
In desperation, he chose to seek help off-site.

The sullen Rin smiled, like an epiphyllum blooming, extremely bright.

"Now, everyone knows you are eating soft food."

"If they can, they will eat soft food." Amanozaki replied

Chapter 39: Rin Tosaka assists in hanging, Amanozaki defeats Mr. Pepper

As Amanozaki shouted, the audience's hearts tightened.

Everyone saw Amanozaki retreating quickly. At the same time, Tohsaka Rin took out his hand that had been stirring, and a very high-quality, long cushion-shaped ruby ​​with exquisite cuts was thrown out by Rin.

"Holy shit! Gem!" The sharp-eyed knight subconsciously shouted.

Nothing but expensiveness.

The gems thrown by Tohsaka Rin came from the treasure chest that made her famous. The gems in them were in excellent condition and contained enough magic power to activate two or three independent magics.

The value of this gem is close to 70,000 to 80,000 yuan. For a knight from an ordinary background, it is a considerable amount of capital, which can support him in an offline fan event.

However, this gem was thrown out by Tohsaka Rin.

Amanozaki grabbed the gem, raised his right hand high, and admired it fascinatedly at the light above his head.

‘This guy who calls himself Mr. Pepper is not something you can deal with now. Treat this battle as training and don’t take the outcome too seriously. If you can't hold it back, tell me, I'll deal with this guy. ’

Tohsaka Rin saw that Amanozaki was getting excited and warned him with some worry.

Amanozaki turned back and smiled at Rin, crushing the gem worth tens of thousands without hesitation.

"What the fuck!" The knights looked at Amanozaki's wasteful actions with shock, anger and distress, and the prodigal curses resounded in their hearts.

The funds for an offline event were crushed by this little bastard!

The gem dust was stirred up by Amanozaki's high-five, and the red dust became a mist under the influence of magic, covering his hands.

The coquettish red light flickered, the red mist slowly faded, and Amanozaki had some difficulty controlling the magic power in the gem.

A bright red crystal pierced Amanozaki's clothes and protruded like scales on his arm.

Then came the second piece, and the third piece.

The dense crystal scales tore the clothes to pieces, and tattered rags hung on the body.

Amanozaki's arms and chest were covered with countless red crystals that were densely packed like scales, and his hands were also wrapped in scales, turning into terrifying crystal claws.

At this time, Amanozaki looked like some kind of crystallized monster.

"Originally, I wanted to make a weapon." Amanozaki scratched his head with his clawed hands and smiled awkwardly at Tohsaka Rin, "I can only settle for the next best thing."

Tohsaka Rin carefully looked at the crystals attached to Amanozaki's body and shook his head slightly:

"Compared with weapons, I think what you are doing now may be more correct."

With the sharing of thoughts, Amanozaki suddenly realized.

These crystals were firmly attached to his skin, as if they were made of 502, and the interlocking scale structure far exceeded the pulling resistance of a single scale.

The most important thing is that the scales formed by these magic are equivalent to an exoskeleton. After Mr. Pepper's internal energy penetrates the crystal, much less capsaicin can enter the body.

This undoubtedly prolonged Amanozaki's resistance.

‘Okay, I didn’t expect you to be quite quick-witted. ’ Tohsaka Rin nodded in appreciation, ‘But it may be very painful to take this thing off. ’

Amanozaki shook his head: 'I didn't think of this at all, it's not a quick move. ’

'No problem, do you remember your math class representative in middle school? He can always think of the answer just by looking at the question, but the derivation process takes a lot of time. ’

‘Oh ho! Are you saying I'm a genius? ’ Amanozaki winked at Rin, feeling a little complacent.

Tohsaka Rin curled her lips and wanted to make a venomous comment, but then she thought that she had to give her boyfriend face in public.

So she just sighed helplessly, and urging thoughts jumped into Amanozaki's mind:

‘Don’t you notice that everyone looks at you like you’re an idiot? Why are you winking at me all the time? Besides, you still have capsaicin-irritated snot on your nose. It’s so ugly... Look at that guy now. ’

Amanozaki said "Oh", wiped his nose with a tissue, and nodded apologetically to the knights who were watching. The knights who were originally in a fog saw Amanozaki's face turned red from the heat, looking silly and happy, Although he didn't understand what happened, his keen instinct still made them feel as if something had been roughly stuffed into their mouths.

"I'm ready."

Amanozaki shook his shoulders, slightly adjusting to the increased weight of the crystals on his arms, and spoke in a cheerful SpongeBob SquarePants tone.

At this time, Mr. Pepper had his waist inserted, looked at Amanozaki who became active, and complained:

"I can wait for you, but the evil heretics will not wait for you."

"Sorry, sorry, I was whispering to my girlfriend and lost track of time." Amanozaki raised his right hand in front of his face and closed one eye, half pleading and half showing off, "Sichuan men have a fine tradition of listening to their wives, right?"

"Well, you're right."

Mr. Pepper repeated the previous words, and the next moment, his body approached nimbly, and in the blink of an eye he was in front of Amanozaki.

He took a deep breath, lowered his body with a solid step, and punched out his ready fist from his waist.

Still an uppercut!

