki shook his head. "I've only seen supernatural powers that can change a person's appearance. I've never seen people meditating, practicing martial arts, and practicing Taoism mutate."

"Because what this guy is learning is the heretic technique!" Scabies Bin's words came out like thunder, which shocked Taoist He and staggered to the ground, sweating as he looked at the old man who was swaying closer and looked like he might die of illness at any moment.

The man with scabies still babbled: "In the early days, the orthodox and the heretics did not separate families, and they could only seek peace. But with the development of the times, barbaric blood sacrifices, rituals, and beliefs that rely on people's fear and awe all need to make concessions for civilization. So. These things are labeled as heretics.”

"The term 'heretic' was originally imported from Buddhism and generally refers to everything that is not Buddha-nature."

"The word was chosen at that time because the previous officials thought that these heretics could still be saved, and all they needed was civilization, otherwise they would have been labeled as 'wrong ways' and killed."

"But some people refuse to obey discipline and simply turn heretics into self-destructive things like the devil, who feed on negative emotions!"


A sharp voice burst out from Taoist He's terrifying mouth. He was extremely frightened, and his instinct told him not to refute or resist, but when he heard what the scabies guest said about heretics, he couldn't help but scream.

"My master said, you people who claim to be righteous are just jealous of our quick success as heretics! You are jealous of our abilities!"

Only then did the scabies guest look at Taoist He and asked only one sentence:

"The methods of your heretics use extreme torture methods to drain people of negative emotions, and in the end even the corpses are used to refine weapons. Ask yourself, what is the difference between your heretics' current behavior and those of the evil spirits? It's just that the methods are more sophisticated. Gao Ming, just squeeze it more thoroughly."

"Do you dare to say that what you are today is without your master's handiwork? A bunch of down-and-out people who can't even adapt to the feudal dynasty have the nerve to bark in modern society?"

Taoist He just laughed, as if he was crazy: "Interesting, interesting! People are only allowed to eat wild beasts and fish, but animals are not allowed to eat people. Master is right, you are really the number one bitch in the world, you are both responsible and independent."

The scabies guest was speechless when he heard the words, closed his eyes, crystal tears overflowed from the corners of his eyes, and sighed:

"You have lost your humanity and identity. You are not human."

When he opened his eyes again, his face became harder than ever. With his hands empty, he asked loudly:

"Boy, I have been playing with swords all my life, so I will ask you about swords."

"Swing the sword to hit the floating clouds, and all the princes will come to the west. Is such a sword powerful?"


Amanozaki also roared along for some reason, as if some big brother had shouted "I can't hear you, I can't hear you at all".


Scabies refuted without hesitation.

"The sword worn by Qin Shi Huang was named Lu Lu. Even if a sword was forged by gods and men and was the best in the world, how could it be qualified to make the princes of the six kingdoms submit? A sword is a sword. What does it have to do with its exquisite workmanship and legendary stories? Is it the sword that is powerful? Is it the sword that people praise?"

"These so-called famous swords are just a few rays of glory shared by heroes and heroes from ancient times to the present."

Scabies sighed: "Will the great achievement of Qin Huang's unification of the six kingdoms be reduced because of the lack of a sword? Will Liu Bang's merits change because he holds a knife instead of a sword?"

"So the powerful thing is never the sword, but the person holding the sword!"

"In this world, people's hearts can change reality. So in the hands of heroes, anything can be achieved. Why should we stick to the sword?"

"It's a pity that I didn't understand this truth until I was in my seventies. I was blinded by these objects in the past."

The Eastern Leaf Man on the side was very excited when he heard this. He knew that this was the scabies guest who wanted to talk about his decades of experience, and he wanted to join in the discussion.

Even if he shouted 666, that would be fine!

But just as he opened his mouth, his lower abdomen was hit hard, and the pain made him want to vomit acid.

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