She nodded slowly: "Yes, the knights at the headquarters level often adopt the traditional method of recruiting disciples, so you will need to follow Mr. Scabbers for the next few years."


Amanozaki sighed, he understood his future path.

It turns out that people cannot take all the benefits.

"I understand..."

"Does your house have decorations and independent bathrooms and kitchens?" Saria interrupted Amanozaki.

"Yes, yes." Lin Shuyu nodded like a chicken, very well-behaved.

So Saria, who had been cold all the time, showed a smile that was just beginning to melt, raised her hand and pulled the shield from the door: "Then let's go now."

While it was still early, I would suppress Amanozaki again at night.

"Oh, okay." Lin Shuyu took out the tablet from her bag without any opinion, and skillfully found the electronic contract, "Please sign the contract, leave fingerprints, voiceprints, irises and other information, DNA and blood samples at the branch..."

She talked ramblingly, and a thought echoed in her mind.

Alas, why should I listen to her? She is just a supernatural being.

"Nozaki, only take the computer set, throw away the rest."

Said Saria, and walked into the kitchen to continue her experiment, "We will leave in 10 minutes."

Lin Shuyu sat blankly on the uncomfortable folding stool, watching Amanozaki, who did not resist her supernatural power, start to pack up.

Why didn't he resist? Why didn't I resist?

The girl grabbed her head, unable to understand.

Ah... Speaking of which, the leader instructed her to give the highest standard of treatment, but Mr. Amanozaki was quite satisfied with even the lowest treatment.

Is this poverty, grandpa? Poverty can really limit a person's imagination!

Poverty is so powerful!

"For the next six months, I won't have to worry about rent, water and electricity."

In the bedroom, Amanozaki smiled comfortably.

Freeloading makes people happy.


The process of going downstairs was not smooth. Those people who were either curious or malicious filled the corridor and did not give them the opportunity to go downstairs directly.

Amanozaki had no doubt that there were forces from the urban village underworld mixed in.

So after leaving a message of "see you at the bottom of the building", he held the computer and was held by Saria, and jumped directly from the roof.

The high-density bones controlled by calcification and the Rhine charging suit can resist the impact of landing. Under Saria's control, Amanozaki's spine was also temporarily strengthened. In addition, he shared some of Saria's physical strength, so the process was quite smooth.

About seven or eight minutes later, Lin Shuyu, whose hair and skirt were a little messy, frowned and trotted downstairs, holding the work permit issued by Qunxiashan in her hand.

She was almost left behind by those people with ulterior motives, but fortunately, [Heavenly Appearance] gave her extraordinary thinking ability, allowing her to pretend to be dangerous, and with the work permit, she successfully subdued those people.

"Abandoning the lady, this guy is not a gentleman at all!" Lin Shu said in a huff.

"Hey, I've been waiting for a long time."

Amanosaki, holding a notebook, waved across the street, "How do we get there? Are we taking the light rail?"

"Come with me." Lin Shuyu said stiffly, and walked out of the street without looking back.

Three minutes later, Amanosaki touched his chin and looked at the car in front of him suspiciously.

A sports car, a two-seater model, with the logo as expected, which he, a poor man and a time traveler, didn't recognize at all.

"Is Qunxia Mountain so rich? Can dispatchers afford sports cars? It's really corrupt." Amanosaki was amazed, "There's only one seat except the driver's seat, where should I sit?"

Lin Shuyu sat in the driver's seat unhappily, rolling her eyes: "This is a birthday gift my grandfather bought me... Of course you're sitting in the passenger seat."

Ha, it feels like she's a rich woman.

A trace of disdain flashed through Amanosaki's mind, so what if she's a rich woman, can you have a superpower husband?

I have a superpower girlfriend!

He compared them unconsciously in his mind, and then unilaterally declared himself the winner in a very Ah Q way.

"Where's Saria?"

"Put your superpowers away..." Lin Shuyu looked at Amanozaki in shock, "I say, you haven't never taken the initiative to remove your superpowers, have you...really? Oh my God!"

"Maintaining superpowers for a long time will damage your physical strength, spirit and even life span!"

Lin Shuyu looked at Amanozaki in shock, who looked like "I see, no wonder I've been eating so much recently", and felt that her three views had been refreshed.

Nowadays, men don't even want to die just to seduce me?

Lin Shuyu was angry.

With such powerful superpowers, why don't you save the world and stay at home to fall in love?

Wait until you enter the branch, and see how I'll deal with you!

Her hands holding the steering wheel were agitated with excitement.

Chapter 18: Amanozaki will never bow his head

Melodious aria, light luxury style interior decoration, the faint smell of perfume mixed in the cool air from the air conditioner, and the faint roar of the steel beast sitting down, coming through the soundproofed car compartment, seducing all males.

Amanozaki had to sigh. In the past, his understanding of the life of the rich really remained at the level of "the Queen Mother of the East Palace rolled green onions, the Queen Mother of the West Palace made pancakes, and the Emperor used a golden hoe to farm."

