Even if these big guys don't say anything, the bodyguards can't guarantee that they won't publicize this matter as a joke.

Soon, the entire branch and even the entire Yushan City will know that there is a former master scholar named Amanozaki, who is now a knight-errant. The boss read out the astringent lines in the astringent love painting he painted in public.

Such bizarre events endorsed by many big names are worthy of being on the first page of the romantic hot list for eighty-one days!

By then, Haitian soy sauce will be ripe, not to mention his reputation!


"still have a chance!"

Amanozaki raised his head, with a fierce look in his eyes.

"As long as there are no witnesses, it is considered a complete infiltration. In the same way, as long as there are no survivors, the joke is no longer a joke!"

Outside the door, Rin Tosaka folded his arms helplessly and leaned against the wall.

She kept laughing as she watched, and her amber face melted. He said angrily: "Have you laughed enough? Amanozaki is already murdering you. I am serious."

Upon hearing this, Mr. Amber rubbed his face with both hands. He pinched the almost melted amber back to its original shape, and flicked it on the tip of his nose, and the whole face was fixed.

"Haha...cough! Well, we need to ask Miss Rin to help us explain this."

Amber Gong opened his mouth and laughed uncontrollably. He coughed several times before continuing.

"What did I say? You insulted him first."

"Hey! Otherwise." Amber Gong waved his hand, "This is actually our plan..."


A gentle knock on the door reached his ears. Amanozaki, who was planning how to kill everyone outside with lightning speed, realized that it was Rin knocking on the door.

He was so angry that he didn't reply at all.

"Nozaki, come out."

Silence, still silence, Amanozaki's anger was conveyed undisguised.

"Nozaki, these guys have good intentions..." Tohsaka Rin's words were immediately interrupted.

"Rin, are you going to betray me too?"

Grief, unwillingness, shame, anger.

Tohsaka Rin glared at Kohaku Gong, an old man, with hatred, leaned against the door and sighed:

"Nozaki, please listen to what I have to say first. If you still want to kill them after I say it, I won't waste any words and promise to die with them."


"That's right. Mr. Amber's joke this time is indeed too much. But I think their original intention is good."

"The Yushan Branch Information Section has deduced part of the characteristics of your ability through analysis, which is the part about popularity and how I will transform into the character in your work."

"The Yushan Branch has started the process and plans to buy back all your works. At the same time, it will sign a contract with you and pre-purchase all your future promotional posters and works."

Tohsaka Rin paused and continued:

"This means that the ridicule of heroes like today will no longer exist. Because all your future paintings will be officially endorsed, in order to improve the practice of supernatural powers."

"Practice is blameless. This kind of thing will never happen again from now on. They made this joke to make you clearly understand the importance of this condition. This is one of them."


Tohsaka Rin pointed at Qingniang, the head of the Intelligence Section: "The woman outside the door will cooperate with the government to promote your works. She will even ask me to shoot advertisements and other promotional videos to accelerate the increase of visibility in all aspects. From now on We don’t have to worry about this anymore.”

Amanozaki's heart moved slightly, but he still awkwardly refused to come out.

His changes in mind could not escape Rin's detection. Tohsaka Rin knew that something was going on, so he continued to persuade:

"Finally, it's compensation for this reckless behavior. The conditions are really generous, and even I am tempted."

‘Are you tempted? You're a girl who secretly works on weekends to earn gem money. You're a guy who's jealous of money. As long as you give me money, why won't you be tempted? ’ Amanozaki thought viciously.

Tohsaka Rin rolled his eyes.

‘Then I leave? ’

"Am I going to fight them desperately now?"

"...You tell them to destroy those books immediately."

"Then give me a written statement!"

Amanozaki's screams became louder and louder, and the atmosphere in the originally stiff living room suddenly relaxed. Mr. Amber smiled and asked the deputy section chief Hu Zhun to take out the contract and sign it. At the same time, he gestured for everyone to shut up and stop laughing, and at the same time silently burned Amanozaki. 's portfolio.

"Bald man, please collect those warriors. Amanozaki probably wants to kill them."

The old man who was called Baldy shook his head slightly: "Only by taking it back in person can he feel at ease... Sigh, children today really don't understand the integration of power and responsibility. If they have the courage to draw, why don't they have the courage to admit it?"

"I think we have gone too far. Look at these paintings, how spiritual they are? They are simply geniuses. It would be a pity if this scare cuts off his inspiration."

The muscular man regretfully threw the book into the brazier and secretly hid his favorite Minamoto Yorimitsu in his butt pocket.

Qing Niang smiled and nodded, pretending not to notice what the muscular man was doing.

About five minutes later, the ward door opened with a creak.

Amanozaki walked out with the awareness to meet those mocking and teasing eyes.

But he saw Mr. Amber and the section chiefs and deputy section chiefs, all sitting seriously.

