"Of course it's really good." Amanozaki answered truthfully.

Tohsaka Rin smiled, with a hint of cunning in his eyes: "You saw countries divided by national borders on the world map, filled with different color blocks. So when you go to the border, can you really see it? Did you see that line?”

"You use QR codes to shop on earth and in this world. There is no currency in your hand, just a string of numbers on your phone, but you can buy real goods. What is the difference between the purchasing power of virtual currency and real currency?"

Amanozaki was speechless for a moment.

"Both countries and currencies are based on the common imagination of mankind. They only restrain mankind. For birds, animals, insects and fish, what is the difference between flying across national borders and flying over thousands of mountains and rivers in the past? To them As far as I’m concerned, those are all fake and don’t exist.”

Tohsaka Rinxu said, soaking the peeled off small piece of engraving in a special solution, curing himself briefly, and then drank the test tube liquid.

She wiped her sweat, washed away the blood on the knife with alcohol, and looked at Amanozaki lying in the magic circle. The magic power that only a magician could see enveloped him, soaking him inside and out.

‘The heat is just right’.

Then the knife cut open Amanozaki's wrist, and blood dripped out along the cut.

Tohsaka Rin's hand shook slightly, and she stopped in time, took a breath, and continued the operation. She said in a brisk tone: "But no one can deny that the country imagined by mankind has caused natural damage to the earth for tens of thousands of years. Changes that cannot be made.”

"Concrete jungle-like buildings, soaring planes, and long and short waves invisible to the naked eye are densely entangled in the world. These real things are the creations of human beings under the unity of culture and country that they jointly imagined. Human beings are driven by their imagination. And greatness is real.”

"Nozaki, this is pretending to be true."

"I said it. The so-called magic is to use common sense to do things that are not common sense."

The girl peeled off the skin and looked at the bright red and plump muscles. She poured a paralyzing potion on it and cut off the muscles.

At this time, Amanozaki bit the towel he had prepared in advance, closed his eyes tightly, and sweated heavily.

"Since human beings' virtuality can give us the power to transform the world, magic can also do the same."

"Hmm." Amanozaki nodded. He could no longer say a word. The effect of the anesthetic potion used by Tosaka Rin faded very quickly. It seemed that he wanted to ensure that the nerves were active so that he could receive the imprint as soon as possible. Now he felt a burning sensation in his right hand. hot.

It was as if someone had used red-hot iron wire to tightly attach to the nerve network of his right arm. The indescribable pain was blowing through his brain like a Category 12 typhoon.

He even wondered if his brain had curled up into a stone in pain and could no longer think of anything. He even vaguely saw a corridor, and his short life was being played out in the corridor.

"Okay, you can sit up now."

A blood-stained scalpel and a bunch of knives were laid out on the gauze. These were all recast by Rin Tohsaka using gem magic to temporarily melt the nails.

The girl looked as if she had just been lifted out of the water, but Amanozaki's condition was even worse.

Peeling off the mark was painful, just like removing one of her own kidneys while she was awake.

But the condition of the person who received the transplant is even worse, and the magic engraving is more dangerous and aggressive than the organ. Amanozaki's right arm was abnormally rosy at this time, and the temperature of his right hand was approaching fifty degrees. Circles of alcohol-saturated gauze were wrapped around his arm in an attempt to cool down.

"Usually a transplant operation requires two people, and the person receiving the transplant will be under general anesthesia. We don't have this condition now, so we have to keep it simple. It's normal for your arm to be hot. The magic circuit will try to merge with the imprint... Hey, what are you doing? ?”

Rin Tosaka paused as he packed up the knives, and looked at Amanozaki with shock and anger as he just sat up, with a face as golden as paper, grabbing an artificial crystal, and a faint light shone in the palm of his left hand.

As soon as the transplant was completed, Amanozaki began to use magic desperately.

Tosaka Rin rushed forward and easily snatched the gem from the hands of Amanosaki who was almost exhausted, and shouted angrily: "If you miss, just say it, and I will kill you with a knife. If you do this, will my hard work be in vain soon?!"

A weak smile appeared on Amanozaki's pale face. He raised his index finger with difficulty and pointed at the crystal.

Tohsaka Rin spread his hands, and his anger turned to shock in an instant.

The volume of the artificial crystal doubled. Under the control of the magic awakened by Amanozaki when stored in it, the hard solid structure turned into a square and flat shape, with several neat lines outlined on the surface of the crystal. It shows the appearance of a girl with flying skirt and infinite youth.

It was a square relief, a crystal relief of Tohsaka Rin made with magic.

"I'm talking about Rin." Amanozaki sighed, "I think drawing with magic is much more powerful than using a digital tablet. I have a lot of inspiration now."

"You guy!"

Tohsaka Rin was half moved, half angry. He raised his right hand and slashed down hard.

The hand knife made a hunting sound, slowed down as it approached Amanozaki, and finally struck his head gently.

Then the hand grabbed his hair and rubbed it randomly.

There were tears in the corners of the girl's eyes, and her tears turned into smiles.

"That's right. My girl has the prettiest smile."

Chapter 32: Explosive Liver Road

The steaming fragrance of essential oils circulates in the small room. Even with the air conditioner working tirelessly, the fragrance concentration in the air is still slowly increasing.

Rin Tosaka held the embossed crystal square engraved with his own image, and his expression quickly changed from moved to solemn.

There is no doubt that this is the work of magic.

Changing the structure of objects and multiplying crystals are relatively basic methods in gem magic, and only after consuming all the magic power stored in the crystals can Rin make such a crude thing.

Although it may look like a very crude and primitive technique, it is indeed magic.

