"Jia Jia's injury is not serious. Bian Que has been cured. She just needs to rest." Someone said attentively, with more flattering meaning than words.

Amber's face made of amber showed no movement. He just looked at the video and saw that his whole body was wrapped in dense magic lines. He looked like Amanosaki from the Terminator from some science fiction movie:

"I heard that Amanozaki's power changed again today. What is it and how does it perform?"

There was no intention of caring about JK girls either inside or outside of her words.

Embarrassing the person on the sidelines who flattered the wrong person.

Someone in the crowd immediately opened his notebook and answered loudly: "He has been awakening his powers for three days now. Every day is a different woman, with significant differences in height and weight. The next day's woman seems to have even changed species. The difference in abilities is very obvious. , but there is one thing in common..."


"They are all beautiful, very beautiful." The person who reported adjusted his glasses and tried hard to hold back his smile, but the raised corners of his mouth betrayed everything.

"...a little pervert."

Mr. Amber laughed dumbly and calmly occupied the best seat. Seeing that the guard sat down, everyone dared to sit down again.

Amber Gong separated his eyes left and right, looking at the monitor on one side and the middle-aged man wearing glasses on the other: "How does his superpower perform?"

“Each one is excellent.”

The man with glasses answered without hesitation, "He called the woman on the first day Hinata, the woman on the second day Ceria, and today the woman Rin Tosaka. Judging from the data and abilities collected so far, there are no exceptions. It's a combat-type ability, and it's far beyond Tangkou's level. You can touch the edge of the helm with a little training."

"Continue." Mr. Amber looked at the monitor with interest and did not forget to urge.

In the video, Amanozaki punched several times, breaking the chitin armor on Li Junzi's lower back. At the same time, the skin on the back of his fingers also festered, exposing the stark white bones.

Inexplicably, he fell straight backwards, just in time to avoid Li Junzi's twisting punch, as if some lucky star was watching over him, allowing him to always avoid dangerous attacks.

A faint light shone from his hands. By the time Amanozaki stood up from rolling, the ulcer on his hand had healed, and the skin of his fingers revealed a fresh pink color, which was in sharp contrast with the wheat-colored back of his hand.

Several gemstones of different colors, shaped like birds and bats, flapped their wings and surrounded Amanozaki's head.

One of them was wandering around, suddenly fell, hit Amanozaki's back, and immediately turned into a pile of debris.

Magic lines climbed up Amanozaki's neck, leaving several straight lines on his face.

Amanozaki set off again, his speed and strength significantly increased compared to before. He had a simple smile like a baby on his face, joy from the bottom of his heart, but his movements were like a mad dog, using his hands and feet together, he jumped on Junzi Li's back. .

He dug hard with both hands, his fingers sank into the chitin armor, and began to tear at the defensive exoskeleton on Li Junzi's head.

"Oh!" Amber Princess interrupted the bespectacled man's report with great interest, as if she had discovered a new world, "Watch the game, watch the game."

Li Junzi, who was in pain from Amanozaki's forehead, reached for Amanozaki's body with both hands, but an inexplicable explosion occurred on the inside of his elbow, making his counterattack unprecise.

"with full force!"

The angry Li Junzi shouted violently, and countless bone spurs sprouted from the chitin armor all over his body. He arched his body and wanted to wrap around Amanozaki and stab him to death!

But Amanozaki, as if he had no idea, stepped on Junzi Li's face, jumped up with a bloody nose, and Shi Shiran distanced himself.


Amanozaki blew out a ball of hot air, his muscles all over his body twitched slightly, his eyes were locked on Li Junzi, and his vacant brain accepted Tohsaka Rin's reprimand without reservation;

‘It’s too fast! You shouldn't be so eager to get results. Even a magician who specializes in melee combat will not use such large movements! If I hadn't replenished your magic power just now, you would have been locked! ’

"My wife taught me a lesson." Amanozaki nodded without thinking.