It was really hard for him to imagine the happiness of the rich.

The ice-cold stick stuck in the umbrella slot of the car door slid silently, and the condensed water vapor slid off. The air cushion under his butt was as soft as a girl's chest.

In the narrow space, there were only him and Lin Shuyu.

After the substitute was released, Ceria seemed to fall into a deep sleep and no longer showed any emotion.

It must be that she trusts me quite a lot and doesn't bother to be unreasonably jealous.

Amanozaki tapped his toes as he listened to the melodious tunes from the speakers.

Tens of seconds later, under Lin Shuyu's strange eyes, he shook his head several times and patted his face gently.

so close! Almost corrupted by the ecstasy of capitalism!

Amanosaki, the former socialist successor and now the substitute messenger, immediately became alert.

A place like Fenduo brings together the elites of the province, including many of them who are proud of themselves. Usually at this point in novels, some blind people will come out to ridicule the protagonist, and then slap themselves, his parents, his grandparents, and his family in the face.

Amanozaki said that with his ability as a stand-in, as long as his face wasn't dark and his girlfriend turned into an everyday girl when he woke up, he wouldn't be too scared.

But art is derived from reality after all. Where conflicts arise in novels, they often happen in reality.

How could Amanosaki, who had experienced many experiences in urban villages, miss the perfect opportunity to chat and find out information on the road?

"Ms. Lin, Qunxiashan must be aware of my situation. I am a country bumpkin. I have only interacted with free knights in the past. I have never even visited the court, let alone split the helm..."

As soon as Amanozaki started, Lin Shuyu, who was driving beside him, immediately followed:

"I know, I know, I read your file. You are the first free knight in Yushan branch to use a fake household registration. You can't find any previous deeds and information at all. It's like you were a stone without a household registration. There was no birth certificate or trace of activity and then it popped up a few years ago.”

"The personnel department said that you are very mysterious, like an ancient chivalrous man, hiding your past."

Silence, only silence is today's sports car.

This girl who was suspected to be a rich N-generation girl might really have come to experience life. She immediately killed Amanozaki's desire to continue talking as soon as she opened her mouth.

No! I cannot unilaterally underestimate Yushan Branch, which combines the best of a province!

Amanozaki's eyes flashed.

This must be her superpower [Heaven and Human Appearance]!

She has been pretending to be innocent, but in fact she is using her powers to observe and analyze herself.

It is said that people tend to show their true colors in the presence of fools and imbeciles. How could she really be the same as she is with a mind blessed by supernatural powers?

I was careless before and didn't consider that I would awaken my superpower and attract the attention of the official forces so quickly. If I had known it, I would have spent more money to buy the safest fake account service.

What a mistake!

Amanozaki, your identity as a time traveler must not be exposed! This is your Achilles heel!

Once the disadvantage of poor information is exposed, you will be played and applauded like Tom.

It's very dangerous now. What should we do? Kill people, silence them and then flee abroad?

Amanozaki fell into thought.

Lin Shuyu didn't expect that her straight shot would take a completely different path here at Amanozaki.

As mentioned before, it is impossible for ordinary people to maintain their superpowers all the time. This is a huge burden on physical strength. She has always been pampered and not good at physical fitness, so she usually does not use her superpowers.

She was really just curious about Amanozaki's fake identity.

Even now, she saw Amanozaki's slightly troubled face from the corner of her eye, and she secretly blamed herself.

Lin Shuyu, Lin Shuyu, why do you like to explore other people's hearts so much? Didn’t you already know that Amanozaki’s family was not well off? His narcissism is probably related to his childhood experiences. Maybe this is just a disguise to cover up his inner vulnerability?

Is it really okay for you to tear apart what others want to hide like this?

This is not what a lady should do!

Even if you want to retaliate, it will be to attack his strengths, not to bully others' shortcomings!

"The past is not a good memory." Amanosaki, who finally realized that he was unable to escape the country's pursuit, tried to end with a paradoxical sentence.

"Ah, I understand, grandpa said that it is more difficult for young people today. But, Mr. Amanosaki, no matter what happens, don't give up easily!"

Lin Shuyu suddenly became excited while driving. She had already imagined from Amanozaki's words a miserable childhood in which her parents died, she was bullied every day in an orphanage, and she ran away as a teenager to seek survival in the city alone.

Amanozaki, who couldn't understand Lin Shuyu's brain circuit, saw the car speeding towards 80 mph, and the warning sign with a speed limit of 30 mph flashed by.

He quietly grabbed the handle on the roof of the car and nodded repeatedly: "Yeah, okay, be careful, you're speeding."

"It's okay, it's okay." Lin Shuyu replied enthusiastically, even lifting his hands from the direction sign and shaking them. "The police are very friendly. They will turn a blind eye when they see me speeding."

As he spoke, Lin Shuyu closed one eye and said in a cute tone of "I'm only telling you one person": "Every year, my uncle provides the police uncles with the latest police cars to catch criminals. We are very familiar with it."

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