She didn't expect that the first thing the man in front of her thought of was not hating her, but blaming himself first. This was beyond her expectation.

After passing three girlfriends who seemed to only exist in paintings, Amanozaki still maintained his original intention.

'No, it was precisely because of the experience of being in the same room with three stunning beauties that he no longer took appearance so seriously. He has truly grown into a wonderful man. ’

Yubaba, who was held in Amanozaki's arms, closed her eyes and shed tears of emotion.

"Hurry up and put on your clothes. What do you think of being a naked ape?"

"We've been sleeping for so long and we've all seen each other. What's the point? Besides, it's not because of you that my clothes were torn."

"Go and put it on! If you keep talking nonsense, I'll sew your mouth shut!"


What has changed is the appearance and personality, but what remains unchanged are those precious shared memories.

After experiencing the misunderstanding, the awkward atmosphere between the two was easily resolved.

Because of Yubaba's age, Amanozaki really couldn't spark a passionate love affair with her, and the aging Yubaba had long lost her charm.

The two of them got along like an old couple in a small room.

Yubaba stood on a low stool cooking, and Amanozaki was beating eggs aside. In the rectangular integrated kitchen, four hands, one old and one young, flexibly controlled the stove and sink chopping board.

Amanozaki stirred the eggs with chopsticks, and the yolk and white quickly rolled into the spiral and merged into one.

Granny Tang poured in the rapeseed oil leisurely and began to heat up the oil pan.

Passing the bowl filled with egg liquid, Amanozaki opened the refrigerator and took out the milk, poured a glass, and put it to Yubaba's mouth with his own hand:

"Atang, open your mouth."

Yubaba had just poured the egg liquid into the pot, and the crackling sound filled every corner of the room.

"You're in the way, please take your hands away." Yubaba complained, unable to resist Amanozaki, so she quickly took a sip, then slapped her hands, "Get out of the way."

When the passion and lust subside, the relationship between the two transforms from an intense and burning love to a lasting family affection.

【Like I'm Personally】connected with them closely, and an indescribable calmness and contentment gently filled every corner of Amanozaki's heart.

He scooped the porridge, put the milk on the table, sat at the dining table, watched Granny Tang serving the dishes, and unconsciously began to think about the future.

A few decades later, he will also grow old and become a grumpy old man with all his hair and teeth, needing a cane to walk, and a stubborn temper.

By then, I will be able to enjoy every quiet day with my loved ones as I do now, living a life of cooking, sweeping the floor, watering flowers and feeding birds, right?

That's not bad.

Amanozaki thought so.

"What are you thinking about? It's time to eat."

Yubaba said in a hoarse voice, brought a plate of scrambled eggs with tomatoes and put it on the table. She glanced at Amanozaki angrily: "I am an old man and I can't help it, but why do you smell like an old man now?" ?”

Amanozaki held the chopsticks, picked up the vegetables happily, took a big mouthful of porridge, and said in a tone like offering a treasure:

"I'm thinking that when I get old, our images will match perfectly, and no one will have anything to say."

"You fart!"

Yubaba put down her chopsticks and said, "I change my appearance every day. When you get old, I will turn into a beautiful girl again and drag you to the streets to dance in the square every day. Let me see, you are afraid that you will be beaten by those The young man gritted his teeth and broke his spine!"

"Ha! What international joke are you kidding?" Amanozaki drank milk with a white circle on his lips. He glared, rolled up his sleeves, and his biceps bulged like a little mouse, "Look at my muscles. , when the time comes, the magic will be strengthened a little, and I will teach them with my own hands what it means to love the young and how to respect the elderly!"

The two of them were having breakfast while bickering over food.

Until the phone rings.

"Who, there's no one to calm down in the morning." When Granny Tang heard the ringing, she broke off the quarrel rather unhappily, took out the cigarette case from the bag hanging on her wrist, took out a cigarette and lit it.

"It's an urgent email."

Amanozaki twisted a piece of egg and threw it into his mouth, then opened the phone with his oily fingers and said.

"It's broken." He slapped his thigh, and the grease left marks on his pants. "Mr. Amber said he would send us to the entrance of the hall today, so we can pack our things now."

"Didn't you notify us yesterday?" Yubaba said calmly.

Amanozaki glanced to the side, and Yubaba turned her head along with his gaze, and saw the hip-covering short skirt, high heels and red glasses on the bedside. She couldn't wear these things today.

"We had a lot of fun last night and we didn't pack our things." Amanozaki scratched his head and whispered sheepishly, "The bus will leave in an hour. The bus is on the surface, so we have to leave half an hour early."

"Hey, how big a deal do I take this?"

Granny Yu put down her chopsticks and breathed a sigh of relief.

Compared with Amanozaki's shyness about sex, the mature Yubaba is more calm and speaks with confidence.

She snapped her fingers and everything in the room flew up.

Clothes, shower gel, test tubes and beakers, and small jars containing various magic base materials were like fish swimming in the sea, swaying back and forth in the room.

Yubaba tapped her fingers on the table, and the storage bags under the bed slid out one after another, like map fish looking for food.

The zipper was unzipped, and these storage bags aimed at their respective prey, swimming slowly, and suddenly accelerated when they got close, opening their mouths and taking one at a time.

