In the flames, a clear and ethereal female voice carried a hint of madness, and the curses carried the wind pressure that pressed the flames to the ground, burning the aluminum door frame of the lounge into a series of bubbles.

"Cao Nima's evil heretics dare to blow up my base!!"

"I'll fucking kill you idiots!"

The pungent curses with dialect accents echoed with the high temperature spraying out of the door, and the twisted heat wave rolled forward, making people see Abi Hell in a trance.

"Good guy, if aluminum melts so quickly, you have to go a thousand degrees, right?"

Yubaba blinked and looked at Amanozaki, "Are you going in?"

Amanozaki and Li Junzi hurriedly waved their hands, saying "no need, no need" and "definitely next time", and refused again and again.

Are you kidding me? Li Junzi can incarnate all things in the world, but that is only limited to living creatures. The melting point of aluminum is 660 degrees Celsius. If it melts at such a high temperature in an instant, wouldn’t he be scalded to death if he went in?

As for Amanozaki, looking at the purgatory-red world inside the door, his heart was pounding, and he wondered if he could survive three to five minutes if he crushed all the gems Yubaba gave him.

Anyway, in such a large-scale high-temperature fire scene, the two of them bundled together are not as effective as a grenade.

At least the latter can still hear the sound, right?

"Ayu, please change to a cooler position." Amanozaki said, rubbing his hands with a smile.

"Change? That's okay." Yubaba raised eyebrows, "But I really feel hungry after a week, and just one dinner doesn't seem to be enough."

"Ah, this." Amanozaki was dumbfounded, "You can't threaten me with your life."

"Okay! Am I blackmailing you?"

"No, no, no, you misunderstood... No, no, it was a slip of the tongue, a slip of the tongue." Amanozaki apologized at the speed of light.

"Hmph, that's pretty much it...what if I just blackmail you? I'm not a knight. Their life and death is none of my business. Do you agree or not?"

Amanozaki had a grimace on his face and thought to himself, "Don't you admit it already?"

Next to him, Li Junzi looked blankly at the interaction between his elder brother and sister-in-law. This had entered a realm that he could not understand.

"Promise, promise, if you want to eat soup, just ask." Amanozaki thought about his savings, his heart was bleeding, and his face was smiling.

"Let's talk next week."

As Granny Tang said, the door slammed shut and then opened. The door was connected to a wide highway. In the distance, a fire was raging. A little nun wearing bright yellow monk robes, bald and barefoot, holding a magic pestle, was hanging at the top of the fire. The most vicious expletives greetings to all women in the family tree of evil heretics.

"It's the hero of the Songshan branch [Yehuo Bhikshuni]!" Li Junzi exclaimed, "She is here, how did the evil heretics break into Sanjiang Hall!?"

"No, isn't the Songshan branch in the Hun River basin? Why did it come to Dajiang?" Amanozaki asked in shock.

"The origin of the Songshan Mountains spans the Hun River, so they will also send people to guard here."

The two of them asked and answered questions as they got into the door and arrived near the entrance of Sanjiang Hall in the blink of an eye.

As Yubaba disappeared through the door, the door, which had been crumbling due to the heat of thousands of degrees, could no longer hold up and cracked, leaving a blackened wooden cavity.

The camera of Sanjiang Reservoir completely captured this scene and presented it in the live broadcast room.

There is no doubt that this old woman has the ability to travel through space.

This is even more eye-catching.

Chapter 55: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Standing on the road, Amanozaki raised his feet in disgust, and the half-melted asphalt licked the soles all over, leaving sticky black marks everywhere.

"The fire is too intense. We are thousands of meters away, and the asphalt is almost melting."

Amanozaki wiped his head, sweat pouring out like raindrops.

Next to him, Yubaba stood calmly, with her feet hanging in the air, thirty centimeters above the ground, away from the asphalt and earth atmosphere. The wind surrounding her body blocked the distorted heat waves and unpleasant stench.

She even reached out and took out a blanket from the five big fish-like storage bags that followed, and wrapped it around her body, as if she was feeling a bit cold due to the strong wind.

Li Junzi on the other side folded his arms and stuffed his hands under his armpits, looking at the little nun who made the clouds in the sky red with a look of sincerity.

His two feet became exoskeleton attachments, and the limb structure of a steel knife pierced the asphalt and inserted into the concrete below, while his back grew several interlaced bone structures, and the skin was rich. Collected capillaries circulate back and forth here to cool the body.

