JK's JK suit was undoubtedly soaked by the water.

Summer clothes are always so thin and outline the young and graceful curves of girls.

There are also other colors for the chest part.

‘Good guy, the big-mouthed monkey’s mouth is stretched like this? ’

Amanozaki raised his eyebrows and glanced up and down like a monitor.

Hibiscus comes out of clear water, and the carvings are naturally removed.

This girl, whom Lin Shuyu calls Jiajia, is undoubtedly a young beauty.

I didn't think she was so aura before, but when she was fished out of the water and the disguised ferocity faded away, she had an unexpectedly soft face.

There are countless water droplets rolling on the clean and plump skin like mutton-fat jade, which is reminiscent of freshly picked branches.

The dark skirt sticks to the top of the thigh, and the white stockings become tighter and tighter after being soaked in water. The light is slightly reflected in the bright sunlight, and the arc of the calf is tight and powerful, twitching with the owner's anger.


The watcher who was hiding somewhere took a breath of air-conditioning and sighed at the natural, youthful, and slightly seductive beauty of the wet JK.

‘Brother I understand you. ’

Amanozaki silently agreed and moved his head away.

It's a man's instinct to take one look, but it's Amanozaki's strong self-control not to take a second look.

‘I have a girlfriend. ’

Amanozaki comforted himself silently and began to imagine what his girlfriend would look like tomorrow.

But the girlfriend in my mind also wore JK for no reason.

JK’s magic is so powerful!

Amanozaki had to sigh.

"Ms. Lin, your friend is fine now. Can you lead the way? Or should you replace me with a dispatcher?"

Amanozaki stood aside for a while, feeling that there were more and more eyes around him, which made his imagination uneasy. Besides being unhappy, he couldn't wait any longer.

He began to be disappointed with Yushan Branch. Is it possible that a provincial chivalrous center is the kind of thing that only dares to hide in the green belt and hide its helmet in a dark corner where no light can be seen?

Those eyes were malicious and made people extremely uncomfortable.

If it weren't for Seria's reminder, Amanozaki would have planned to pick out the guys who were peeping nearby and teach them a lesson.

Can you really be a good knight by following these insects?

Amanozaki couldn't help but have some doubts.

His dazed posture was interpreted by Lin Shuyu as impatience, so she once again confirmed that JK girl was fine, and gently stroked JK's face: "Jiajia, do you have something to say to Mr. Amanosaki? "


Middle school JK spat out water angrily and felt that half of his face was swollen.

In fact, she didn't. Her breasts, which could open the big-mouthed monkey's mouth, absorbed most of Seria's impact.

Seeing Jiajia's appearance, Lin Shuyu, who had always had a good relationship with her, didn't understand that Jiajia had something to say, just because she lost the fight and had no shame to mention it again.

"Jiajia, if you don't tell me, I will take Amanozaki away and leave you here!"

"Tsk." JK turned his head with a stinky face and glared at Lin Shuyu in disgust.

What should I say in this embarrassing situation?

She pursed her lips, reached out and groped under the waterfall, picked up the steel sword that had been pinched and broken by Ceria, stepped on her little leather shoes that were soaked in water and squeaked, and left without looking back.

"Remember to use a hair dryer to blow your hair! Otherwise, you will have a headache when you turn on the air conditioner late at night!"

Lin Shuyu also shouted instructions at JK's back.

Then Amanozaki followed Lin Shuyu to the dormitory under the gaze of those who were missing.

"Yushan City is a mountain city, so the main living buildings in Fenduo are actually underground."

With this introduction, Lin Shuyu led Amanozaki into the tunnel at the back of the main building.

As the staircase-like elevator goes down, the hot and humid summer air in Yushan City suddenly becomes cooler.

Amanozaki could clearly see that this road led to one of the two low mountains sandwiching Yushan Branch.

"All sub-rudders will be built in the center of provincial capital cities, either dug downwards or hollowed out of the mountains." Lin Shuyu began to explain appropriately, "Although this is expensive, there are actually historical reasons."

"The strongest knights in a city often gather at the Qunxia Mountain to divide the helms and halls. Therefore, when powerful evil heretics invade, the Qunxia Mountain built in the center of the city can quickly absorb nearby residents, and the government will transfer them Enter the shelter to reduce the cost of sending knights to protect refugees.”

"That's it." Amanozaki suddenly realized.

To put it simply, building the main buildings of Qunxiashan in the city center where land prices are high is a strategy of exchanging money for peace.

"The Yushan branch has abandoned the refuge of another mountain. There are 6,000 dormitories, eight canteens, and two experimental bases in this mountain."

Walking in a long corridor as clean and simple as a hospital, with all kinds of metal pipes overhead, Lin Shuyu explained while swiping his card to enter the hall, "This is the living area on the 18th floor underground. There is a small garden in the center of the hall, and a circle around it. The rest area of ​​the square, your accommodation is over here.”

Amanozaki's residence is right next to the hall. It is an area where you can enjoy the underground garden as soon as you step out. It seems to be in a much better location than the houses in the corridor.