Some swallowed clothes, some swallowed toiletries, and some swallowed magic substrates.

Amanosaki stared at this scene in amazement.

He even saw brooms and dustpans jumping on the "bottom of the sea", sweeping the floor inch by inch like sea cucumbers gnawing at the seabed.

Even the metal floor was gnawed by the brooms, erasing the traces of the magic circle.

It took two people several hours to clean it up and complete the packing work.

It took less than five minutes in the hands of Yubaba.

"Ah Tang, you are amazing!"

Amanosaki praised with surprise.

But Yubaba did not show a happy look. She smoked calmly, and when Amanosaki finished his meal, she did not use witchcraft to make the dishes clean themselves.

When Amanosaki came out of the toilet and saw this scene, he understood the general idea in his heart.

He dragged a chair to sit next to Yubaba and whispered, "Tang, you are worried about those people outside."

Yubaba put out her cigarette and said faintly, "Nozaki, I thought about it, you should use your supernatural power to replace me. Hinata's popularity has reached [emerging], and Rin Tohsaka is still a little short. Let me go through with Hinata's identity today, so that you won't lose face."

"I thought about it, you really accept me now. To be honest, I am very happy. Originally, I thought about getting along with you like this for a long time, and when the branch sends the destination, I will directly use witchcraft to teleport us there. If it doesn't work, I will use another identity to replace. You just said something bad, and I was afraid that you would take the initiative to mention it... You didn't, I'm very happy."

"...Now it seems that God doesn't give me a chance."

"Let it be, you are still young, and there are still a lot of days to live. I am not even a human being. I can be shameless, but you can't."

She patted Amanozaki's hand and whispered, "Be obedient, ah."

Amanozaki's chest rose and fell violently when he saw this.

After a while, he took Yubaba's hand and dragged him out of the house.

"Amanozaki, what are you doing! Let go!" Yubaba struggled and shouted, her old voice making a high-pitched tone that didn't belong to her age.


Amanozaki was furious. He grabbed the door handle and turned back to yell at Yubaba: "Ah Tang, I still owe you a ceremony."

"Let's go outside now, I'll confess to you in public!"

Yubaba screamed: "How can there be such a fierce confession! Let go!"

"I didn't have it before, but now I have it!"

"Let go! Otherwise I'll turn you into a pig!"

"You change! Men are the last word, and they won't let go if they say they won't let go!"

"You are my woman, I don't care, and other people don't count."

Amanozaki slammed the door open, wiped his throat with his fingers, and the magic pattern wrapped around his entire neck. He shouted loudly to the pedestrians passing by the square and garden outside the door.

As soon as he opened his mouth, a loud voice like a loud speaker at the entrance of the village spread in all directions, attracting everyone's attention:


"Everyone look at me, look at me!"

"I have something to announce!"

Passersby looked at the handsome man, who had a strong and powerful body after exercising every day since becoming a knight, and the tall man grabbed a white-haired old man, and stopped to watch.

After waiting for a few seconds, until everyone looked at him, Amanozaki roughly hugged Yubaba and kissed him hard, and then he shouted loudly in the eyes of everyone who almost popped their eyes:

"This is my Amanozaki's current girlfriend, future wife, and mother of future children!"

Yubaba covered her mouth, and tears flowed for a while.

Chapter 46: She is my girlfriend

"How are the preparations going?"

Hu Zhun, deputy chief of the Intelligence Department, wiped his sweat with a handkerchief and asked the staff about the progress.

The weather in Yushan City is too hot. There are mountains on all sides, and the wind can't blow in. It's only ten o'clock in the morning, and the ground is already as hot as a steamer.

"Everything is ready, a fleet of sixteen heavy trucks, a full set of training equipment, and..."

The staff flipped the tablet and said with a puzzled look, "There is also a can of mercury, two boxes of test tubes... Isn't it Deputy Section Hu, aren't these things chemical instruments? Why transport them? The key is that they are all basic instruments. Are we going to build a martial arts middle school and start chivalrous education from the beginning?"

Hu Zhun was amused when he heard this: "What are you thinking about? Martial arts middle school, if the Yushan government dares to sign this, you will be stripped of everything from top to bottom and go to jail."

The staff thought about it and thought so, so he continued to report: "Mr. Chili and the Pao Brothers Association have also arrived, and now we only need the chivalrous Amanozaki."

Hu Zhun wiped his sweat and nodded, "Okay, you should go to rest after moving the things, the sun is getting hotter."

"Deputy Section Hu, isn't it the Logistics Department that is responsible for moving things? Why don't we see the leader of our department, but you are here?" The staff asked, taking out two bottles of water from the freezer.

Hu Zhun took a sip of the water and said with a smile: "Because today's matter involves confidential information, I, Old Hu, will bring the agents of the Intelligence Department to take a look. If you see a spy, treat him to peanuts."

The staff member's face froze, and the famous scene from the movie "The New List" appeared in his mind.

"Don't tell anyone." Hu Zhun said with a smile.

The staff member was about to say something to ease the awkward atmosphere, but Hu Zhun passed him and waved in surprise: "Amanozaki, why did you get off the car?"

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