Lin Shuyu, who hadn't received an answer from Amanozaki for a long time, was afraid that Amanozaki would be swept away by the evil forces that discriminated against him. In a hurry, the girl swiped the access card to enter the dormitory.

She happened to see the perverted Amanozaki rubbing his face against the soles of Rin Tohsaka's feet.

Rin Tohsaka, whose face was red and smoking, had given up and was hugging her hands, tilting her eyes and enduring the rare domineering behavior.

Then she happened to see Lin Shuyu walking in.

Amanozaki, who was rubbing, felt something was wrong and instinctively raised his head.

Lin Shuyu, whose eyes were covered by his hands and exposed from the completely open fingers that covered nothing, looked at Amanozaki who was enjoying Rin Tohsaka's trampling with an unbelievable and slightly excited look.

At that moment, Amanozaki knew that he was finished.

Rin Tohsaka was a tsundere.

Rin Tohsaka was embarrassed now.

"Pervert! Pervert! Sperm! Go to hell!"

Chapter 22: Please teach me how to pick up girls, coach!

You have seen people with red slap marks on their faces, but have you seen people with footprints on their faces?

I can only say that Rin is worthy of being a person with the strength to wrestle with her followers. Her feet are fragrant and soft, but the kick in shame and anger left Amanosaki's face with redness and swelling that could not be eliminated for a while.

Amanosaki walked calmly in the corridor of the 18th floor underground where people were coming and going. After a while, he said helplessly: "Miss Lin, laugh if you want to laugh. You are holding back your laughter like a pig, which makes you more conspicuous. You might as well laugh it all at once."

"Puff, sorry, hahahaha!"

Lin Shuyu covered her mouth, her face flushed from holding back her laughter, her eyes curved, and her clothes were completely unsuitable for the capable work clothes she wore today.

"Sorry, haha, I can't help myself."

Amanosaki, with Rin's small footprints printed on her head, calmly nibbled the chive box in her hand under the gaze of passers-by, quietly waiting for Lin Shuyu to recover.

Rin Tohsaka disappeared to sulk because she was caught being intimate with him.

After spending a few days together, Amanozaki has roughly figured out several characteristics of the [ideal type].

First of all, all the women she transformed into were female characters that appeared in the works she uploaded on the romantic section.

Secondly, the personality of the ideal type will be affected by the changing characters, so Amanozaki felt very excited every day during the past few days of interaction.

On the first day, I just got familiar with Hinata's gentleness, and on the second day, I was teased by Saria in various ways, as if I was having an affair.

Today was even more cruel, directly returning to the school days, performing a youth love drama that I had never experienced before.

It really made up for my poor experience in school.

Thinking of this, Amanozaki unconsciously touched the footprints on his face with his fingers and sighed: "Is this youth?"

"No, no one's youth is to have footprints on the face, right?"

Lin Shuyu, who was laughing so hard that her stomach was cramped, wiped her tears and refuted weakly.

"Really? Normal friends wouldn't step on someone's face... No, according to Lin's personality of playing pranks on acquaintances, it's possible that she stepped on me because she loves me and deliberately made me look bad... Ah! This must be youth!"

Amanozaki became more and more excited as he spoke, unilaterally announcing that he had returned to youth.

"No way! Who would step on someone's face..." Lin Shuyu, who was mockingly retorting, paused halfway through her words, and the end of her words was drawn out, like a screaming chicken with its throat strangled.

Because of her laughter, passers-by around looked over, and the marks on Amanozaki's face and their jokes were naturally seen by everyone.

At this time, Lin Shuyu laughed so hard that her face turned red, and her eyes looked like they were filled with tears because of her laughter.

She flirted with Amanozaki in such an unruly way, and there were obvious marks of a girl's footprints on her face. What would others think when they saw her?

Lin Shuyu stopped laughing all of a sudden, glared at Amanozaki, turned around and walked away, with a crisp sound of her low-heeled shoes tapping.

Amanozaki didn't care about this. He even ignored the eyes of the people around him, let alone a girl?

Don't underestimate the face of a man who started from scratch in the circle of holy hand scholars and got a household registration.

What's more, Amanozaki even felt that the marks on his face were a sign of Tosaka Rin's intimacy with him. The harmless prank of his girlfriend on him could only reflect the intimacy between the two, right?

Because as the saying goes:

Beating is love, scolding is love, and kicking when love is deep.

This proves:

Tosaka Rin loves me deeply.


Thinking of this, Amanozaki was in a good mood. Even the marks on his face became strawberries planted by Tosaka Rin in his eyes.

So, in full view of the public, Amanozaki, with red footprints on his head, walked more and more lightly, and even hummed softly in his mouth...

Hearing Amanozaki's joyful singing, Lin Shuyu's steps staggered and she almost fell.

She understood.

This is revenge.

Amanozaki was taking revenge on her for catching them in the act, so he deliberately made her laugh in public and acted in a way that didn't fit her image, making people misunderstand that they were in a relationship!

Oh my god!

According to the rules of the Yushan branch, she had to spend the next week with Amanozaki during the day, and she had already informed him yesterday... Could it be that this man was so vindictive that he wanted to use the rules to force her to play a couple with her for a week? ! !

Damn it! I haven't even started to take revenge, but you took action first!