At this moment, he looked like a humanoid Terminator, with an inexplicable metallic luster all over his face. He was a tough guy with an unstoppable wind. One look showed that he didn't care about the heat and asphalt at all.

"Damn it, I'm the only one suffering the emotional pain." Amanozaki pursed his dry lips, feeling that the saliva in his mouth was starting to turn white.

Granny Yu, who was wrapped in a blanket next to her, said leisurely: "Little plum, I see that the nun is quite strong, and I don't think she needs rescue. Those knights who came from the reservoir can't stand the temperature of this fire scene, right?"

Li Junzi nodded: "Bhikshuni Yehuo is a helm-level hero who became famous ten years ago. He is of a very high level."

"How high is it?" Amanozaki asked, "Oriental Leaf is also at the helm level. Why do I think he can't even lick the soles of the shoes of this Karma Fire bhikshuni?"

Li Junzi hesitated for a few seconds before saying: "The Oriental Leaf Man is a new helm-level knight. He has very flexible abilities and is excellent at rescue and surveillance. But he is still not as good as in frontal combat."

"Just tell me how much difference this fire nun has with your teacher!" Amanosaki was impatient. With such a high temperature, he was too lazy to play the game of high EQ and low EQ.

Li Junzi raised his hand, with his index finger on his thumb: "It's about this difference from my master, about seven or eight Oriental Leaf Warriors."

"How can the Oriental Leaf Warrior be so lucky!" Amanosaki was shocked, "It has become a unit of measurement!"

"After all, he became famous late, and his superpowers are also limited." Li Junzi scratched his head and said, "My teacher's superpower can absorb heat and amber and store them. If he uses his full strength, he can cover all the land within ten miles of the house with boiling amber, suffocating the enemy to death."

"The fire nun was born with the superpower of fire, and converted to Buddhism for twenty years and learned the acquired path, which is why she has the current power."

He sighed here: "The heroes of all levels The difference is huge. Some branch heroes are good at wisdom, some are good at construction, and the top branch heroes can easily destroy a town. "

"What about the main-level heroes?"

"The main-level heroes?" Li Junzi looked at the burning Sanjiang Hall and said after a long time, "The main-level hero [Zhu Rong] who is in charge of the Magic City can burn mountains and boil the sea. He once ignited the sky fire at the mouth of the river to annihilate the enemy, and then went into the river to suppress the flames, and the river water stopped flowing. "

"... So awesome?" Amanozaki was amazed, thinking that to put out a fire, you need to use a mighty river entering the sea. It's no wonder that they didn't take action to eliminate the four-clawed scale fish. Every time they eliminated a wave of Magic City, the water would be cut off. No one can bear it.

"I say." Yubaba frowned, watching the two men bragging, "We are here to rescue, are you guys going to move?"

Amanozaki also turned his head and looked at Li Junzi curiously: "Yes, yes, are we going to move?"

Li Junzi answered seriously: "Wait!"

"Since someone can overturn the stall in front of the fire nun, it means that the situation has reached the point where we, the knights who don't even have the identity of the hall, can't help. We can only wait and wait for the winner to be decided."

Yubaba pointed to the vague figure in the distance: "Then those who escaped from the hall are not taken care of? I saw that several of them were swollen and black all over, and some were half corroded, and the feces in their intestines were flowing out."

Her voice was very calm, as if she was talking about the chickens, ducks, pigs and fish waiting to be slaughtered in the kitchen.

Come to think of it, after all, Chihiro's parents in "Spirited Away" are also human beings, didn't they also fall into the fate of turning into a full pig feast at any time?

When you think about the things that this couple eats, they might have once been human beings. It's really chilling to think about it.

"Fuck! There are still living people!?"

Li Junzi was shocked.

"Fuck! You didn't know? I thought you had seen it a long time ago and just wanted to find an opportunity to go into the hall to help out!"

Amanozaki was shocked.

Li Junzi was very embarrassed. He scratched his head harder and harder, and took off a few chitinous scales that covered his scalp to lock in moisture: "When I came in, I was only concerned about seeing the fire nun, and didn't pay attention to other people."

Amanozaki laughed angrily. He poked Li Junzi's chest and cursed: "Fuck you, you said you don't want to be a knight, look at your virtue, you are as horny as a little fan seeing an idol standing in front of you when you see a hero, I think you are really crazy!"

After cursing, he turned around and left. As soon as he raised his foot, he saw that the sole of his shoe had been melted by the high temperature and stuck to the asphalt and couldn't move.

