The security captain looked Amanozaki up and down, remembered his appearance, and made a gesture, and the capable security guards quickly made way for only one person to pass.

Amanozaki squeezed into the gap without looking back: "Are you going to just ignore it?"

The security captain seemed amused: "Brother, are you serious? We are just security guards. The only meaning of our existence is to announce to the ordinary people in the sub-rudder that dangerous events are happening here. We can control ordinary people, but I can’t control the knights.”

He teased: "After all, you are the masters of the helm."

The captain said, pointing to Amanozaki, and then to the stun gun in his hand: "Do you think this thing can control you? Go find your girlfriend quickly, the matter is over, we still have to fight with the construction team Let’s go wash the floor together.”

Hearing this, Amanozaki nodded and disappeared into the corridor.

After confirming that Amanozaki couldn't hear the sound, the security captain picked up the walkie-talkie: "Attention all units, the target has entered the blockade, and no one is allowed to enter or exit now."

" it."

After notifying the other security teams, Battle had time to observe the traces left by Amanozaki.

"Tsk, tsk." He looked at the few footprints Amanozaki made and the black glue marks scratched on the ground and was speechless. "I remember that this floor is made of alloy, right? It can leave traces... This guy must be wearing a lot of shoes. ”


"Give way, give way."

Amanozaki's progress was once again hindered.

He is now only a corridor away from Tohsaka Rin.

At this time, there were no ordinary people in the crowd of spectators. The lecturer and other ordinary people hid in the classroom, locked the door, and only watched through the glass observation port on the door.

As we get deeper into the blockade, a spicy smell gradually fills the air, and faint pink smoke is spreading from the middle.

The ventilators in this area have detected harmful gases and are running at full power. The sound of hundreds of ventilating fans spinning is like a heavy helicopter hovering above everyone's heads.

Amanozaki was choked with tears streaming down his face. He tore off the sleeves of his coat, dipped some water in it and tied it around his face. He covered his mouth and nose and tried to get through the dense crowd.

These people are all knights who are studying in the branch.

Most of them are destined not to stay in Yushan City for a long time, and will be assigned to other towns in Yushan Province upon graduation, becoming the basic backbone of Yushan Branch among the people.

These people have different looks. Some of them have special proliferative organs endowed with supernatural powers. They look gaudy, and some of them are not even humanoid.

However, when Amanozaki patted their shoulders to borrow some light, these people focused their attention on the knights in the crossfire zone and all kindly gave up their positions.

They may not know Amanozaki, but they can all see that the bright magic circuits of Amanozaki's hands and feet are exactly the same as that of the girl who was trapped in a strong and irritating gas.

The person who secretly filmed the video quietly turned his cell phone to include Amanozaki in the shot.

‘What are you doing here? ! ’

As soon as Amanozaki passed through the human wall, Tohsaka Rin's angry mood jumped into his mind.

At this time, Tohsaka Rin's magic circuits all over her body lit up. She held the gem in her mouth, and her magic-enhanced body completely ignored the irritating gas exhaled by Mr. Pepper.

‘Someone is bullying my girlfriend, of course I can’t sit back and ignore it. ’

As he said cool words, Amanozaki was bursting into tears, blinking hard and his eyes were red.

Lin in the red mist snorted coldly, and traces of sweetness welled up in his heart.

The girl was still stepping on Sleepyhead, and her heels had completely sunk into Sleepyhead's face.

At this time, Sleepyhead was lying on the ground like a dead dog. Only the slight twitching of his fingers showed that he was still alive.

Tohsaka Rin was very measured. From Lin Shuyu's words, she knew that most of these people had backgrounds, so she did not kill them. She just stepped on the bridge of the sleepy man's nose.

It was not Tohsaka Rin who caused the sleepyhead to faint, but the potent capsaicin that filled the air in the corridor.

Spicy is essentially a feeling of pain. Anyone who has experience in cooking or handling Erjingtiao or other hot peppers with bare hands has experienced burning fingers. This is still a case of skin isolation.

If you have cuts on your fingers, handling hot peppers is undoubtedly torture.

Sleepyhead, who had extensive wounds on his face, was completely knocked unconscious by friendly forces.

"Damn! That girl knocked Sleepyhead out!"

Seeing that Sleepyhead had completely fainted, the robe buddies were filled with indignation, rolled up their sleeves, and rushed over in a chaotic manner without waiting for instructions from their boss, Mr. Chili Pepper.

"Are you okay?" Rin Tosaka held her hands, her barren chest squeezed out a slight arc. She stepped on the captive and raised her head to look at Amanozaki.

She was obviously a head shorter than Amanosaki, but she carried an unquestionable arrogance, as if a queen was consulting her knight.


Amanozaki adjusted his magic to weaken his pain-sensing nerves. His level was not enough to make the fragile organs strong, so he could only do this kind of deception trick to deal with it.

He moved his arms slightly and looked around.

There were at least dozens of knights watching indifferently. There was a faint magical light on the floor near the cross corridor, the wall and the alloy grid above the head.