Wait until those people are driven away, I'm going to punish you, and I'm going to make you bow in public and apologize, clarify the facts, and cry and beg me!

This was already the most vicious design imaginable for Lin Shuyu, who had lived in a benevolent environment since childhood.

Looking at Lin Shuyu who suddenly accelerated his pace, Amanozaki shrugged and was forced to speed up.

Along the way, he seemed to have a spring breeze blowing on his face, nodding friendly to all the males passing by who looked directly at his face, showing the traces left by Tosaka Rin, with a look of "Look, my girlfriend gave this, you have it?" "You don't have to show off."

As a result, the rumor that "a man with a good appearance but a mental problem is suspected to be Ms. Lin's boyfriend" spread throughout Yushan Branch faster than the two of them could walk.

Also circulated was Amanozaki's face that had been stepped on.

This rather intimate footprint has become a real hammer in the eyes of the people who eat melons.


Following the elevator back to the surface, the weather in Yushan that anyone coming out of an air-conditioned room would say "fuck" once again enveloped Amanozaki.

It seems that the test is ahead of schedule, Amanozaki thought as he followed Lin Shuyu from the staff passage to the martial arts field.

The martial arts arena at the helm was composed of several venues, so Amanozaki looked in a daze as he looked at the martial arts arena surrounded by tarpaulins and heavy machinery.

His first experience happened there. It was only two days, but it felt like a long time had passed. His life had completely changed.

With powers and a girlfriend, he changed from a peripheral scholar to an invited free knight, and...

Virginity Graduation.

In an instant, everything was turned upside down.

"Ah, Jiajia!" Lin Shuyu, who had always had a dark face, trotted over happily, holding the JK girl with a frosty face in his arms with his barren chest.

Amanozaki vaguely heard the sound of his head hitting the steel plate.

Lin Shuyu smiled innocently and kept rubbing the girl's head. Although the girl looked disgusted, she surprisingly tolerated Lin Shuyu's passionate actions.

Today's JK girl wears a sailor-style school uniform, with a single ponytail tied high, and her hands are covered with European-style iron gloves. She holds a heavy one-meter-long cross sword with iron gloves. Carry it in your hand like a bag.

Paired with her indifferent face, she is really a tsundere girl with good looks and high combat effectiveness who came out of a superpower anime.

Ah, speaking of it, tsundere, good looks, superpowers, uniforms, these attributes seem to have been something he has seen before...

As if in response to Amanozaki's thoughts, the pixels rolled out violently. A girl in a red dress, black skirt, knee-high socks, small leather shoes, and a pair of ponytails with a sharp black bow, put her hands in her pockets and walked with her head held high. out.

The lip color is light, like early summer cherries that are about to be ripe. The nose is like a jade vase, delicate and smooth, and the eyes are clear in black and white, as if day and night are passing between them.

Tohsaka Rin took two steps, and JK, who was hugged by Lin Shuyu, was like an enraged leopard. His eyes widened, his hand unconsciously clenched the cross sword, his back straightened, and his other hand hugged Lin Shuyu's slender body. Waist, turn yourself to the front.

Two young girls with highly overlapping attributes were at war with each other in the spacious martial arts arena. The strong wind blew by, bringing up the double ponytail and the single ponytail.

A pair of black silk stockings and white silk stockings were facing each other faintly. JK Bingshan's eyes met Rin Tosaka, who was as arrogant as jewels.

Oh oh oh! Battle of the Pretty Girls!

A fire lit up in Amanozaki's heart.

The next second, Tohsaka Rin ignored the iceberg and set his sights on the stands in the distance.

The strong man with his body covered with bandages stood up quietly and looked at Tohsaka Rin with slightly confused eyes.

Amanozaki recognized it. This was the man who was beaten up by Ceria yesterday, the strong man with the power to control all flesh and blood.

This is the reason why Tohsaka Rin took the initiative to show up.

'My magic is based on gem magic. Now I only have two in my hand, so the chance of winning is not great. You should be careful. ’

Tohsaka Rin thought like this, and faithfully delivered the message [as if I were here].

Amanozaki quietly looked at the panel;

[Current identity: Tohsaka Rin]

[Current popularity: Jiji Wuming (34%)]

The singing speed is only silent and unknown, and Rin doesn't even have the gift of a pendant on her chest. It seems that she only has the strength of the original version at the moment.

Amanozaki pursed his lips and began to think about the possibility of begging for mercy.

After all, he is participating in the test now. Even if he is besieged by those N-generations, he should not die, right?

Later I will draw a pair of four-frame cartoons of Rin and put them online, and then take some intimate photos of her and me to increase her popularity!

‘I understand that a magician can exert his greatest strength only if he has enough rituals and preparations. Don’t worry about it... Where did the jewelry in your hand come from? ! ’

Amanozaki, who was thinking about his strategy, accidentally saw the exposed gold earrings held between Tohsaka Rin's two fingers. There was a dull light flowing in the two mung bean gems on them.

‘Didn’t Lin Shuyu barge in this morning? When I stepped on your face and disappeared, I picked it off her ear. ’

Tohsaka Rin takes it for granted.

‘Then what’s on her ear now! ! ? ’

Amanozaki was stunned.

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