"But isn't that Hinata from Naruto? What about the substitute?"

As Amanozaki muttered to himself, he finally understood the situation.

His stand-in, named "Ideal Type", has the ability to change into an image every day and has the ability to change the object.

Apparently, it was Hinata who changed today.

After spitting out the mouthwash, Amanozaki carried the basin back to the room, opened the door and turned to stone on the spot.

The room where the floor was originally littered with debris, cardboard boxes stacked on top of each other, and bed sheets and quilts scattered around disappeared.

Instead, there were neatly stacked beds, neatly stacked boxes covered with plastic bags, and a floor that had been darkened by previous tenants and had been painted to reveal the original color of cement.

The stand-in...Hinata wore Amanozaki's pillowcloth as a hat and was scrubbing the floor quickly with a brush.

Seeing Amanozaki's feet, she pointed to the bedside table without raising her head: "I'm a little pressed for time, so I just mixed a bowl of milk and cereal, and boiled the eggs in the pot. I'll eat them later."

The voice was soft and the tone was natural, just like the tone of an old couple.

Looking at the words [Special Stand that heals the loneliness and unreconciled whims of the stand-in] in the data panel, Amanozaki, who was holding the bowl and drinking hard, woke up as if he was enlightened.

He is single.

He is single, both on earth and in this world.

So his substitute became like this, a substitute who was intelligent, had the appearance of his paper wife, and understood all his desires and expectations.

A perfect wife?

No wonder the substitute's original life is called the ideal type...

There is unreserved empathy between the substitute and the messenger. What a perfect relationship this is!

In the anime, JOJO initially regarded Platinum Star as a possessed evil spirit, but even in that situation, Platinum Star would still fulfill JOJO's wishes and bring him remote control cars, comics and drinks.

In this way, even the quarrels and the "guess" and "whatever" aspects are saved.

It's wonderful, it's wonderful.

Sipping milk cereal, Amanozaki patted the door frame in a silly way.

Fortunately, the house he rented was a single room that was illegally expanded on the roof of the building. No one usually came and went, otherwise he would have become a crazy monkey in the eyes of pedestrians going to work.

"Nozaki, it's already 10 o'clock now. Don't forget to deliver posters to Iron Man Train Man at 12 o'clock. The burden of the family is all on you."

After taking off her apron and hanging it on the back of the door, Hinata put down her rolled-up sleeves and gently pushed Amanozaki's shoulder: "After you finish eating, put it in the sink. I'll wash it when I get back from work."

"I'll just go and deliver it. You just finished cleaning, don't be too tired." Amanozaki said stumblingly, picked up the USB flash drive and stuffed it into his backpack, scratched his head, and asked hesitantly, "Also, what should I call you?" Are you called Hinata or the ideal type?"

"Just call me whatever I look like now. The ideal type is just my essence, and the name itself is quite boring."

Hinata said, grabbing the key that Amanozaki had forgotten on the table, stuffing it into her trouser pocket, and then took Amanozaki's hand: "You forgot, I am a substitute, and the substitute is inseparable from the substitute user."

"And there are some things I need to talk to you about the stand-in ability... Let's talk about it on the way. I have to think of how to explain it."


Du Wenxi runs a copy shop in a slum on the outskirts of Yushan City... to be precise, it is a mixed bag of neither salty nor light.

Except for the master scholars who take orders at Jianghu Forum, in the urban village area, the only things that I can use at most are photocopying documents and changing the names of shops and restaurants.

It was past ten o'clock, and the scholar with the holy hand who had made an appointment was still missing.

"Well, it seems that we don't have the chance to talk about the anecdotes of the world with Mr. Gan Di today." He lay on the rocking chair regretfully.

Just when Du Wenxi thought he was going to get through it again for nothing today, and was about to turn on his phone to watch the live broadcast of Xia Ke Xing Xia Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xia Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiang Xiangzhong by watching the live broadcast, a familiar voice rang out from the street.

"Lao Du, are you ready? A large poster of 6 square meters and 200 leaflets!"

Du Wenxi clasped his phone, brushed his flowing hair on the Mediterranean Sea, and walked out with his head held high.

"My dear Mr. Liver Emperor, if I had known that you would take on a big business this time, what kind of hero would be so willing to do so?" Du Wenxi was wearing flip-flops, a loose silk vest, and baggy shorts that swayed as he moved in the hot summer day of Yushan City. It complements the cattail leaf fan in hand.

Dressing like this is what Laoyu Mountain City should look like in summer.

In the summer of this city, nothing can beat the coolness of the city.

When I saw Amanosaki, who was wearing a T-shirt and jeans, sweating profusely, I secretly smiled. Although Gandi was famous in the Jiwenxing circle, he always had to run around outside when he had business. How could he be in the air conditioner? Is it fun to just sit back and wait for the rabbit to come?

"Wenxi, this is the original picture. Please do it quickly. Today, the Iron Man Train Man will compete with the King Kong Train Man for the title of Wuhu Xiangtang's only designated Train Man!"

Du Wenxi is a fan of chivalry, but unfortunately he hasn't awakened his powers at such a young age, so he can only mutter some quack words, which makes him addicted to good things.

However, Amanozaki was busy today and had no time to play tricks with him, so he went straight to the point.

