"A distinguished guest is here. Granny Tang invites you to come in and have a chat."

She had to lower her waist to avoid provoking him with her disgusted expression.

When the frog man saw A-ling reaching out her hand, he quickly opened the door curtain. Dry and warm wind with the fragrance of incense and essential oil blew out from the room. The Taoist took a deep breath and shivered comfortably.

"I didn't expect that this small bathhouse would have been visited by so many foreign gods."

The self-proclaimed new god of China, he finally put away his arrogance under the mysterious atmosphere left behind by the hothouse that had been hosting Japanese ghosts and gods for generations.

This place, which symbolized the survival of traces of foreign gods, deserved his serious treatment.

"Lead the way."

As he said this, he took the lead in moving.

"Attention the filming crew, people have already come in and will leave after taking the shot."

Lin Shuyu hid in the luxurious office that originally belonged to Granny Tang on the top floor of the soup roof, giving instructions to rows of monitors.

The three green-skinned heads of Greed, Anger, and Crazy shouted "Yeah, Yeah", butting with each other to help control. If the quarrel went too far, Lin Shuyu would hit them on the forehead with the cigarette pot that Granny Tang smoked on the table.

These things with short memories are not afraid of Lin Shuyu, but they are afraid of those who have been beating them for decades or even hundreds of years.

That was a symbol of Yubaba's punishment for them.

As soon as he entered the hot spring house, he was attracted by the luxurious ancient decoration and exotic architectural structure of the period.

As a place that provides baths for ghosts and gods all over Japan and retains the mystery of feudal baths, mysterious buildings of the scale of the hot spring house are considered rare in China today - because buildings of the same scale or even larger are either buried in It is waiting underground for the archaeological team to discover it, or it has become a scenic spot with so many tourists every day that evil spirits cannot get close to it.

When Taoists saw these things that looked like ancient Chinese artifacts, they couldn't help but recall the glorious life in the past.

At that time, his status was still very noble, and he had a lot of these luxurious things in his house.

The shamisen was played, a bleak female voice sang Japanese tunes, and groups of gorgeously dressed dancers danced together.

The wide wooden stage hangs from the dome, accompanied by falling cherry blossoms and long silk sleeves.

Such a beautiful woman and such an ancient dance seem to take people back to the ancient and shabby era of spending money like water more than a hundred years ago.

For a moment, he showed a look of reminiscing as he saw things and missed people.

The dancers held up a stunning woman with all their hearts. She had long, thick black hair, decorated with a lot of jewelry and was tied into a dignified hair ornament. She had slender and perfect legs, and she seemed to be in a blur between her rise and fall. Such as swan song item.

Her eyes were as clear as gems, and her waist was like a swaying willow branch in spring.

He is really like a flower fairy.

The dancers danced enchantingly, surrounded by fairies, and walked towards the Taoist priest.

At some point in the air, the fragrance of fresh flowers has become so strong that it cannot be dissolved, as if the flowers carefully cultivated by the gardener are blooming at this moment, bursting out with fresh vitality.

The Taoist opened his mouth slightly and sighed.

Even he had to admit that the fairies supported by dozens of beautiful dancers were truly stunning in beauty.


The fairy's clear eyes sharpened when the two of them got ten steps closer. Dozens of gems the size of fingernails were connected to each other under the guidance of three gems the size of pigeon eggs, weaving into a dense magic net and heading towards the Taoist. Cover it!

"Heretics shall die!"

The fairy rolled up her sleeves, pressed her slender arm on her left hand, the red magic circuit bracelet lit up on her left wrist, and shot out Gandr like a machine gun!

This fairy turned out to be Tohsaka Rin!

Chapter 241: Changing Substitutes (Part 2)

With the help of the treasure chest and all the magic-filled gems Amanozaki has accumulated, Tohsaka Rin is at full strength.

Not only will I not feel bad about squandering my man's wealth, but I will also feel satisfied that "he is shopping for me."

Tohsaka Rin stared at the ugly Taoist priest, and Lin Shuyu's exquisite layout was still ringing in his ears.

"Does Sister Tang have to stay like this to ensure the existence of the soup house?"

"After the soup house is summoned, as long as there is a steady stream of positive emotional feedback, can it exist independently?... That's great. Please let Sister Rin show up when the time comes. Nozaki can't use up those gems alone. In his hands A complete waste."

"Don't worry about the audience. Although the army won't be able to get away for a while, it can still be done by asking the nearby general staff to send hundreds of people to control drones for remote shooting. Publicity and promotion on the entire network, and Hongdu Fenduo made some interest negotiations in exchange for them broadcasting the live broadcast on all official channels in the country, ensuring that all 70 million people saw was the soup house. In this way, the existence of the soup house can be maintained, right? ...Don't worry, the logistics will be left to me? I."

This little girl is so smart!

Even as arrogant as Tohsaka Rin, in front of Lin Shuyu, she had to admit that with the support of the Lin family's hundreds of years of relationship network and [Heaven and Man], she was undoubtedly the strongest in terms of public opinion and layout.

The Taoist sank down, and was surprised to find that he could not smoothly integrate into the floor under his feet, so he relied on the magic net with no blind spots.

"I see, this house has been visited by gods all year round, so it can no longer be escaped with ordinary magic? It seems that I have really fallen into a trap." He nodded slightly in praise.

At this time, he was being suppressed by a series of Gandr attacks, and the continuous weak curse like a machine gun prevented him from awakening 10% of his strength.

So his body was shaken, and his bones crackled in a series of crisp sounds. In front of everyone, he turned into a puddle of flesh and blood!