‘With this punch, I want to see the effect of your magic! ’

Just as Amanozaki was about to dodge, Tohsaka Rin's thoughts flashed through his mind.

So subconsciously, Amanozaki did not dodge or evade, and swung his arm out, hitting Mr. Pepper's fist, and knocked the fist aimed at his chin off.

"Ouch - it hurts!"

Amanozaki kept hissing and shaking his hands.

But an excited smile appeared on his face.

'The pain only stays on the surface, and there is a small area of ​​redness and swelling on the skin. This is a natural reaction after being applied with high concentrations of capsaicin. '

Amanozaki recalled the popular science content in the video he watched on Earth, and thought that it was worth it that I spent a lot of time watching documentaries before.

As long as the muscles are not injured, Amanozaki's fist, which has been strengthened by magic, can function unaffected.

'Just one punch, one punch will be enough. It seems that this guy's body is only at the human level, not as perverted as Li Junzi and the granite man. '

Amanozaki thought to himself, he felt that he had a chance.

Tosaka Rin reminded him at the right time: 'But if the same position is hit a second time, the capsaicin can penetrate into the muscles. Your chances of winning are still not great... only 30%. '

'30% is enough. ’

‘Are you going to fight Sancheng?’ Rin Toosaka tilted her head.

‘Sancheng still won’t fight?’ Amanozaki licked his numb lips, his face twisted by the stimulation of capsaicin, and he looked crazy, with saliva dripping from the corners of his mouth, like a gourmet who had found a delicacy.

Mr. Chili looked at Amanozaki seriously, and he noticed that the man he was fighting with was not affected by the previous confrontation.

‘What happened? I obviously hit him.’

He didn’t have time to think about it, Amanozaki rushed forward, and his slender crystal claws launched a crazy attack on Mr. Chili’s throat, heart, and joints.

Mr. Chili didn’t dare to fight hard, he turned and moved, constantly trying to counterattack Amanozaki with elbow strikes, shoulder collisions, etc. while dodging.

And Amanozaki completely adopted a desperate fighting style, only paying attention not to give Mr. Chili a chance to hit repeatedly.

The two stood up like dancing weasels, fighting in circles.

The redness and swelling like burns soon spread all over Amanozaki's arms. In contrast, Mr. Chili's body was also left with several scratches by Amanozaki. The flesh paste hung on the crystal claws, which looked particularly terrifying.

After about three minutes of fighting, Amanozaki finally seized the opportunity and hit Mr. Chili's fist for the second time.

The fist joints of Mr. Chili, who was a mortal, were instantly scratched by scales, and the skin and flesh turned up, revealing the eerie bones.

Amanozaki grinned, revealing two rows of neat teeth, like a mad dog that smelled blood, and attacked Mr. Chili's body relentlessly.

He didn't even care about avoiding being hit twice. At this time, Amanozaki had only one thought in his mind.

Change homes!

You fight yours, I fight mine.

Although my combat effectiveness will be abolished by capsaicin, your body will definitely not be able to withstand my attack.

I can even penetrate steel plates, why can't I beat you to pieces! ?

He abandoned his previous roaming style and got completely close to Mr. Pepper, regardless of his body covered with pepper oil, and rushed forward with the momentum of embracing him.

Amanozaki decided to fight in close combat!

Rin Tohsaka, who had been secretly instructing Amanozaki, pressed her forehead with a headache. She realized that Amanozaki had lost his mind.

Humans claim to be the most intelligent creatures in the world, but they are still animals in the final analysis.

Wounded beasts are more dangerous because their wounds stimulate their ferocity. The same is true for people. People who lose their reason and moral restraints due to pain and blood will cause great harm to society and the lives of others.

Amanozaki's arms were red and swollen at this time, his mouth and nose were numb due to the previous abrasions, and his eyes were congested by the thick smoke of capsaicin.

In short, he was now furious, overwhelmed, and desperate.

"Come on, come on, come on!"

Amanozaki kept roaring, waving his claws continuously, leaving countless marks on the wall.

None of Mr. Pepper's ten fingers were intact, and there were scratches all over his chest and face.

Although he tried very hard to dodge with the footwork he had practiced, he still couldn't save himself from the loss of Amanosaki.

Even so, Mr. Chili still praised Amanosaki.

"It is the nature of living things to seek benefits and avoid harm. The tiger bench and pepper water in the feudal era are well-known among the vast number of tortures because of their extreme cruelty. My capsaicin can cause pain to the flesh of all living things. Although it will not directly cause death, it is also one of the most difficult superpowers."

"Amanozaki, you did not try to escape when facing me, but kept approaching me. I admit that you are a natural warrior."

"But, that's it."

After Mr. Chili finished speaking, he opened his arms and hugged Amanozaki's waist, tightened his muscles, and locked Amanozaki tightly:

"I said that the victory or defeat of a knight does not depend on the level of ability, but on imagination. My superpower can be vomited."

After speaking, Mr. Chili tried his best to exhale, and the strong capsaicin was spit on Amanozaki's face by his breath, entering the bronchus through the nasal cavity, and then into the lungs.

Redness, swelling, high temperature, cramps, and pulmonary edema.

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