And he is Uchiha Obito in the center.

It was clearly daytime, but the sky near the Sanjiang Reservoir was terribly gloomy, as if God had missed time here, so it was frozen at the junction of dawn and dusk.

The sky was covered with leaden clouds, and it was difficult for the sun to penetrate.

A magnificent dam stood at the narrow mountain pass, like a giant sword poured with concrete, inserted into the valley between the two mountains.

Although both have the number three, this is completely different from the Three Gorges on Earth.

It does not have a magnificent dam body that stretches like a city wall, nor patrolling patrol boats, no neat greening and roads on both sides, and no human settlement nearby.

There is only a lonely dam here, with green moss growing on the dam body, looking like it has experienced vicissitudes of life.

Surrounded by primitive valleys and low woods, it is ancient and closed.

Three turbid streams gushed out from the flood discharge port in the middle of the cliff-like dam, flying dozens of meters away, with the heroic spirit of getting up in the morning to urinate, venting yellow water columns, hitting the undulating river surface, splashing countless broken water droplets.

For a moment, Amanozaki couldn't tell whether the water falling on his head was rain or river water pulled back by gravity.

Dozens of knights wearing emergency lights and vests with fluorescent reflectors, flashing like fireflies, were jumping along the huge rugged rocks on the riverside, holding various weapons in their hands, frantically slaughtering some strange fish that were half a person tall and made sharp and piercing cries of babies.

The strong smell of fish and blood could not be suppressed even if the rain kept washing.

It's better to say that the water mist caused by the three water dragons made the already strong stench even stronger.

Yubaba raised the glass cane in her hand, and the cane snapped open and turned into an umbrella, blocking the drizzle outside.

But the air, which was so saturated that water droplets would be squeezed out by rubbing fingers, was still quickly wetting the clothes of the two people.

She touched her long skirt with dissatisfaction and complained to Amanozaki: "Is this the place where the Amber public election is held? They are sending beggars!"

"There is no reception, no accommodation, no roads, only a dam, and a pile of smelly fish and fish slaughtered!"

Yubaba's cruel and indifferent character towards others was fully revealed in two sentences.

In her eyes, those knights who fought bloody battles were no different from the fish sellers in the vegetable market.

"Look, even the cigarette is wet!" A soft cigarette entered Amanozaki's eyes. The baked golden tobacco leaves were now full of water and turned dark brown.

Yubaba stamped her feet, and the drizzle and water vapor were squeezed out of the air by the expanding witchcraft, forming a circle of dry spherical space.

Amanozaki's clothes, Yubaba's fluffy long skirt and the floating storage bag were all dried instantly.

"Tang, don't be angry. See, my popularity has increased." Amanozaki didn't respond to scold Amber Lord, he chose to change the subject.

[Current identity: Yubaba]

[Current popularity: unknown (78%)]

Data refresh

[Current popularity: unknown (80%)]

The data below the horizon is slowly and steadily climbing, indicating that Yubaba's name is spreading rapidly.

Looking at the changing numbers, Yubaba lit a cigarette, in the flickering orange light, she said faintly: "I'm afraid my behavior of eating young grass has caused a lot of uproar in the branch."

Amanozaki was silent.

Humans are gossipy. Compared with the news that a man has several beautiful girlfriends, which is not uncommon in society, the news that the age gap is more than fifty or sixty years is even more explosive.

This news is more than just a big uproar in the branch, it is like magma poured into a water tank, and it boiled up in an instant.

Even the aunties in the cafeteria of the living area knew that there was a pervert on the 18th floor who confessed his love to the old lady in public.

The auntie who was in charge of cooking on the 18th floor was holding the phone at this moment, telling the sisters in other floors in the "pigsty breeding group" about Amanozaki's special attitude towards her, half worried and half boasting!

"You don't know! I felt that the boy was not serious from the beginning. When he entered the cafeteria, the sisters at so many windows didn't even look at him, but stared at me with his eyes, grinning at me, and the chandelier light hit his face. Oh! Guess what?"

Under the sisters' booing and urging, the auntie who was greatly satisfied in spirit shook the spoon happily, then held down the phone and continued to send voice messages with pinched throat:

"His eyes are flashing, all green light!"

"He must have dirty thoughts about me! Fortunately, I am cautious and didn't Give him a good face, and go with everyone after get off work, otherwise, my innocence will be tarnished! "

The aunt put down her phone, let out a rough and loud laugh, and grabbed a spoon in the strange eyes of the long queue: "Lunch standard is 30 yuan, vegetarian dishes are 3 yuan, meat dishes are 7 yuan, soup and rice are free, drinks, fruit and ice cream are 5 yuan. What do you want to eat, tell me! There are people waiting behind!"

If Amanosaki was here, he would definitely say in the most sincere tone: "You are right, so can you give me more dishes?"

Eating, it's not shameful.

"Hey! What are you doing!"

Just when Amanosaki was pulling Yubaba to find how to get to the reservoir, someone finally noticed the abnormal diversion of rainwater and cigarettes on the front line and roared.

Immediately, two people jumped off the rock, sprinting towards this side, while raising their bracelets and saying something.

Two seconds later, the searchlights on the dam were collectively turned on, locking on the two people at an unimaginable speed.

Amanozaki quickly stood in front of Yubaba to block the glaring light.

"I am a knight from [Qunxia Mountain] and [Yushan Branch]. I received the task of the branch yesterday and came to Sanjiang Reservoir. We are good citizens!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Put down your weapons and put out your cigarette butts!"

Two knights landed next to Amanozaki and grabbed his wrist.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, calm down!"

Amanozaki, who was squatting on the ground, lowered his head and kept reminding him.