It is the work of Amanosaki, who has just had a magic seal transplanted. His arm is as swollen as water-filled pork, and the magic circuit is connecting to the seal.

Normal people would be in agony at this time due to the disordered magic power and the use of unprepared magic circuits in advance.

But apart from the edema caused by the connection and the fatigue caused by the blood loss during the operation, Amanozaki didn't have anything wrong at all!

"Aren't you in pain?"

Tohsaka Rin pressed the skirt on her butt and squatted down gently.

"I just feel my hands are very hot, and I also feel like someone is keeping pressing on my numb tendons."

Amanozaki answered truthfully.

Rin Tosaka placed his thumb on his chin with a thoughtful expression: "This is not normal. Even when I received the transplant, it was very uncomfortable in the first few months. I even took a few weeks off... The first transplant even failed. It’s not impossible.”

Having said this, Tohsaka Rin began to untie the gauze wrapped around the wound.

At this time, not only Tohsaka Rin, but also Amanozaki was shocked.

On Amanozaki's wrist, the I-shaped wound that ran across the entire inside of the wrist not only skipped the scabbing process, but also skipped the redness and swelling.

The muscles under the skin were originally severed, but now the muscle tissue has not only healed initially, but even the skin that was opened and reattached showed no signs of atrophy and just grew back together.

If it weren't for the slight pain and the fresh blood scab on the surface, Tohsaka Rin would have even suspected that the surgery just now was just a dream!

"Rin, I remember you didn't heal me, right?"

Amanozaki said sarcastically.

"Nonsense!" Tohsaka Rin glared, the black bow dancing lightly on her ponytail, "After the engraving transplantation, you can only wait for natural healing, and you are strictly prohibited from being affected by other people's magic... Ah, that's it."

"I understand, I understand again, please tell me." Amano Sakimon, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, hurriedly approached him. Tohsaka Rin reached out and held his face, and pressed him into the magic circle.

"My current existence relies on your superpowers, and you can enjoy half of my special physique. In other words, you and I are essentially the same, and transplanting the engraving does not need to be so complicated at all."

Tohsaka Rin held her forehead with regret: "It takes time for the engraving to adapt to the host's body, but you and I are one, so there are no such complicated problems. In addition, the engraving itself is a mystery, so there is no need to consider ordinary diseases... …I can just cut them and transplant them.”

'I see. ’

Amanozaki understood that it was like a doctor removing the patient's skin for culture and then transplanting the skin to the burned area. This type of autologous transplant has no rejection reaction.

In short, Tohsaka Rin was unhappy about the lack of rejection.

It was such an obvious thing, but she blew it.

"Haha, I remembered Rin. Netizens often complained about your stunts: 'Handle everything smoothly, and lose the chain at critical moments' Uh..."

Amanozaki's heartless smile hurt Tohsaka Rin's heart. The girl was sitting on her knees, holding Amanozaki's neck with both hands. Her face was red and hot with embarrassment due to the words "drop the chain at the critical moment" It’s full of ferocity:

"You're off the hook, right? Are you complaining? Let's see if I can't strangle you to death!!"

"No, no, no, I was wrong, Rin. Dear Rin, wife!...Uh-huh!"

"It doesn't hurt, right? It's still numb, right? Let me give you another pleasure!"

Tohsaka Rin held down the I-shaped wound with one hand, and the healing magic was released during her chant. The rapidly healing wound faithfully conveyed the pressure of nerve proliferation and imprint connection to the nerve center.

What is manifested on the surface is an indescribable and paralyzing feeling of paralysis.

It was like standing up suddenly after lying on the table for a day. The numbness in my feet twitched and the numbness in my hands jumped. It felt like he touched a wire with his hand, and his whole body twitched, like a fish out of water.

The heavy and sticky breathing of the two people mingled in the small room. The rising temperature of sweat and burning flesh filled the whole room with pheromones that could not be described in words.

If someone walked into the room blindfolded at this time, he would definitely think wrong.

He slapped the floor and used his boxing skills to declare his surrender.

So Tohsaka Rin let go of the magic hand.

"Ah~ Rin, you are murdering your husband." Amanozaki shrank. His whole body was still numb, but the edema in his right hand had shown signs of subside.

After all, it was half of Tosaka Rin's magic circuit that was copied and imprinted into Amanozaki's body, just like returning home.

"What, do you have any objections?"

"Don't dare, don't dare." Amanozaki wiped the sweat from his forehead and said in his heart that he should get rid of this problem quickly, otherwise it would be easy to fall into it again. He really didn't want to feel this kind of numbness all over his body again.

I have to think of something to change my mind about...

Amanozaki glanced wildly and pursed his white-haired lips: "Rin, my computer seems to be constantly bouncing messages. There should be replies to the pictures I posted before."

"So what?"

"I painted you."

Tosaka Rin's tone was disapproving, but her curled fingers betrayed her thoughts: "Drawing is just drawing."

"I also posted your daily photos." Amanozaki said sincerely.

"..."Tosaka Rin stood up silently, holding the gem in her hand, and came to the computer with the limping Amanozaki.

"If you take a picture of me that looks ugly, I will kill you."

The wet breath was filled with murderous intent.

Amanozaki's face froze, and he forced a smile: "Of course not, how could I take a picture of my wife that looks ugly, right?"

Tosaka Rin played with the gem in her hand, smiling as Amanozaki turned on the computer, entered the password, and refreshed the webpage.

There were already hundreds of replies to the newly uploaded pictures, and "To the Distant ACG" also had nearly 10,000 more views.

This data has greatly exceeded the past.

Even when Amanozaki was famous before, and even attracted the True Soul Mantis to carry out offline cyber violence along the network line, the number of new views at that time was only a few thousand.

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