As Lin Shuyu reset his password, swiped his card, and entered information, Amanozaki completed the move within ten minutes.

The room is not big, about 30 square meters, with no living room, only a very spacious bedroom. There is a spacious table against the wall, and a small dining table by the door. There is no gas in the kitchen, only an induction cooker. Hot water and air conditioning are provided by the central control system, 24 hours a day.

There is nothing hanging on the wall, and the all-metal wall allows customized wallpaper and paintings after application.

The most important thing is that it doesn't cost money.

Amanozaki is very satisfied.

"This phone is the version for Qunxia Mountain. You will need it for your life and other services in Qunxia Mountain. The canteen and supermarket are just opposite the garden. You can eat and shop by swiping your card with this phone."

Lin Shuyu, standing at the door, looked a little solemn.

"Miss Lin, if you have something to do, you can go first. I will contact you if you have any questions." Sitting on the bed, feeling the softness of the mattress, Amanozaki said caringly.

"It's time to get off work," Lin Shuyu said with a forced smile, "but I will be your guide for the next week. I will come to register your information at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, and then arrange for you to take a full-scale test. Please rest today."

"Thank you."

Amanosaki came to the door and said as he was about to close the door.

But Lin Shuyu still stood at the door, looked around, and then spoke quickly:

"I apologize to you for Jiajia's matter, but please believe me, Jiajia really has no ill will towards you."

Amanosaki smiled politely, and the meaning of keeping people away was self-evident.

"It's true!" Lin Shuyu stomped her feet anxiously, and the lace bow on her chest jumped up and down, looking a little lonely.

Yes, it was as flat as tempered glass, and even the lace bow was jumping without passion.

"The young people in the branch must be dissatisfied with you, so Jia Jia would stay there and beat you."

Amanozaki kindly reminded: "The Jia Jia you are talking about is also a young person."

"That's different."

Lin Shuyu held her forehead and hesitated about what to say. After making up her mind again and again, she took a deep breath, and a beautiful light flashed in her eyes. The speed of her speech suddenly increased:

"Listen carefully, the young people I am talking about are not just your and my peers, but a group of people whose parents are powerful and whose superpowers happen to belong to the combat sequence. They have bad tempers and have caused many embarrassing things before."

"I think she should want to beat you up in public today, and then take you as a younger brother and protect you with her identity."

Amanozaki felt that his eyes were opened.

What kind of strange brain circuit is this? Why is it so troublesome? Why would a problem that can be solved with words lead to physical action?

He thought that JK was in the same group as those who were hostile to him!

Lin Shuyu looked at Amanosaki awkwardly and stammered, "Jia Jia is like this. She cares about people but never says it directly. She always ridicules people. So those who have been helped by her don't really appreciate her kindness. The more this happens, the more awkward her temper becomes."

Ah, tsundere, it turns out that tsundere JK girls really exist.

Amanosaki sighed sincerely, "I'm not sleepy anymore when you say that."

"In short, when I'm not here, please be careful and don't get involved with those people. The area they live in doesn't overlap with yours. They only come down to find trouble. You just need to stay at home most of the time! Also, after leaving the dormitory, don't let Miss Saria out. Many people here have some supernatural powers. In order to keep a low profile and show sincerity, they rarely open them. If you violate them, you will be rejected by everyone."

"I still have to submit reports and materials, so I'll leave first."

Before leaving, Lin Shuyu solemnly reminded, "Mr. Amanosaki, please be careful!"

Before I take revenge on you, you must be alive!

Lin Shuyu trotted, clenching his hands.

Looking at the lace flowers swaying on the girl's chest and the youthful colors of the skirt, Amanozaki sighed helplessly:

"I just complained, don't do the same thing as the online article."

While saying this, the young man's eyes were full of eagerness.

Chapter 20: The Wrath of the Eater

"That lady said not to let me out."

A pair of hands reached out from behind, wrapped around Amanozaki's neck, and drew circles on his chest.

It was obviously a source stone skill to control calcium, but Saria's fingers inexplicably caused Amanozaki's whole body bioelectricity to be disordered.

The numbness and tingling sensation spread with the slippery fingers, the heart began to pump blood, the body temperature gradually rose, and the hot skin responded to Saria's "electric" fingers.

"Aren't you in the dormitory now? I didn't break the unspoken rules."

Amanozaki answered with full energy.

Saria gave a wicked smile, slowly put her fingers into Amanozaki's shirt, deftly unbuttoned the collar, and continued to circle her fingers.

As her fingertips slid at zero distance, Amanozaki's breathing became uncontrollably rapid.

Then his stomach growled.

Saria paused in her teasing and retracted her fingers, and Amanozaki suddenly felt lost.

This instinctive emotion was very clear, and Saria felt it without surprise. She laughed, raised her feet, and bit Amanozaki's earlobe.

Amanozaki shuddered all over, his sensitive earlobe was bitten by four pearly teeth, his elastic thin lips held his ear, and his wet tongue gently teased the soft flesh of his earlobe. The airflow from Saria's nose rushed into his ear canal, making his heart and ears itch.

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