"It's none of my business if you're fine!" One knight yelled angrily, holding Amanozaki tightly, while the other knight kept moving.

He glanced at Amanozaki's face with his hand, and the light was green.

Then I checked Amanozaki's fingerprints, voiceprints, and rainbow patterns, all of which showed a green light.

Finally, he pulled out a bunch of Amanozaki's hair. As Amanozaki grinned and gasped, he took out an instrument from his pocket, stuffed the hair roughly into it, and shook it gently.

Green light.

It’s not a heretical evil disguised as evil.

"Huh!" The knight sighed and waved his hand to his comrades. The other scolding knight let go of his hand and fell to the ground, panting.

"You're absolutely crazy!"

The scolding knight took off the lamp on his head, revealing a head of yellow hair, shaved sideburns, and a tattoo of a crocodile left on his scalp.

"The newcomers gathered at the entrance of Sanjiangtang, ten kilometers away. They were allowed to go down to the reservoir after emergency training. Why are you so brave enough to rush here with your old lady? You are so hot!"

Amanozaki heard that Huang Mao had stepped into a minefield again, and quickly comforted Yubaba a few times. Finally, Yubaba "killed" Huang Mao with her eyes several times to calm down, and then he had time to explain:

"Atang and I came here using supernatural powers. At that time, we only heard that the destination was Sanjiang Reservoir, but we didn't have time to hear the rest."

In fact, Yubaba used witchcraft to force people to speak, and she didn't even think about this.

But he won't tell the truth.

"Who is Tang?"

"She's my girlfriend." Amanozaki pointed at Yubaba and said.

Huang Mao was panting like a dog, but when he heard Amanozaki's words, he couldn't take a breath. His pale face turned red due to the rain and low temperature, and he beat his chest for a while before he recovered.

He stared at Yubaba blankly, his eyes lingering especially on the folds on her face and the gems on her ten fingers for a long time. His expression changed several times, and finally softened:

"Brother, I understand what you are doing." He stood up and patted Amanozaki on the shoulder, and said in a voice that he thought was Yubaba's inaudible voice: "Young people don't know the beauty of rich women, and they mistakenly plant their youth in the seedlings."

Amanozaki couldn’t laugh or cry, this is nothing!

Huang Mao looked at Amanozaki's expression and said, "Boy, cherish it. I was just ignorant at the time and missed the opportunity to lie down. Now I have been killing people outside this reservoir for seven or eight years." fish."

"Kill Yu Zi." Granny Tang snorted coldly.

"You're right." Huang Mao nodded, mentally calculating that the rich woman's best friend was also a rich woman. If she pleases a rich woman, she can catch a single rich woman in the future.

What's wrong with him smelling like blood?

After so many years of training, my body is still three miles harder than a rock!

It will surely catch the eye of a rich woman!

Chapter 48: Crossing the River (Part 2)

Granny Tang turned a blind eye to the knight's hospitality. She just wanted to go to a clean place with coffee and heating.

The temperature here is too low, the body temperature has dropped below 20 degrees, it doesn't feel like summer at all.

"I said, brother, what are you doing, slaying demons and defending the Tao?"

Amanozaki had a great time chatting with the yellow-haired knight. He had just arrived and had not received a complete knight-errant education. He was confused about the wilderness and was in urgent need of information.

Huang Mao slapped his forehead: "Look at me, I've forgotten everything. Let's talk while walking."

After that, he made a gesture to another taciturn knight, and led the way, walking on the rocky beach toward the Sanjiang Dam.

The knight turned back to the river without hesitation, apparently intending to continue participating in the massacre.

"This is the Sanjiang Reservoir, which locks the water flow at the intersection of the upstream mainstream river and the tributary Yinjin River. The dam is more than 200 meters high and has a storage capacity of 30 billion cubic meters."

The yellow-haired tour guide introduced it in the same way, while Amanozaki pretended to be a tourist and shouted, "It's amazing!"

"Have you noticed that there is no hydropower station in this dam?" Huang Mao said mysteriously.

Amanozaki looked at the five yellow dragon-like water pillars and thought to himself, I'm not a guy from a civil engineering bar, how could I know?

But he kept nodding and was full of praise.

"This is because the purpose of the construction of the Sanjiang Dam has never been to generate electricity or to store water for irrigation. Its only purpose is to stop these fish downstream."

Huang Mao pointed at the dozens of capable knights on this side of the river. The scaly claws that occasionally poked out from the back of the huge rock glowed with a dark green luster, like pig iron, under the searchlight.

"But these 'fish' have claws."

"Hey! Whales are still mammals, not fish, and crocodiles are also reptiles." Huang Mao waved his hands, as if he didn't want to get too hung up on biology, he said, "The important thing is that they can swim and lay eggs like fish. "

Amanozaki understood immediately: "So the purpose of the dam is to prevent them from returning to their spawning grounds?"

"Bingo!" Huang Mao snapped his fingers and said excitedly:

"Yes! These fish are called four-clawed fish, and the people of the river call them water ghosts. From ancient times to the present, the water ghosts that eat children and sink canoes along the rivers are said to be caused by them!"

"More than a hundred years ago, our biologists and folklorists were hired by the government to investigate the surprisingly consistent legends of water ghosts along the river. Under the protection of the heroes at that time, they finally discovered that the so-called water ghosts were actually this strange fish. They usually live in the deep sea and rarely show up. They only migrate to lay eggs in summer and winter."

"Although there are abundant species in the river, they are not as large as deep-sea species. Therefore, these strange fish will kill children and adults playing and working on the riverside, tributaries and ponds during their migration. It causes a large number of casualties every year. In order to avoid disasters, local people either give up production in summer and winter, or form local people's protection associations, or hold sacrifices, which is labor-intensive and costly."

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