'Who are you...forget it. ’

Tohsaka Rin stroked his forehead mid-sentence and pointed helplessly, 'Pay attention to controlling your movements, don't be like a beast, be like a dancer, you should dance with the big man. ’

‘Again, watch his lower back. I estimate that the big man can change into the form of other creatures, but the cost will definitely be high, but as long as he still maintains his human form, destroying the spine will always be the most convenient option. ’

'In order to ensure the flexibility of the waist, he will not cover too many armor plates on the waist. Don't scratch his head and neck, normal people are prepared for that. ’

Amanozaki nodded and took small steps to adjust his position.

Seeing this, Li Junzi wiped the blood on his face and bared his teeth.

They are like two planets, orbiting around an invisible star, maintaining a constant distance, carefully observing each other, looking for flaws.

Amanosaki, who lacked actual combat experience, was the first to lose his temper and take action. He kicked off his legs, leaned forward, and meandered forward close to the ground at an extremely fast speed.

But this time he was caught by Li Junzi.

At this time, Li Junzi's head appearance changed drastically.

His eyes swelled ten times, occupying most of his bare forehead. A pair of insect-like compound eyes connected countless nerve nodes that were dozens of times more powerful than humans to reach his brain.

A better dynamic visual system allows Mr. Li to come first.

The armor on the inner and outer sides of his arm fused and grew, forming a blade-like structure. The five fingers of his right hand came together to form a chitin spear tip, and stabbed Amanozaki in front of him.

Amanozaki put his hands on the ground and jumped up according to Rin's command, avoiding the stabbing attack.

At the same time, he kicked Li Junzi's stabbing left hand and flew up like an antelope with horns. The target was clearly Li Junzi's waist!

"A hero will never suffer twice from the same move!"

Li Junzi smiled weirdly, the entire armor on his back was raised, and two huge tentacles came out, wrapping Amanozaki tightly, allowing Amanozaki to bite and beat him, and was covered by the fine chitin The tentacles wrapped in bone fragments slowly tightened like a python, bleeding profusely but not letting go.

"Brother, am I very good at hiding this trick?"

Because the tentacles were released, Li Junzi, who had a strong chest and abdomen now as thin as paper, chuckled, "I removed my arms and chest muscles and turned them into these two tentacles hidden under the armor. Then I secretly changed the armor into They are like insect wings, just to prevent you from sneak attacks."

His terrifying fly-like eyes slowly faded away and returned to their normal appearance. Li Junzi announced loudly: "I won this one!"

"No, although my dance is over, the formula for victory was already determined when Rin asked me to play."

Amanozaki pouted, revealing teeth stained red with blood.

Tohsaka Rin slowly approached the two of them. Under Li Junzi's vigilant gaze, she stretched out her jade-like finger and pointed it down gently.

Li Junzi looked down with his finger and saw those jewel-shaped birds and beasts with wings sitting around him. At his feet was a circle of simple tunnels and twisted characters that they had scratched out with their beaks and claws.

A magic circle has been completed in Amanozaki and Li Junzi's fight.

Magic circles, complex chants, catalysts, rituals.

These are all auxiliary settings for the activation of great magic in "Fate".

Because in the world of Xingyue, magic that requires 4.5 sections can be called a big magic. From destroying an entire house to creating a large enchantment, these multi-section magic often requires complex auxiliary rituals and a long pre-casting process.

Of course, you can also have the luxury of using these things to unleash ordinary magic.

The magic circle under Li Junzi's feet was the product of Tohsaka Rin's attempt to shorten the casting time.

"Although it can only be used once and will waste a lot of gems, it should be enough as a performance for you to collect data separately."

Tohsaka Rin still held her arms, the corners of her black skirt were fluttering in the wind, and the absolute space between her skirt and stockings sometimes became larger and sometimes smaller, performing a seductive dance.

"Sister-in-law." Li Junzi had tasted Tohsaka Rin's curse and was afraid that he would collapse a few more times. He swallowed his saliva and said, "You are so unkind. You have agreed that I will attack my eldest brother, but you will not do it." of."

Tohsaka Rin looked at Mr. Li like an idiot and sighed: "First of all, I never promised not to do anything, I just didn't use Gandr."