The buddies rushed over screaming, and Mr. Chili had to carefully control the capsaicin in the air to prevent them from harming his friends.

Amanozaki had a simple plan.

He came to the girl and gently pinched Rin's hand. "There are not many opportunities to be a hero and save the beauty. I have to seize it."

As he said this, he squatted down and pulled off the sleepyhead's belt and took off his glasses.

Holding the belt and glasses in both hands, Amanozaki closed his eyes that were irritated and bloodshot.

"Materials, explain."

The lines of magic flowed from the fingertips into the objects in his hands. With the help of the perspective of magic, Amanozaki deconstructed the two base materials and analyzed their material structure.

"Structure, reorganization."

The lenses of the quartz glasses were reconstructed by magic, and the myopic glasses were roughly transformed into plain lenses, and the frame shape was extended.

Amanozaki put on the glasses, and the frame fit tightly on his face, blocking the further erosion of capsaicin.

He can now strengthen his vision, and he can do this.

"Strength, supplement."

The lines on the belt flickered and became thicker.

Wearing windproof glasses, Amanozaki folded his belt and held it in his hand, pointing his thumb upwards at himself:

"My beloved, take a short rest. I will drink with you after I have wiped out the army."

Tousaka Rin chuckled, holding her hand empty to cover her mouth: "Then I wish the king good luck in military affairs."

Amanozaki said "hmm" in a controlled tone, walked slowly to the corridor on the left, and raised his international middle finger to the brother in the front.

"Fuck! You turtle..."

The brother saw Amanozaki's arrogant action and cursed. His hand turned into a metallic color, intending to crush Amanozaki's fingers.

A sudden change occurred.

The spotless alloy floor suddenly bulged, and the magic arranged by Tousaka Rin took effect.

The magic transformed the alloy floor into expanding crystals, making the entire floor bumpy. The brother was attracted by Amanozaki's bluffing middle finger and did not notice the changes under his feet.

He kicked the bulging metal and fell down.

Amanosaki took the opportunity to take a step forward, and walked up to the man in two or three steps, with a business smile on his face like a shop assistant, and waved his hands enthusiastically.

The belt, which was strengthened by magic and as strong as an iron rod, was thrown in his face, and the belt buckle hit his mouth, bringing out a stream of blood.

There were also three front teeth.

The man fell to the ground, covering his mouth and rolling around. Amanosaki stepped hard on his chest, forcing his lungs to be unable to breathe, and stepped on him to faint.


Amanosaki pulled the belt in his hand, and his tone was flat, like a teacher who was punishing disobedient students who were lined up for a lecture.

"Fuck you! Are you still pretending!?"

Seeing this, the remaining people in the corridor on the left were furious and moved closely together. The supernatural power and weapons blocked all of Amanosaki's movements.

So Amanosaki jumped back lightly and let them get close.

Dozens of vines emerged from the grid above their heads, tightly entangled these people, and disrupted the tight formation.

Some of them wanted to cut off the vines, but Amanosaki had already arrived.

"Bad student."

Amanozaki said so, and slammed his knee into the man's stomach. The leg muscles strengthened by magic were comparable to hydraulic arms, and the hundreds of pounds of force instantly destroyed the man's ability to move.

The man could only hang on the vines and retched in pain.

Amanozaki slapped the belt in another man's face at the same time, and a terrible bruise appeared.

Amanozaki just stood there, with the belt slashing left and right, hitting everyone's face again and again.

If someone wanted to resist, he would use his knees to comfort their soft stomachs and fragile kidneys.

After a few seconds, the vines that lost their magic power withered, and the bound brothers fell to the ground one after another, with stars in their eyes and unable to move.

Amanozaki turned around without hesitation and rushed to the other side of the corridor.

The brothers would come from two directions, one side had fewer people, and the other side where Mr. Chili was had more people.

Amanozaki solved the dilemma of being attacked from both sides, but his challenge had just begun.

‘Although it is right to make rational use of all resources, but relying on the arrangement I left behind to show off, aren’t you afraid that others will say you are a gigolo? ’

Tohsaka Rin leaned against the wall, and did not lift her foot from the face of the sleepyhead.

It was not that she didn’t want to, but that would completely expose the wound of the sleepyhead to the strong capsaicin, which was very close to the brain and was saturated with capsaicin...

It would probably make people idiots.

‘What’s the matter. ’ Amanozaki smiled confidently, ‘You are my wife, and what’s yours is mine. Besides, how can they know that I have your support? ’

He made it very reasonable to say that he was a gigolo, and even Tohsaka Rin couldn’t find a reason to refute it for a while.

Although Amanozaki was communicating with Rin secretly, in the eyes of others, his confidence and smile at this time were an absolute humiliation to the Pao Brothers Association.

“Who is this kid, so awesome?” A knight began to ask around.

"You don't know? He is that Amanozaki."

"He? Amanozaki?" The inquiring knight looked at Amanozaki holding the belt in surprise, pointed at Toosaka Rin and asked hesitantly: "So, this beauty is his supernatural power?"


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