The Taoist turned into an ooze monster, and then turned into leeches, passing through the gaps in the magic net!

"Ha!" Rin Tosaka clicked his finger, and the magic net instantly exploded into colorful fireworks, swallowing up the leech! Then several smaller and denser magic nets each trapped a ball of leeches for a secondary explosion!

This ability to transform magic on the spot alone is enough for Amanozaki to learn for several more years.

If you want to realize the method you just thought of so skillfully, you must use Tohsaka Rin, who is adaptable to the five elements.

"Hey hey haha!"

However, that disgusting laughter still sounded in the exploding magic flames.

Wrapped in proliferated keratin and transparent chitin, it looked like a candied haws with sugar on it, and walked out unscathed.

"If you hadn't made a few tardigrades and jellyfish, you might have succeeded."

He was quite reserved and proud.

At this time, he was only three steps away from Tohsaka Rin.

Tohsaka Rin knew very well that within three steps, with his enhanced magic and Bajiquan foundation, there was absolutely no chance of leaving alive.

After all, the monster in front of him is an existence that can suppress extremely violent magic users like Amanozaki.

"Ah, you can pick it off with your hands."

The Taoist priest looked at Tohsaka Rin sincerely and groaned with satisfaction.

He was so happy that he thought they would have some back-up plan, but it turned out to be just venue restrictions and rough explosions.

Why on earth would someone of this level have the confidence to attack him?

He doesn't want to know and doesn't need to know, because his end is right in front of him. Taoist priest is convinced that the tentacles he uses to bind the test subject will render the [Perfect Type] ineffective and prevent him from returning to Amanozaki.

There is only one step left, only the last step...


The Taoist suddenly screamed like an insect, and his body trembled, becoming as stiff as a stone.

"Well done Hakuryuu!"

Tohsaka Rin applauded and praised loudly.

A long, cracked samurai sword pierced out from the sleeve of the dance costume of one of the dancers surrounding Tohsaka Rin, who looked like Xiaoya Biyu but had a tall figure.

The knife was made of an unknown material, and it easily pierced through Taoist Taoist Zixu's defense. Although the knife shattered after being pierced, it also caused him to be poisoned by some kind of poison.

Everything was as Lin Shuyu expected.

"I believe that the Taoist is a careful and mature guy, but after so many years of deliberate planning, I see that the great success is about to be achieved. As the old saying goes, a journey of 100 miles and 90 steps will take place. Let's use a flaw to get rid of his guard first, and then put Sister Lin away." In front of him, give him the illusion that you are within reach, and then take action!"

The so-called strike does not refer to the decisive move, but the key to weakening the Taoist.

Naturally, Lin Shuyu would not take it for granted that she could kill this old guy who had lived for hundreds of years with just one move. She would use the entire soup house as a bet to forcefully replace the Taoist!

And Bailong, who draws the sword, is the key person to execute the plan.

This person is the person who helps Chihiro escape from Yubaba's control in "Spirited Away", and his status in the movie is comparable to that of the male protagonist. Moreover, he was once a river god of a river in Japan. He lost his home and source of power because of human land reclamation and building buildings, and stayed in a hot spring house.

His real name is Zai Hayami Kohakugawa. Although he has lost the source of his divine power and has even forgotten his name, if you really want to count, he should be the strongest in the soup house except Granny Yu and Grandpa Boiler who grinds herbs underground to burn the boiler. Big ones exist.

Amanozaki's slightly mocking voice sounded from the speakers in all directions of the soup house:

"The taste of the Yamata no Orochi's fangs is unpleasant, isn't it, Immortal~?"

"What a coincidence. The Yamata-no-Orochi once ravaged countless rivers. It happened that when we were rubbing the back of an adult, one of them came out. Although it is in tatters, it is still a foreign poison. Have you seen it, Immortal~?"

It is a naked shame to be called an immortal for the first time despite being suppressed by others!

"How dare you!"

After the Taoist roared, he suppressed the toxins in his body and took a step forward.

But now the soup house started to shake.

Countless electronic-like patterns spread throughout the hot spring house, which is made of copper pipes and hardwood as the main structure, giving this huge building that seems to have both feudal and steam-style elements from the Meiji era a little cyber flavor.

A huge magic circle spread down from the roof, swallowing up the entire soup house as if it was alive.

Amanosaki, who was sitting on the top floor, closed his eyes tightly, surrounded by mountains of gold, silver and gems - this was Yubaba's collection.

The gems worth over 100 million, which are full of magic power, are arranged in a mysterious way, and the huge magic array is arranged under Amanozaki's control.

This is also Lin Shuyu's plan.

Yubaba used witchcraft to capture the four-clawed fish, Amanozaki slaughtered it to fill it with magic power, Tohsaka Rin and the Yuya servants created a magic circle to guide the formation of the magic circle, and Amanosaki took charge of the operation to liberate Tohsaka Rin.

With the completion of the magic, Tohsaka Rin transformed into a steel rose with crystal clear skin and a strong figure, wearing a technological Rhine-style charging suit, holding a huge technological shield, with double horns on his head, and thunderous eyes!

Only by liberating the [Perfect Type] can the full power of the [Substitute User] be unleashed!

Changes are the ultimate form of the [perfect type] stand!

Sareya's dragon eyes were bulging, her muscles were knotted, and the magic lines under her feet climbed up her body, making her already terrifying power climb to a higher level. She lunged and punched!

"In the name of justice, I will destroy you!"

Chapter 242: The End of Life (Part 1)

The purpose of the magic circle constructed by Rin Toosaka was very simple, which was to strengthen the bodies of all friendly parties within the range, while weakening the enemies.

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