The girl said as she rolled up her sleeves, revealing what seemed like countless magical emblems made up of exquisite machines, "And I did not use this."

"Secondly. I asked Amanozaki to fight with you for the purpose of teaching. Although he is still a layman, the feeling of using magic has been deeply impressed on him. It will be much easier for him to start learning."

"at last."

Tohsaka Rin tilted his head and looked at Li Junzi's head curiously, wondering whether his brain contained muscles or brain water:

"I'm the superpower. I let Amanozaki fight with you, which is already a waste of time. Do you think it's honorable to bully a person who has no strength?"

"Don't say it, don't say it!" Li Junzi shook his head in pain, and his defense was broken by Tohsaka Rin's words.

Amanozaki, who was held up in the air by the tentacles, turned red and slapped the tentacles that were wrapped around him. He said in a cruel voice, "It's my turn to say this. If you still recognize me as your big brother, just let him go." ! I’m going to be crushed to death by you!”

"Oh oh oh sorry sorry."

Only then did Li Junzi remember that he had someone in his hand and quickly put it down.

The tentacles and excess tissue he grew with his supernatural powers dissipated and turned back into human form. Instead, he strengthened his chitin bone fragments and said in an eager tone: "Sister-in-law, although I admit defeat, you still let me see you." The power of this thing.”

"Of course I would do it even if it was just to show the people behind the monitors."

Tosaka Rin supported Amanozaki, who was vomiting blood at the mouth, and buried his head in his chest repeatedly. He didn't know whether to be a bastard or a good boy, and gently stroked his hair with one hand.

Although she didn't want to admit it, she was really touched by her boyfriend's poor acting skills, and she felt inexplicably angry.

After snapping his fingers, the gems located around the magic circle spontaneously ignited instantly. Li Junzi, who was waiting in the magic circle, immediately felt endless pressure, as if the planet under his feet suddenly turned into a white dwarf, and the gravity pulled his body, giving every inch The bones brought terrible pressure.

His mouth, ears, eyes and nose began to bleed, and two arrows of blood even spurted out of his ears.

Rin Tosaka held Amanozaki, who was curled up in his arms like a big cat, with one arm, and caressed lovingly with the other hand. Without even looking at the stubborn Li Junzi, he took out a man-made diamond and started treatment.

About thirty seconds later, Li Junzi's legs, which were restrained by magic and could not leave the magic circle, heard a crisp sound of breaking. He could no longer support himself with the fractures. Only after he fell down did he feel the pressure disappear.

He was vomiting blood like Amanozaki, and smiled with difficulty: "Sister-in-law, if I directly use the insect's body structure, will it be okay?"

"With so much magic power and precious stones, do you think I will give you time to transform? You will be crushed after snapping your fingers, and then you will be the fish on the chopping board."


Li Junzi sighed, tilted his head back, and passed out.

The last scene in front of him was Rin Toosaka holding Amanozaki, a picture full of maternal love. The fainted Li Junzi showed a satisfied smile.

Fortunately, my sister-in-law is not the ultimate version of the ghost wife, and my brother will not have to worry about his future.

Rin and Amanozaki naturally couldn't see this scene.

Amanozaki, who was only concerned with rubbing her chest, greedily enjoyed her reward. Rin Toosaka came over and whispered in her ear:

"When did you notice my backhand?"

Amanozaki buried his head in his chest, and his voice seemed a little muffled because of the poor air:

"We have a tacit understanding, don't we?"

Chapter 28: Sweet Cake

Amanozaki and Rin Toosaka were cuddling together, and the people around the monitor turned a blind eye. Everyone was carefully recalling the battle just now.

To be fair, the ability to use precious minerals is not uncommon. The ability of the Yushan Branch sitting in the monitoring room currently guarding the Amber Lord requires swallowing a large amount of amber every day.

His combat power is closely related to his usual amber reserves.

But the excellent comprehensive qualities shown by Rin Tohsaka in just two tests are really terrifying.

Melee ability above the level of a hall, long-range curse, healing ability to save lives by krypton gold, and special abilities to strengthen friendly forces and overwhelm Li Junzi.

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