The invisible superior aura united into one, and came overwhelmingly towards him.

Chapter 42: Dedicate yourself to your ideals

Someone once said that smart people are always good at observing people's words and expressions, while stupid people are dull and contented.

Such people are called "unable to read the air" in Japan.

Amanozaki, whose intelligence is within the normal range, does not belong to any of the above. He can ignore these branch bosses who are equivalent to provincial cadres without changing his face.

It's purely because he has given up on himself.

Anyone who does not choose to die in the face of such a social death scene is probably like Amanozaki, sitting in the room with his body, but his spirit is already floating.

His face is like a dead tree, and his eyes are like dead ashes.

'My joy has dissipated with the scene just now, and maybe there will be no more joy or sorrow in this life. '

Amanozaki thought so.

"Well, let me tell you first, because the conditions behind are a bit harsh, so in order to appease you, Qingniang from the Intelligence Department advocates that our branch and Yushan government work together, and you will be in charge... What is it called?" Amber Gong forgot the name halfway through.

"Original artist." Qing Niang covered her mouth with her sleeves and whispered, "I am responsible for providing character images for cartoons. To be more precise, I am the original artist of the characters."

"Yes, original artist." Amber clapped his hands, "For live-action movies, your abilities change too quickly. We plan to use the things you draw to make an animation."

'Great! '

Amanozaki, who looked as pale as death, moved his eyes and clenched his hands uncontrollably.

Make animations and let people in this world realize the beauty of animation and ACG.

It is our duty to revive the glory of ACG!

"You said, I will try my best to satisfy you if I can, and I will sell everything I can to complete it if I can't."

Amanozaki left his seat, stood up, bent his waist, leaned over the coffee table, and eagerly held Amber's hand and shook it:

"The revival of Chinese animation begins here! Children in the future can no longer be poisoned by those garbage!"

Looking at Amanozaki, who had a sincere expression and suddenly became enthusiastic, Amber and others were confused for a while.

What's going on? Faster than the traditional face-changing in Shu!

If they had known it was so simple, why did they ask for so much compensation before!

Lord Amber also smiled and shook his hand. Seeing this, Qingniang on the side naturally took over the role of the bad guy.

She smiled tenderly, her voice was soft and charming: "The branch helm is bleeding so much, but there are conditions."

Amanozaki raised his hand, and he didn't care at all as a young man.

As long as he was given the opportunity to shoot animation and shape the ACG culture in this world, he would kill people.

"That's it."

Seeing this, Qingniang simply struck while the iron was hot, "First of all, the resources that Lord Amber proposed to tilt towards you must be cut from other knights by the branch helm, and secondly, the branch helm needs to put a lot of effort to implement it."

"So although there are many departments in the branch helm, there are only four of us sitting in the room now. The other guards and section chiefs have more or less complaints about the plan of the duty Lord Amber."

'I understand the interests, positions and power struggles. ' Amanozaki nodded as if I didn't expect it.

Qingniang took a sip of tea to moisten her throat, and then continued to speak with her voice that could make men eager to drill into the net like bamboo shoots after the spring rain:

"In addition to the other members of the branch, the headquarters is also very dissatisfied with the arrangement of Amber Lord."

Qingniang emphasized the word "unsatisfied".

"Scabies is the best swordsman in the country, and the only one who has entered the Dao through art. Although his actual combat ability is not the best, his position in the country is unshakable just by his achievements in entering the Dao."

"Then our Lord Amber warmly entertained the old man and introduced his disciples, and then turned around and stood him up."

The man in the vest touched his Qing Ranran's scalp, looking gloating, "I have said long ago that the headquarters will treat him as a guest of honor, so what qualifications do we have to refuse the branch?"

"Only the old man can say no to such things. Now the old man doesn't take it to heart, but those who want to curry favor with him can't sit still."

"Now we are facing internal and external troubles, ah~ so pitiful." The man in the vest pinched his throat to imitate Qing Niang's tone, but his rough voice, even if pinched, sounded more like a screaming chicken than a queen's moan.

Qing Niang glared at the man in the vest and smiled helplessly at Amanozaki: "Just like he said, we spent a lot of effort to provide resources this time, so we have other requirements for you."

"You say." Amanozaki sat upright, his legs apart and closed, with a hint of seriousness on his face.

Qing Niang took a deep breath and said loudly:

"Please debut, become an idol, and save the declining Yushan Branch!"


Amanozaki listened to the protagonist's declaration that appeared countless times in anime, comparable to the appearance of "I will never touch basketball again" and "I will never touch volleyball again" in sports anime. For a moment, he felt confused.

"Qing Niang." Amber glared.

Qing Niang pouted, twisted her slender waist in dissatisfaction, and complained: "Okay, okay, I want you to become a hero who is famous all over the country and become the flag bearer of the new generation of the branch... If I say, the current knights are no different from idol stars."

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