Du Wenxi put his reading glasses on the tip of his nose: "Why, Wuhu Xiangtang is the entrance to Qunxia Mountain in Wuhu Town. They are competing for the name of Wuhu Xiangtang. How can they come to our Yushan City? Our Jianghu here belongs to [Chongqing] Shan Fenduo] Guan, those Xiangtang matters can be settled in the county or town, why go to the provincial capital? "

With that said, Du Wenxi took two popsicles from the freezer, took one in his mouth, and handed the other to Amanozaki.

Amanozaki took the popsicle and turned around and handed it to Hinata.

It was only then that Du Wenxi, who was preheating the machine, discovered that Mr. Gan Di had brought a girl today.

The glasses hanging on the nose were pushed up, the hand holding the popsicle shook, and the summer happiness fell to the ground and shattered.

But Du Wenxi didn't notice that the popsicle was missing, and he didn't need the popsicle anymore.

Because his heart is cold and cold.

There is no doubt about Hinata's beauty, especially the current image of the ideal type is the portrait of Hinata in the later adult version of Shippuden. The plump body is bulging forward and backward, and the pair of evil chests can look good even if she is wearing a loose sweater. figure it out.

But what made Du Wenxi most uncomfortable was that Hinata's face was full of tenderness, full of Nadeshiko's tenderness. Every time Amanozaki and Hinata looked at each other, their eyes sparkled with joy.

This made Vincent heartbroken.

He knew that this summer, the close friend who talked about the affairs of the world and scolded Fang Qiu had disappeared, and the only one left here was Party A named Gan Emperor.

Sitting in front of the machine, even if his work efficiency was pushed to the highest level, those whispering conversations still entered his ears like butterflies in flowers and could not be swatted away or driven away.

"Here, eat some popsicles."

"Uncle Vincent gave it to you."

I am already an uncle, ha, I should be an uncle now.

Hinata's words pierced Vincent's heart.

"No, I don't like popsicles." Amanozaki declined, "You can eat it, I still have to save my voice to talk to customers."


The sad Vincent was now glaring, staring at the console with eyes spitting fire.

You clearly said before that eating popsicles in summer is second only to eating watermelon as a popular summer event for common people!

What a good boy, you really value sex over friends!

At this time, Wenxi could already imagine the Gan Emperor looking at his girlfriend as she nibbled on the popsicle.

But he didn't dare to look up to verify, because he was afraid that his heart would be hurt by other people's sweetness.

Your honey is my arsenic.

Du Wenxi worked hurriedly, not wanting to eat another grain of dog food.

You relied on your painting skills to get into the world and meet knights, and now you are still holding a beautiful woman, you damn winner in life!

Damn it! !

"Okay! Check the goods!"

Twenty minutes later, Du Wenxi, who had finished his work, pushed his things away, lay down on the rocking chair, and clicked on the live broadcast on his mobile phone without looking at Amanozaki.

After inspecting the goods, Amanozaki carefully sealed the items, clamped the poster with tin foil, rolled it up and put it into an aluminum tube, and paid the bill neatly.


Amanozaki, who turned around to take Hinata away, turned back in confusion: "What's wrong, Vinci?"

"I didn't give you any money for the popsicles."

"It's not like every summer, I take care of business and you treat me to all the popsicles."

"The rules have changed." Wenxi's eyes widened, and there was a touch of sadness in his sonorous tone, "There is already a sad and thick barrier between us."

He waited a few more minutes until the matter was over.

Seeing that time was running out, Amanozaki pulled Hinata and ran to the light rail station. On the way, he explained: "I guess Vinci went to gamble online again. The knight he bet on lost, and his private money was lost. Please ask me to fill in the money." This is a shortfall."

Hinata nodded repeatedly and suddenly asked, "What is private money?"

Amanozaki's heart was beating inexplicably, and he said with a straight face:

"Private money is a man's social money."


Amanozaki raised his eyebrows and said righteously: "Of course."

As they spoke, the two entered the light rail station. Looking at the long queue of people at the entrance, Amanozaki slapped his thigh: "It's broken!"

Hinata saw Amanozaki spinning in circles like an ant on a hot pot, and heard him repeating: "I just told Vincent, why did I forget it? Today is the sixth day of the reign of Yushan Castle." On the day when the chivalrous disputes in counties and towns are resolved, people who work in the city will definitely support their fellow chivalrous people.”

"Wenxi is from the city and doesn't pay attention to this. Why did I forget that the villages in the city are full of tenants who come to the city to work!"

Hinata reached out and poked Amanozaki's shoulder.

Amanozaki couldn't help but raise his head when he saw the onion-like white fingers pointing at his body.

I saw a smile on Hinata's face:

"Nozaki, have you forgotten who I am?"

"Me." She pointed her thumb towards herself and finally opened her mouth. The two rows of teeth were neatly arranged, and her smile seemed to be filled with the warmth of the sun: "I am a ninja of Konoha."

After speaking, he opened his arms, hugged the back of Amanozaki's neck with his right hand, picked up his calf with his left hand, and picked up Amanozaki in a standard princess hug.

The calves squatted slightly, blue chakra secreted from under the skin, and when it saw the wind, it expanded into the shape of two flames.

Hinata tapped the arch of her foot, and the figure disappeared, leaving a group of people in line staring blankly at the half-meter diameter pit and broken tiles on the ground.

"What's going on?"

"What happened?"

"I saw a very beautiful girl... the heroine, she jumped out like a ladder, she's so amazing!"

"Damn it, Tiyunzong, there's still fire under your Tiyunzong's feet? He's obviously a born stranger, an expert in the manipulation of fire!"

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