"A pair of twenty-five-year-old shoes, the best of the best, I don't ask for much reliability." Amanozaki sighed, took off his shoes, used magic to strengthen his soles, frowned and looked at the black road, cursed inwardly, "Don't give me a teppanyaki foot plate", and ran wildly on the hot asphalt.

"Hot, hot, hot!"

Every time Amanozaki's feet touched the ground, he would quickly lift them up, raising his legs high like a hurdle, reciting the computer error on the Earth Network, and jumping like an arrogant grasshopper towards the distraught wounded.

This funny action made Yubaba laugh. She bent her waist, hugged her stomach, covered her mouth, and shrugged her shoulders. The lace of the luxurious Baroque-style sun hat on her head trembled slightly in her laughter.

Yubaba's old face was congested because of the laughter, and the wrinkled skin was relaxed, looking much younger.

Li Junzi looked at the old wife and young husband, and suddenly he lost interest in the nun who was setting fire everywhere.

He looked at Yubaba eagerly and asked, "Um, sister-in-law. What do you think of my brother? Are you happy with him?"

Yubaba wiped the tears from her laughter, glanced at Li Junzi, and snorted, "You can't eat grapes yourself, so you start to enjoy your eyes?"

Li Junzi smiled innocently and didn't answer, just looked at her with his cow eyes.

Yubaba couldn't hold back her eager eyes, holding her chin, thinking and talking, speaking very slowly:

"I was separated from him, just like God took Adam's ribs and made a woman. I have a heart-to-heart with him, and I feel happy to do anything. But this doesn't mean that Amanozaki is a perfect man, it's just that the lover's eyes are beautiful."

Yubaba's eyes were full of tenderness, just like an old lady sitting in the courtyard in the sunset, holding an old cat in her arms and reminiscing about her old man.

"There is no natural barrier between him and me, so in this world, I only think he is good, and I only recognize him as a man, and I would not trade him for anything."

Li Junzi did not understand what empathy was, nor did he know what affection and deep feelings were, but it did not prevent him from being greatly shocked.

This rough man listened to the saying "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder" and looked at Amanozaki jumping with legs apart. He felt that it was really appropriate. Didn't he also think Jiajia was the best girl in the world?

"Sister-in-law, you and your elder brother are really a model of husband and wife!" Li Junzi gave a thumbs up and showed his beautiful and neat teeth.

This made Yubaba a little shy. She just waved and urged him to help save people, and said the sentence again:

"We haven't got married yet."

She looked very much looking forward to it.

Amanozaki jumped to the place where the wounded were gathered with a grin, opened his mouth and reported the long list of names. After having people confirm it, he quickly jumped up the steps, then let out a long breath and sat on the ground.

At this time, he had time to look at the high platform he was sitting on. It looked like a stone platform for some kind of ritual. The whole thing was made of unknown stones. It felt cool when stepped on, isolating the heat.

Amanozaki bent his legs, looked at the shiny red soles of his feet, blew on them with some heartache, and thought that his magic skills were still a little lacking. He was good at killing and arson, but his self-defense skills were sparse.

Thinking of this, he noticed that no one was standing on the platform. Regardless of whether they had wounds or not, everyone was lying or sitting in pain. Even the man who had just checked the information with him had forced himself to stand up, but now he was lying down like a shrimp, holding his stomach.

"Well, what should I do? Is there anyone in charge who can contact me?" As the only standing knight, Amanozaki pointed at his nose and asked around.

The person in charge just now threw the tablet in his hand to him and groaned, "Brother, we have all been hit by Guishui and have no strength now. Please protect us."

"But there are no enemies nearby. How about I go and see if there are any wounded around?"

Another person with swollen body and purple and shiny skin wailed, "Where are the living people! There are only a few of them! Everyone drank the water from the hall, but I didn't expect that the evil demon went into the water tower through the groundwater and polluted the whole hall. When everyone was hit, it jumped out and made a heavy rain, killing all the knights who couldn't move or hide!"

"Look at me, I was hit by the water twice and became like this!"

Amanozaki counted carefully. The platform looked very large, but it definitely couldn't accommodate a small town. There were only about a hundred people here.

He couldn't help but take a breath: "Thousands of people, only these few are left? In front of the branch-level heroes? What's the trick of this evil demon?"

"That evil demon looks like a ball of slime, all black, looks like a woman, calls herself 'Guishuiyin'... Hey, what is Guishui?" Someone looked up and asked.

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